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Old 05-04-2012, 12:07 PM   #21
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This doesn't really confirm anything, as I said I could pull off the video if I had a copy of a video the game makers made. Something that would be a lot easier to get then the actual game since they would have been sending videos of game-play and the like to Blizzard as well as screenshots and the like. Just saying he has it, and that he is a true collector doesn't mean he really has it. In fact pulling some crap about a true collector and that is why you wont share is the best way to hide the fact that you just don't have it at all.
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Old 07-04-2012, 02:49 PM   #22
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Totally agree. Only slight problem: why someone want to preserve two hours of video? Otherwise it looks equally suspicious for me as for you.
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Old 07-04-2012, 02:57 PM   #23
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The youtube clip only has 13 minutes of gameplay (at most what with the menu and the loading) has he posted a longer version somewhere? I haven't seen it if he has.
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Old 07-04-2012, 02:59 PM   #24
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Its in parts. I cant believe you havent noticed that.
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Old 07-04-2012, 03:02 PM   #25
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lol that is the first time I have looked at the side bar for it, or more accurately paid attention to it. Being that long does raise the chance that he has some form of the game then, but I still have my doubts. "True Collector" just sounds like the dodgiest reason ever not to share.
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Old 07-04-2012, 11:56 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by DarthHelmet86 View Post
"True Collector" just sounds like the dodgiest reason ever not to share.
I actually remember someone on a Russian retro gaming forum contacted the guy who claims to own the leaked game, and the reason for not making it public appears to be that he had promised his friend who gave him the leak to never share it. This promise doesn't seem to cover posting playthrough teasers on YouTube though :P

Personally I have no opinion on how plausible the whole story is. I'd have much preferred if Blizzard decided to officially release their old betas as a present for all the fans someday (Starcraft beta versions - not the leaked one, but earlier builds that are only known from screenshots - would've been awesome). But chances for that seem pretty slim for now.
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Old 08-04-2012, 07:05 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by MrFlibble View Post
I'd have much preferred if Blizzard decided to officially release their old betas....
You're not the only one.
Reminds me of the Doom alphas/betas.
Kinda worthless and barely playable, but nevertheless interesting to see how the game was developed and evolved to what we have now.

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Old 08-04-2012, 07:42 AM   #28
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Sadly a lot of it is just lost to time and people of that time (and now) not caring about the betas and unfinished parts they didn't need anymore. Even this is a huge pile of change if he did manage to get a copy.

Just as a note of a collector of things, if I had the only copy of something and it was in digital medium, something that can become corrupted or destroyed by shear accident (hard drive failure or a virus could wipe it from his HDD, scratches could break a CD) I would want to make as many copies as I could so that it truly never be lost. Oh well it would be great if it one day did come out, maybe fans could even clean it up and make it a full game. Oddly with the amount of people interested in it I am surprised Blizzard hasn't tried to get it fully made and make some money off it. The lack of quality wouldn't stop fans from just wanting it and the big canon differences could easily be ignored by just marking it is as non canon.
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Old 11-04-2012, 12:41 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by dosraider View Post
You're not the only one.
Reminds me of the Doom alphas/betas.
Kinda worthless and barely playable, but nevertheless interesting to see how the game was developed and evolved to what we have now.
Haha, I like it how the page at Romero's website also offers an option to downgrade Doom back to v1.1 to get some stuff that was cut

In fact, quite a few alphas and betas of various games were leaked - I guess the temptation is huge in every case - but they're all in the grey area from the legal standpoint. I think many companies just don't realise that officially releasing beta stuff from their games would actually help increase those games' popularity and gain additional favour from their fans.

Originally Posted by DarthHelmet86 View Post
Sadly a lot of it is just lost to time and people of that time (and now) not caring about the betas and unfinished parts they didn't need anymore. Even this is a huge pile of change if he did manage to get a copy.

Just as a note of a collector of things, if I had the only copy of something and it was in digital medium, something that can become corrupted or destroyed by shear accident (hard drive failure or a virus could wipe it from his HDD, scratches could break a CD) I would want to make as many copies as I could so that it truly never be lost. Oh well it would be great if it one day did come out, maybe fans could even clean it up and make it a full game. Oddly with the amount of people interested in it I am surprised Blizzard hasn't tried to get it fully made and make some money off it. The lack of quality wouldn't stop fans from just wanting it and the big canon differences could easily be ignored by just marking it is as non canon.
I agree. It is highly possible that people did not archive pre-release/WIP materials in the first place because it had not occurred to them that all of it could be of (historical) interest later. This is understandable to a degree because the main goal of game development is to finish the game, and other priorities are secondary. Also, various copyright issues may come into play, the fear that "rival companies will steal or ideas!" in some cases is a factor as well, and there's also the mere fact that game development often involves many people, and coordinating their efforts in creating the main game might be sometimes a problem already, to say nothing of all the by-product or rejected materials. Sadly, not all people who are in game development have the nice habit of archiving whatever they can. And, faulty media are a problem too - this discussion here just reminded me of another one about the PlayStation version of Duke Nukem 3D which includes an extra episode. Apparently, that episode was first developed on the PC platform and then ported to PlayStation with the rest of the game's levels. The community was able to contact one of the developers but it turned out that the original files were stored on ZIP disks that are either lost or have already deteriorated (or both).
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Old 11-11-2012, 11:23 AM   #30
Default how to instal please

please i fl the game but i have seven idont know how to install it
please help
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