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Topic Review (Newest First)
30-01-2013 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by ChescoChesco View Post
I also purchased a copy of this game when i was 10 years old. The game was released with the fatal month bug, making the game unplayable. Its a shame cause once u understand how it works and all the amazing things you can build combining resources you can build your dream city & garden - this game is actually quiet amazing, infact, the FIRST 'Minecraft-like' game of its kind! Never took off because of this bug!

Anyone have a solution, i REALLY want to play this game!!
I've tried patching it myself, but can't figure out exactly where the bug is. It would probably be easier to rebuild the game from scratch than find one mistake in thousands of lines of un-commented code.
19-12-2012 12:27 AM
Looking For Bug Solution

Originally Posted by JediaKyrol View Post
That glitch was in the released version of the game too...I found my old copy in a box and got it running....to the same world-delete error.

I also have all of the tchotchkies that came with it...a couple of fake nuclear fallout shelter guides with game stuff hidden inside. I can copy them for anyone who would like.

I also purchased a copy of this game when i was 10 years old. The game was released with the fatal month bug, making the game unplayable. Its a shame cause once u understand how it works and all the amazing things you can build combining resources you can build your dream city & garden - this game is actually quiet amazing, infact, the FIRST 'Minecraft-like' game of its kind! Never took off because of this bug!

Anyone have a solution, i REALLY want to play this game!!
20-12-2011 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Ramidel View Post
The problem is a glitch. Between months, the game sometimes corrupts and wipes the world file, throwing you into a blank world and deleting your save.

The fix is to save the game every couple months or so and copy-backup the world.
That glitch was in the released version of the game too...I found my old copy in a box and got it running....to the same world-delete error.

I also have all of the tchotchkies that came with it...a couple of fake nuclear fallout shelter guides with game stuff hidden inside. I can copy them for anyone who would like.
13-05-2011 02:57 PM
Ramidel The problem is a glitch. Between months, the game sometimes corrupts and wipes the world file, throwing you into a blank world and deleting your save.

The fix is to save the game every couple months or so and copy-backup the world.
04-02-2011 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by kotshka View Post
Does anyone have a functioning copy of this game? This one has a fatal glitch where the entire map clears after a few turns, removing everything but desolation (including the shelter you're supposed to be standing in) and then kills you. Based on the discussion I see here, someone must have a working copy that lets you play for more than 10 turns, but I can't find one anywhere. The copy at HOTU has the same problem. I'm dying to get further into this game.

Thanks in advance!
If there is, in fact, a problem with the archive I can create a new (and different) one. Is the problem some kind of copy protection?
03-02-2011 12:50 PM
DarthHelmet86 The version I got from the site works fine, however I don't know what you mean by turns since it is not really a turn based game.
03-02-2011 09:22 AM
kotshka Does anyone have a functioning copy of this game? This one has a fatal glitch where the entire map clears after a few turns, removing everything but desolation (including the shelter you're supposed to be standing in) and then kills you. Based on the discussion I see here, someone must have a working copy that lets you play for more than 10 turns, but I can't find one anywhere. The copy at HOTU has the same problem. I'm dying to get further into this game.

Thanks in advance!
22-09-2010 05:51 PM
ayoeness Just one comment, which might be a theory because I can't speak for everyone.
I doubt that the reviewers rate the games based on today's games.
Mainly because most of the people on site are dedicated players of abandonware, and have actually some of us have actually lived through the time when these games were new and fancy.
It is very much my impression that the games are rated according to when they were made, and what you could do at those times.
22-09-2010 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Wastelander View Post
Rating this game 3/5 is IMO judging by today's standards. Those standards suggest that a game is merely the sum of all its comprising media, as opposed to being appealing AS A GAME. It has become pretty rare nowadays that games are designed to reflect their setting in their game mechanics. Most of the time what we get is "RTS in Star Wars setting", "FPS in Carebears setting" or something similar.
The second part doesn't naturally follow from the first, in fact, they have nothing to do with each other that I can see.

"Appealing as a game" implies that the measure of a game is its fun factor, and your implication that all that matters is the integration of mechanics and setting is particularly jarring. Meanwhile, I see no reason why "judging by today's standards" is a bad thing. By and large, we're humans living in the year 2010, and the game should be judged by its value and interest to people living right now.

I do agree that it'd be hard to transplant Boomtown's mechanics to another setting (though I could personally see a mod/clone/Total Conversion for a fantasy or Wild West setting, or a virgin sci-fi planet; it'd be an interesting project at the least). However, game mechanics alone are not a particularly good medium in my view; there has to be some chrome/setting/fluff to translate them from mathematics to art. Furthermore, the fact is that the game is not pure mechanics, and I think your attempt to forcibly discount the packaging is a flawed argument; if its graphics, sound, text, or software bugs make the game less appealing, they make the game less appealing.

My personal view is that graphics, sound and text usually do add to a game's value as a source of fun, even if they're not necessary, and of course, actively bad graphics and sound (which this game doesn't have) will make a game painful to play. For the record, I agree with the reviewer's score but for different reasons. It's tremendously fun as a game, which is what matters, but there's an absolutely terrible savefile-corrupting bug that on its own is enough to make playing the game something of a chore (having to quit to menu and copy the save every couple of months in case the world I'm playing with gets corrupted is not something I want to do).
24-08-2010 09:43 AM
Wastelander Hi everybody!

First of all I'd like to make clear that this post, while being in some part critic about the review, is generally meant as an inspiration for discussion. All statements are purely my own opinion, even though I know I tend to express them as being written-in-stone facts.

Rating this game 3/5 is IMO judging by today's standards. Those standards suggest that a game is merely the sum of all its comprising media, as opposed to being appealing AS A GAME. It has become pretty rare nowadays that games are designed to reflect their setting in their game mechanics. Most of the time what we get is "RTS in Star Wars setting", "FPS in Carebears setting" or something similar.

As my nickname suggests, I am a great fan of post-apocalptic fiction. Visions of Aftermath (VoA) provides little outstanding "classic" media and thus isn't the most "classically" atmospheric title in this setting. Apart from the manual, which is at least "pretty well" written, the only other thing that really transports the feel of a post-apocalyptic world is the game mechanic itself. But, and I am putting it as a question although I am clearly of the opinion: Aren't the game mechanics in and of themselves a medium? Can they be? Should they be?

Which this leads me to the point I'm trying to make: VoA, for me, is a purely great game. The emphasis here is on "game". If compared to other titles in the same setting, VoA does not offer much in respect of text, graphics or sound to put you in the mood of a post-nuclear wasteland. But take for example the Fallout series: You could exchange all graphics, texts, sounds without altering the game mechanics in any way, and substitute it with a completely different setting, while maintaining a similar grade of immersion. This being hardly or not at all possible for VoA is the reason why I think the game deserves the 5/5 I gave it.

Hopefully I accomplished my goal of starting a deeper discussion. And well, I also hope I didn't tread on anybody's feet. And thanks to the reviewer for his work, although I disagree with him about VoA being a mediocre game. =)

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