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Old 03-03-2006, 09:50 AM   #1
"I" in the Team
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Woooooooo! Ladies & Gentleman! Welcome to Pro Wrestling Abandonia!

Our wrestlers have signed in and were ready to begin.

Here's how it goes: I put wrestlers in the show. They will fight & act, just like in regular wrestling. I will post reports of our matches.

Here's our current roster:

Upper Midcarder

Alfan Tissov Spolovinovit
Armed Forces

Baskov Nevsky
Upper Midcarder
Split Personality
Tag Team Champion

Black September
Upper Midcarder

Upper Midcarder

Brother Chaos
Cult Leader

Fifth Power
Upper Midcarder
Pay-Per-View Champion

Fruit Punch

Client: None

Jack J. Johnson
That 80's Guy
Client: The Caveman

Upper Midcarder
Martial Arts

Mean Machine
Main Eventer
Abandonia Superstar

Missy Beverly

Mr British

Mr Hyde II

Mystery Wrestler
Main Eventer

Upper Midcarder

Reverend Bizarre
Evil Preacher
Clients: Mean Machine & Black September

Roddy Piper
Non Wrestler

Main Eventer
No Gimmick Needed
Currently Unavaiable

Sir Jesse Jack
Non Wrestler

Sir Peter III
Executive Consultant
Client: Marlene

The Caveman

Ye Olde Bloodlord
Non Wrestler
Grizzled Veteran
Tag Team Champion

R-Rated Diva Division:

Lower Midcarder

Bobbi Jo Jablonski
Lower Midcarder
Dual-Sport Superstar

Erica Porter
Ice Man

Kumiko Indohara
Lower Midcarder

Lexie Fyfe
Lower Midcarder
Rich Snob

Miss Jackie
Lower Midcarder

Tracy Brooks
Lower Midcarder

Upper Midcarder
Adult Film Star
Abandonia Diva Champion

The Midcarder is the position of the wrestler. The most important wrestlers are those who are "Main Event". Important guys are "Upper Midcarder", not so important guys are "Midcarder" & those at the "lower midcarder" are the less-important persons.

Below the Midcarder is disposition: Face's are good guys, Heel's are Bad and Tweeners are neutral.

Below the disposition are the gimmicks. Gimmicks are the "theme" of the wrestlers.

NOTES: To Sebatianos and Chuck The Plant: Your characters gimmicks were very lousy. I checked the Gimmick faq. Sebatianos can't be Censor gimmick if he is a face and Mean Machine can't be Power & Paint if he is a heel. Sebatianos doesnt currently have gimmick & Mean Machine's gimmick is now "Demon". If you want to change your gimmicks into something particular, just tell me.

Pay-Per-Views: These are special events. Here's a list of our Pay-Per-Views & when they are:
January 21- "Blood Work"
February 18- "Wrestling Wars"
March 25- "Sacred Tournament"
April 14- "End of the World"
May 14- "HOTU* One Night Stand"
June 18- "Night in Madison Square Garden"
July 23- "Warez Cult Beatdown"
August 13- "Ultima Britannia Tournament"
September 24- "Mortal Kombat"
October 29- "Bombshelter
November 26- "The Darkest Hour"
December 24- "Night Before Chrismas"

*Yup. HOTU= Home of the Underdogs.
Note: All PPV's are cancelled!!
Promotion status:
Promotion size: Cult
Public Image: 69%
Television: We currently have no TV program. Our shows are runned on Pay-Per-View.

Abandonia Superstar title: Mean Machine
Abandonia Pay-Per-View Title: Fifth Power
Abandonia Tag Team Titles: Baskov Nevsky & Ye Olde Bloodlord
Abandonia Diva Title: Victoria

Prepare for first reports.
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Old 03-03-2006, 10:52 AM   #2
"I" in the Team
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Lappeenranta, Finland
Posts: 2,236

First Report.

April 7 2006. London England.

Huge pyro effects. Camera shows cheering crowd.

Tom Henrik: Welcome ladies & Gentleman, to Abandonia Wrestling Show. Im Tom Henrik and i will be commendating the show. Alongside me is the colour commendator, Titan.
Titan: Right Tom. This is a very special night. This is the first ever Abandonia's Wrestling Show on TV, bought to you by USA Network.
Suddenly, Sir Jesse Jacks entrance music starts.

