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10-09-2013 11:46 AM
Pentti Hilkuri I've got exactly the same problem, on sea routes chapter. Helpers aren't getting to roads, everything gets fucked up. I've used all there is on both islands and burned them, still not helping the problem. Every 3-5th section of the road gets a helper and it doesn't even help to create just one longer section of road.

Originally Posted by Traderman1981 View Post
So, I digged Settlers 2 Gold edition from drawer and wanted to play big game on 256x256 map. I made my own map for 7 players. But trouble starts when, just after starting - few minutes into game - game wont send helpers on road, builders to sites ect - and if sometimes it does, it takes like forever. It seems thjat game can't handle bigger then certain ammount of buildings and its getting bugged to place its not playable (i.e. - I have 5 fortresses near enemy but soldiers wont go from nearby stockhouse).

before you reply: I have soldiers (like 100 in each storehouse)
I have maxed DosBox ram side to 64 and it doesnt affect this issue.

I remember, that I had this problem with old-old PC 133Mhz Pentium with 32 ram on Windows 98, but later on I updated PC to 266mHz and 128MB and it was much better on gameplay

Anyone knows how to address this issue? Seems pretty bad to be able to create big world and not be able to play it...
28-06-2013 08:21 AM
Problem with big games...

So, I digged Settlers 2 Gold edition from drawer and wanted to play big game on 256x256 map. I made my own map for 7 players. But trouble starts when, just after starting - few minutes into game - game wont send helpers on road, builders to sites ect - and if sometimes it does, it takes like forever. It seems thjat game can't handle bigger then certain ammount of buildings and its getting bugged to place its not playable (i.e. - I have 5 fortresses near enemy but soldiers wont go from nearby stockhouse).

before you reply: I have soldiers (like 100 in each storehouse)
I have maxed DosBox ram side to 64 and it doesnt affect this issue.

I remember, that I had this problem with old-old PC 133Mhz Pentium with 32 ram on Windows 98, but later on I updated PC to 266mHz and 128MB and it was much better on gameplay

Anyone knows how to address this issue? Seems pretty bad to be able to create big world and not be able to play it...
03-02-2012 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by just_me View Post
Go North, through the path up the right side of the northern mountains. Gold is just on the other side. Get there before the yellow player does.
I have just been doing the Europe campaign. It is a bit of a race to get to the first batch of Gold. It is on the northern middle part of the Alps. Just keep building military buildings upwards. There's not a huge amount and you need to get there before the yellows. This should be enough to expand your empire to a decent size and hold off any enemy attacks.

The other races that get Gold is Purple, Red and Black. Purples get the most but it doesn't last long. If you want a piece of it you'll have to invade and defeat them quickly.

The rest of the Gold gets exhausted before you really get a chance to get at it.

I did discover, however, that there is a decent deposit of Gold in the northern most area of Scotland. There is also some iron and coal deposits across England. This will require you to push through the yellow team to get there.

You do not have to build a ship to get to Britain. There is a very small bit of land linking it to France.

Just use your map to head in vaguely the right direction.

There is nothing on Ireland except sheep. No rocks, no trees, just sheep. I don't know if thats meant to be some kind of joke!?

Anyway I found the best way once you've got your first batch of Gold is to make sure you keep hold of it, exhaust the mines and then slow play it until you can push to Britain.

I defeated the enemies in the following order: Purple, Red, Black, Yellow, Green.

I hope this helps. I had been searching all over the net for tips and gold locations for Europe and found nothing, so I hope this of some use to someone.

I only rediscovered this game recently and I can't stop playing it. Just the right balance of strategy and fun!
05-09-2011 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman View Post
Do the math?

