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04-05-2011 01:35 PM
Kame Oops...Sorry for posting in the wrong thread

As for finding my SGC thread, while that's creepy I guess it should be expected. ;P

thank you for the response.

For what its worth (but you seem to know this already >.<) Here's the ss of the error:

Also, IT WORKED!! Thank you! I'm going to post my question and your solution in the VGA topic, too, in case someone else runs into issues.

I'm off to go play my game! <3
03-05-2011 06:10 PM
Luchsen 1) You are in the wrong thread. This is the thread of the original CGA version. You try to play Mixed Up Mother Goose VGA (thread).

2) You shouldn't write memory if it's disk space since people assume that RAM is meant. Actually, you should post the exact error message.

3) Run the game with the MG.BAT, not with the SCIDHUV.EXE.

4) Please post the solution in your enquiry thread on the forums of sarcasticgamer.com, in order that others who search for a solution are easily able to find it before becoming desperate due to finding their question without answers.

5) Addressing 2) and 4), here is the exact error message: You only have 0K of disk space, which is not enough space to save a new game. You will have to make more space to play a new game. (Make space? And I thought my English is bad. But probably my English is so bad that I only think it is bad English - make space, not my English.)

6) Have fun playing!
02-05-2011 04:04 PM
Kame I'm running the game in DOSbox, and when I go to select "New Game" I get an error saying I have 0K available in memory, and that I need more to play. Then it shuts down. How do I fix this? I've tried to change the game .exe properties, the install.exe properties, properties while running the install program, and I've tried to find a configure file. Maybe I'm just blind, but is this DOSbox or is this the game? And what do I do?
19-11-2010 04:18 PM
The Fifth Horseman http://www.abandonia.com/vbullet/showthread.php?t=14406
19-11-2010 01:36 PM
Linda1985 how can I download and play this game?
I don't know what to do with zip-files..

I click the button to download it and then I get the zip-programm running. I click 'extract to' and select a folder. But is doesn't work...?? What to do?
20-12-2007 11:25 AM
Luchsen How about unpacking the archive, mounting the folder in DOSBox and typing mg?
20-12-2007 01:29 AM
abfa00 I'm having trouble playing this using DOSBox on a Mac w/ Leopard.

I've got a bunch of files for the game and one called _INSTALL.BAT. In DOSBox I typed mount c ~/Desktop/Games/mumg. I've tried two different things. With _INSTALL.BAT in the mumg folder and everything else in ~/Desktop/Games/mumg/sierra, running _INSTALL.BAT makes this happen:

D:\>if not exist vol.2 goto :GetVol2
D:\>echo Please put disk 2 of
Please put disk 2 of
D:\>echo Mother Goose
Mother Goose
D:\>echo in the drive.
in the drive.
Press any key to continue

Pressing any key just shows all that again. if _INSTALL.BAT is in the folder called sierra with everything else, changing to that director in DOSBox and running _INSTALL.BAT says
cd \sierra
echo to play mother goose, type
echo cd \sierra
then type

It's already in c:\sierra so I typed mg, and it says Bad program image in the middle of a screen in a gray box.

And.. I'm out of ideas. Is there some other way the files should be? What am I doing wrong/how can I make the game work? I downloaded everything from http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/36...her+Goose.html.

I used to play this game ages ago when I was little but I was, well, little.. and not good at them, so my dad and brother ended up doing everything. And now I'm in college and I want to see if I've gotten any better.
29-10-2007 10:28 AM
dosraider <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Chozzer @ Oct 29 2007, 11:37 AM) [snapback]317664[/snapback]</div>
I mounted my directory, and I have all the game files in a folder named Sierra (so I type c:\sierra\mg)
Run dosbox and try this:

mount c c:\sierra
cd mg

Try to run the game from there, it will find its files then.

That is IF your windows path is c:\sierra\mg\ , you weren't very detailled on that point .....

IF your windows path is c:\oldgames\sierra\mg\ your lines are:

mount c c:\oldgames
cd sierra
cd mg

etcetera ...

29-10-2007 09:37 AM
Chozzer I've been attempting to run this game in DOSBox with no success.

I mounted my directory, and I have all the game files in a folder named Sierra (so I type c:\sierra\mg)

I receive an error that it can't find 'agi' file. The file AGI is clearly right there. When I attempt to run the _install.bat, I receive an endless echo talking about inserting disk 2. I can't even get the game loaded.

Also, for some reason, the FAQ on DOSBox's webpage isn't loading, so I've been unable to look there.
28-08-2007 04:05 PM
The Fifth Horseman What does DIR return?
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