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Thread: Moebius - The Orb of Celestial Harmony Reply to Thread
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07-03-2013 05:15 AM
Incredible game...

I remember playing this on an old Commodore 64 system! It was ahead of its time back them. I played that game for untolled hours. While cleaning out my home office, some, what, 30 years later, I actually found the original game! The instruction book, the poster that was included of various fight scenes, even the headband that came with the game and...get this....the 5 1/4 floppy discs!! I was astonished and I had to find out if this game had stood the test of time and was still available. I can't believe I've actually found fellow gamers that remember this epic game!

06-04-2011 08:28 PM
CoarseDragon One of my favorite games from the C64 days.
08-10-2008 11:01 AM
Ninjorp Wow, I used to play this game for months on end on my Apple2. What an incredible imagination game designers had back then, and the games were much harder than now. Thanks for the memories.
10-06-2008 08:13 PM
OBMiT Hah.. Windwalker was one of my family's favorite RPGs.. (Well our favorites list would probably over a hundred, ANYWAYS) But I never played Moebius.. I knew about it, but could not find it back then.. Thanks Abandonia!! Now I can finally play it! And thanks JMB for the chart!
16-05-2008 12:16 AM
TheAnswer42 Hmmm, I actually considered that but I figured I must be doing something wrong. It is kind of a shame though, the lack of sound is very noticeable especially when walking around. Ah well, thanks for the reply.
14-05-2008 08:40 PM
Sebatianos Well, it is possible (acctually quite likely) that the PC port features no real music, since the game is quite old and most games had only PC speaker sound (which wasn't all that good usually). And the same goes for the mouse support.

At the time Amiga was a superior machine by far - remember we're talking late 80s here. PC was just getting on the level of C64 graphic-wise (although some games even earlier showed the great potencial PC had).

In other words, I couldn't get the game to run with music or mouse suport and automatically assumed the game never had these features - if anybody has a different experiance I'd be very happy to hear the sound.
14-05-2008 08:36 PM
Great Game! 2 Questions

I used to play this game on my Amiga so many years ago and I loved it. I got to the air realm, but was never able to complete the game, as soon as I saw it on Abandonia I downloaded it.

I am running it with Dosbox, I just unpacked it into a folder on my c: drive and ran the exe. The game runs just fine, and looks just like the amiga version but I have just 2 problems and havent found solutions to them.

First, the sound blows, it is all beeps and clicks. On the Amiga version when you kicked a guy it made a very satisfying CRACK sound, it also had music if I remember correctly. In the options, there is an entry for music but it doesnt seem to do anything. I tried to actually install the game by creating a new folder and installing to it. It keeps saying files not found.. I am perplexed. If anyone has successfully gotten Moebius to run with music and sound please let me know.

Second issue is no mouse support. The Amiga version had icons to click on during battle, and divination could be done via mouse. Once again, I am wondering if the game must be installed correctly in order for the mouse to work. I hope someone can answer please.

Sorry for the long post, this game truly was a gem of my childhood and I am very excited to get a chance to play it once again
13-05-2008 08:40 PM
Geezer From the Book of Moebius and reference card.

B-Bare hands; put sword away.

C-Communicate with character, press appropriate initial letter when Communication Menu appears.

D-Open or close door. Use movement keys to indicate direction of door.

E-Equip with sword, ie hold sword at ready.

F-Cast Fireball. Available only in shrines. Use movement keys to choose direction when indicated.

G-Get item or fresh water.

H-Hit with hammer if one has hammer.

L-Listen. Disciple's effective listening radius will improve with level increase.

M-Magic. Choose appropriate initial letter when Magic Menu appears. NOTE: "Utter Prayer" requires a period of fasting after which "Utter Prayer" must be selected again in order to activate a prayer. "Stop All" will end all magic in use at the time.

Q-Quit and Save game. Up to three adventures may be saved. You will be asked whether to update Book of Moebius. Doing so updates disciple's record in the roster. This is optional and is done automatically when moving between realms.

R-Restart at last saved position. NOTE: If disciple is killed in combat, Restart will not restore to position prior to combat.

S-Swing sword; to cut vegetation or attack adjacent character. Use movement keys to chose direction when indicated.

T-Throw shuriken, if one has shurikens. Use movement keys to chose direction when indicated. NOTE: If an opponent is right next to you, your shurikens will not be very effective.

U-Use item in inventory. Will turn torch on/off, if torch chosen. When inventory menu appears, press the appropriate initial letter to chose item.

V-View Maps. At Map Menu, press the appropriate initial letter of the map to be viewed. Pressing "Return" will return to the Map Menu. Pressing "Return" again will return to the game play. When viewing the Memory Map, use the movement keys to scroll map. Pressing 1-9 will adjust the scrolling rate of the map.

1 to 9-Set game speed. Slowest to fastest.

RETURN-Break and run during combat. Does not work in training. NOTE: The probability of successfully breaking and running from combat decreases with lowered dexterity. Return also exits from all menus and will cancel most of the adventuring commands (throw, swing, fireball etc).

F1-Pause game. Pressing F1 again will display Options and character Status during Adventure.

During combat ..
A-Long stride left
S-Long stride right
Z-Short step left
X-Short step right

Sword ..
I-Short upper swing
K-Short middle swing
,-Short lower swing
O-Long upper swing
L-Long middle swing
.-Long lower swing

Karate ..
I-High kick
K-Middle kick
,-Low kick
O-High punch
L-Middle punch
.-Low punch
13-05-2008 07:11 PM
Sabreman ... is that Burt Reynolds? :weird:
13-05-2008 06:40 PM
Sebatianos And I guess what you'll be doing soon, because guess which is the next game planned to be on Abandonia? :amused:
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