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Old 17-11-2014, 10:49 PM   #121
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grat youga for beating Doom 2. I did that when it was stardom, today I could not repeat it,as that engine makes me computer-sick.

Also, I think I'll never finish Total Annihilation. It just takes too much effort, and I'm slowly run out of money for lacking a job,and noone responding to my applications. I'd sell my soul to a minimum-wedge work.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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Old 18-11-2014, 05:50 AM   #122
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Originally Posted by twillight View Post
grat youga for beating Doom 2. I did that when it was stardom, today I could not repeat it,as that engine makes me computer-sick.

Also, I think I'll never finish Total Annihilation. It just takes too much effort, and I'm slowly run out of money for lacking a job,and noone responding to my applications. I'd sell my soul to a minimum-wedge work.
Sad news, amigo.

This damned idiot Orban slowly kills the best people in Europe.
You have some friends in London to help You?
Many BG countrymen find good job in England.
The air-ticket is about 20-30 Euro only.
You are educated and nice specialist anyway..
I want to say God bless this good man but know that ....
But my thoughts, my soul are with YOU.
Sometime bad days will end.
Dazed and confused
Do not make personal remarks - said Alice.
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Old 18-11-2014, 03:42 PM   #123
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Default Phantasmagoria 2, Chapter 3

Nope, I have no contact in London, it'd be too expensive anyway with all the necessary paper, rent and so on.

But enough of me, let's back to GAMING!

Chapter 3 is mostly about how Curtis deals with the death of his co-worker who he hated. Despite the events actually being fast, this chapter felt way longer than it actually is, for it is that more serious (and lacks zounds of distracting childish easter eggs):

- answer phone (so it won't annoy you)
- examine mailbox
- examine mirror
- Alt Ctrl click on book on table
- while being able to seethe rat-cage click on Curtis' nose until he farts (this is a slightly modified version of the previous)
- examine rat
- examine mail
- go wyntech, enter storeage (guides usually refers this as "Network room", though beats me on what basis), pick up hammer from table
- click on Curtis with screwdriver*5, than with hammer (dunno whythis egg has so many versions)
- examine small door
- re-enter storeage
- enter office
- exit Curtis' cube, examine boss' door
- enter Curtis' cube
- phone Trevor
- phone Curtis
- phone Jocelyn
- phone Therese*2
- phone Bob, examine phone
- talk Jocelyn
- talk Trevor*3
- talk Therese*2
- click*3 on silver statue on There's desk
- talk Jocelyn
- enter Curtis' cube, log in computer
- read/answer mails
- read archive (code: Carpe Diem)
- read memos (codes are on the Post It)
- try working on Alotharia9.doc (one liner is removed in GoG version)
- examine box in Bob's cube
- examine boss' door (the order of action in the office is arranged to build up the emotional tension)
- talk nurse
- examine ball (important to not mess with the belts before this if you want to watch the cutsceen)
- examine belts
- examine rat-woman*2
- examine male patient sitting
- examine female patient sitting
- examine male patient standing*many times
- examine ball
- examine belts (the actions for this segment arranged based on actions, although they are almost nonrelated)
- now you have an alternative: either run away (lame), or wait (better)
- examine mirror
- examine rat*2
- examine book case
- use toolbox on Curtis
- use combination of hammer + screwdriver on toolbox
- pick up letter
- go The Dreaming Tree
- talk Trevor until he leaves
- re-enter The Dreaming Tree (you were force-moved for unknown reason)
- talk Max*2
- go Doc H.
- talk
- show button
- show sexy post card
- show greeting card
- show treshold file
- show letter*2
- show parent photo
- show lace
- show x-mass photo (the converstion with the psychiatrist is arranged based on themes, described events and grammar (really). At this point Curtis is really shown falling apart, the talks start to get loose and vary.)
- go Borderline
- talk with patron at bar
- try enter The Pit
- go home
-talk Therese until chapter finish (SAVE at this point, timed stuff coming)
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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Old 18-11-2014, 07:35 PM   #124
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Ok, I was "lying" about timed stuff (in a sense), but I really hate to land in the middle of a situation w/o a chance to save.

