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Topic Review (Newest First)
23-11-2014 12:51 PM
Nothoria Infama Since My last comment I made 'Let's Play Video' for Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SeoMn82rws

The recorded flight in the video is also Current Record for achieving 'Elite' Status in Elite Plus: 2h 43 minutes.

About The game after 60000 Hit points: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showth...l=1#post471553

Still, I sincerely recommend this old but under valued version of Elite for everyone.

Nothoria Infama
Elite Plus
23-01-2014 03:15 AM
Nothoria Infama
On Elite Plus

Hi. I'm Finnish Long time Elite Plus Archangel Commander, First introduced to Elite Plus some time during mid 90's. Played that game so much that those rare who realize what it mean in practice gather over 1.8 million credits in this game doesn't believe that i.e. months of play in real time required for that.

I started my recent (and currently ongoing game/Commander) November 6th 2002 and even before that there were Commander with some 750 000 credits. I started over again for gathering better understanding about statistics of The Game, Succesfully accomplished all missions and surviving several times from Witch Space (but not managed yet kill all thargoids there for entry to 9th Galaxy). I have almost perfect log kept from my efforts during this game.

Biggest surprise in Elite Plus: I managed to take photograph when - for some mysterious reason - I lost my 'Elite' Status when reaching 60081 hits. Check Photos at (My Forum Account at Elite Forums.


Greatest Achievements: 4 times "Elite" with over 1000 kills in single Anarchist System. Making over 1000 kills in one system without pauses or docking in The station takes some 2 hours 20 minutes of continuous game play (with necessary skills - of course). Record is 1212+ hits:

"Xeaqu (AN5AA) 1734717.7 14418.7 1212 !!!! [2h 25min]
!! NEW RECORD !! (Bounties 13085.3 Cr)"

Few miscellaneous notes on the game.

- Only Newbie Commanders use Docking Computers
- Only Chicken Newbies or Chicken Nerd Newbies cheat with hex-editors and .CDR save game files.
- Average bounty per ship in Anarchist Systems is somewhere between 10.5-11.5 credits per ship thus any kind of trading of goods is just waste of time (not including loot of course).
- Masking device takes one ton of cargo space
- Nothing seemingly trigger 'Constrictor mission' at Errius in Galaxy 2 although texts concerning that are displayed to Commander's Status Bar replacing it with randomly occuring and incomplete text: "ew ship was seen at Errius". When reaching Errius nothing happens.
- All systems cannot be reached in the game. There are few dozens systems reacheable only (in theory) Using Galactic Hyperdrive (Beyond 7 light years from any reachable systems on Galactic Charts)
- No one need left and right side lasers to anything.
- Anti-ECM broadcasters seemingly doesn't inflict anything (thought they waste energy and prevent Energy banks recharging)
- It is possible get Elite status during single 4-5 hours game session (from beginning of the game).
- You need only decent Fore Lasers, ECM-system and Fuel Scoop to be able to Start play The Game.
- Maximum amount of loot from single ship (Anaconda) I ever experienced was 14 tons (Cargo and Metal Alloys)
- Wolfs Launch always all their missiles (4) in row if not interrupted by tapping Masking Device (which makes them 'forget' firing missiles and end their evasive actions)
- Mission where you can acquire Masking Device: there appear be 2 Asp MK IIs and continuous and never ending stream of masked Cougars and Constrictors. One of Asps carry masking Device and release it in Cargo Canister.
- There are no space station in the system where Thargoid invasion - mission takes place after you destruct that station.
- You can kill Tribbles/Trumbles by flying near some star. This 'mission' occurs randomly again during game play.
- No Space Dredgers or Generation Ships around

Nothoria Infama
Commander, Archangel
60000+ Hits, 1.8+ MCr
28-10-2012 07:20 PM
Tracker Nice to see you found the game of your childhood. I'm not sure anyone ever played this much with Elite. I never did, only read a few articles on the C64 port, not sure if those have these information.
I'd like to keep this thread up, we have a lot of hardcore gamers, some of them might completed Elite.
Good luck weirdo!
28-10-2012 04:22 PM

