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28-12-2010 05:14 AM
arete Oh well, that's just annoying.
27-12-2010 09:36 PM
73h_p0W Hey guys!

I was surfing the site, saw it and downloaded it, kicked it into my D-Fend Reloaded and shooted some aliens!

Until I noticed something...

Why does a 1978 game have Sound Blaster support?

I did some more resarch (MobyGames.com) and found this game in the Space Invaders clones section named by Invaders 1978. Classic Retro Games has it listed also here!

Seems like the release has to be corrected in some cases like the year being 1996. It was released and developed by "James Eibish" and originally mail ware that became freeware later.
04-12-2009 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by DarthHelmet86 View Post
That wall of text killed my brain, can anyone tell me if it actually has anything do to with Space Invaders? What I can read seems to just be random to me.
It would've been removed by mods if it wasn't.
04-12-2009 02:53 PM
DarthHelmet86 That wall of text killed my brain, can anyone tell me if it actually has anything do to with Space Invaders? What I can read seems to just be random to me.
04-12-2009 02:47 PM
awace, you need a new keyboard.
Your shift and enter keys are borked.
04-12-2009 12:18 PM
awace You just selected the newer taito or the version that had a color monitor still composite but some taito cabinets had color and some had colorform vynal overlays .
I have the original Sit down Midways Space invaders the glass says Bally®
and it has a deluxe rom set in it now I will someday change it back to original space invaders but need a Intel ds3245 no not the chip set but a 197x chip..
I love space invaders played in 1979 got my finger print stuck to coin counter
at trolhauggen ski area and later 25 years later bought same game from my freind weird huh anyway coin counter has been gutted and all sounds work when i got it eyes were shoted out and had lines going threw them I spent $300 on boards on ebay and $70 on lm3900's all eight of them also it has a 74677 texas instraments melody chip so the sounds come from capacitors and resistors and the lm3900 chips not samples the melody chip makes melodys from actual analog sounds like a mini moog keyboard witch is almost exactly like space invaders exept for the knobs(pots{poteniometers}) on a moog the space invaders sound board uses ne556 chips a 555 chip timer chip to control the sound speed not the rom program the program speeds up but the sound has to finish before the screen is drawn is the whole system is like the old airport boards for flight info the system uses a 8080A chip NOW the intel chip blows up easyer than a amd chip even though the amd chip is a intel part now intel makes there own chips and does not part them out to amd anymore... since 2001 cross licence patent agreement between intel and amd amd nolonger makes intel chips they get bones once and a while and amd gets some nvidia stuff and intel uses nvidia chipsets so they can get info from amd on 3dnow and power now they share but intel will always have more l2 cache but amd chips are FASTER Still I had my nvidia 6100 sm-m2 board and it was faster than a p 4 a amd 64 athalon non am2+ am2 chip is faster and as fast as a core duo the core duo is not as fast as the amd chip its the nvidia that makes it fast using unreal tournament the board goes same speed in 64bit windows as 32 bit but in 16 bit and 32 bit I wonder weather in unreal 1999 weather it even does any thing but the sounds in space invaders on original equipment is always awesome and great cause it is REAL sounds w caps and op amps and resistors and sounds differnt every sound cause its real not dsp digital its analog not dsp wave samples!!!!
this is what makes an original space invaders MIDwAY game so mutch fun nothing compares to the LOUD thump noise or the alien hit noise . I also figured out unhook center tap wire from tilt slam switch and hook it to chip
b2 pin 5 on deluxe pcb and it will TILT keeping high score as long as pcb gets 5v 5v 12v 12v -5 and gnd at all times video is last 4 pins the last pin is composite video out and the other 3 are ground use a ATX power supply and short the ps on wire normally green one on white connector to motherboard shorted to gnd will wake up power supply and you CANNOT argue a arcade power supply is better cause when you short a arcade power supply it will BLOW UP or short out and screw up every thing like the coin counter!!! plus when you use a computer power supply you get up to 30 amps at 5v and 15 to 20 amps at 12v!!! and you also get crow bar shut down saves you from blowing up chips and fires!!! on deluxe if you shoot the 2nd row from the top leaving 2nd row invader and shooting the top row invader 1st and then shoot 2nd row shooting top row w out shooting 2nd row invader then killing 2nd row invader last the screen produces a sprite rainbow like w ' 's all over screen in a rainbow like pattern color form overlay optional and you have to ofset the space ship alien ship will drop new invaders so kill it off the normal one shows a chunk of a invader when blowing up I wonder if this is ment or just a effect of hardware? anyway the way the intel memmory in this game displays moving objects go faster to the left than the right or vs versa anyway this makes original 8080 hardware so mutch fun it like playing space invaders on a text display dumb terminal witch is what it is I always wondered why space invaders was sutch a propriety board now i know a 186 or a 286 was $3000 back then and it was cheaper to make a tv typerwriter pcb than bying a pc and putting it in a video game cabinet .. TATIO is now licencing MS windows XP embedded so now you will see great graphics and super fun arcade games that just use a computer I was wondering when arcade companys were going to abandon the pcb I always thought the MULTICADE pcbs sucked and were a lame attempt at a mame pcb the sound and game play is not the same just like pacman on mame or reunion pcb is NOT THE SAME the reunion pcb I JUST have to go into MAME MODE or i will die and have to have extra $ just to play.. I rememebr giving people extra 25¢ es all the time just to watch them play . I remember MICROcENTER used to be a Zare's shopper city (shity)
same building then went out of buissines then Microcenter bought abandon building and now we have Microcenter but back when it was ZARE shopper shity they had a ZENITONE and a MIDWAY AND A TAITO space invaders cabinets the ZENITONE had a orange glass I told operator I wanted to know values for the capacitors and he said FU never I was pissed I told him keep the back glass of that space invaders cause its orange and rare.. even back then i KNEW it was a collectors item cause it was orange..
I always loved original space invaders NOW IF I COULD convince tod from SUMMIT amuzement to let me see the caps on TAITO space invaders l shaped board mabie i could get the original sounds on MIDWAY PCB!!!
:yawn : 1979 1976 .
PS in 1974 my dad got a kit from digital research a Altair 8088 computer then he made later a ice 80 mon a built in modem and a 8080 emulation mode to hook to the altair 8008 or 8088 to make it a 8080 compatible computer!! so my dad had a computer as one of the 1st ones. so when AC/DC says who made who you turn the screw the WIDTH COIL UNDER CHASSES on screen I figured out that fixes screen to make it fit again .. PLUS I once in 1980 my dad was working on chips witch over heated and wad using freon spray and i said thats only for cuts stop fking the enviournment up use a SLIP ON heat sink or figure out how to get heat sink then just use a sheet metal screw then chomp a fan onto heat sink .. luckally a super small power supply my dad gave me to throw back in garbage I sain NO I WANT the fan he was PISSED cause I figured out the mini fan was the answer to heat problems and he is VERY obstanant about being wrong you actually have to almost force him to watch you prove him wrong untill he belives you then finnaly they had clamp on heat sinks and again I proved him wrong when he gave me a DELL computer w rotten heat sink material the crappy grey crap w metal sticker crap crap crap at least once a year check white silicone crap to replace .. otherwise it will reboot boot block and blow now a amd chip has boot block a intel will blow so amd makes better chips intel should go back to amd cause the amd chips are more reliable.. the intel chip texas instruments chip will snap and blow up permantly if you run 12v to all pins on a 8080 chip but a amd 8080A chip will take 12v and if you leave alone for 2 weeks it will come back on!! after it cools so i think amd uses more diodes than intel this is why i think the next computer should have 6 cpus all socketed one ati one amd one nvidia one northgate one intel and a big intel chip the amd chip will just handel the 3dnow and the cache this way you could have a 1m l2 cache onboard like the k6II 333 Mhz board w 1m l2 on board and 64k on chip. making the board have more cache than a p III or P II can our could cause of the fact that intel never made slot chips w more than 512 k cache!! dumb asses if they knew the mother board has to have cache and can make a 486 sx 20 Mhz chip have 1 m l2 cache on board but cyrex chip only none but k6II 333 has 64K l2 cache on chip making total board cache 1088 l2 cache ..
so amd is better but rememebr that motherboard still had INTEL CHIP SET so whats the problem w amd and intel DUH you still need intel chip set drivers for a UMC chip why do you think quake1 had UMC boxes UMC MAKES motherboard chips via chip sets!.
so go out and play some pinball or REAL video games. no offence to intel amd or taito or ms or anyone or any other entity or any other thing or concept.
24-03-2009 10:00 PM
What did I do?