But here is Chapter 4, what is a lot of walking around, almost like someone would like to memorize you all the places before the Big Stuff.
Despite the obvious weakness of this chapter, it turns pretty straight that Curtis is either now mad, or the interdimensional research made some obsessive enemy on Curtis' neck (or both).

- hold the cursor over the detective's butt for 20+ seconds
- talk detective*4
- examine mirror
- examine mail box
- Ctrl Alt click on book on table
- examine rat*3
- examine book case
- examine mail
- call psychiatrist
- go wyntech, enter office (this event makes no sense unfortunatelly, should happen along the next time you visit wyntech)
- click Curtis' ear*5
- although I did not mention this, but every day you could drink a limited time from the water tank with the exact same result a the first time. The thing I mention it now is, that you are able too this time, despite:
- try enter the boss' room (the detective calls you away)
- try enter Tom's cube (and the detective kicks you out)
- go The Dreaming Tree
- talk Trevor*4
- re-enter The Dreaming Tree
- talk Max
- go to Doc H.
- use wallet on large diplom (code: batman)
- talk
- examine snowball
- talk
- examine snowball
- talk
- go home
- examine mirror
- examine front door
- talk Jocelyn*2
- pick up hairpin
- go wyntech
- enter storeage
- use screwdriver*5 than hairpin on Curtis
- use hairpin on boss' door (ye, I know)
- try open drawer
- use screwdriver on drawer
- pick up book, pick up paper
- log in computer as Curtis, read mail
- log in computer as PAW (code: Carpe Diem)
- set Curtis' security lvl to max (no info what if you only set 2 out of 3. Code: blacklotus)
- try enter office from boss' room (see, makes no sense the previous visit)
- enter glass door
- use lift
- go in
- examine jacket
- go in
- examine toy
- go in
- examine blanket
- try go in (SAVE)
- examine panel (code: 10958, and you have to enter it FAST)
- try enter Treshold
- use computer (code: rosetta)
- answer questions (there are some variations in the conversations. To check all, follow this guide: 1: why / when or how; 2: yes (jumps to 4) / why / no (logs out); 3: yes; 4: why; 5: (logs out either way, but most sense has „how”)
- go Borderline OR if you want to see a Game Iver use key card on reader (same video, but slightly longer than not setting the code on the door here when entering)
- examine patron at bar
- try enter The Pit
- try use the toilet
- rest the cursor on the door of the toilet and type "whipme"
- talk Therese*2
- examine cocktail
- try enter The Pit
- use greeting card (sexy post card works the same, but this is more sensical, and you can't try both) on bouncer
- use borderline invitation on bouncer
- try enter door
- solve puzzle
- examine rack
- go out to the bar
- re-enter The Pit, examine curtain

Unfortunately this "sex" is almost nonexistant
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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Old 18-11-2014, 11:39 PM   #125
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Default Phantasmagoria 2, Chapter 5

Oh, what we all waited for! Animated stuff combined with live shots, lots of carnage, aliens, conspiracy, whatnot!

- talk detective
- examine rat
- talk detective
- talk detective OR wait (although the later is a bit nonsensical if u ask me)
- examine mirror*2
- use hammer on mirror
- open nightstand, pick up wallet
- examine mailbox*2
- examine rat*2
- Ctrl Alt on book on table
- call Doc H.
- examine phone (although the next video won't be effected by this...)
- go behind desk
- exit OR hit guard / wait (but why wait for the same stuff to happen?)
- go wyntech
- examine water tank
- examine Tom's computer
- examine Bob's "computer"
- examine Curtis' computer*2
- enter boss' room (beats me how you are able to still roam around ona multikill crime sceen)
- login computer as PAW, read new file, print
- login computer as Curtis, read mail
- enter storeage
- pick up Trevor's key card
- enter basement
- login computer
- type your answers (3 questions, my favourite answers are yes-why-yes, but lot of variability)
- use Tervor's key card on reader
- enter correct glyph
- examine consol
- talk PAW*2
- talk apparition
- examine console
- talk apparition
- examine console OR wait (in which case you die)
- pick up alien slime, 3*alien creature, alien fungus
- combine starfish alien + U-alien = combined alien creature OR combine starfish alien + lightbulb alien to die
- use alien fungus to trap electric alien
- use combined alien on energy barrier
- enter energy pillar
- examine creature
- examine creature OR try to go back in which case you die
for the coming choices only the first allows you to survive:
- pick up syringe, OR pick up scalpel, OR w8
- examine pistol, OR click Jocelyn, OR w8
- pick up card key, OR talk all three zombie (you can pass talking with only any two of them), OR w8
- use card key on lift, OR w8
- use lever, OR hit Therese, OR w8
- talk mother, OR try to leave, OR w8
- examine creature
- examine creature, pick up alien glop
- combine alien glop + alien slime = alien ooze
- use alien ooze on spot below portal
- use electric alien on portal
- solve machine-puzzle. WARNING. Once you start this, you can not do anything else. Also, if you do an incorrect move, the game crashes (yes, even the GoG version). So save each time something new happens.
- choose your ending. Although even if you could blame all stuff on PAW, neither you or Jocelyn have work to go back to. And you might be incompatible. Although you might just plan an alien invasion Anyway, this game ends here. Might be interesting to find out what would bethe MINIMAL thing to do, and wether that way it still makes sense or not, but I leave that up to you

