When my mom and dad raised me they told me just be a kid. I am 44 years old and I am living in my parent's roof. If I wanted to do whatever I want like get married and have kids I can go out and get a job and work for what I want but my parents say for now I am their kid. So ... Thank you Immaculate Mary for praying for me because I need it. I now have officially been told to just be a kid and stay home while they take care of business. hehe Seriously I have very little if any influence on my parents. In fact my mom says your highest priority is choosing between coffee or candles to burn to Jesus and Mary! hehe And they expect JESUS. hehe They give me an option however they want me to choose the obvious. hehe Anyways they know that I need my vices from time to time. So maybe once in a while I can take a break from drinking filtered water like my parents indicate. They are serious compared to me. hehe Thank you to my parents for teaching me just play at home and do what I want at home. hehe Well where is mystic mystie mistie misty hehe miss ty. haha Oh! I forgot she is miss y. hehe