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Topic Review (Newest First)
25-08-2019 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by gnorgplik View Post
I am running this on WinXP Pro 32 bit with no problems. However, trying to set up audio and music only results in weird repeating static noises. Like vvv-bn-ZEEET, vvv-bn-ZEEET. So, no sounds.
Originally Posted by Review notes
The version of the game available at our site has no sound at all, so you needn't bother with any settings.
24-08-2019 07:02 AM
gnorgplik I am running this on WinXP Pro 32 bit with no problems. However, trying to set up audio and music only results in weird repeating static noises. Like vvv-bn-ZEEET, vvv-bn-ZEEET. So, no sounds. But that's fine, the game is quite atmospheric visually, and in particular, spatially.

As some reviewers have... er... NOTED #%&*!? ... ... there are times in the game when you walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, and walk.

Here's the thing. The game is designed so that you feel the size of your environment. Ringworld is freaking huge!! That ledge on which they park the ship is gigantic, 'goes for miles', and these guys are on foot looking for widely scattered possibly usable crash debris.

My friends, that task is gonna take some tedious walking. It adds to the feeling of being stranded on this monumentally gargantuan monolithic shelf in the deep of space.

Same with Quinn's walking speed aboard the ship. It's a big ship. The hangar bay is cavernous. The time it takes crossing from one end to the other is in keeping with that.

It's good immersion design, IMO. It would be fun designing a sound track for this.
17-11-2009 04:20 PM
The Fifth Horseman
Originally Posted by punkassbitch View Post
Where I live it costs me $120US to get my telephione service and TV and internet! What is this bullshit about $2000!
This is how much cash Polish Telecomms wanted from me just for connecting a bloody phone line and I mean the most basic sort. Then about $250 for their modem. Then about $125 monthly for a connection rated at maybe 2 mbps tops.

Needless to say, I said "fuck that" and got wireless instead.
17-11-2009 02:06 PM
_r.u.s.s. and the fact that some people have money to spend for their internet doesn't mean that the others have them too

and this is, after all, an abandonware website..


sorry i got myself carried away

in other words, no
17-11-2009 01:33 PM
Lulu_Jane Sorry - for content:

I have no idea about Fifth's figure of $2000, but this graph might provide some insight in the whole "the world is not uniform," thing.

17-11-2009 01:28 PM
Lulu_Jane Did you even read the post above you?
17-11-2009 01:24 PM
punkassbitch Where I live it costs me $120US to get my telephione service and TV and internet! What is this bullshit about $2000!
11-11-2009 07:34 PM
The Fifth Horseman
Originally Posted by punkassbitch View Post
All I'm saying is keep it simple. There are people who aren't 56k impaired and have computers that are in the 21st century and can handle broadband and other types of fast internet. Depending on the site, I can download a 500MB fISO file in under an hour and not loose the connection. Come and join us! Useres of fast and modern techonolgy. Not all people who like old games are clinging to our past by having old, outdated computers.
There are also people living in countries where they're stuck on analog modems or have to use (shitty) wireless because telecomms companies want in the realm of $2000 just to connect them in the first place.
Don't consider the conditions you have in your country to be the same globally.
11-11-2009 05:38 PM
punkassbitch All Im saying Is Keep It Simple. They're Pepole who aren't 56k impaired and have computers that are in the 21st century and can handle broadband and other types of fast internet. Depending On The Site I can download a 500MG fISO file In Under An Hour And Not Loose the conection. Come And Join Us! Useres Of Fast Nad Modern Techonolgy. Not All People who Like old Games are cling to our past by having old outdated computers.
31-10-2009 08:24 AM
The Fifth Horseman
Originally Posted by punkassbitch View Post
I went to your Iso celler. You guys make it too complicated to download. I may sound like a twat but I can go to other sites and get the whole iso without having to download files that have to be "merged" with a third party software.
What do you mean? RAR is a standard compression format. You download the files, tell WinRAR (or what have you) to unpack them - and that's it.

The main reason this is done is to avoid things like you losing your connection after downloading 654 MB out of a 672 MB archive and having to redownload it from scratch again (public filesharing sites don't support resuming a download) or finding out that there was some error during transfer, the archive is corrupt and therefore unusable.

If someone uploaded an archive split with other means than just using RAR multi-part archiving, just tell us and we'll see what can be done to replace it.
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