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Old 22-01-2013, 10:58 PM   #1

Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 1
Default SOLVED: PCjr (or maybe just DOS) wizard missile command typing game


Back in the early 90s I had two computers, an old PCjr and a slightly-less-old DOS computer, but I can't remember which one this game was for. I THINK it was PCjr, but I've searched and can never find this game in any PCjr game lists.

- It was a game for learning how to type.

- I think it MIGHT have had multiple game modes (like, straight-up typing practice and then a "game") but the one I always played, you were a wizard standing on a planet in the center of the screen. Asteroids or other space objects (possibly flying saucers) would come from all sides, each with a word on them. You would have to spell the word before they hit you, like Missile Command. When you spelled it, the wizard would zap the asteroid with a laser from his wand to destroy it.

-There were multiple difficulty settings to incorporate numbers or longer words.

Here is a mock-up of what the game screen looked like

EDIT: the actual game

- I remember it had a cool sounding one-word name. I think it had a Z, or W, or U, or some other weird letter. Like... Zenith or Wizzu or Orion or something along those lines. The name didn't have anything to do with typing.

-The box art was mostly black, with the name of the game in big chrome letters

Any help would be awesome.

Last edited by ook; 22-01-2013 at 11:24 PM.
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