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Topic Review (Newest First)
25-01-2016 01:04 PM
Enemy starvation

I played this game til it came out of my ears back in 1991. I loved it except for one thing - the enemy tends to neglect their own cities in terms of buying grain, so by the tenth year, the enemy cities start to starve. After a while, the game gets too easy, as the enemy armies weaken, lose morale, and the enemy cities start joining my realm, one after another. I have to end up buying grain for the enemy so they don't starve and get weak, so they can remain as some kind of challenge. The first five years or so are the best, because the fighting is fierce, and it is a good challenge while the enemy troops are not starving.
06-12-2011 08:32 PM

Do anyone have the passwords for this game?
21-01-2007 06:26 PM
Guest Looks like civilization, just real-time and not as complicated. Excellent game.
10-03-2006 04:10 AM
Aramax Here you go.

Realsm Doxs by Inc Dox Division

In a moment that lasted forever, a bolt of living energy shot from the heavens,
spanning the great divide of eternity.

As the kings funeral ship sailed west, the young heir reflected on the sad
events that had recently overtaken his people, `once again, famine, poverty and
war thrive in a world that is now divided`. once again, each realm vies to
become the ultimate power... he mused.

In a fit of rage, the heir raised his fist to the skies, swearing vengeance.
His mind in turmoil, he appealed to the nordic gods for justice, as if in
answer to his cry, the growing storm clouds replied with a deafening clash of

Blinded by grief, the heir failed to notice the clouds billow and gradually
change their shape to the form of the great god wotan.

In a moment that lasted forever, a bolt of living energy shot from the heavens,
spanning the great divide of eternity. all sound was lost as the devine
messenger cut an electric path towards oblivion.

The heir stared in awe as the pure force, silenced by its speed hurtled towards
him. a billion volts burned into his wrist and flowed over and through his
body, and yet he felt no pain...only the unprecedented power of the heavenly

For an instant he stood between 2 worlds overwhelmed by visions of ages past
and every possible future, the reality superimposed on the image of the present
...then it faded leaving only what was and what shall be.

With a final burst of cosmic force, the symbolof the serpent materialised and
the heir understood. his divine mandate to rule firmnly in his grasp, the high
king turned to face his cowering people....

`there can only be one`.

Summary of the objects
Running realms
Gameplay flow
The eight worlds of realms

Running realms.
Realms is a simulation of a mythical world where cities strive for dominance at
any cost. The player controls an empire. a realm with the immediate goal of
survival and the ultimate objective of ruling the known world and its
multi-racial population of elves, dwarfes, orcs, amazons and humans. The means
of domination may be fair or foul, just make sure that the only realm ramaining
to rule supreme is yours...

Gameplay flow...
Realms is represnted through 6 types of display from which key functions are
activated. The following diagram shows how the displays interact...

[ battle ]
[ screen ]
[ ]
---------------- ---------------- ----------------
[ inside ] [ playfield ] [ army screen ]
[ fortress ]----[ ]---[ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]
---------------- ---------------- ----------------
[ [
---------------- ----------------
[ disk ] [ city screens ]
[ operation ]----[ ]
[ ] [ ]
---------------- ----------------

The 8 worlds of realms.
Realms offers 8 wildly different scenarios to play. when realms is first
loaded, an introductry scenario is automatically included. only 2 races are
present here; elves and orcs

To access the 7, increasingly difficult scenarios, simply make use of the load
facility found on the disk operations screen. (see disk operations)

The 3 kingdoms.
Theres only one thing orcs hate more than dwarves - and thats elves. all three
races are found in this scenario.

Island realms.
This introduces the essential use of ships. amazons, humans and vikings are the
races found here.

The great divide.
An island sea divides 2 continents populated by barbarians, orcs, dwarves and

The isles of chaos.
The isle of chaos is a sea faring realm, dwarves, barbarians, orcs and elves
fight it out in this land.

The northlands.
Scandinavia is revisited with amazons, dwarves, barnarians and vikings.

The eastern isles.
A string of islands inhabited by vikings, amazons, orcs, elves and dwarfes.