Segment 1: Authority Angle
Sir Jesse Jack comes behind from the curtains. He wawes to the crowd and then he approaches the ring.
Announcer: Ladies & Gentleman! Please Welcome, the boss of Pro Wrestling Abandonia: Sir Jesse Jack
Sir Jesse Jack grabs the microphone. He looks at the audience calmly and then he starts to speak.
Sir Jesse Jack: First of all: Id like to thank each and everyone of you for coming here. You are the first audience, that will see wrestling in Abandonia style! We are proud to start our show in here, London England!
Crowd cheers.
Sir Jesse Jack: Tonight we will see a qualifying matches. The winner of these matches will go to the PWA's first Pay-Per-View: The End of the World. He will be in the main event and he will have changes to win the Abandonia Superstar Championship Title!
Crowd cheers.
Sir Jesse Jack: And his opponent, who also has change for this title, will be the winner of tonights huge 10 over the top Battle Royal!
More cheers.
Sir Jesse Jack: I wish that you will all enjoy tonights show! Thank you, London!
Crowd cheers & Sir Jesse Jack goes to backstage.


Segment 2:Match
Announcer: The following match is scheducled for one fall. Introducing first....
A.T.S's entrance music hits & he walks from the curtains.
Announcer: From Europea, Russia: Alfan Tissov Spolovinovit
Tom Henrik: This is a historic moment Titan. Alfan & his opponent are the first ever PWA wrestlers aired on national TV.
Titan: It is quaranteed that these two men will do anything to win.
Suddenly, everything goes dark. Red lights flash everywhere and red smoke rises from the entrance. A huge man walks in.
Announcer: And his opponent, from somewhere Mexico: Black September.
Titan: Look at the Alfan's face. He is so scared. That September is a total freak.
Tom: No no no! Alfan is not scared. He's a former soldier. He looks more like surprised.
Bell rings and match starts.
Tom: Both men look like theyre ready for all. Black September starts the match. He grabs Alfan & does a Elevated Neckbreaker on him. He goes for the cover!
Titan: This could be it, and it didnt last long...
Tom: ONE....TWO...AND NO! Alfan kicks out.
Titan: Well that was just pure luck!
Tom: September continues his work: Beating the hell out of Alfan.
Titan: Alfan looks a little confused.
Tom: Piledriver from September! He covers! Alfan kicks out in two!
Titan: September is getting frustrated.
Tom: He goes for the Clothesline...HE MISSES! Now its Alfan's turn! Punch, Punch, Punch and beatiful Powerbomb!
Titan: Listen to that crowd!
Tom: Alfan goes to the Top Rope. He's preparing for the Russian Air Attack! He jumps...
Titan: Black September dodges! The Air-Attack misses! And that was the end of Alfans momentum.
Tom: Now its Septembers turn again. He body slams Alfan and hooks the leg. One...two and a kick out by Alfan.
Titan: September is getting more frustrated. I can feel it..
Tom: September charges on Alfan...and the referee gets in the middle! The ref has been knocked out! September gets out from the ring...he grabs a chair!
Titan: Alfan is too weak to run. He's dog food now.
Tom: September charges in the ring and hits Alfan with a chair!
Bell rings.
Tom: Whats this? The referee was awake all the time! He disqualifies Black September!
Announcer: Here's your winner, by disqualification: Alfan Tissov Spolovinovit!
Titan: This was all just pure luck! Alfan was lucky that the referee was awake!
Tom: Luck or not, Alfan still managed to win. And he now has a change for a Abandonia Superstar championship.
Titan: But he still has to win his opponent tonight.

