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Old 20-09-2004, 11:58 AM   #21
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Originally posted by Shaman@Sep 19 2004, 08:05 PM
6 hours to download the game (brazilian free servers...) and now it simply says "can't find file DOS4GE to load"... <_<
Did you use DosBOX to run it?

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Old 20-09-2004, 02:54 PM   #22
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I like it without the patch. I like to develop my planets and reasearching before waging wars...

P.S Can we get stuff from hotu and then send them here. I could use some games . But then again you would lose the sense of contribution
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Old 15-10-2004, 11:05 PM   #23

I'm trying to send my ship to a different star system but it won't let me. Help plz.
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Old 15-10-2004, 11:22 PM   #24
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Your ship needs a star lane drive, then you need to double-click on the star lane.
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Old 15-10-2004, 11:38 PM   #25
Eagle of Fire
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You need a Warp Drive to go to another system. You need propultion drive to move around the "planet map".
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Old 01-11-2004, 07:36 AM   #26

this game is worth it... cept its VERY paradoxal

i find i think ive played the game a long time, but i really dident (thats awsomly marvolus by the way )

but i notice people are having problems... so let me help (mind you i am having my own problems)

play a friendly, and very sparce galixy one with only 3 computers this way you get a chance to navigate the system... and maby have at some warfare...

another thing, so far the bigest fleet ive goten is 14 enormus ships,

my fav tactic is loading the large type ships with heavy shields and fast engins, then toping them out with point singulatiry weapons (black hole guns. short range brings the pain), also a good size of genorators... you fly in and put your shields on, then let loose 5 blackholes at your target, let him try and bust your shiled (and fail) and repeat

another tactic is to equip a large ship with 5 of thoes handy plasma cannons, this games sniper rifle , it gives you a nice platform to lay down fire on ships, plus they can take out orbital instalations in at least 5 days... 25 plasma cannon shots tend to work ^.^

Planitary defense:

very important, nocking out a planet with the right tools is to easy :S, but there are some things you can do... orbital missile batteries are nice, but get the close range satilites, there much better... and as you progress through technology, you may get a Tractor beam instalation, equip this on all your planets and equip all your planets with 2-3 shields and 1-2 close range defense satilites, tractor in your targets and cook them
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Old 01-11-2004, 10:00 AM   #27
Eagle of Fire
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The computer is so dumb you can beat it extremely easily without shields. In my first games, I kept installing shields on my ships but I never realised that I actually had to manually turn them on (!) for them to work... But still managed to kill whatever was in my way...

The key to this is the only long range weapon in the game (I don't remember the name). Just load your ships with faster engines than your opponent have access to, those weapons and a lot of energy to spare and voila, you're invincible!

For planetary defense, you don't need much as long as you have at least one ship with long range weapon defending the system. I recommend having two shields on every planet to prevent the computer from taking them over quickly, and one or two planetary defense just in case. The tractor beams are sure a must, but not absolutly needed.
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Old 02-11-2004, 12:27 AM   #28

i havent tried patch, not good nuff yet, im trying to get good with my species of choice

you know its a shame this game dosent have multiplayer, it smeams it would wok so wel, and besides. playing against a human is so much more fun

also i need tip for geting off the planet faster
what do i build first? i factory or a agricaulture building? how do you start?
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Old 02-11-2004, 12:52 AM   #29
Eagle of Fire
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I usually go for agriculture first. The real point tough is never build structure unless you run out of specialised squares. It is really worth to build tube links all over your planet only to get to the last square(s).

When it is done, then you must decide what the planet primary goal is. In the early game you should concentrate on having a lot of research planets so you can get the best tech ASAP, but don't forget to have a "building" planet or two to build ships.

When you got safe control of your first few planetary systems, then it's your call. Whatever floats your boat as they say...
I'm on a hot streak... Literally.
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Old 04-11-2004, 01:46 AM   #30

Yah... i found that your WHOLE game ends up been based on how well you started... Seriously!, if you start even slightly poorly your empire goes STRAIT to the crapper, (unfortunetly computer dosent deal with this)... anycase ive observed some seriouse changes (if i could graph it i would ) one run it was 1000 year mark and i only had 1 system

another run it was 1000 year mark and i had plasmatics and a fleet of enormous ships with full out massive tech and i was dominating the galixy (this was in a sparce galixy mind you... i like it better :P)

my recomendation is to practice starting... learn to dominate as soon as possible

another thing i noticed... the shipyard... you start it to early, you lose time (and your empire is burned)... start it to late and your empire is FRIED, anycase 9/10 i get this wrong... any recomendations for when to build the shipyard?

also fav race? (mines the camichiens, the lizard guys... there special is any current topic you are researching will be finished in one day... if you set your research up right you can nock a good 500 years of research off... Also theres the chance of Super Advancing... should you find a xeno archiological site... it may lead to more tech... example... i found momentum conservation... and it lead to hyperwave... the big sweet genorator i use on almose all my big ships... i had it at year 600 )
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