Realms of the west.
Mind your back - some cities are a little to close together for comfort! make
the most of the orcs, elves, dwarves, barbarians and amazons.

Mouse......ensure that a compatible mouse is plugged into its usual hole..
Amiga joystick 1 port. The atari st port marked one or the pc-compatibles
relevant interface.

Not available on the amiga or atari st.

Not available on the amiga and atari st.

Convenience keys.
Quit......... F10
Quit to dos...Esc

There are 2 ways of activating functions in realms, both of them via a pointer
which usually looks like this --->

The select pointer.
The select pointer is for selecting functions. (note that the pointer changes
shape when cartain functions are active...see pointers for further details)

The first method of activating a function is the most `traditional` and that
the use of icons, or small pictures representing the functions in question.

The other method of activating a function is more direct. simply point to a
charcter or object on the playfield(see the playfield) and press mousebutton.

Pointer 1(-->) the select pointer, select a funtion
Pointer 2( o ) the focus circle pointer. view in more detail an area
Pointer 3( x ) the target pointer. select a target

Inside the fortress.
Develope the overall strategy and monitor its progress from here.

Bottom of screen left to right....

Icon 1 - disk - disk access
Icon 2 - face - armies
Icon 3 - diamond - tax access
Icon 4 - ok - focus
Icon 5 - cross on up down cursor- tax alteration
Icon 6 - money icon 1 - tax rate
Icon 7 - money icon 2/3/4 - treasury

Top of screen far right

Icon 1 - scales -

The world map (screen to the right of inside the fortess screen)
The known world is shown in relief form. any realms in existence are also shown
here but as circular markers.

The largest marker represents the realms capital city. The cities comprising the
players realm are yellow and are always shown on this map. as are the capital
cities of the other realms. friendly cities are shown as blue markers, white
enemy cities are red.

The cities of the realm are displayed on the map by pointing the arrow at a
capital city and pressing either mouse button. The landscape area last viewed by
the player is shown by a white marker

Disk operations (bottom left) no 1 icon - is access the disk operations

Armies (bottom left) no 2 icon - displays on the world map the where
abouts odf each realms armies. only the armies of the chosen realm will be
shown. simply select the capital city of a realm to see the position of its
armies. (note that the chosen realms cities are automaticlly shown when a
capital city is selected) a second press of the mouse button while pointing to
this icon turns off the display.

Tax routes (bottom left) no 3 icon - a realm comprises of at least one
city and has a capital to which flows all tax aquired from other cities within
the realm. selecting this icon will show on the map the tax flow from city to
city and ultimately the capital city for a the realm currently selected.

Taxes from cities not connected to the capital city do not reach it and cannot
be spent. if a tax route is severed, the cities will attempt to divert tax, but
may not take the best route.

The empire can be streamlined by changing the tax flow routes. with the tax
route indicator active, point to the players capital city and press mouse
button. point to any city within the players realm and press a mouse button -
the tax route will change to the next to the next available route but only if
an alternative is available. no change means there are no alternative route is
possible. a city may be completely cut off and so be incapable of forming any
routes at all, in which case the player should conquer adjacent cities to
relink the stranded one.

Focus (bottom left) no 4 icon - the player is not a diety and so
lacks omniscience. The player does however have the gift of far sight - the
ability to view anywhere within the known world. press a mouse button while the
arrow points to this icon - the arrow will change into a focus circle

The focus circle pointer / number 2 pointer ( o )
Move the focus circle pointer to any position on the map and press a mouse
button to view in greater detail the desired area(see the playfield)

To turn off the focus circle pointer, simply click on the focus icon.

Tax rate alteration (bottom left) icon 5 - increase or decrease the tax rate.
the pile of coins to the immediate right of this icon will grow or shrink by
one coin every alteration. The scales to the top right of the screen(icon 1) of
this display will alter too, to show the predicted tax effect achieved.

Tax rate. (bottom left) number 6 icon - shows the current rate of tax.
the greater the quantity of coins, the higher the tax rate. each coin
represents 10 per cent of a cities total produce.