Rating: 54%

Segment 3: Match
Announcer: The following contest is scheducled for "Choose your client" match. The winner of this match will get Marlene as his client.
Sir Peter's Music hits. He walks from the curtain and approaches the ring.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Europea: Sir Peter The Third!
Tom: We will have our first special match in our first day. Both Sir Peter & his opponent, Half-Dollar, want Marlene as a client.
Titan: Yeah. And Marlene wanted to have a match between these two men.
Half-Dollars rap music hits. He walks from the curtain and approaches the ring.
Announcer: And his opponent, from Calgary, Canada: Half-Dollar!
Tom: Have you ever listened Half-Dollars music?
Titan: No. I never liked rap music.
Tom: Well, Half-Dollar does also some music. He just finished his first rap video: Im a rich bastard.
Bell rings.
Tom: The match starts and both men attack. They exchange punches. Half-Dollar ducks the clothesline attempt and connect with a counter Clothesline. Half-Dollar keeps attacking with Clotheslines...
Titan: He's really using all the power he's got.
Tom: Half-Dollar grabs Sir Peter...and Sir Peter counters and does DDT! He covers, two count and Half-Dollar kicks out.
Titan: Well, you simply cant beat a match with a one move. What is Sir Peter thinking??
Tom: Half-Dollar grabs Sir Peter in a Sleeper Hold but Sir Peter is able to get free and do a Jawbreaker. Sir Peter hits with a Dropkick and then he crushes Half-Dollar with a Senton Bomb! The Half-Dollar is down, he hooks up. ONE....TWO...AND NO! Half-Dollar kicks out.
Titan: Very impressive moves from Sir Peter. But it takes more than that to beat Half-Dollar.
Tom: Half-Dollar is up again, beating the hell out of Sir Peter. Tiger Suplex from Half-Dollar! He covers but Sir Peter kicks out in two.
Titan: Sir Peter was lucky enough to survive from that Tiger Suplex.
Tom: Half-Dollar stomps and jumps on Sir Peter. Half-Dollar goes for a Clothesline...but Sir Peter counters! Belly to Belly Suplex from Sir Peter! Half-Dollar is stunned! Sir Peter heads to the top rope. Here it comes: Money Shot!!! 1....2...3! He got it!
Announcer: Here's your winner: Sir Peter The Third!

Rating: 63%

Segment 4: Manager Angle
Tom: Sir Peter gets the microphone. Looks like he's ready to claim his reward.
Sir Peter: Right. Lets begin this.
Sir Peter pulls a paper and pen from his pocket.
Sir Peter: Marlene! Come over here!
Marlene's music hits. She comes behind the curtains and walks in the ring.
Sir Peter: Okay. I won Half-Dollar and i do get what you promised, right.
Marlene: Right.
Sir Peter: Here. Sign in here, and i will take you to your fame and glory!
Marlene takes the pen and signs.
Sir Peter: Thank you. Now, let us go to backstage and negotiate about your next match..

Rating: 66%

Segment 5: Manager Angle
Camera is showing Jack J. Johnson and Caveman who are in the backstage locker room.
Jack: Are you ready for tonights show Caveman?
Caveman: Ugh.
Jack: Remember, if you win this match, you will get an opputurnity for the title.
Caveman: Ugh.
Jack: Think about all the fame you will get...
Jack looks at his clock.
Jack: Oh, your match is about to start. Lets go.
Both men leave the locker room.

Rating: 57%

Segment 6: Match
Cavemans wild entrance music hits. He and Jack J. Johnson come behind the curtain and they approach the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheducled for Three men Triple Threat Match. Introducing first: From Unknown regions: The Caveman!
Tom: Caveman is probably one of the strangest wrestler in PWA. He's got lots of muscle...
Titan: ..put no brain. Thats why Jack J. Johnson is doing all the thinking for him.
"Gayish" music hits. Pink & purple lights flash from everywhere. Fruit Punch walks in and he approaches the ring.
Announcer: And his opponent, from Europea: Fruit Punch
Titan: I have to tell you this Tom, im a little scared of Fruit Punch because he is...
Tom: Gay. We all known that youre a little scared of gays Titan.
Another music hits. Sebatianos walks in and he approaches the ring.
Announcer: And their opponent, from Europea: Sebatianos
Tom: Sebatianos is my favourite choice for Abandonia Superstar.
Titan: Naah. There's nothing special about him. He's just a wrestler.
Tom: Yeah, but he's a good one.
Bell rings
Tom: Caveman starts the match. He does a brutal Big Forearm to Fruit Punch. He continues with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Sebatianos breaks in and attacks Caveman with a elbow. He beats Caveman...Fruit Punch attacks from behind! Beatiful dropkick from Fruit Punch. He covers Sebatianos: ONE...TWO..but Caveman saves Sebatianos. Fruit Punch now attacks Caveman.
Titan: All three men are doing their best to win this match.
Tom: Caveman powerbombs Fruit Punch! Fruit Punch is knocked out...Sebatianos jumps from the top ropes! He nails Caveman with Flying Clothesline!!! He covers!! ONE...TWO...THREE!!! Its all over!!
Bell rings.
Announcer: Here's your winner: Sebatianos
Titan: Sebatianos had to cheat to win.
Tom: Cheat? What are you talking about??
Tom: He attacked Caveman when he was concentrating on Punch.
Tom: Anyway, Sebatianos still has one more match tonight.