Hello there

I've once again discovered that game and remembered my childhood where I spent hours...
I've played hours again, although it is a lot tougher when you have a job and all that.
However, it is funny but there is absolutely nothing to find on the Internet like a walkthrough or anything similar.
Even the little Information available is doubtable scince there are a lot of versions and different sources. So i am writing this maybe someone can help my restless soul.
For those who know:
Playing the PC Version "elite plus" from [url=http://www.iancgbell.clara.net/elite/pc/index.htm]this[/] source, i am currently ranked as archangel elite, circled 8 galaxys, currently in galaxy one. Played all the missions (rejected the tribbles) except the constrictor mission, and don't ask why never misjumped to witchspace. So here are three questions:

-is there a constrictor mission implemented? Any hints how to trigger it?
-Can you somehow trigger or increase the probability to misjump?
-What about the ninth galaxy?

I wouldn't say i am desperate to know but... however. xD if someone could tell me, or give me a hint it would be helpful.
04-12-2011 12:13 AM
tristanzz I suggest mounting a Mining Laser in the front of your ship. The big issue with weapons is aiming, not firing. With the mining laser, you save over 5000cr on the military laser, and it's actually a ridiculously strong gun. Blowing up ships at point blank range, you can salvage multiple units of alloys and precious minerals from the shards. Then pull out and chase down the pods as quickly as you can like a good pirate. To mine an asteroid, note that they are usually occupied by a hermit piloting a Krait. Give the asteroid one teeny shot, at first, to get the hermit out of there. He'll fire missiles at you if you just lay on the trigger and hit him, so let him go before doing a delicate chase on the rock. Blast the rock at absolute point-blank with your mining laser. Lots of money.

Mount the best thing you can afford in the back. Your rear armament is your ticket-to-ride in Anarchy systems. Setting view to rear, you can keep moving towards the Coriolis station while frying everyone who chases you (usually multiple fer-de-lances, cobras, moreys, and crap), as well as their missiles.
24-06-2011 03:35 AM
Palocles Has anyone started playing this again since the novella went up? (or regular Elite but what's the point when you can have the same but with 256 colours?)

I don't remember docking being so hard! I've been asking myself why the hell they included this aspect.

Anyway, i've only crashed into the coriolis once and have made a decent stash (well, ok. I've only got extended cargo bay so far). I've found it pretty easy to turn a profit going between agricultural and industrial worlds taking radioactive, textiles and food one way and booze, gems, platinum and gold (or minerals if i'm skint) the other way. Platinum has a nice margin on it but i have no idea why low tech argi worlds need so much...

Been doing that from Lave and a couple of planets 1 jump to the right.

Then i see Sarins link to Oolite... I think this could be what i've wanted since computers outgrew Elite! Off to try it out now, may not get much further in this current Elite+ game.

(Thank you Sarin!)
18-12-2009 03:33 PM
Sarin Since this has beeen brought to life...
There's a freeware game, originally a remake of Elite...goes by the name of Oolite. Kinda makes this obsolete... http://oolite.org
17-12-2009 06:48 PM
Falchion-GPX Sucks to be Old, I guess.

The space-combat handles like you were in a jet, in an atmosphere, not in space, a vacuum. There is no slide, nor pitch/yaw. Just roll and dive/climb.

The controls are also digital, and it is impossible to make fine tuned adjustments. Good luck hitting anything, as well. It's like drinking heavily and trying to smash a fly with a rowboat ore. You're not going to do much, and the fly gets away.
20-06-2009 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by Ironlion View Post
This game does have a few features the previous one didn't.

Actually there are missions in this one. They appear randomly as you explore through the 8 galaxies of the game universe, progressing towards earning the rank of "Elite". There aren't many of them, but you will encounter them upon docking at stations.

