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Topic Review (Newest First)
07-11-2020 04:58 PM
Smiling Spectre Theoretically speaking - yes. But it must be someone who actually will do that...


Well, I am slightly busy now, but if no one will volunteer, remind me in 2-3 weeks, and I'll try to do that.
07-11-2020 03:59 AM
The Dutch Ghost Any way we can update the game description page with this information?
People new to it who want to play it would probably appreciate it.
18-10-2020 09:32 PM
Smiling Spectre It's for joystick, obviously.

Try this page, it's much more obvious and have keyboard mappings.
16-10-2020 11:10 PM
Alexis78 Hello, Itīs been years for me since the last post in Abandonia.

Recently (2 hours ago, lol!) I was trying the TMNT - Manhattan Missions and I found pretty difficult to figure how to control my mutant turtles, so after a bit of research, I found this (Itīs a copy paste):

The controls in TMNT are a little bit confusing, especially if you don't
have a manual, so here's a little explanation about how to us them.

There are two buttons, one called a "base button" and another called a
"post button". Using these buttons in conjunction with pad directions, the
turtles can perform various moves.

In addition, there are two modes for the turtles, walk mode and fight mode.
Walk mode allows the turtles to walk around freely and at full speed while
fight mode equips your weapons and readies your turtle for battle. To switch
between modes, press both buttons at the same time.

Now your turtles can perform different defensive and offensive moves depending
on the mode they're in, the buttons you press and the direction where you press
the pad in. This is what they can do in each mode, according to the manual:

Walk Mode, No buttons
Up: Jump straight up
Up-left: Jump back-up
Up-right: Jump up forward

Neutral: Stand
Left: Walk left
Right: Walk right

Down, down-left, or down-right: crouch/pick up item

Walk Mode, Base Button
Up-left, left, or down-left: Throwing star left
Up-right, right, or down-right: Throwing star right

Up: Climp up/Enter door on top

Neutral: Stand

Down: Climb down/Enter door on bottom

Walk mode, Post Button

Walk Mode, Post Button
Any direction: Use item

Fight, No Buttons
Up: Jump straight up
Up-left: Jump back-up
Up-right: Jump up forward

Neutral: Stand
Left: Shuffle left
Right: Shuffle right

Fight, Base Button
Up: Power Attack
Up-left/right: Attack high left/right

Left: Attack middle left
Right: Attack middle right

Neutral: Stand

Down-left: Attack low left
Down: Attack low/kick
Down-right: Attack low-right

Fight Button, Post Button
Any direction: Block in that direction

PRESS F1 to switch turtles at any time."

I got It from IGN

Well, now I am a bit mor confused, the problem is that I donīt know what buttons to press, really, I donīt know where are the so called "base" and "post" buttons, I will investigate a bit more.
27-11-2016 05:34 PM
The Dutch Ghost I would like to make some suggestions for additions to the review text, in particular the controls of the game description.

CTRL + P pauses the game

CTRL + Q quits the game to DOS
23-06-2010 03:36 PM
MarkH Hi guys, would anyone like to help explain to me how to work the controls for this game?

24-02-2010 02:49 PM
ChibiKitsuneWarrior Oh, I used to love TMNT when I was a kid. I guess I have to give this game a go now that I've seen it. xD
24-02-2010 05:13 AM
arete Don't let *anybody* stop you
23-02-2010 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by marko river View Post
What? You mean someone actually reads the miles long reviews like that one? No way... Ok, this Manhattan review may be little short, but common, that's better then writing too long one. The only reason I write so big reviews is to ensure that people don't read them, so reviews don't have to be much good to be respected

Keep up the good work, Jogait, you'll get a hand on it And you can always change some things I guess...
Thanks, also i don't write long reviews because i don't want to be a spoiler and i'm not the best writing.
23-02-2010 06:57 AM
arete Or you can write shorter reviews so they ain't so ruddy long to correct

Besides, I like long reviews. I just need subheadings to find the good stuff, like game tips and settings
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