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Topic Review (Newest First)
08-11-2017 08:22 AM
Smiling Spectre Congrats!
05-11-2017 10:33 PM
I'm done

Decade old playthrough... finally completed

Has to be top 3 puzzler I've ever played (SubTerra easily holds nr.1 spot). Took me whole nine days for last 28 levels, including the time needed to re-familiarize myself with the game mechanic, surpassing even my most optimistic expectations. Pleased with how I swept the floor with my younger self, lol.

Shoutout to level 68 (At the dentist) author, the extreme out-of-the-box logic needed to solve it is off the charts. So rewarding to figure that on your own.
Out of all final 28 levels the only one I've solved in one try was... wait for it... the last one! Took solid two hours but I made it without errors. Level is straight-forward if you take a few minutes to examine the paths as each crossroad in advance.
Most tries I've had on level 59 (Catching a cold ?) mostly because unfamiliar with new mechanic involved and then miss-key presses invoked by lack of patience with certain forced and slow sequences.
Most tedious level to start over: 72 by far. Made me get little physical with my shitty laptop, something that hasn't happened in years.

Some easier levels I encountered, providing nice calm periods of catching my breath and getting sense of progression:
50 - London Bridge is AAhhh...
57 - Poker face
58 - Open the door with...
63 - Look through the windows (also one try)
65 - It's a frog's life for me (the only level I where I could play the whole solution in my head, still fucked it once)
69 - Call a club a club (last easier level)

To finally conclude... the game got even better in last few levels since my last post. If the devs themselves hadn't explained the game's history I'd think it was made my some very clever think-tank (a la Mossad's top filter tool). It's that good. So proud and relieved to finally put a completion check-mark on this game, after ten years no less
01-11-2017 04:02 PM
Nilex Whichever of you little punks was responsible for this thing:

You magnificent bastard!

So many routes, dead ends and false leads. Best designed level by far (on 66 atm). So hellishly good that is easily finds a top10 place of best ever puzzles.
And i am no stranger to puzzles let me tell you. This was a work of a genius. Took me good 4 hours to solve. 2 one day and 2 more the next
Level after felt like a tutorial in comparison.

To reflect on my previous post:
I quickly remembered why I stopped on 47 over a decade ago. Level just felt like a combinatorial trial&error fest back then (a telltale sign of bad design). So I was intimidated starting at that particular place at first, without fresh knowledge of how things behaved and items interacted. But with age came experience and patience to tackle this problem. In the end it wasn't as bad as I remembered it to be, rather it's actually pretty smart level. Pretty sure my solution wasn't in designers plans though, muheheh.

My only single complaint about the game is elevator operation - same key for jumping and going up is painful. Made 64 a whole lot frustrating
28-10-2017 07:02 PM
Rediscovered the Game after 10+ years, sharing my thoughts

I am always fascinated reading original dev's thoughts and impressions after many years have passed. My respect for you guys posting here

Not sure how I discovered the game but I know it was during my heavy nostalgia trip back in '05-'06 when I also got very interested in the Indie scene.
Indie/Retro puzzle genre always stood out for me quality wise (still does), compared to quality of other genres in the newer times.

What I like about Avish is its simple and clear cut level design which is the sole but most important factor in dictating its difficulty. Everything is known from the start, it's only up to the player to though it through. The only errors you make are you own alone. And there will be many of those as the design is very smartly crafted in creating difficulty. I am pretty impressed to read the devs were teenagers when they made this little shiny gem.

Good games are good forever and that's why Avish stands the test of time in my book.

Coming back to the game after more than 10 years I see I got as far as 47 levels looking at my old code list. Hehe, no time to waste - time to complete this bad boy
I'm archiving this whole topic just to preserve Dev's thoughts. Can't contain the nostalgia, ffs. (5k posts per page ftw!)
29-02-2016 04:18 PM
scott274 Was there ever a remake to this game or any sequel (Avish 2)!

Anyway, I'm replaying this game after many years.

On Level 09 - OCXAFU: It's not so hard...
There are two keys here, one on the left (top) is easy to get, but could it be possible to get the one on the right (top)
One thing I tried was placing the fan on the lower ledge and then "jumping-up-right" from the upper ledge...I figured that fan might blow me away to the slightly elevated trampoline-tile below and I might just make it up there....but unfortunately, the fan didn't affect me as I was falling down and I landed on the less elevated trampoline-tile, bounced a few times (one tile height short) and game-over
I forgot that the fan only affects you if you're falling down with an umbrella and there certainly seems to be no umbrella on the level.
And even if you get to the right-top-key...how to make it to the door....one idea I had was to use the three bombs and drop them down one by one and blow up the three concrete-tiles below in the way and then make my way down with the elevator. Dunno if this will work...never made it up there to try this.

Level 9 whole room screenshot (spoiler!)
24-08-2013 06:24 PM
Gonen Hi Everyone!

I can't believe people are still playing this game, 20 years after it was first created.
More over, creating editors for it?!

I was one of the developers of the game (along with 3 more guys from high school), but can't really say I remember anything about the code from back then. The backup to the game code was lost during the years.

If you have some questions, I might give some help.
I can be contacted by email: dukasgon@netvision.net.il
27-03-2012 08:04 AM
sagesag it's an internal game format, not a video. small file (usually 50-300 bytes), that can be passed to another player and replayed with Awish. so this is not video-saving feature, it's more like old DooM demos.

btw, i have beta3 with fullscreen feature (alt+enter).
26-03-2012 11:36 AM
TotalAnarchy Are you saying I can record my gameplay in-game. In what format does it save the file?
25-03-2012 01:12 PM
sagesag and immidiately: beta1. sound should be better. added some information windows. demo save/reply (^d / ^m),
25-03-2012 09:18 AM
sagesag download beta0

yes, i reached beta! and now you have menu with free access to any level. all praise me!

additionally i provided all 'assembler' source of the game. don't read it unless you are extremely mentally stable.
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