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Old 12-03-2007, 07:09 PM   #201

thanks for all that got it all up and running but for some reasons i cant change the pack size in simulation do you know why??
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Old 27-03-2007, 01:15 PM   #202

Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Isle of Sheppey, England
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What a game! As a direct result of buying this eleven years ago I ended up adopting a wolf at a wolf centre a couple of hours away. One thing lead to another and I'm now a volunteer there, spending most of my Sundays around wolves.

Anyway, the game itself is remarkably accomplished. The authors must have spent a fair armount of time around real wolves judging by the little things such as the gaits and various subtle things such as the head-bobbing of injured wolves. The sound effects are pretty realistic too, apart from that "woof" you get when you click a button - I've only heard wolves bark twice in three years!

I tracked down an additional copy of Wolf via eBay a couple of years ago and donated it to the wolf centre, as to this day there's been nothing that comes anywhere near it. Okay, it's not terribly up to date (as we now know that it's not just alphas who breed, for example), but overall it's still pretty good.

And last, but not least, something you won't find elsewhere - a couple of MP3s:

Travelling Through Time
The tune that's played when you click on the wolf cubs in the "About wolves" section.

Day Trot
Played during daylight hours of the game, you can also listen to it by clicking the wolf cubs (as above) then selecting the territory / scent marking button.

(PS - the difference between w.exe and wolf.exe is that the former won't pop up an annoying box in Win95 asking you to restart in DOS mode - the files are exactly the same.)
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Old 28-03-2007, 09:42 AM   #203

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I love this game! I remember looking forward to it coming out back in '94, but it never seemed to appear in stores where I lived. Such an amazingly thoughtful and original game; the world needs more like it. The interface is a little quirky by today's standards, but I've had no trouble getting it to run in Dosbox (remember Alt+Enter for fullscreen!).

I downloaded the (sort of) sequel Lion from Home of the Underdogs. It is very similar; the interface is a little cleaner but it lacks some of the flavour tidbits of Wolf. The HOTU version of Lion missing the sound files, and after hearing those beautiful MP3s from SpiralVortex (thank you!!), I've added my request for a with-sound version of Lion to be added to Abandonia.
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Old 01-04-2007, 10:57 PM   #204

When does a month pass by? I've been playing non stop wolf for three weeks, and it is still fall. I'm trying to ate too. The funny thing is, the beta wolf dies. xDI wasn't paying atention to the screen (due to T.V), and I was infront of a hunt and I started to run away, and the beta died, so it's just me and the alpha male. Can anyone tell me when a season ends? I'm desprate.
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Old 17-05-2007, 11:21 PM   #205

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Apr 1 2007, 10:57 PM) [snapback]285842[/snapback]</div>
When does a month pass by?
I think that after 30 days of wolf-time a month passes, I dont' know for sure though.
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Old 25-06-2007, 11:47 PM   #206

Once i download the game, all the files go into a zipped folder. How do i get it so i can play the game?
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Old 25-06-2007, 11:56 PM   #207
Mighty Midget
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You will need to extract the files in that zipped archive to a folder of your choise, and I will strongly reccomend you using DOSBox for running the game. If you are unfamiliar with DOSBox there is a Beginner's Guide To DOSBox here on Abandonia, which will guide you through it in small steps.

Je Suis Charlie
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Old 02-07-2007, 02:23 PM   #208
An anonymous person

Here's a problem that none of you have yet answered to yet. Running the game as normal in dosbox, I decide to try simulation mode after spending the last half-hour reading everything I could find in the menus. After putting it so that I could experiment with the humans (I haven't read the FAQs at this point), I started into the game. Immediately upon loading into the map, my cursor started floating to the top of the screen. It would move sideways normally, and with much effort I could force the cursor back down, but it would just float upwards again. When I paused to look at the options, the cursor worked normally, so I decided to let it do what it wanted for a while. Eventually, the cursor started to work normally (I was probably screwed by now since I was nowhere near the pack and it was approaching night), so I went on playing. Unfortunately, it eventually started to recur so I ditched the game and tried a scenario. Sure enough, it occurred again, so here I am, after reading every post in a vain attempt to find a solution to my problem. I am fairly experienced in working with dos games (they are both numerous and free), so just give me a solution straight up.
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Old 02-07-2007, 03:18 PM   #209
The Fifth Horseman
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Umm... try with a different mouse?

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Old 02-07-2007, 11:19 PM   #210

Dosbox problem: I save a game in game ( I see that it got saved)

when I exit the game and close the DosBox afterwards the savedgame is gone, I think its something in Dosbox but im not sure what

please help
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