Is the new release of Settlers 2 better than the original, anyone who tried them both have an opinion?
28-08-2011 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by ocisdfsdf View Post
Where is the nearest vein of gold in the Europe map (world campaign map 1)? The guys from the Greece region have some and they are slaughtering me. I have looked in the Italian mountains and in the big mountain north of Italy (the Alps?). I can only find iron and coal.
Go North, through the path up the right side of the northern mountains. Gold is just on the other side. Get there before the yellow player does.
21-08-2011 07:07 AM
The Fifth Horseman
Just use Recaptcha when you need a captcha, and drop this 6 glyph garbage the forum uses.
Yesss... the guy who was supposed to install it didn't quite finish the job and isn't working here anymore. The one who replaced him doesn't have the time. Do the math?
21-08-2011 06:30 AM
Gold in Europe map

Where is the nearest vein of gold in the Europe map (world campaign map 1)? The guys from the Greece region have some and they are slaughtering me. I have looked in the Italian mountains and in the big mountain north of Italy (the Alps?). I can only find iron and coal.

P.S. your forum captcha is terrible and annoying. Just use Recaptcha when you need a captcha, and drop this 6 glyph garbage the forum uses.
27-03-2011 09:38 PM
Eagle of Fire Adding new unit types could theoretically destroy the balance of the game. And that's what make The Settlers and The Settlers II different from modern games.

So I guess not...
27-03-2011 09:16 PM
User modifications for Settlers 2

Are there any user modifications to this game?
I don't mean the custom scenarios.

I mean, were there any user-made graphics for this game?
New unit types?

I saw the games in which those places were "empty", so the games could receive more unit or terrain types.
30-05-2010 08:06 AM
Pex Haven't really had a chance to play this game since I wrote the previous post, but I thought I should reply to this thread anyway.

Originally Posted by fortydayweekend View Post
I had this too, in DosBox - try rolling your mouse to the top/left side of the screen if the bottom/right are inaccessible. It might "reset" it.
Usually all I need to do is save the game, exit to dos(box) and restart it, so it's not such a big problem, just a minor annoyance. It doesn't happen that often either.

Yeah, the default settings suck. I usually set everything to be equal priority - that way it won't try heaving grain halfway across the map to a Mill when there's starving Donkeys and Pigs right next door. You can then tweak this if you want to, or just turn buildings on and off instead.
I'm' putting everything on equal priority as well, though it also means that you need to have at least one raw material production per one building that uses it. The reason I used quotations it that it's not necessarily raw material - I build two iron smeltings, one for armory and one for metalworks.

The other trick is to have a storehouse near your buildings that need the raw materials, to catch the overflow. So the excess grain and ore goes into the storehouse, and then when it's needed it's just a short hop to the smelter or mill or whatever. The raw materials (mines/farms) can be a long way from the storehouse, but the manufacturing buildings should be as close as possible.
Yeah, I've been doing that. Although all that micromanagement tends to annoy me sometimes, it's also necessary to make everything work fine. But...

Make sure that the other storehouses/HQ are set to "not accept" the raw goods. If you've got one "city center" with a storehouse and all of your industry around it, the distribution will be very efficient. On huge maps you might need two centers.
Problem is with harbours. You can tell your harbour not to accept coal if you want to ship that coal to another island. But if you use same raw material in more than one place (as in different islands) that's when it becomes tricky.

Or you could just set one storehouse to "not accept" beer and weapons - it will send all the ones it has to the other storehouse. One at a time, yep, but quicker than reproducing everything :-)
Yep, but again the problem is when harbours come into play. If you set a harbour not to accept something, you won't be able to ship it to a different island. But if you have a harbour full of beer and another full of weapons, AI can't realise that it needs to move one of them to another harbour in order to produce soldiers. Like I said, I solved the problem by actually telling harbour that didn't have beer to 'take it out of stock' and that was the clue for my ships to bring beer there. Funny but efficient.

There's so many little things that can go wrong with expeditions and islands, it's the most annoying part of the game to learn. But if you get it right it will work fine. You have to plan a bit more carefully - do you want the Armory etc on the island, or back on the mainland? And what goods do you set the Harbours to accept or not accept.
Like I said, it only works to a certain level. And planning is possible when you're replaying mission and know exactly where raw materials are, but in reality you often just build one stage at time and sometimes using limitted space you have as efficiently as possible.

But don't get me wrong. It's still a great game. It's just a pitty some of those issues exist and spoil the overall experience sometimes.
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