Quality: 64%

Segment 7: Interview
Reverend Bizarre is walking in the backstage. Behind him are his clients: Black September & Mean Machine. Interviewer stops them.
Interviewer: Mr. Bizarre! Your client, Mean Machine, will have hard time because he has to beat 9 other men tonight. What do you think?
Bizarre: Mean Machine is ready for anything! He will win Main Event! He will go to the End of the World! And he will win the championship, no matter if his opponent is Alfan or Sebatianos! He will win!

Quality: 58%

Segment 8: 1 vs 1 angle
Missy Beverly is standing in the ring with a microphone.
Announcer: Ladies & Gentleman, please welcome: Missy Beverly!
Missy Beverly: I was just looking at the match scheducle for the End of the World, and i found out that i dont have a match in there. I asked Sir Jesse Jack: " Why dont i have a match?" and he said: "You want a match? Challenge someone.".
She pauses for a moment.
Missy Beverly: Thats why im here tonight,to challenge one person: Marlene.
She look at the entrance.
Missy Beverly: Marlene! Im calling you out! Im challenging you!
Music hits and Marlene walks in. She stays at the entrance.
Marlene: You want a match at the End of the World? Okay i will give you a match.
Missy Beverly: Well, thats great...
Marlene: But know this: That wont be no ordinary match. It will be: Bra & Panties Match!
Crowd cheers wildly.
Missy Beverly: Fine. Il see you at the End of the World!
Tom: Wow! Were going to have a Bra & Panties match at the End of the World!

Quality: 46%

Segment 9: Match.
(Im getting lazy. This is a Sebatianos vs Alfan Tissov Spolovinovit match. The winner of this match will get a title match at the End of the World. Il just skip this match. Sebatianos won this match.)

Quality: 59%

Segment 10: Match
Announcer: The following contest is scheducled for 10 Men Over the Top Rope Battle Royal. The Winner of this match will face Sebatianos in the End of the World. The Participants of the match are: Mr Hyde II, _r.u.s.s, Mr British, Bobbin, Ye Olde Bloodlord, Possession, Mean Machine, Baskov Nevsky, Brother Chaos & Fifth Power.
(lets fast forward this match)
Mr.Hyde II Eliminated _r.u.s.s
Fifth Power eliminated Baskov Nevsky
Fifth Power eliminated Possession
Bobbin eliminated Mr.Hyde II
Bobbin eliminated Mr.British
Mean Machine eliminated Ye Olde Bloodlord
Fifth Power eliminated Brother Chaos
Mean Machine Eliminated Fifth Power
(Lets stop here)
Tom: Bobbin moves to kill: Spear!
Titan: What the hell...??
Tom: Spear didnt do anything to Mean Machine! He's still standing!
Titan: Bobbin is in biiig trouble now!
Tom: Mean Machine grabs Bobbin! Vader Bomb!!! He throws Bobbin out of the ring!!
Bell ring
Announcer: Here's your winner: Mean Machine!!

Quality: 62%

Segment 11: Authority Angle
Sir Jesse Jack comes behind the curtains.
Sir Jesse Jack: Congrats Machine! You have won the Battle Royal. Ladies & Gentleman! At the End of the World, Mean Machine will face Sebatianos. And the winner of this match will be the first Abandonia Superstar!!

Quality: 91%

We got a 2.24 rating for 'Abandonia Wrestling Show'!
The attendance level was 420 people.
We made $8400 from ticket sales.

My Comments: Well, it wasnt good nor bad. But this is just the beginning...

Oh, here's what www.EWRevenge.com wrote about Sir Jesse Jack:
Ultra-charismatic European 26 year old Sir Jesse Jack is a world-class all rounder, currently working for PWA as a non-wrestling face. The Lightweight worker, who uses the Jesse Jack Stunner as a finisher, has sometimes been criticized for being lazy in the ring.

