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09-08-2019 03:13 AM
2nd best ever game (first is the original Railroad Tycoons)

This game is awesome. Man I remember spending a ton of hours in my dorm playing it. Loved how you can set up and position your squad...snipers in building, dudes with shot guns, planting mines....the pursuadeatron !!!
Loved to convert an army of civilians and have them pick up the dropped weapons !!!
Havent been able to find a game like this one since....Also love the blade runner-esque cutaway scenes.

Have fun with this one!
30-03-2019 09:06 PM
Mystvan I am thinking of posting / starting a new Thread, in another Sub-Forum, with texts and screenshots from Missions in Syndicate where enemy Agents are likely to be persuaded via Persuadertron.

I am also thinking about posting screenshots of some of the Campaigns on the Human Side in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans.

For better didacticism, the ideal would be for each post to address a single and individual Mission so that there is a precise and optimized separation for better clarity of texts.

The worst thing would be confusion of understanding because there is no separation of texts and screenshots from different Missions.

All this would be just an idea , but I am well aware that to elaborate all this would require several screenshots and the inevitable use of Image Editor... Well, image editing is certainly not my turf...
27-03-2019 05:50 PM
Mystvan I said in another post about the combat style of the Sardaukar, the Imperial Super Soldiers.

Agents, the Cyber Super Soldiers, adopt a similar, but long-range, fighting style.

Agents, the Elite Force of the Syndicate, as a group, positioned themselves into four (from twosome to foursome) in a way that eliminated “unguarded” rearguard or the “blind spot”.

And when the level of the four (2 - 4) agents what the Manual named IPA (Intelligence, Perception and Adrenaline) are activated, and using Armor level 3, they become a truly unstoppable Elite Force...
25-03-2019 04:34 PM
24-03-2019 03:38 PM
Mystvan One way to circumvent Syndicate without using cheats, would be to run the game, with the agents “in standby mode”, and let time pass.

After some time, you give up the mission and you have collected taxes in the areas controlled by your Syndicate and probably got something (weapons, devices, armors, etc.) from R&D.

But between us, would not it be much easier for you to use cheats? Much faster, more practical and with the same result... *shrug*
26-11-2017 03:40 PM
Mystvan I forgot to mention that I had already encountered civilians who resembled Sindicate Agents. I kept wondering if they were renegade and / or stray Syndicate Agents.

In the map with more reach using the Scan device, these “Agents” were identified as civilians. There, I remembered that on one of the missions, I needed to recover fellow Agents with malfunction. I believe they were also identified as civilians on the map, but without being very sure.

I also remember that in one of the missions, I should eliminate a former fellow Agent, an old, renegade, and rebellious model. The curious thing is that she did not try to defend herself, but to act like a simple civilian, wearing and acting as such.
22-06-2017 02:46 AM
Syndicate: American Revolt

As the “American Revolt” package is part of Syndicate, I will comment it on this topic.

Like Syndicate Wars, the package is also very difficult. The reasons:

• The Enemy Agents are better armored, faster (Level 1 or 2 Armor), far superior to the original Syndicate game (enemy Agents without Armor);

• The Clone Shield is useless to the enemy Agents, being useful only to deceive Cops and Guards.

• The bloody Aerial Bombardments (I can not remember the correct name). Your Agents are “flying” and can fall into a ocean (Atlantic Mission) or lower floor without having to leave!

On the other hand, I managed to persuade all the enemy Agents when there were Civilians.

I do not remember right, but the Atlantic Mission, as usual, I could not persuade enemy Agents.

Whether you are using Game Wizard Editor or Cheat Codes, it is possible for an Agent with “infinite” HP to perish. One of the most unpleasant things is when your Agent falls into the sewer, river, lake, ocean. Death is certain. Or if the Agent falls and has no way to return.

I forgot to mention that as much as the Agent has infinite HP, if he gets hit by a vehicle, there is no editor or trainer to save him from certain death. I am not sure, but in American Revolt, enemy Agents can shoot you inside a vehicle.

In my opinion, the Game Wizard Editor is the best, because the HP of the Agent could be frozen, fixed. But damn Aerial Bombardments ruin all pleasure, because you have to get away. Imagine several Gauss Guns pointed at your Agents. And woe to you if you do not have enough money, because each Aerial Bombardment costs a lot of money.

One thing I like Syndicate about Syndicate Wars is that there is a difference when you have Armor. You are faster, mightier, fiercer. A Level 3 Armored Agent “walks” among Unarmeded Agents, Cops and Guards. A Level 3 Agent, on full alert, seems to “dance” with the Mini Gun (“Guitar” ) while dealing with enemies on all sides.

On the other hand, Syndicate Wars Agents of maximum Level Armor do not look as superior to the Cops and U-Citizens aka Cyber-Punks / Daft Punks .
16-06-2017 01:33 AM
Mystvan One of the things I enjoyed playing Syndicate was the ability to persuade Civilians, Guards, Police Officers and even Enemy Agents. Of course after using cheat codes. Without cheat codes, it is difficult to persuade Enemy Agents and the Scanner to make the Map more accurate and wider in scope. Bacause you Agents must be faster, stronger and more powerful (more powerful armor).

• I enjoyed performing several Missions in which I eliminated the Enemy Agents simply by persuading them! I realized that Enemy Agents will ALWAYS try to eliminate Agent #1 first, then Agent #2 and so on. I positioned Agent #1 under a building and all the Enemy Agents stand on top of the building (up the ramp) and stand still. Then I persuaded the Civilians using other Agents and then the Enemy Agents. Depending on the Mission, I used different tactics according to the geography of the place. On almost all Missions, I successfully persuaded the Enemy Agents except in the Atlantic Mission, for the Enemy Agents literally shoot everywhere and have no Civilian to be persuaded.

• On one of the Missions I do not remember where, a simple action is enough to complete the Mission without facing the Enemy Agents. The city has a railway line, is on an elevation (viaduct) while the Mission Target is in a Tunnel. As the Target is well on the side of your Agents, just use Gauss Gun in the Tunnel to eliminate the Target.

• A curiosity is that when I used Game Wizard (Mega Trainer and Editor), I captured Enemy Agents that were of both genders. When you use the cheat codes, all captured Enemy Agents and your Agents are only female.
10-12-2011 04:36 PM
The Fifth Horseman
Originally Posted by twillight View Post
Negative. You take things out of context and referrs on the wrong situation.
Negative. Check Mission Argentina.
You conveniently "missed" any part of the conversation not on your side.
You probably haven't noticed that I said I can only run one of the missions on your list from the savegames I've got. The others are either already completed or require completing several other missions before I could start them. I don't have time to replay the game just to get there.
10-12-2011 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman View Post
Negative. You take things out of context and referrs on the wrong situation.

Originally Posted by twillight View Post
- in Argentina another mindless agent is supposed to be carried over. He goes with his own mind, and all arriving enemy attacks HIM. Worst problem is, enemy comes from all direction. Any hint?
Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman View Post
using meta-knowledge etc.
Negative. Check Mission Argentina.

You conveniently "missed" any part of the conversation not on your side.
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