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Topic Review (Newest First)
22-08-2017 02:00 AM
Mystvan This was the first game I ever knew. I found it quite interesting, but without Walkthrough, you did not know what to do to continue playing. The curious thing is that the robot was a kind of triple changer similar to the Transformers.

Looking at the earlier posts above, it seems that the game is more complex than I imagined.

After many years, I had forgotten the name of this game and fortunately the Eagle of Fire (aka Phoenix) answered my question.
23-03-2010 02:55 PM
The Fifth Horseman Now sold at http://www.silmarils-collection.com/
15-05-2008 05:07 PM

Ok friends i had this game and i terminated when i was 10 in a disk and back then was working every zip file i had from the internet i been stuck in 3 level with the pipes im asking from the other who are in 3lvl pyramid and they say they are far from the othersp after that pyramid3 YOU will meet arod 7 if i remember him correctly he will be a giant skull and he will have a hole witch gonna change in every action >>>example if he has a picture of the tridend shift...3 then you must do that and so going on by finishing quickly every action of the 3 robots you have and then he explodes and you are sitting in his throne holding his skull and looking at it .....BUT I MUST ASK HOW DID YOU PASS THE LVL3 WITH THE FIRES THE GAME IS GLOYCING IN THE FIRST ROOM !!!!!!!! ARGGGGGGG IN EVERY ZIP FILE I GOT FROM INTERNET
04-05-2007 08:30 PM
Reactor Greetings. I wrote a big and useful FAQ and Walkthrough for this game, which y'might see at faqs.ign.com
It contains some minor spelling mistakes, since I am Hungarian, but this is the best walkthrough for the game, wit' all solutions. Check it out if y'interested in.
17-09-2006 05:04 PM
Guest Just finished this game this morning.. it was hell..

nevermind the music is scratchy, half the time, no sound comes out at all. I got really lucky a few times and solved it within 2-3 guesses.

1st guardian.. I hate it so much.. just as you're about to cyborg blade it, it pushes you away.. I got lucky this time.

mirror image.. easy.. use dino bite.
2nd guardian use dino shield and approach closer, and then while its still firing, switching to cyorg and blade it.

Oh the termite. you MUST get up as close as possible, or its breath will hurt you. only fire tank diagonaly when you're right up close.
3rd guardian is a joke. get up close next to it. if it pulls sword up, take a step back. if it lets down the shield, cyborg blade and take a step back.

The ghost.. OMG.. what a pain. Found best strategy is to jump to the right side of the room, switching to tank, and whenever the ghost is appearing, move backwards, to avoid its kicks/blows. when its at missle height level, shoot missle and puff its gone. And the 4th last guardian, you have to get the timing of the dino hypno eyes right. If you press keyboard too fast, dino will hypno eye slower. Need to get optimal rhythm.

FINALLY A SAVE POINT. I thought I would go insane with that music puzzle. AROD's guardian is a joke. Alternate dino shields and approach, until you are as close as possible. Then do the cyborg lighting move. Yay, the last upgrade.. hyper-speed... you definetly need it. Little icons show up of the moves you're supposed to do. Do them very quickly, or else AROD kills you with missles. The moves are:

DINO-SHIELDS (you can rest in this state for a while, it pauses AROD. When turning off shields, change robot form... dont walk forwards.. it will prevent you in future from doing cyborg jump!)
DINO-BEE (looks like insect.. also pauses AROD)


TANK RADAR (looks like a bubble)

when you do them all quickly enough you pass the game!!
16-09-2006 11:32 PM
Guest Good thing I'm already at the end..

here are some guides/solutions:

16-09-2006 10:54 PM
Guest listen really carefully, so you lose very little health on the music puzzle. First guardian which pushes you away, step in and back out, and wait till it does the repeated shoving move. Then get in there and cyborg blade it. Mirror puzzle you lose no health. And the 2nd guardian just walk in close fast and 1 cyborg blade does the trick.

Now, if you have about half the health, you stand a chance against the termite. Walk in as cyborg, jump up close, immediately switch to tank as it tries to claw you, and start shootin diagonally up at the heart. YOU MUST BE POSITIONED AS CLOSE TO IT AS POSSIBLE TO HIT IT. Otherwise the bullets will fly close by but miss.

Yay, I passed the termite. 3rd guardian has a shield. Surprisingly easy. Use same tactic as for 1st guardian. Immediately if you see the sword come up, step back. Rinse and repeat. Ok, here it is afterwards:

Now, the 4th pyramid is a ghost you have to defeat. I got like 0.001 health left so didn't get far. Cybrog blade/fork doesnt hurt it. But, bullets do. Quickly move around in tank, and try to shoot it. You will need at least 3 direct shots. Becareful if it materializes right over you. Switch to cyborg and jump away.

15-09-2006 08:59 PM
15-09-2006 08:35 PM
I'm currently completely stuck at the 3rd Pyrimid. I just cant seem to get closer to that "thing" to shoot it under its arm at its heart. The second pyrimid is almost way too easy, though the first one with that sound listening idea is a real pain in the rear end... no way you can finish the game with out sound.. Playing on the pc system speaker is just a pain! [/b]
we're both stuck in the same spot now.. I think we are the further into the game of anybody

The sound fades in and out and its pretty poor.. perhaps my system is too weak: I'm running this game with Athlon64 @2.5Ghz and 2GB of Windbond BH5 @ 240Mh 2-2-2-5. I thinks it a little overkill for this game
15-09-2006 08:19 PM
Guest oK, after many many tries, I finally made it through the pipes.
Start on level1 and take out the grave digger (cyborg blade) and whip robot (cyborg blade). Hopefully you still have half your health left!

leave all the level1 gates as they are for now.
go back to basement and go to level 3. take out the gravedigger and the flying shark. close the first valve, open the second.

go back to basement and go to level 2. take out the gravedigger. close both the first and second valve.

go back to basement, take out that flying psycho saucer with dino psycho eye, and open first valve, and close second.

now go back to level1 and close the first, and open the second.

here is gates initial setup:
3 O C
2 C O
1 C C
0 C O

and here is what you need:
3 C O
2 C C
1 C O
0 O C

make sure to close both level2 valves, and the first level1 valve before opening any others!!

next screen you have to fly your dino bee through the pipework (in the blind) to get to opposite end and flip the switch. having headphones to hear the bee hit a wall helps immensely.

a few more flying sharks, and you're at the teleporter and the new "purple world". Your health is probably virutally 0 so its good there is a save point here.

Some "yoga" sends you on quest through 5 pyramids.
The music one is tought, even with headphones. Not sure if the melodies are random, but here are the ones I've come across so far:
2 5 7 6 7, 6 7 6 2 6, 4 2 5 7 1 and 7 6 4 4 6
teleporter guardian robot with axe is easy.. just get in and cyborg blade it 4-5 times.

2nd pyramid you get on teleporter and a mirror image of you shows up. I used dyno bite. it worked well. DONT try tank missle.. you will blow BOTH yourself up. The teleporter guardian here causes lots of damage. get in quick and dyno bite or cyborg blade it.

Now, I'm stuck in the 3rd pyramid. Yoga asks if I like termiites... hmmm... never really tasted them, but I hate that giant bug.

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