Treasury (bottom left) icon 7 - these 4 piles of coins represent the
treasury of the players realm. This comprises the balance of all taxes and
other monies and grain which have reached the capital city. a single coin
represents the pay of one thousand men for a year on the lowest possible pay,
or it could feed 4 thousand people for a year depending on grain prices.

Treasury (again) these show wether the tax accrued from the players realm can
support its armies. The tax is represented by the coins on the left hand
side, while the armies are represented are represented by the soldier in the
right hand scale, when the scale holding the soldier is lower than that holding
the coins, the realms total income is not sizeable enough to support the armies
and money is lost each season. when the scale holding the coins is lower then
the realms income is large enough to support armies and so the treasury will
grow. The predicted tax change which determines the status of these scales is
based on the amount collected in the previous season. note that if cities are
won or lost or their links severed from the tax route then this may not be the
amount of tax actually collected.

**** The playfield ****
Time runs and events occur only when this view is employed. activity in the
world is halted when any other view is in use.

(A brief description by me on this screen)

This screen has a smaller screen inserted in it on the top left hand corner
which is the world map. under this are 2 sets of icons. . i`ll describe these
as middle 3 icons and bottom 2 icons. .

Middle icon 1...(on left) exit to map
Middle icon 2...(middle ) select unit last used
Middle icon 3...(right ) message crystal ball

Bottom icon 1...(on left) focus
Bottom icon 2...(middle ) view units

Underneath these the lenght of the screen is the message scroll, and thats the
lot for this description.

Playfield icons.

Tower icon................ . a city

Tower icon with a flag.... . here an army unit is barracked inside the walls of
the city in question. such an army unit cannot be attacked directly without the
city being sieged first, but it can be selected by the player.

Man icon................... a single man represents an army of up to 1000 men

Man on horse icon.......... a cavalry unit of upto 1000 men

Tent icon..................an army camping out in the open

An anchor icon............. a port

Ship icon..................a fleet of troops travelling on water. if there are
no sails showing, then the ship is anchored.

Shield icon................ an army sieging a city

Viewing the landscape.
There are 2 means to this end. to move the landscape over the short distances,
point to one of the 4 surrounding edges of display.

The second method is best used to move greater distances at speed, simply point
to the desired location on the small map in the top left hand corner of the
display then press the mouse button. The main landscape display will show the
position marked by the white square in the small map. press and hold down a
mouse button then move the mouse to `pull` the white square around the small
map and continually affect the main landscape accordingly.

The land types. 6 distinctive types of land comprise the playfield.
Grassland....... is smooth and green
Forest.......... is more than contoured than the grassland
Desert.......... is barren and brown
Rock............is barren and brown
Cultivated land. is brown with visible plough furrow marks
Snow............is understandably white

World map (inserted and top left) of playfield
This half size map of the known world shows only the cities. (remember that tax
routes and armies are viewed via the main map inside the castle/fortress) the
small white square indicates the area of land shown in isometric form to the

Message crystal ball. (middle icon 3/playfield)
The players realm and subjects communicate via this crystal ball. The player
will be informed of the outbreak of plague, famine and so on. These messages are
ignored at the players peril.

When a message is waiting to be read, the crystal ball will sparkle. .
to view a message in the scroll at the bottom of the screen, point to the
sparkling crystal ball and press a mouse button. The landscape view is
immediately positioned to the sender so immediate action can be taken. beware
that messages are queued but may be lost if unread for too long.

Messages regarding battles are shown inside the crystal ball as a pair of
note;that battle related messages take priority over all others. simply point
to the swords and press a mouse button to go straight to the battle(see the
battle screen). The player may wish to avoid the battle with the penalty of not
receiving any other messages until the fight is over.

Message scroll. (full length at the bottom of the playfield screen)
Information displayed here concerns the state of play and items on the
playfield. point an arrow to an object on the playfield and a description is
given on this scroll, any messages from units or cities are displayed in
preference. a message read from the ball disappears from the scroll after
approximately 5 seconds. alternatively, point the arrow to the scroll and press a
mouse button to remove a message from the scroll.