My memory from years ago recalls a couple of them: a travelling merchant offers to sell you a unique cargo called "trumbles", who are apparently a new fad pet, which you find only multiply in your cargo space and start crawling across your viewscreen. The only way to get rid of them I'll leave you to discover yourself. ^^

The next one you get seems to have you flying into a solar system of a sun that is going nova, to help in the evacuation of stranded inhabitants.

Another mission has you in search of an experimental ship that has some prototype stealth technology on it. Apparently this ship had been stolen by pirates. You are tasked with finding it, and retrieving this stealth device. This mission gives you the opportunity to encounter two types of ship that only appear on this mission in the game.

The last one that I can remember is a Thargoid invasion into human space. The thargoids have set up a beachhead in a nearby star system, and have taken control of that system's Coriolis station. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is the suicidally heroic one of single-handedly entering this system and neutralising that threat. This mission will require you to have what is known in spacer parlance as an "Iron Ass" (a fully kitted out ride). Do not attempt it before you have anything less. Upon completion of this mission you get a piece of Thargoid technology and a special fancy new title.

There are rumored to be more missions, approximately one for every galaxy (except the ninth), but i don't recall ever encountering these. Upon achieving Elite you start getting "Alexander the Great" syndrome (And he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer...) and feel much less ambitious.

Ninth Galaxy, you say? Yes. a random encounter will have you sort of 'stopped' in hyperspace (witch space) by the Thargoids, who will attack you with a very very large armada of ships. Survive, and you will have access to explore the ninth galaxy.

EDIT: Also, i have an alternative idea of play-style, compared to the guide above. Instead of wasting time trading like a fool (lol), follow these steps:

1) trade until you can afford the "fuel Scoop" upgrade. At the point when you've earned enough to buy this, you need not buy another tonne of cargo in your career ^^. This upgrade can collect both fuel (by flying close to a star) and cargo cannisters (floating in space, either randomly or from a destroyed ship).

2) Proceed to outside the station's "safe zone" (the "S" disappears from your control panel). a good idea is to start flying toward that system's sun, so that you have a navigation reference. After this, just jump until you encounter a ship, and hopefully it is a nice fat cargo hauler like the Boa or Anaconda. Blow it up, and watch all the blue dots appear on your radar. These are cargo cannisters. to pick them up, you simply fly toward them, keeping them in the lower portion of your viewscreen.

3) Take "recovered" cargo, and sell it. Pure profit. In Elite Plus, you're unlikely to get caught being a pirate, which means that you are unlikely to ever see your legal status turn worse than "offender" unless you are extremely blatant about your actions- killing police, killing in a station's safe zone, etc.

4) Rinse off, grab a few drinks at one of the station's night-spots, and then go out and do it again.

5) As you earn money, upgrade your ship. Its what those credits are for! The order you should get upgrades in is:

_1) Fuel scoop
_2) ECM
_3) Beam laser
_4) Escape Capsule

After this it doesn't matter much. But those first 3 are 100% essential to survival in the Elite universe [and the escape capsule is for more than just immersion- it has the added bonus of clearing out your criminal record.]. Upon getting these upgrades, the rest matter somewhat less, though you'll want to upgrade to the military laser before too long (the faster you can take out an enemy, the less shield drain that is incurred, and the longer you stay alive in a fight). If you're terrible at docking, go for the docking computer if you must-- but be prepared to have the Elite commanders mocking you for this. Its a crutch, and you really need to develop good enough control of your ship to perform a proper and consistent dock with the station to be able to survive in combat.

Once you feel that you're established and competent, then get that intergalactic drive and explore the other galaxies. This is how new missions are eventually given to you

Added Trivia: This version of Elite was actually programmed by Chris Sawyer!
lol, Yeah this review blows. I wrote it when I was 12 after barely playing it. I never got that good at it and I almost wish they got a replacement review for it. It's almost embarrassing.

(For those keeping count I am 17 now. Do the math.)
20-04-2009 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by The Review
Nothing more has been added except a newer, easier-to-use interface and new graphics. This game would have scored a higher rating if it had had something cool added, like going on fun missions from the planets.
This game does have a few features the previous one didn't.

