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Topic Review (Newest First)
23-11-2007 05:57 PM
velik_m The logo sucks. No other way of putting it. I wasn't too thrilled about the 3D logo, but coupled with that stick guy and small unreadable text, it's just awful.

The white looks good at the first glance, but it's too glaring when you spend more time with it. Something softer (light gray) would be nice.
23-11-2007 03:38 PM
and btw maybe you need glasses (i'm serious, not sarcastic), i run 1280x1024, sit at least 1 meter away from my 17' lcd and can read it.
It is extremely vague. The "Select language" balloon is sharp and readable, but without knowing what it says, the motto is pretty much unreadable from any normal distance with any normal eyesight (and yeah, I asked people besides myself to try and read it :P). It's probably an image artifact that can be fixed without much work.
That the guy is so isolated from the actual logo that he appears like a random image thrown in is another matter :P

And I do hope all this white will go away. It looks unfinished and chaotic (since it removes all structure between the images and items), and blinds my eye. No offense meant, but right now there's simply too much unused space in which the actual items just seem to float around a bit.
23-11-2007 01:38 PM
dosraider Oh, taste.
So many people so many different taste.
Some pay a fortune for a Picasso, I wouldn't want one in my home.

But maybe I will print out that little guy and frame it to hang it in my living.
23-11-2007 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Jacek Dobrzyniecki View Post
Yes, but "classic" doesn't mean "ugly". If this guy actually looked good, I could accept him, but he looks worse than some 8-bit computer sprites.

No, silly. I use 1024x768, and the text looks like this:

you are silly, the image changes with resolution so everybody will see it the way it's on the site.

and btw maybe you need glasses (i'm serious, not sarcastic), i run 1280x1024, sit at least 1 meter away from my 17' lcd and can read it.
23-11-2007 07:50 AM
I don't mind the logo or the little guy but the site has one thing I don't like: it looks as if it only half loaded. True story: when I loaded the new site for the first time, I thought the servers were so hammered that it didn't load any of the background images because I couldn't believe they would use so much white with no lines to create structure.

It actually looks a lot like one of those very early websites, when people were running on 28k modems and couldn't load lot of pictures so you had mostly text and little else.
Yes, the site looks very drab and bland at the point, but I presume it will be changed (especially since the adverts looks VERY bad on such an empty site).

23-11-2007 04:56 AM
red_avatar I don't mind the logo or the little guy but the site has one thing I don't like: it looks as if it only half loaded. True story: when I loaded the new site for the first time, I thought the servers were so hammered that it didn't load any of the background images because I couldn't believe they would use so much white with no lines to create structure.

It actually looks a lot like one of those very early websites, when people were running on 28k modems and couldn't load lot of pictures so you had mostly text and little else.

The title bar needs work though - the "dedicated to classic dosgames" line and the little guy shouldn't be there. It looks wrong - as if they just randomly put him there.

If you were to remove the "dedicated" guy (he gets repeated with the language thing anyway) and were to center the page, put black borders left and right, it would look a great deal better, more focussed.
23-11-2007 02:54 AM
JudgeDeadd Yes, but "classic" doesn't mean "ugly". If this guy actually looked good, I could accept him, but he looks worse than some 8-bit computer sprites.

the text is so "unreadable" cause you are retarded enough to have 23905823 x 239857239857 screen resolution.
No, silly. I use 1024x768, and the text looks like this:

22-11-2007 02:31 PM
dosraider Honnestly said, to choose between a little funny guy and some envasive flash animated crap, I choose the funny little guy.
This is afterall a classic games board.
22-11-2007 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by Morrin View Post
I like the new logo!
I don't, the old logo was better in my opinion. Besides, I liked the pixelated space invader that was there before much better than this line-figure.
Overall, I hope there will be much more work done on the site + forum yet because the current style is looking worse than the previous one in many ways. But then again, there've been dedicated people working on the previous version while this one was mostly constructed by some elsewhere-busy "high students", as much as I understand.
22-11-2007 10:00 AM
Tulac I liked the old logo better, though truth be told space invader wasn't one of the most original logo's. I like the nerdy guy, but I think overall design could use some more colors and some more elements maybe.
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