Exit to map. (middle icon/number 1/playfield)
Point here and press a mouse button to return inside the castle/fortress

Select last unit used. (middle icon/number 2/playfield)
Point here and press a mouse button to view the last commanded unit. This is
useful for checking on the progress of a unit or to see if it has obeyed its
orders, especially when a target is situated in another part of the world.

Focus. (bottom icon/number1/playfield)
The players far sight extends further. point here and press a mouse button to
change the arrow into a focus circle pointer. now touch any unit or city on the
main playfield and press a mouse button to view in greater detail.

View units. (bottom icon/number2/playfield)
Point to either arrow and press a mouse button to view in turn each lead unit
(the one followed by other units) the arrow pointing up searches in 1
direction, the arrow pointing down in the other.

Unit functions.
A unit can be ordered and thus moved when the pointer is an arrow. point to the
unit to be moved and press a mouse button. The arrow will change to a target
pointer thus...( x )

To show the unit has been selected it will be highlighted. point to the target
be it a map location, city or another unit, and press a mouse button. The
pointer will change back to an arrow to show that the order has successfuly
executed. (the target will not be selected until the mouse button is pressed, so
movement around the landscape can be achieved as previously detailed. The other
screens are also accessible. )

To cancel the operation simply point to the chosen unit and press a mouse
button, all followers also obey new orders unles they are loyal.

A man can be targeted on anything but sea, a ship , on the other hand can only be
targeted on sae, beach or port. if a man is ordered. , to move to a travelling
ship or an impossible target he will try his best to reach it before giving up
and attempting to return home.

Any unit of men can travel by sea if it first enters a port. ports are
represented by a castle with an anchor. point to the flag outside the port and
press a mouse button then select the destination in the same manner.
the men will walk to the seawhere they are replaced by a ship. The ship will
then sail to the selected destination. note;that navigation is poor and the
ships will follow the coastline, if ships are required to sail large distances
or awkward routes they may get lost and further assistance will be needed.

When a ship reaches a port iyt is replaced by a unit of men. note that you can
target these men on the port from which they came, but any other sea operation
requires the possession of and entry to a port city.
note also, that fleets which meet other fleets on their own journey may fight
independently of the player.

Large armies can be built by ordering troops to follow each other. Its
favourable to build up large armeis to invade enemy territory, especially as
its easier to control a few large armies rather than dozens of individual
units. The positioning of large armies will be strategic. The easiest way to
build an army is to target units on a city. all units in the city will form a
single army which can be ordered out of the city by selecting any flag.
by trageting the leader onto an opossing army the trail of troops will close
for battle. when enemy units collide and only a few units are involved a
skirmish results, casualties are immediately calculated and one side may
retreat. if many units are involved in battle then the battle screen is
presented so the player can act as general and order individual units(see the
battle screen)

Own unit.
The men will form a larger army. from then on, only the leader has to be
targetted. The army will split if units are forced to retreat by an enemy.

Enemy unit.
The men will intercept the enemy, laying siege if they are inside a city.

The men will attack the siegers

The men will enter their own city, merging with any other units already
there. during its stay, the army recoups morale and recruits. if the city belongs
to anoither realm, the men will lay siege. if the men were already sieging a
city they will storm the walls. This can prove costly if the city is well
defended but it is a quick means of winning a city.

Selecting a man and selecting a target will cause that man to become a leader
of troops following him in the chain.

The army screen. . (i`ll give a description again -there are 3 sets of 2 icons to
the bottom right of the screen. . i`ll call them top icons 1/2 - middle icons 1/2
and bottom icons 1/2) description give left to right (icon 1 left of screen)

Right here goes. . army screen;

Scroll at top of the screen...unit description.