Actually there are missions in this one. They appear randomly as you explore through the 8 galaxies of the game universe, progressing towards earning the rank of "Elite". There aren't many of them, but you will encounter them upon docking at stations.

My memory from years ago recalls a couple of them: a travelling merchant offers to sell you a unique cargo called "trumbles", who are apparently a new fad pet, which you find only multiply in your cargo space and start crawling across your viewscreen. The only way to get rid of them I'll leave you to discover yourself. ^^

The next one you get seems to have you flying into a solar system of a sun that is going nova, to help in the evacuation of stranded inhabitants.

Another mission has you in search of an experimental ship that has some prototype stealth technology on it. Apparently this ship had been stolen by pirates. You are tasked with finding it, and retrieving this stealth device. This mission gives you the opportunity to encounter two types of ship that only appear on this mission in the game.

The last one that I can remember is a Thargoid invasion into human space. The thargoids have set up a beachhead in a nearby star system, and have taken control of that system's Coriolis station. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is the suicidally heroic one of single-handedly entering this system and neutralising that threat. This mission will require you to have what is known in spacer parlance as an "Iron Ass" (a fully kitted out ride). Do not attempt it before you have anything less. Upon completion of this mission you get a piece of Thargoid technology and a special fancy new title.

There are rumored to be more missions, approximately one for every galaxy (except the ninth), but i don't recall ever encountering these. Upon achieving Elite you start getting "Alexander the Great" syndrome (And he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer...) and feel much less ambitious.

Ninth Galaxy, you say? Yes. a random encounter will have you sort of 'stopped' in hyperspace (witch space) by the Thargoids, who will attack you with a very very large armada of ships. Survive, and you will have access to explore the ninth galaxy.

EDIT: Also, i have an alternative idea of play-style, compared to the guide above. Instead of wasting time trading like a fool (lol), follow these steps:

1) trade until you can afford the "fuel Scoop" upgrade. At the point when you've earned enough to buy this, you need not buy another tonne of cargo in your career ^^. This upgrade can collect both fuel (by flying close to a star) and cargo cannisters (floating in space, either randomly or from a destroyed ship).

2) Proceed to outside the station's "safe zone" (the "S" disappears from your control panel). a good idea is to start flying toward that system's sun, so that you have a navigation reference. After this, just jump until you encounter a ship, and hopefully it is a nice fat cargo hauler like the Boa or Anaconda. Blow it up, and watch all the blue dots appear on your radar. These are cargo cannisters. to pick them up, you simply fly toward them, keeping them in the lower portion of your viewscreen.

3) Take "recovered" cargo, and sell it. Pure profit. In Elite Plus, you're unlikely to get caught being a pirate, which means that you are unlikely to ever see your legal status turn worse than "offender" unless you are extremely blatant about your actions- killing police, killing in a station's safe zone, etc.

4) Rinse off, grab a few drinks at one of the station's night-spots, and then go out and do it again.

5) As you earn money, upgrade your ship. Its what those credits are for! The order you should get upgrades in is:

_1) Fuel scoop
_2) ECM
_3) Beam laser
_4) Escape Capsule

After this it doesn't matter much. But those first 3 are 100% essential to survival in the Elite universe [and the escape capsule is for more than just immersion- it has the added bonus of clearing out your criminal record.]. Upon getting these upgrades, the rest matter somewhat less, though you'll want to upgrade to the military laser before too long (the faster you can take out an enemy, the less shield drain that is incurred, and the longer you stay alive in a fight). If you're terrible at docking, go for the docking computer if you must-- but be prepared to have the Elite commanders mocking you for this. Its a crutch, and you really need to develop good enough control of your ship to perform a proper and consistent dock with the station to be able to survive in combat.

Once you feel that you're established and competent, then get that intergalactic drive and explore the other galaxies. This is how new missions are eventually given to you

Added Trivia: This version of Elite was actually programmed by Chris Sawyer!
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