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Old 14-12-2010, 02:03 AM   #201

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Seems that the link to download this game doesn't work anymore, so I looked around and found this one.

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Old 14-12-2010, 06:27 PM   #202
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but an ex-alektorophobic
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thanks for letting us know, i will contact the reloaded crew
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Old 15-12-2010, 05:18 PM   #203

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This game is fun, albeit too arcadish. Resting in the dungeon is nearly impossible.
btw, The sun rises on the west, has anyone noticed?
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Old 12-12-2011, 09:34 AM   #204
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Talking New START

Hi, there,
Arena is nice game. I like it. I finished Daggerfall few days ago but Arena brings aroma of the first (let say) kiss in one's life.
I do now quest Elden Grove. I am in a boat reaching the island where is the sacred artifact. But was forced to retreat because some black bear-like enemy attacked me with firing balls....

I will appreciate some help by goodhearted gamer(s). In 2007 I started this game but had no idea what to do so I stopped the game. I remember how dear Scatty (aka Master) tried to help me. Now I want to finish this nice game.

I do not care of colors and/or repetitive surrounding. For me the intrigue is important only.


yoga the brave

There are 3 my games I did not finished, but want to end now:
1. Arena
2. Shadow caster
3. Ultima 8 Pagan
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Old 12-12-2011, 07:03 PM   #205
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Originally Posted by yoga View Post
Hi, there,
Arena is nice game. I like it. I finished Daggerfall few days ago but Arena brings aroma of the first (let say) kiss in one's life.
I do now quest Elden Grove. I am in a boat reaching the island where is the sacred artifact. But was forced to retreat because some black bear-like enemy attacked me with firing balls....

I will appreciate some help by goodhearted gamer(s). In 2007 I started this game but had no idea what to do so I stopped the game. I remember how dear Scatty (aka Master) tried to help me. Now I want to finish this nice game.

I do not care of colors and/or repetitive surrounding. For me the intrigue is important only.


yoga the brave

There are 3 my games I did not finished, but want to end now:
1. Arena
2. Shadow caster
3. Ultima 8 Pagan
To avoid any misunderstood yoga is humble Adam not Eve.
No one play or remember this nice game?
Hmm, so bad..

I did it the Elden Grove quest before 1 hour.
Beware: To withstand these fireballs at island use Resistance against fire potion.
I am a Thief and not Spellcaster.

New beware: I was in very difficult position when finished the quest.
Because I was virussed by some disease, some Red ...
I have not Cure disease. So my every attempt to back to some capital town was unlucky and I died.
What to do?
In Daggerfall in same case I traveled by foot veeeeeeeeery long distance.
Now I choice very near small town Glenport or like, entered, found Magics Guild, pay for Cure disease and voilaaaa.

Sadly I have no music, no sound.
I do use DosBox ver. 0.74 with my 32-bit 7 Ultimate.
Great. I start Install.exe and followed instruction of the post. All did correctly. I am using very nice Philips headphones listening to Jango radio in this very moment. But no Music, no Sound.
This is very embarrassing.

crying yog the brave
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Old 12-12-2011, 07:58 PM   #206
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I played this game a couple of times, but I didn't finish it either of them. But it's a great game (I haven't finished Morrowind either). I don't remember the Elden Grove, if ever I reached it.

Exploit: you can find the Oghma Infinitum as many times as you want (hence the name) to make your attributes super human. Actually any artifact can be re-found provided you don't have any equipped.

All the information you may want, and then some, can be found in the Elder Scrolls wiki:

Life starts every day anew. Prospects not so good...
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Old 13-12-2011, 04:00 PM   #207
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Talking the brave advance

Originally Posted by Japo View Post
I played this game a couple of times, but I didn't finish it either of them. But it's a great game (I haven't finished Morrowind either). I don't remember the Elden Grove, if ever I reached it.

Exploit: you can find the Oghma Infinitum as many times as you want (hence the name) to make your attributes super human. Actually any artifact can be re-found provided you don't have any equipped.

All the information you may want, and then some, can be found in the Elder Scrolls wiki:


Gracias, señor Japo!

You very kind.

Quest the Elden Grove is 2 level quest.
In first You enter a green place but with strong fog.
Only white wolves attacked You.
In the next level the hero found a boat and with boat visited an island. In this island is the 3-th artifact aka piece of scepter of Chaos.

Thank You for advice for Oghma Infinitum.

I need more money to buy potions because being a Thief class I am not so familiar with the magic spells. I have to buy these ones from the Magics Guild.

yoga the brave
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Old 19-12-2011, 01:59 PM   #208
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Talking SOS SOS dear all!!

Help, plz!

I can not continue the game. Rats!

Well, the info:
I am class Thief. I have good supply with me. Levitation, Invisible, Healing, Protection against fire potions, Cure poison, and many more.
- I do my 5-th quest - The Halls of Colossus-first part. "The tablet"
I found the table and start back way through the water canals. After a while I was unable to swim more and died.
The place in question is just ordinary turn!? Why? Maybe this is underwater rock or swimming sands? But before 5 minutes I passed this place in reverse direction without any problem?!?
No enemy(ies) around.
I am healthy, I carry 35kgs only from 140 kgs .
Very strange.
Have no steel dagger of Passwall.

I beg for help.

shipwrecked yoga
Do not make personal remarks - said Alice.

Last edited by yoga; 19-12-2011 at 03:08 PM.
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Old 19-12-2011, 03:29 PM   #209
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I make new and new attempts to cross this magic line, no result.
The feeling is as something hold me with invisible web.
This is second left turn from starting point (before my jump into water).
When I reach this point, I see the blue water, but map shows brawn land? It is not fair, Mrs. creators.
I see some boy how smash the walls as woodpecker.
Maybe I have to start again the game? and have this Passwall? Hard decision.
Can some just tell that no way here?
Mama mia!

I try Opening, Levitation, Free action, even Invisible, NO!
I start with 100% Mana and Health, No und No.

Bad times for me, really bad.
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Old 20-12-2011, 08:00 AM   #210
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Angry Please Please Help

Originally Posted by yoga View Post
I make new and new attempts to cross this magic line, no result.
The feeling is as something hold me with invisible web.
This is second left turn from starting point (before my jump into water).
When I reach this point, I see the blue water, but map shows brawn land? It is not fair, Mrs. creators.
I see some boy how smash the walls as woodpecker.
Maybe I have to start again the game? and have this Passwall? Hard decision.
Can some just tell that no way here?
Mama mia!

I try Opening, Levitation, Free action, even Invisible, NO!
I start with 100% Mana and Health, No und No.

Bad times for me, really bad.

I am desperate.
Can some expert just tell me-
-No, yoga, you can not pass this point without Passwall.-(this point is second turn in water after finding of the Tablet - quest 5 , The Halls of Colossus) and I will start again this game choosing another class hero who will have this famous Passwall, which can drill the walls as woodpecker?

I beg for advice, please.
Just one word - No or You can do it.

This year I did 11 games:
1.Ultima Underworld II - The labyrinth of worlds

3.Stone Prophet
4.Elder Scrolls 2 – Daggerfall
5.Fallout 2
6.Fallout 1
7.LBA 1
8.Baldur Gate 1
9.Baldur Gate 2
10.IWD 1

11.IWD 2 (last battle still to be done)

12.Elder Scrolls 1 - Arena????

Pls, help yoga the brave to finish this year with 12 passed games.

Thank You for your time and help.
Do not make personal remarks - said Alice.
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