Icon at middle right of screen (just above the 3 sets of 2 icons) adjust units

Top icon 1......buy armour
Top icon 2......buy weapon
Middle icon 1...buy missile
Middle icon 2...buy shield
Bottom icon 1...disband unit
Bottom icon 2...exit screen

This screen is shown when an army is formed or selected. The text accompanying
the picture of the warrior type details the units size, capability and morale.
Equipment is bought from the stores to the far right, and the pay and
recruitment details are adjusted. it is down to the player to decide wether the
unit is to be highly paid elite or rough and ready but cheap and disposable. or
somewhere in between. note;that enemy forces can be viewed but not tampered

The different races have different skills with different weapons. note;that
some weapons conflict, for example, a bowman is encumbered with a shield. when it
comes to equipping troops its not merely a matter of buying the most expensive
equipment. The best armies will have specialised units, some fast and light
others slow and deadly and so on...

Treasury. (bottom left of the army screen)
Reveals the quantity of cash currently available to the player.

Equipment price. (left of screen next to the bottom 2 icons right of screen)
The current price of new equipment, in tens and units. as equipment is
bought, the picture of the warrior is altered accordingly.

Buy armour. (helmet armour is top icon 1)
Helmets and body armour are available. point here and press a mouse buttonthe
possible combinations;helmet/body armour, helmet and body armour, no armour, note
that an armoured unit move slower in battle but have a better defence.

Buy weapon. (top icon 2)
Point here and press a mouse button to view the available weapons;short
sword, long sword, axe and warhammer.

Short sword; standard light weapon, effective in close combat

Long sword; favourite hand weapon of the elves, heavier hitting power

Axe; deadly weapon in the hands of a dwarf, has great effect against armoured

Warhammer; favoured by both the dwarves and orcs, cumbersome but deadly against

Buy missile. (middle icon 1)
Point here and press a mouse button to view the available missiles;bows and
arrows, javelin and spear.

Bows and arrows; ten shots, long range.
Javelin; 2 shots, destroy enemy shields, medium range.
Spear; single shot, destroy enemy shields, low range but cause the most danage.

Buy shield. (middle icon 2)
Point here and press a mouse button to view the available shield
types. wicker, wooden and bronze.

Wicker; light and effective against armour
Wooden;heavy, but provide reasonable defensive cover.
Bronze;heavy, but provides the best cover.

Disband unit. (bottom icon 1)
Point here and press a mouse button to disband a unit(bear in mind that the men
will join a city`s population) the operation is cancelled with a second press
of a mouse button while pointing here.

Exit screen. (bottom icon 2)
Point here and press amouse button to return to the previous screen. at this
point all purchases are made and the price deducted from the treasury.
note;the screen cannot be left if the treasury cannot support the
purchases. some items will have to be discarded.

Adjust units pay. (icon on its own above top icons 1/2)
Point to either arrow and press a mouse button to raise or lower a units
pay. between 0-5 coins. The pay is shown in the palm of the hand between the 2
arrows. note;that the low paid units have a low morale and replacements are not
easily recruited. a gem represents payment from looting cities instead of wage.
the unit will expect regular looting sessions so beware.

City screen.
Again i`ll try describe this screen as best i can so bear with me)

Bottom left of screen; treasury(shown as pile of coins)
Bottom 2nd left; select option
Bottom middle of screen; current option
Bottom middle right(next to current option);option cost (another pile of coins)
Bottom right 2nd from end; 2 cursors icon/view option
Bottom of screen far right; exit icon

There are 2 ways of viewing a city in detail, either use the gift of far
sight (see main display)or simply point to a city on the main landscape and
press a mouse button. remember that a brief description of the city will be
given in the panel at the bottom of the screen when the arrow points to it.

The unique picture of the city shows its size, which changes accordingly as the
city grows and declines. a small city may comprise little more than a few mud
huts. as it grows, walls and larger more solid building will appear. eventually
the city will expand to encompass public buildings, temples and even palaces.

The text at the top of the screen details the state of the city shown. note;that
the text changes to reflect the option shown at the bottom of the screen.

With a city viewed in detail there are many options available.

Treasury. (bottom left corner)
Reveals the amount of cash curently available to the player.

Current option. (bottom of the screen/middle)
Reveals the option currently selected by the player, and is complemented by the
options cost screen(next to it on the screen).

