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Topic Review (Newest First)
21-07-2012 04:30 AM
Ziro I don't suppose anyone out here knows how to create scenarios (or edit existing ones)?
I still play often, from original Star Reach diskettes but the same scenarios can get repetitive. So many of the more advanced maps are symetrical, and I'd like to try more oblong galaxies, or galaxies for four players with a planetary remainder of 3. Like interstellar musical chairs.

Also, for all the strategies I've seen here, no one has mentioned how a couple fleets of pirates over a home planet can cripple an opponent (or protect yours).
21-08-2009 02:56 AM
APStorm You know what really sucks? The fact that the head developer basically said 'good on you' for making old, near-forgotten games available... and some other guys who are barely or not even related to its creation (*cough*Titus*cough*) are probably the ones who gave the 'NO GO' demand...

Ah well... Can't blame Abandonia for following the law, regardless. I have access to the disks regardless.
18-08-2009 01:57 PM
axeraider70 Star Reach was indeed a great game that died because of underexposure... One day i hope to re-make it with improved graphics, online multiplayer support, better gameplay in terms of controlling your ships etc... It'll be so epic.
29-07-2009 08:07 PM
werticalloop one of the best odler RTS games evah ;D, i was about 8 or 9 whene first playing this game, spent 10 years loking for it and found it on hotu, it is must try for any1 who lowes RTS
06-06-2009 09:50 PM
sudopudge My dad picked this game up for us kids when we were pretty young. It was one of the first computer games I remember playing, and maybe the best. We were young enough that it took us forever to figure out how to do things in the game, especially since this genre was not something we saw in console games.

I still play Star Reach every now and again, and think of it as one of my favorite video games, if not my favorite. Long hours spent in front of the old computer, sharing the keyboard with a friend during a 2 player game

Screen looking became a problem

Some aspects of the game seem unfinished, but from reading the above post by David Foote, one of the designers, it makes sense with the amount of constraints they had. It's cool to see a developer post on here, especially about a game I didn't think anyone else knew about. Reading about the development of Star Reach made my day. The music turned out great

Remember to build your hydroponics and biospheres!
22-05-2009 09:21 AM
The Fifth Horseman Yes.
22-05-2009 07:06 AM
how to download?

I cannot figure out where to download this game. Can someone post the link or explain how?
15-10-2007 09:57 PM
dosraider Start reading this:
15-10-2007 09:52 PM
hi it is nick hey i remember playing this game when i was like 10... i cant seem to figure out how dosbox works.. can anyone help me with this? i would really like to play this game again but without dos i cant
06-07-2007 07:31 PM
Ashleighanna I remember playing this when I was about 16 or so (about 10 years ago). In fact, I even remember exactly where I got it: from a bargain bin at CompUSA. I thought the box looked cool so I grabbed it. I absolutely loved the music, especially the clip with the heavy guitar sounds. That song has stuck in my mind as one of the most awesome DOS soundtracks I can ever remember.

I remember the manual wasn't very helpful aside from learning the controls, so I had to figure out the strategy on my own. However, with some practice, I got pretty good. It's been a while, but I remember some things:

Ship vs. Phantom interface. The ship interface is a lot of fun, admittedly, and adds a decent method of defense early on. But once you're able to produce some ships, its combat effectiveness diminishes, especially since you'll be spending more time running around to all the planets than fighting. Aside from that, your ship can get destroyed and takes a while to be rebuilt. The Phantom mode, however, lets you move between planets quickly and give orders effectively.

Protect your trade ships! Send a few patrols between planets that have traders going between them. Otherwise, your precious cargo will be lost. On the flipside, make sure you stage raids against enemy trade lines to distrupt their economy

Defensive sattelites are extremely useful, but it's a good idea to also have some patrols or your planets might be in trouble

It can be a bit frustrating on the first missions to wait for the economy and minerals to pick up, but believe me, in later maps, you will want all the time you can get! So take the time to learn the quirks of the game in the first maps.

This game seems simple at first, but even back when I first played it, I could tell that they wanted to add more features. It was among the first real-time strategy games, so keep that in mind while playing! I hope my little tips helped
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