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Old 21-01-2005, 01:39 PM   #11
Home Sweet Abandonia
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Originally posted by MasterGrazzt@Jan 21 2005, 01:05 AM
Who cares about any of that stuff? Star Control 2 had one of the best plots I've ever had the fun of unravelling. And it was hilarious too.
Have to say, I agree. In light of SC2, SC1 plays (for me!) like a test of its combat system. But SC2 has so much more to offer in the way of strategy, adventure, and wonderful humor.
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Old 23-01-2005, 12:25 AM   #12

Has anyone else had serious trouble running SCI? I can't seem to get it running up to speed.
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Old 23-01-2005, 01:42 AM   #13
Game Wizzard

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have you downloaded and tried dosbox ?
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Old 23-01-2005, 02:33 AM   #14

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Running SC1 in DOS box or under XP gives me the same performance issues. I'm stumped.
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Old 23-01-2005, 02:50 AM   #15
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When you mention "up to speed," do you mean this literally? Does the game run very slowly? Or what are the problems you're having?
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Old 27-02-2005, 12:10 AM   #16

Yeah; I'm the same. Amazing though the MIDI sound effects are (I only ever had PC speaker goodness back in the day) the music plays at about 1/3 speed, meaning the end of each bout is.. painfully.. slow.

When I first ran it, sticky keys launched. When I quit SK, SC ran at proper speed for a few seconds then slowed down again when the arena zoom changed and I haven't got it back up again since.

Any ideas?
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Old 14-03-2005, 02:17 AM   #17

SC rocks! I still have my original copy of SC1. Ok its not an original its a copy that my friend's older brother gave me, one that had the copy protection cracked. I can run it without dosbox on my win98 machine, but the sound doesn't work. I actually really enjoy the full game mode. Fun strategy game with some action sprinkled in. Try playing against the computer on hard mode... I dare you to win!

SC2 is definately a great game also. Most awesome.
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Old 14-03-2005, 06:02 AM   #18

Originally posted by Guest@Mar 14 2005, 03:17 AM
SC rocks! I still have my original copy of SC1. Ok its not an original its a copy that my friend's older brother gave me, one that had the copy protection cracked. I can run it without dosbox on my win98 machine, but the sound doesn't work. I actually really enjoy the full game mode. Fun strategy game with some action sprinkled in. Try playing against the computer on hard mode... I dare you to win!

SC2 is definately a great game also. Most awesome.
Master the ships in supermelee and the computer is a piece of cake at any level.
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Old 08-04-2005, 04:56 PM   #19

The review of this game makes me sad.
I know I'm chiming late and resurecting and old topic, but I'm a StarControl fanatic and one of the few for whome SC1 out ranks SC2.
The full game was interesting for its time...
Looking back at the time the game was published, it was brilliant, but for today's standards it might be considered primitive. This is mostly because Star Control 2 came out and showed us how it should REALLY be done.
SC2 completely avoided the SC1 full game, and that IMHO was somthing that I've yearned for. It's like playing chess with the stars.
Imagine playing chess on a 3-D board. Imagine that the board wasn't fixed and that to navigate you had to analize the board just so you could determined if it's possible to get from one place to another. Sound difficult? Well it is at first. But a little practice and soon SC1's rotating starmap becomes your playground. Navagating it's pathways you rush forward to baracade choke points and control the board, send your chosen flagship forward to seek out percursor artifacts to pump it up, follow up with some inexpensive units to colonize and mine behind them, then move with a concentrated effort to strike a deadly blow against your enemie's star base, crippling their future so that their remaing fleet becomes your play thing, pitting your ships strengths against their weakness.
Unless of course you're not playing a that type of scenario.
If future games would have built upon this strategic star map idea, expanding , refining and improving the idea as only time can I wouldn't have much to complain about. As it is, StarControl is the ONLY place anyone can go to experience this level of strategic brilliance.
For storyline, SC2 was equally brilliant combining equal parts drama and comedy with a pinch of gratitutus sex scene with an alien babe (in the dark) completly enclosed in the executable. SC1's storyline was found in parts durring the full game portion, but mostly you had to refer to the manual to get up to speed, but the full game, THE FULL GAME PEOPLE! WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LIKE THE FULL GAME! WHY DIDN'T SC2 HAVE THE STRATEGIC STARMAP! WHYYYYYYY!
I'm have to go. I'm sorry. Go play the full game. LOVE THE STARMAP!
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Old 13-06-2005, 05:21 PM   #20
Christian IV
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:blink: :blink:
Hello unregistered SC expert, i am hoping you will check in
even though your last post was in April,
is the versoin on Abandonia NOT the full version? i am
intrigued by your eloquence and the details you share of
spaitial strategy and am very interested to try this game,...
i have tried unsuccessfully to find a manual, do you know
of where to get one? It woiuld help a lot.
let us know if you can....and any details on how to achieve
full playablility if you can help.
k: k:
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