View option. (2nd from the end bottom right of screen)
Point to either of the arrows and press the mouse button to view all available
options. not all options detailed below will be available. - only those which
can be used are shown, and this is not cost dependant. The options depend on
whose city ois being viewed and change accordingly to the situation.

Select option. (2nd on the left next to treasury option)
This arrow head shows the direction of the cash flow - simply either to or from
the treasury. simply point to this arrow head(the text option or cost display)
and press a mouse button to select the option displayed. The cost of the option
is deducted from the treasury. if the option costs too much a message to that
effect is displayed in place of the option description. once an option is
bought, it may not be immediately available again.

Option cost.
This varies depending on the nature of the option, taking over a city, for
example, costs nothing-initially, at least, as thereafter the player has an extra
city to manage.

Point here and press the left hand mouse button to return to the previous
screen. alternatively, point anywhere else on the screen and press the right hand
mouse button.

Big arrows. (right hand side of the screen)
Neighbouring cities are indicated by these silver-gold coloured arrows either
side of the screen, with the name of the cities shown beneath the arrows. The
silver arrows belong to the cities that are not part of the players realm. The
gold arrows are for cities within the players realm. This provides a useful
shortcut to check on several cities without returning to the main display.
simply point to the relevant titled arrow and press a mouse button.

The buy options.
The price of a years worth of seeds for the current population is shown, beware
of price fluctuations. Remember;if a population is increasing, the grain may
not last as long as expected.

Allows growth to continue. whenever this option is chosen an area of land is
cleared and planted. eventually a city will reach its maximum size and there
will be no more land. land automatically falls out of production if the
population falls and so will have to be recultivated. cultivated land can be
seen on the main display.

The cost of cleaning up the city and caring for the sick is shown. This option
may have to be used several times if a plague has struck the city. note that
plague quickly affects crowded cities and spreads along the trade routes.

Build city; a standard cost is shown for encouraging new citizens to the city.

Wooden walls; the full cost is shown, but they take time to build.

Stone walls;
These are expensive and take longer to complete than wooden walls
but they provide the best protection against looters. The erection of stone
walls can be begun before the wooden walls are complete.

Pay tribute;
A sieging army may demand a tribute to leave. The size of the tribute depends
on the relationship between their realm and the players. a payment may relieve
the siege but they may soon be back for more.

Recruit army;
The text at the top of the screen details the qwuality of the next 1000 troops
available. The recruitment cost shown is the basic cost for basic training and
the cheapest equipment. when the option is chosen the army screen is
displayed. (see the army screen)

Recruit cavalry;
This is similar to the army option except a horse regiment is formed. note;that
some races make better horsemen than others.

The take options;
The amount of tax that can be raised is shown, this is taken directly from the
people and never proves popular, so only use the citizen levy for instant cash
in emergencies.

Take tribute;
When sieging an enemy city, the player may be offered a tribute to end the
siege. accepting this tribute automatically sends the players troops home.

Surrender options;
If a city surrenders following a siege, the following options are available.

Loot city;
The city is left untouched but its wealth is taken in a civilised manner.

Ravage city;
The army is given freedom to pillage the city. This works wonders for the
army`s morale but enrages the enemy.

Raze city;
The ultimate sanction. The city`s people are sold, the buildings are burned and
all the wealth taken.The enemy will take time to recover and will more often
than not desire -vengeance!!!-

Annexe city;
The best option of all for reducing the enemy`s strength and improving the
players - provided the money and men are available. This costly exercise
enrages the enemy but the people may be more appreciative depending on how they
have been treated in the past.

Battle screen (again i`ll try my best to describe it)

Top of screen is the armies morale.

There are 5 icons at the bottom of the screen, i`ll detail them from left to
right and number them icons 1 - 5,

Icon 1 - order attack
Icon 2 - change formation
Icon 3 - rotate unit
Icon 4 - rotate unit
Icon 5 - fire missile

In the right hand corner, is the troop type also right hand corner just above
troop type is your troop factors.

