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Old 24-01-2005, 04:37 PM   #1
Abandonia Homie

Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Shella, Kenya
Posts: 710

Please don't flame me!

I saw this as an old topic which was locked, and I have a different but relevant suggestion, which is actually directed towards the users rather than the mods.

I've noticed that we have a few people posting in the new pinned writing topic in the Art forum. I love to write, and I love to read other people's writing. However, having a few people post their writings in one topic makes it very hard to digest, and hard to reply.

What I propose: Users who want to post their writing should probably do so in the same format as users who post their art. Open your own topic and title it "So-and-So's Fiction" or some such like it, and then post your writing.

Please don't reply arguing that there should be a forum dedicated to writing. The answer is no (for now), and that's why the previous topic was locked. The only way to get a special forum for writing is to prove that there's enough of a demand for such a thing. So if you want a special forum, post your writing in the art forum.

I only suggest that people open their own topics because it's just confusing to read a whole bunch of different styles in one topic, and that way, it will also be a lot easier to post comments directed towards specific writers.

P.S. - I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum to post this. I didn't see a forum description for suggestions for users, and I thought this would be the most relevant place to post. Please move it to the correct forum if this is the wrong place, thanks.

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