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Old 22-05-2015, 08:14 PM   #1

Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 2
Default Thunder Brigade


I'm looking for a game I have played in mid 90's. I have only played the demo. The game was a 3D sci-fi like shooter played in a hover-like vehicle, traveling over terrain and destroying objectives. The perspective of the player was from the inside vehicle ( but you only saw the hud ), you could see the horizon line splitting the view, top: sky bottom: terrain.

The rendering was fully 3D and I'm almost certain it was voxel graphics.( In the case I'm mistaken, they were early polygons. ) The game was colored, using basic textures or voxel equivalent to textures. The terrain had height differences, valleys, mountains, but it looked like it was constructed using a height-map, which means no concave terrain, caves or tunnels. I don't remember if the non-terrain entities were sprites or actually 3D. The buildings were not large, for example you could not hide behind one. The perspective gave the impression they were the size similar of your vehicle. I'm pretty sure the explosions were just sprites. The view distance was fairly large. There were no shadows or any similar effects, the terrain was always visible and bright. Resolution was 640x480 equivalent or lower. I don't remember if there was any foliage like trees or plant life, if it was it wasn't much.

The game was sci-fi looking with military-like scenarios. You were driving a vehicle equivalent to a hovercraft. The vehicle adjusted to the height of the terrain. Playing was done using the keyboard( no mouse ) and the control was mostly left-right and I'm pretty sure the vertical aim was automatic or not there at all. You certainly could not look up and down, perhaps very little automatically when you traveled through uneven terrain. You could not control the vertical motion. The map was fairly large, always outside, on terrain with mountains and water/rivers. The terrain landscape I remember were mostly green, some darker like volcanic, and some white snow-like. Traveling was always free-form with no restrictions, It is possible the map actually wrapped around or at least gave the impression that it was larger than it was really.( It wasn't infinite of course, and you could travel from end to end in a couple of minutes if you avoided enemies. ). You could travel over water, and almost up any height, but you got slowed down substantially while traveling up steep terrain.

There were two weapons. Primary with infinite ammo, but it had a power/battery/charge meter that recharged automatically overtime. It looked and sounded like a blaster( think star wars speed and form, but not as colorful ). It fired pretty rapidly but would use the charge meter fast.

The second weapon, were missiles. The game had several difficulty levels and on, I'm pretty sure the levels were: very easy, easy, normal,.... I remember you had 30 missiles( pretty sure, might be a number that was close to 30 ) on normal and, infinite missiles on very easy.( I usually played on very easy since it had no missile limit )

The goal was usually destroying stationary objectives, military buildings, turrets.

The first map in the demo started in snow, in a crater like hollow and under attack by off screen artillery, you would then travel over the map, at the center there was a valley where there was water and greenery, and destroy enemies.

Enemies were stationary artillery, turrets, buildings. I don't remember much about flying or non-stationary enemies but I'm sure there were at least some.

You had a top-down map in the corner of the screen. The primary weapon's charge was represented by lines/bars and missile ammo by a number.

Don't remember much. The primary weapon had a kinda deep blaster effect. And the missiles sounded like, well missiles. I don't think there was any music.

This was played on Windows 95, pretty sure it was a 486, 66 MHz.

If I saw the image, I would certainly recognize the game. I tried looking on the web but the generic keywords from my description don't return any relevant image. This was probably not a very mainstream game. I did a search on the internet for screenshots of 90's games and found nothing.

Let me know if you want a clarification on anything. I also accept resources( websites ) with game screenshots so I can look through them and eliminate out games, so I can make this search easier.

Thank you.

edit1: The terrain, ignore the gui interface, looked similar to this: https://i0.wp.com/www.maximumpc.com/...omanche_sm.jpg , http://s.uvlist.net/l/y2005/1/3120.jpg , http://s.uvlist.net/l/y2005/2/3121.jpg , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/51E_G7NCXVM/0.jpg

The screenshoots I listed appear to be from Comanche helicopter games using the NovaLogic Voxel Space engine. I don't know if my game used this engine but it looks similar. Also my game wasn't a helicopter simulator. If the vehicle was in fact helicopter-like, then this fact certainly wasn't made very clear( remember no height control in my game ).

It was probably just a similar engine since I only found screenshots of Comanche games using the phrase: *Voxel Space engine novalogic*.

edit2: Graphics similar to this: http://www.mbroecker.com/images/proj...ng_error01.png

edit3: I went trough every action and simulation game on http://www.myabandonware.com but couldn't find it. The closest match was Havoc from Reality Games. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nQx0LTD2smw/hqdefault.jpg http://i.ytimg.com/vi/lFw_99shHWU/hqdefault.jpg

Last edited by JohnBro4321; 24-05-2015 at 11:00 PM.
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Old 25-05-2015, 03:45 AM   #2

Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 2

The game is Thunder Brigade.


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