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31-07-2021 02:48 PM
Dani Spain OK so this is 2021 and I just downloaded this epic game for nostalgia and after some struggling I just want to share some tips.

This game can be very challenging specially at the early stages, however I remember beating it up when I was a 10 year old kiddo so it is by no means an impossible game.

The so-epic Lamborghini Diablo is awesome and looks sick. I dreamt about owning one for years. A yellow one of course. Fastest car in game (except for the cop bimmers!!!!) but it handles like shit so... races with extreme curves can be really tough. Apparently everyone and his dog will overtake you while you are trying to get back to the road LOL.

The most important thing is to make wise decissions at Division 4, DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY on useless upgrades like brakes (do you even brake in this game?).

Here are some MUST DO decissions:

- WIN EVERY RACE, quit the game if you ever lose a race. Being 2nd = losing.
- Absolutely don't save game if you screwed it up. If you feel this already happened, then start from beginning again.
- Play most races, if not all, before jumping to next division.
- AVOID the "ICE race" at division 4.
- TURBOS are actually USELESS at any stage. Very expensive for a tiny advantage. Most times when you use a turbo you end up crashing and not getting any advantage over it.
- Pick races wisely, based on "local difficulty". First, win all "amateur" races. Then go for "average". Then for "good". And so on. Follow this chart it must help you:

- Amateur: you can beat this level with stock speed (272kmh)
- Average: you need 288kmh
- Good: 304kmh
- Competent: 320kmh
- Excellent: 336kmh
- Top Class: you definitely need 352kmh

Each engine/transmission upgrade adds up +16kmh to your max speed, for an absolute top 352kmh once you get all the upgrades from the shop. This happens at division 2.

Try to upgrade your car for those max speeds before entering those race classes. For example if you want to enter an event where locals are "good", your max speed should be at least 304kmh. Don't even try if your Lambo still peaks at 288 or less.

Division 4 is by far the hardest, since you need to make good choices or you end up broke. Things improve in division 3, where you can literally get rich. Fun fact: you can jump to division 2 and then division 1 without even playing any division 2 race because you will have the money for it. Although I don't recommend this strategy.

Once you are in division 3, save enough money for purchasing both set of upgraded tyres (slick tyres and spike tyres). Then complete the ice race at division 3. From this point the game should be considerably easier as tyres improve your handling (just enough for intermediate curves). This is important since HARDCORE, ABSURD CURVES are all present from division 3 which will drive you crazy with stock tyres. I am not sure if spike tyres improve handling on regular tracks. Makes no sense but I have the feeling that they help a bit.

Don't waste money on police detectors, etc. and of course the worst economical decission you can make in this game is purchasing the "new lamborghini". It is just an ugly black car, similar to the rivals cars. It has absolutely no performance gains and looks worse. Stupid way of spending 200,000 bucks.

Rivals "car class" is anecdotical with this guide. Provided you are paying attention to "local difficulty" and complete races based on that, it is all you need to keep winning.

About police: it can be frustrating to get the "offender" title and once you are there chances are you are screwed. Those cops have fastest cars in game. They could beat a Formula 1 with eyes closed LOL. Man this game makes no sense sometimes. If cops are disturbing you, use a turbo if you have one, or restart the race.

*HINT* I have the impression that if your car is fast enough, police doesn't even bother purchasing you and instead goes for another rival. This consistently happens if you are 2 steps above rivals class. For example if locals are average, your max speed is 304, then police ignores you. Or if rivals are excellent and your car peaks at 352. Not sure about this theory bit it happened to me.


This sums it up pretty much. Hope it can help you.
24-02-2016 03:20 PM
Neville OK, let me see if I can be helpful.

1) Yes, Crazy Cars III and Lamborghini are essentially the same game. The only differences, as far as I know, are the 2 player mode and the reworked title screen in Lamborghini.

2) Instructions: You can found the manuals for different versions of the game around the web:

- At http://www.cpc-power.com/ , look for Crazy Cars III.

- At http://amiga-manuals.xiik.net/amiga.php , look for CC3 or Lamborghini.

3) NO, THE ENEMY AI DOESN'T CHEAT. Essentially you need to keep your car specifications above the competition, so upgrade your car regularly at the shop after winning every race. Don't bother to save your progress (you're given the opetion every 4-5 races) unless you win EVERY race.

Check out the "Drivers" screen now and then to make sure the enemy cars aren't faster than you. If they are, it's definitely time to upgrade.

4) Upgrades come in two flavours. Flavour one is more speed. Tweaked engines, new gearboxes, nitro chargers, etc. These should be your top priority.

The other flavour is "commodities". Of these, only new tires are essential. Without them you'll be unable to compete on rainy / snowy scenarios.

The rest (police scanners, nigh vision goggles, etc.) are alright to but if you have the spare money, but not essential.

So pretty much that's it. Enjoy the game.
17-09-2013 03:58 PM

I played months with this game during my young years and i routinely play it through once every year.

For every youngster who gets frustrated: This game was meant to be a challenge !

Back in the years, computer games like Prince of Persia and others were not like the ones today. The entire world was different too. People borned in the 90's and later can't comprehend this just like i can't understand well the world of the 70's and before.

I laugh at people saying the game cheats... No, it is not cheating that during the endgame the AI cars are faster, it was designed like this and it is called challenge ! On the other hand, in strategy games many developpers even today can't build a well working AI so they cheat like hell.

Everybody is so full with ambition and pride that they can't accept that this games are not cakewalk.

Peace !
26-02-2013 12:23 AM
Juan Krlos Surrequetepete Love CC3 more than LAC!!... one advice for those who can't win in first place or can't earn more money or can't feel 4th division: BE PATIENCE!, it took me a lot of practise to win all the races in 1st place, because of course it's almost impossible to rich higher races without enough money. Well bye...
05-08-2010 08:36 PM
eugene425 Well, I think it's time for me to speak. I am passed the whole, though difficult in my last stage. He is in my view altogether impassable. But as for the passage of enough to overcome the main track only. That's all passable.
Which I could give advice? Go first, chase. There is no single route, which I did not pass (except the last segment, as there is something very hard).
21-08-2007 02:35 AM
Lady Li This game is crap. Doesn´t worth the hours spent playing it. It´s ridiculous hard, after few races you find yourself furious ´cos you simply cannot save your progress whenever you need it and the PC auto saves it just after you loose an important race. I´ve got all races won in the 4o division, it´s absolutelly impossible doin any of the 3o. If you don´t win ALL races, you just haven´t enough money to keep playing, and as you need to win at least 4 races to save, imagine how absurd is the task. It´s of major importance buying the aditional speeds, I´ve got money only for the 5o one, the 6o costs 100,000 and if you intent to work out the 3o division, you ought buy it before doing the challenge race (which, by the way, is unbelievable easy...)
If anyone had actually finished this game, I would be glad to know how it ends, but I´m sure that no matter the fancy it would be, wont pay the efforts.
For those who are beginig it now, I strongly recommend: There are better, funnier, less stressful games you should try first.

In one word: It´s simply frustrating.
04-08-2007 05:16 PM
stewie90 loooooooool......
ehm ........
04-08-2007 05:09 PM
_r.u.s.s. in, um, shop?
04-08-2007 04:26 PM
stewie90 i have a question about this game:
How to buy more exhaust (turbo) please tell me i cant beat the game without that cause u only have 1 when u start
01-08-2007 02:07 AM
Guest good day, fellas. i've read throught the posts by many of you enthusiasts. & i find it rather helpful as i have found the answers i needed. thanks a lot for the posts.
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