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17-09-2011 02:48 AM
Eagle of Fire Yup... From your screenshot I noticed you forgot to add the \ in your command... DOS is unforgiving this way.
16-09-2011 11:47 PM
brianjn OMFG The Fifth Horseman
and dosraider love you guys lol

the drive would not work under
mount c: c:syndicate
but would work under mount
mount c: c:\syndicate

now it saves and evrythin

i do realise i could have saved all this had i read your guide so im sry but thanks for you help (i was just a little excited to play it)
16-09-2011 10:39 PM
The Fifth Horseman http://www.abandonia.com/vbullet/att...0&d=1316207950

DOSBox is stating clearly what is wrong. There is no directory named "Syndicate" in the root of your C drive. The directory you moved there was named "SYND".

On further note, you're ignoring the backslash after : . DOSBox fixes that for you, but I recommend that you remember to do that correctly from now on.

The correct mount command is therefore mount c c:\SYND
16-09-2011 10:29 PM
dosraider Ignore Arete, that's what we usually do anyway.

Now about your problems, I gonna advise you to delete everything that is syndicate related from your D: drive (in Windows)
Next step: redownload the archive from Abandonia, extract the syndicate folder on your D:\oldgames\ (create \oldgames\ ), rename the syndicate folder to syndicat (8chars max for dos !)
Your folder structure should be: d:\oldgames\syndicat\
and then run dosbox and input:

mount c "d:\oldgames"
cd syndicat

That's all you need to do to get the game running.

In other words: start over from scratch, that's the easiest way to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.

BTW, you seem to miss some files, may I advise you to use http://www.7-zip.org/ ?

Something weird:
You seem to have a lot of files that aren't present in the AB archive (smain, sintro .....)
Did you get that game from AB or what ????
16-09-2011 10:04 PM
brianjn yea sry my drives ar a mess (and so am I) to many people use it to clean it up

ok in the dos3 pic you can see drive D: and the syndicate folder it seems different to yours mine is 140MB. this game plays but wont save

You have moved something to c: . Question is what. Screenshot of that directory's contents, please.
What are you mounting in DOSBox? What error messages do you get? Screenshots, please.
I have copyed the whole folder that contains syndicate to drive C: then i ran 2 dosbox's using both dirctorys only the D: drive worked thats in the dos 5 pic

I have gone through the properties of my files and yea they were set to read only but when i un check read only and click ok it changes back when i open the file propertys again

your not goin to belive this but i cant rember the file type but the game still has sound

arete: Well done for making an old Belgian cry
I am very sry to both you and Belgian
16-09-2011 08:59 PM
The Fifth Horseman No offence but you seem to have no idea what you're doing. Don't try things at random. We're here to help you, but you need to pay attention and follow our instructions carefully.
Originally Posted by brianjn View Post
and a file that has this info in it i changed it to synd.inf to read it it contains (main /c0 /iirq7 /idma1 /iio220)
This stores your soundcard settings. Rename it back to what it was right away!
but since then i have found that dos box even tho it is installed in the c drive it doesnt recognise it so if it is set to save in c:synd\save it cant how i have moved the syndicate file to c: but then the game wont run at all
That's... not how drive mounting works in DOSBox.
1. The drive letter in DOSBox does not have to have anything to do with the actual location of the directories on your actual hard drive. I've been happily mounting F:\Oldgames\ as the C drive in DOSBox for last 7 years.
2. Your drive mounts should start with C That's how it was in DOS, and you really should do it that way.
3. The Beginner's Guide should help a bit.

i have moved the syndicate file to c: but then the game wont run at all
You have moved something to c: . Question is what. Screenshot of that directory's contents, please.
What are you mounting in DOSBox? What error messages do you get? Screenshots, please.

Also, make sure the directory is not set to "read only" (check its' properties in Windows). If it is, you've got your cause right there.
16-09-2011 07:26 PM
arete Well done for making an old Belgian cry
16-09-2011 07:18 PM
dosraider You're not making any sense at all.
And your folder structure on your C: and D: looks like garbage.

Know what, post a screenie of your dosbox running with the mount lines, something as this:
Originally Posted by dosraider View Post
Gives in dosbox:
And whilst your here, reread my previous post and take a good look@ my screenies.

Fact: game runs fine in dosbox, saves and whatnots included.
16-09-2011 07:07 PM
brianjn I have found now that if in the syndicate folder i open the synd.exe file it creaits a synd folder in drive c: with save,save2 and a file that has this info in it i changed it to synd.inf to read it it contains (main /c0 /iirq7 /idma1 /iio220)
but since then i have found that dos box even tho it is installed in the c drive it doesnt recognise it so if it is set to save in c:synd\save it cant how i have moved the syndicate file to c: but then the game wont run at all
16-09-2011 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by brianjn View Post
i have put a SYND\SAVE in every file any ideas thanks
Euurhhhh.... save folder should be \syndicat\save\ , not \synd\save\

Your mount lines should be
mount c "d:\syndicate"
cd syndicat

Notice: Even if the saves seems to work for me when mounted as D, you always will be better of to mount a virtual C, regardless what your HD drive letter is under Win.

As for a pic of the folder structure, here ya go:

Gives in dosbox:
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