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Old 24-02-2005, 10:33 AM   #11
The Fifth Horseman
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Intel Pentium Processor
SyncDRAM Memory
What speed processor? How much RAM?

Your saying to setup the came. I download the immortal and there is no game setup with that download. What are you referring to?
Sheesh. Another one. Allright, allright.

For starters, you are thinking of standard Windoze installation procedure, which does not apply here. Most old games have their own setup programs that allow you to change sound and graphics settings (and, in a fair few cases, install the game to a different drive, but that means only copying all the files to a specified directory).

You should look into the game directory and search for files like config, install, setup, setsound, setsnd, soundset with extensions like BAT, EXE and COM extensions. Try running it.
If there is nothing of these filenames, are there any other BAT, EXE or COM files then the one you use to run the game? Try running them, naturally in DosBox.

If this does not help, run the game normally, and look for options menu. Sometimes that's where the soundcard/graphics etc settings reside.

Also you can search for files with names like config (without any extension), .cfg or .cnf and delete them (keep backups somwhere, however!). If the game does not find them, it will run internal setup of its own.

Finally, it might help to run the game with a command line parameter, but these vary from game to game. You might try (executable) setup, (executable) config (executable) install or, if none of them work (executable) /?, (executable) -? or (executable) ?, and the game should display the list of possible command line parameters.

That's all I can think of without even looking at the game in question. Fairly generic advice, but something of these should actually work.

"God. Can't you people see I'm trying to commit a crime against science and nature here?"
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Old 25-02-2005, 12:27 AM   #12

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To: the_fifth_horseman and all who have replied and try to help. I really do think this is a cool site and a great place to find cool old games to play. Fifth Horseman I'm sorry about the typo. Didn't mean to be a pest about this whole dosbox thing. I would just think that before something is posted to play a game with that it should be debugged and troubleshooted prior to posting it to download. Would just make it alot easier. Wouldn't have to use a forum to post troubleshooting and related topics. Would be alot easier to just download DOSBOX, VDMSOUND or whatever and then download the game and get to playing. We be alot more enjoyable.

But I do thank everybody for their assistance, advise and help.

Thanks, Cy

Maybe I'll do some more searching on the net and see if I can find other sources of troubleshooting. This just seems to take to long

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Old 25-02-2005, 12:34 PM   #13
The Fifth Horseman
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Since it was reviewed and uploaded , the reviewer has managed to launch the game succesfully... why not ask him/her?

And BTW, I find the whole setting up the games pretty fun to do... it's just a little challenge to face before you can get challenged by the game itself.

I'll see, think I downloaded it a while back from here, so I'll try to solve your problem for you.

"God. Can't you people see I'm trying to commit a crime against science and nature here?"
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