And that concludes my first report.

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Old 03-03-2006, 11:23 AM   #3
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Very huge report :w00t:

This will become my favorite wrestling show k:
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Old 03-03-2006, 03:21 PM   #4
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I don't know what to say...

That was GOOD k:
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Old 03-03-2006, 03:44 PM   #5
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but an ex-alektorophobic
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i would say you are too kind to kill such a time writing such a LONG post O_O

good one though,
btw it would be nice to have
a link to "extreme warfare..blahblah in" blahblahblah section, becouse there is full description of fighters and here is just posittion, disposition and gimmick
..or to have full description here

you know, maybe someone doesnt know about "warfare revenge blahblah" topic
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Old 03-03-2006, 03:53 PM   #6
Abandonia nerd

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Yay I won
Marlene and I will rule you all ghehe :P
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Old 03-03-2006, 03:56 PM   #7
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Originally posted by SirPeter@Mar 3 2006, 04:53 PM
Yay I won
Marlene and I will rule you all ghehe :P
Just make sure you will make some good moves before my next fight :angel:

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Old 03-03-2006, 05:47 PM   #8
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Originally posted by kajjj+Mar 3 2006, 04:56 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (kajjj @ Mar 3 2006, 04:56 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-SirPeter@Mar 3 2006, 04:53 PM
Yay I won
Marlene and I will rule you all ghehe :P
Just make sure you will make some good moves before my next fight :angel:

Marlene [/b][/quote]
I've got it all worked out
Now lets go train for our next match
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Old 04-03-2006, 10:11 AM   #9
"I" in the Team
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Sign in topic.

Here's the link to the sign in topic. It has full information of gimmicks and bigger roster information.

Here's a match scheducle i have been planning for the End of the World.

Fatal Four way manager match: Sir Peter III vs Reverend Bizarre vs Half-Dollar vs Jack J. Johnson

Tag Team Table Match (A match where you have to put your opponent trought the table): Possession & Brother Chaos vs Baskov Nevsky & Ye Olde Bloodlord

Ive been thinking about putting Possessionn & Brother Chaos in a tag team. We could call it "Brotherhood of Darkness". We could also but Nevsky & Bloodlord in a tag team and call it "Oldies". I also suggest that we should turn Brother Chaos into heel. The winners of this match will win the Abandonia Tag Team Titles

Bra & Panties match: Marlene vs Missy Beverly

Beverly challenged Marlene, so there will be this match. Of course: People love these type of matches.

Main Event: Sebatianos vs Mean Machine (Abandonia Superstar Title)

Ive been thinking about turning this into a special match. Maybe these two should fight in a ring where ropes have been changed into barbed wire (barbed wire match), fight in a ring which is on fire (inferno match) or maybe we should lock them in a cell (Hell in a cell match).

What do you think?

Match types:
Singles = Basic one on one match
Guest Referee = A match with a guest referee (another wrestler) in it.
Hardcore = A match without rules. Has some hardcore action (weapons, dangerous stunts..etc)
Submission = A match which only ends up in submission move
Ladder = A match with ladders.
Tables = Described far above
Cage = A match with cage. Opponents have to escape from the cage.
Texas Death = Like hardcore, but more violent
Last Man Standing = A match with no rules. Match ends when wrestler has been knocked out and he cant answer to the ten count.
Falls count anywhere = Another match without rules. However, this match happens outside the ring (local bar, locker room, parking lot...etc)
Iron Man = A match which takes 30 or 60 minutes. The wresler with most submissions, pinfalls, count outs and disqualifications wins.
Bra & Panties = Link at the first report
I Quit = Another match without rules. Wrestler has to make his opponent to say "I Quit" in microphone in order to win.
Inferno = Described far above
High Incident = Another very violent match
First Blood = Wrestler has to make his opponent bleed in order to win
Barbed Wire = Described far above.

There are also more matches avaiable, but i have to "unlock" them somehow.
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Old 04-03-2006, 11:11 AM   #10
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Where are the fights at what site :help: i wanna see the fights
Help Using DosBox ... Newbs can Ask me at xxfangxx@hotmail.com (I didnt know how to use it now I do so I will share my knowledge)
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