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Topic Review (Newest First)
20-01-2014 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by samtam90 View Post
I simply can't agree with the 3... for a masterpiece like this there should be at least a 4. The lack of plot is intentionally: Doom was tought as a mindless shooter and it's the one of the best FPS ever. It's so fun because great level building, secrets, enemies. Mark it whit a 3 only for lack of plot and not as good as other FPS (I think it's absolutely not true, because apart System Shock and few others there weren't shooters as good as this in 1994).
I agree fully here.

4 would have been more than fair.

Indeed, but that doesn't make them better games does it? In the case you mentioned, Hexen, I liked the game but got bored with it very quickly in relation to Doom 2 (or 1). Matter of taste I guess.
and another agree.

Doom 2 still lives nowadays and has the most maps and mods and multiplayer is still played too much. This should show how good doom 2 actually is.

innovation was the damn nice new monsters, the absolutely awesome super shotgun and that awesome leveldesign. Hell on Earth was a very interesting theme especially on that time. Remember maps like downtown etc. That was very nice :-)
storyline was more than enough for this type of game. The story expands in textform in later episodes too. Not much, but also not much necessary.

Your 2 points doesnt make the game a medium score title. And you gave it with 3 just medium.
Doom 2 should have 4 not 3..
12-11-2013 01:51 PM
RRS Is that MobyGames founder or just similar name?
23-06-2013 05:58 AM
Udoom will not run doom2 wads

Thanks for your suggestions Scatty. After several days of trying to run some old doom2 wads using my copy of ultimate doom, I decided to try it using doom2, which worked. I assumed that since Udoom came out after doom2 it would run doom1 or doom2 wads, but NO. It says its loading the wads but all you see once you get in the game are the iwad maps.

I had to go through Steam's BS to get a copy of it, (and put up with their 100 meg installation of crap on my HD--which all took about an hour) but after I got the doom2.exe and doom2.wad, I could run the old wads fine.

Then I tried to run an old demo I recorded back in 1996 of a game of dogtag on dwango with Dr.Toomer and Mr.Blonde. But it would not play the demo. When it's starting up the text reports it has loaded both the wad and the .lmp file, and pauses (with the warning about modified game). After I hit enter it clears the screen and says: "W_GetNumForName: wads\toomtag not found!"

My command line was:

doom2 -file wads\dwang_01.wad -playdemo wads\toomtag

So I'm bummed. Only thing I can think of is that perhaps my old demo file corrupted. I am quite sure I recorded it using v 1.9, the last version that came out. But at least now I can play dogtag with my 3 kids....
22-06-2013 11:16 PM
Scatty If you're trying to run any Doom II or Final Doom WAD with Ultimate Doom executable, I think you need to use a command-line parameter with it to run a custom WAD, since an EXE of Doom (1) by default looks for a doom.wad file. It might be also that the version of the EXE you have is too low and doesn't support Doom II and Final Doom.
Look here for a list of all EXE versions which were released.

I could send you a Ms-Dos EXE of Final Doom (for both Doom II and Final Doom), however I don't think it's legal since all Doom series are sold by now and not available for free download.
22-06-2013 10:53 PM
rebel_yell I bought Ultimate Doom years back, and pulled it out recently trying to set up a 4 way game of dogtag (popular on dwango) for my kids. So far, I cannot get it to play any of the old doom2 wads... and I'm thinking it's because of the udoom executable. I assumed since Udoom came after doom2, and included doom 1 and doom 2 plus a new level, that it would play doom2 wads. Has anybody had experience with this? So... here I am looking for a copy of doom2 so I can test my theory, but so far, haven't found a copy.
24-10-2011 06:16 AM
tristanzz wow, a lot of talk about Doom2's last level.

I challenge anyone to beat it like a BOSS: activate the elevator, go up, hit Romero's head on the way up (specifically this is where the tip of your rocket launcher lines up with the bottom of the giant icon's chin), and then, hit it again as you jump off.

If you made it there on ultra-violence it shouldn't be a problem. If you made it there on nightmare you should be able to do it with your eyes closed while chewing a lemon.
10-01-2011 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by Professor Oak View Post
If you want some real history, UAC_DEAD is quite the impressive memento from the annals of time.
cant say that I enjoyed that wad.
09-01-2011 07:36 PM
Professor Oak
Originally Posted by kemo View Post
way ahead of ya it's in my folder next to memento mori 1/2 and then there is one of my favorites: RTC-3057
If you want some real history, UAC_DEAD is quite the impressive memento from the annals of time.
09-01-2011 07:13 PM
kemo way ahead of ya it's in my folder next to memento mori 1/2 and then there is one of my favorites: RTC-3057
09-01-2011 10:36 AM
Professor Oak
Originally Posted by kemo View Post
does anyone play doom with pwads? scythe.wad is one of my favorites. good luck getting through level 26 ...

Ahh yes, a well-known megawad created by Erik Alm. I recommend checking out Alien Vendetta, if you haven't already.
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