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Topic Review (Newest First)
12-06-2011 07:26 AM
Romano „Im Grunde geht es dabei um die Konservierung“, sagt Kosta.

[Basically it is about the preservation.]

(c) ZEIT.de, 10.05.2005
10-06-2011 09:47 AM
TheChosen I think there should be a more agressive "recruiting program" or adds or stuff mentioning that this site needs more reviewers.

On a side note, it would be more nice to watch the boxshots if the ads wouldnt get in the way.
10-06-2011 01:50 AM
Alexis78 Maybe a solution is do if you click on "the latest news" then you can choose from a menu, that displays lastest news in boxes, then below, latest news in manuals, lastest news in new games adittions, latest news in maps, latest news in reviews, and so on.

But then you quickly comes to realize that your "latest news" favorite section is mostly out of news because nobody do anything in that section (uploading games or reviews?).

And then we are again in the starting grid (thatīs complaining again about that I donīt like the latest news).

So, itīs not Abandonia problem, itīs a matter of the uploaders/reviewers, who they donīt works for pleasure enought times for you to enjoy the latest news.

And I am with you that the best news are about new games and reviews, of course (and the forum, and the boxes and the manual,...)
09-06-2011 10:55 PM
KrazeeXXL I understand both sides here. For one, I really like the daily news updates whether it's big or minor news. It simply shows that this community is active, thriving and alive.

For some ppl the boxshots are important, for some not... same for reviews. you can't satisfy anyone.

But you can't have big news each and every day... perhaps the boxshots shouldn't be published as they were big news? Or mark these news somehow so that ppl know it's about a boxshot or something else.

So at least, you could and should (be able to) differ between news you're interested in and news you aren't. (same like r-l-news -> you read what you're interested in)

that's the only solution I have for this "problem". better then some ppl not reading the news at all. that'd be sad... because I like the style of how some ppl write them.
09-06-2011 10:03 PM
Aramazon The issue being: the news has been swamped with box shots recently...yeah I've noticed that too...the site's been a real drag lately with updates that get me excited...I mean game updates.

I'm not denouncing box shots, I appreciate them and one day when I've got tons of cash to burn I'll make epic posters of my favourite games thanks to them.

I think the issue is that lots of people check the website frequently because they like to see the game updates...I know I love reading every single new review out.

Lately I haven't been so active, but I do check every day, and there haven't been a good number of game reviews over the past couple months.

Now let me propose a solution:
Clearly we need more game reviews...what if a new forum section was created JUST for reviews...the needing reviews list thread seems a little bit...dry, there's some reviews on there that have been TAKEN for a long time now, games that I would happily write a review for.

Admittedly, I still have War Wind 2 taken, but I couldn't bring myself to keep playing it long enough to get a good review, it drove me up the wall.

Also Conqueror wasn't on the list, but it was in the ISO cellar.

Make an entire section just for reviews so that we can renew the whole review list. Also, so that we can have a place to put up our reviews unofficially for critique and proofreading. I know I would love that.

Make people aware that lots of great games in the ISO cellar need reviewing, I did Blood and Magic a while back, I'm finished writing my review for Conqueror so that game could be made as an update real soon.

I've tried to review that one game on the reviews wanted list called Discovery: In the steps of Columbus, but I found I couldn't play it and I couldn't find any help online...that's the kind of thing we could post about in the reviews section..."I'm trying to review a game, anyone know how to play it?"

I'd be more than happy to get back into Mechwarrior 2 and write a review for that as well.

What I'm suggesting is put more focus on encouraging reviews, and then let's get those good ol' game updates coming in.
09-06-2011 09:36 PM
Eagle of Fire You guys are still no closer to understanding the point... This is kind of sad.
09-06-2011 09:00 PM
Alexis78 I think that the box is a valuable thing.

Thanks to the scanned boxshots some people can do posters from games, mostly using that shotboxs, like these here:

This one is printed on canvas, itīs expensive, 200 dollars! but itīs amazing

compare the size with a CD

This one hasnīt the letters, only the drawing (here is a lot of work).

No words...

And so on

Besides all of this, I like to see the boxes, remembering it, or comparing with other editions, languages, formats, etc...why not?

And about the latest news is only showing boxes is because the people uploads what they want/can, so if they "only" have boxes, manuals, etc...thatīs the news!

And if you complain about it, look it in the other languages, there are some "latest news" from years ago, so, at least you have news in english.
31-05-2011 10:27 AM
Pex We could obviously make a poll whether or not people want to know about updates regarding boxshots, but I don't think that should change anything. I, for example, don't even bother reading an update if it's for a game that I don't care about and it doesn't make difference if it's an update about the game itself being put on the site, or about a manual or a boxshot. But that doesn't mean everybody else feel the same about that game. Same is with the boxshots.

The whole point is that this is a non-profitable site run, managed and contributed to by volunteers. We are not trying to sell a product and therefore trim updates to attract special target group. We are not trying to win some prestigious award of a forum with most of the active members. As someone said, we would keep running thing the way we do whether we had 1000 members or 10, because that's what the site is made for - preserving abandoned games and all that comes with them, whether it's an award winning title and the crapiest game ever.

So, if someone desides to stop visiting the site just because the news are (lately) only about the boxshots, that's their choice and no one's loss but theirs.
31-05-2011 07:26 AM
jesters.ice Keep the boxshots coming. The games feel more complete this way. That's all I have to say.
24-05-2011 08:56 PM
Eagle of Fire Well, that's exactly the point. Why not tailor the news specifically for everybody? Make it so you have an option to remove the news about specific things.

It is not that I don't like boxshots... It is simply that there is now almost only that in the news and, sorry to break it to you all, I didn't come to this site to look at art... So when I go to the front page and see 90% boxshot news, I completely lose interest.

Also, for contribution... You know very well that most good games are already reviewed. There might be a gem left here and there, but most of what we have left to review is crappy games. Add to that the fact that as much as I'd like to do more reviews I just can't seem to be able to find the time to do it... And you end up with a little amount of reviews. I don't think that will ever change either: we all have a life outside this site.

My own contribution is more forum related. I have been the mod of Troubleshooting for a long time now. I do try to readily help people who can't play those games we have on site. That's not nothing either... But it won't be a factor in solving this problem either.

That's pretty much the main point I'd like to introduce. You can add secondary points all you like, the main point still remain. Even if we had 100 reviews to suddenly fall in our hands, I know we would not see them the day after. Updaters would feel like those updates which were already planned have to be given priority, then we'll want to keep a reserve of reviewed games to make sure we have something to show people on the front page for a while, etc.
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