I was playing this game earlier and I am not sure what I pressed but the game suddenly changed to multicolours and full screen!! awsome, only problem I have no Idea what I pressed - any suggestions?
12-09-2008 11:50 PM
Olds-kool gamer The game that set me on a lifelong love of games. Blimmy is it really 30 years!
I remember bunking off primary school to play Space Invaders when it first came out!

Don’t get too much time to play these days but I will always have ago at Space Invaders & Asteroids every now and then.

A true classic Happy Birthday…:amused:
12-09-2008 04:02 PM
Some facts you may or may not know about 'Space Invaders'

  1. Known game facts:
    • The aliens will move from one side to another, and when reaching the edge they'll descend and go the other way around.
    • When reaching bunkers height, the aliens will start erasing it when touching.
    • The aliens will start a little bit lower every wave.
    • The aliens will move faster for each alien you kill.
    • When an alien reaches your height it's game over for you.
    • Although it seems that way at first, the aliens DO NOT come in peace.
    • You cannot shoot a new shot before the last one disappeared (it disappears when killing an alien/spaceship also).
    • You can damage your own bunkers when shooting at them.
    • You get new bunkers every wave.
  2. Some less known game facts:
    • The aliens at the bottom two lines worth 10 points each. The aliens at the next two lines worth 20 points each. The aliens that are on the top line worth 30 points each.
    • The spaceship that occasionally appear can be worth 50, 100, 150 or 300 points.
    • You still need to avoid the last alien shots after killing it.
    • You get one extra life when reaching 1000 points. That's the last extra life you'll get in this game.
    • At level five you don't have any bunkers at all (the bottom lined aliens start at bunkers height).
  3. Keys facts:
    • The movement is as follow: move left with the Ctrl key and move right with the alt key. Shoot with the right-shift key.
    • Start a new game with the space bar (only when the flickering "Game Over" appears).
    • You cannot pause the game.
    • To quit, press the esc key.
  4. This fact you surely do not know: my highscore is 4350 reaching wave 4, although I did get to wave 5 but scored only 4300 points in that game (due to different spaceships I shot during the two games).

Enjoy the game!
08-07-2008 11:34 PM
nvrmre Space Invaders is 30... Wow, that makes me feel old... I remember seeing the Atari 2600 version on the shelves at Toys-R-Us as a kid
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