Shown as in line 1 (swords) attack factor
Shown as in line 2 (shields) defence factor
Shown as in line 3 (arrows) missile quantity
Shown as in line 4 (helmets) troop quantity

Full scale battle takes place against a backdrop similar to that used for the
main landscape display. army units are shown as groups of men which move
realistically over the contours. before the fighting takes place, the units from
both sides march one at a time onto the field and take up position. The units
are positioned in either a centre of flank position depending on their
strengths. The faster or missile bearing troops will take flanks and the
heaviest troops the centre.

The outcome of the battle depends on tactical elements and not just the size of
the armies. terrain position is also a factor - units on high ground have an

The proper battle will not begin until the command is issued. This gives the
player time to view troops on both sides and form a strategy. note; that extra
units may enter the battle after it has begun.

A unit is selected by pointing to its flag-bearer leader and pressing a mouse
button. information about enemy enemy units is shown to the left of the
screen, while information about the player`s units is shown to the right.

Flags represent morale of each side and change as the battle progresses. The
lower the flag, the lower the army`s morlae. unoits will take the initiative of
routing or retreating if their morale is brocken. routing units may cause other
units to rout also.

Order attack. (icon 1/bottom left)
Point here and press a mouse button to order the attack to begin. The order
charge will change to a bugle.

Point to (icon 2) and press a mouse button to sound the retreat. note; that if a
players morale is significantly low they may well take the intiative to retreat
before the fighting begins. The decision to retreat can be reversed by
re-ordering an attack, however the units which have already left the battlefield
will not return.

Fire missile. (icon 5)
First point to the unit armed with missiles then press a mouse button. The icon
will highlight. now point to the target and press a mouse button. The chosen
unit will unleash a missile attack in the targets direction. note;that is is
possible to kill the players own troops.

Rotate unit. (icon/s 3 and 4)
First, point at the unit and press a mouse button. now point to the required
direction of turn and poress a mouse button until the unit faces the correct

Change formation. (icon 2)
First, point to a unit and press a mouse button. now point here and press a mouse
button to change the formation.

Wedge; the best attack formation.

Phalanx; a good all round formation.

Line; useful for plugging gaps to hold the enemy.

Square; the best defensive formation.

Ordering troops.
Once initiated, the battle takes place in real time. casualties are calculated
to reflect combat skills, armour and weapon types. and races of the troops.
the direction the troops face and their relative heights are also taken into
account. Troops are ordered to move in much the same way as they are on the
main landscape display. point to the unit leader and press a mouse button - the
arrow will change into a movement pointer. point this at the target, be it on
land or a unit and press a mouse button. The unit will then move. note; that
friendly units pass through each other but move slower.

Disk operations.
This screen gives you the saving/loading situations and is pretty self
explantory. . so learn it yerself. . i`ve given you what you need to play the
08-03-2006 12:43 PM
Aramax Searched everywhere for a manual for Realms without sucess.

Seems it's missing from the world wide web.

If someone got it, fell free to add it to some manual web page or something. It would be appreciated.
12-09-2005 02:03 PM
plague Nice game, but it doesn't cause an addiction. Which means that it isn't good enough to be one of my favorites.
05-09-2005 08:40 PM
Guest_Redhornet Anyone know where a manual to this game is?
03-09-2005 01:34 PM
riven311 and i get the lines in the map too....i will try it on DOSbox....i just dont like it
03-09-2005 11:51 AM
Originally posted by riven311@Sep 2 2005, 05:22 PM
good game but i cant get VGA to work... all i get is a lot of lines? can some one help me?? :help:
Mmm.. I had those lines only during the opening section, after that it was ruuning fine. I assume you're usimg XP to run, 'cause in DosBoX everything works okay k:
03-09-2005 10:49 AM
Micronaut Graphics work ok here on XP SP2, no sound, but I'm working on VDMS.

This game stole so many hours of my life back on the Amiga in '91. Download it and run on WinUAE for the best experience IMHO.

This is what RTS is all about. No spending hours balancing the population and social dynamics of your city whilst pandering to the whims of your allies. Build an army and batter your neighbours into the ground. If only they would make Realms 2. :Titan:
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