EDIT: to get to the "Easter Egg Score Screen" exit your location (just using the map won't work), and click*10 on the partially visible representation of the building on the bottom of the map, closest to the river.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 19-11-2014 at 10:09 AM.
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Old 19-11-2014, 05:40 AM   #126
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Originally Posted by twillight View Post
Oh, what we all waited for! Animated stuff combined with live shots, lots of carnage, aliens, conspiracy, whatnot!

- talk detective
- examine rat
- talk detective
- talk detective OR wait (although the later is a bit nonsensical if u ask me)
- examine mirror*2
- use hammer on mirror
- open nightstand, pick up wallet
- examine mailbox*2
- examine rat*2
- Ctrl Alt on book on table
- call Doc H.
- examine phone (although the next video won't be effected by this...)
- go behind desk
- exit OR hit guard / wait (but why wait for the same stuff to happen?)
- go wyntech
- examine water tank
- examine Tom's computer
- examine Bob's "computer"
- examine Curtis' computer*2
- enter boss' room (beats me how you are able to still roam around ona multikill crime sceen)
- login computer as PAW, read new file, print
- login computer as Curtis, read mail
- enter storeage
- pick up Trevor's key card
- enter basement
- login computer
- type your answers (3 questions, my favourite answers are yes-why-yes, but lot of variability)
- use Tervor's key card on reader
- enter correct glyph
- examine consol
- talk PAW*2
- talk apparition
- examine console
- talk apparition
- examine console OR wait (in which case you die)
- pick up alien slime, 3*alien creature, alien fungus
- combine starfish alien + U-alien = combined alien creature OR combine starfish alien + lightbulb alien to die
- use alien fungus to trap electric alien
- use combined alien on energy barrier
- enter energy pillar
- examine creature
- examine creature OR try to go back in which case you die
for the coming choices only the first allows you to survive:
- pick up syringe, OR pick up scalpel, OR w8
- examine pistol, OR click Jocelyn, OR w8
- pick up card key, OR talk all three zombie (you can pass talking with only any two of them), OR w8
- use card key on lift, OR w8
- use lever, OR hit Therese, OR w8
- talk mother, OR try to leave, OR w8
- examine creature
- examine creature, pick up alien glop
- combine alien glop + alien slime = alien ooze
- use alien ooze on spot below portal
- use electric alien on portal
- solve machine-puzzle. WARNING. Once you start this, you can not do anything else. Also, if you do an incorrect move, the game crashes (yes, even the GoG version). So save each time something new happens.
- choose your ending. Although even if you could blame all stuff on PAW, neither you or Jocelyn have work to go back to. And you might be incompatible. Although you might just plan an alien invasion Anyway, this game ends here. Might be interesting to find out what would bethe MINIMAL thing to do, and wether that way it still makes sense or not, but I leave that up to you
Hmmm.. your help is so detailed
that i think to see that game after RTC.
Do i need very powerful PC?
Have i Yr permission to copy this review for
personal usage, pls?
Do not make personal remarks - said Alice.
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Old 19-11-2014, 09:53 AM   #127
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Originally Posted by yoga View Post
Hmmm.. your help is so detailed
that i think to see that game after RTC.
Do i need very powerful PC?
Have i Yr permission to copy this review for
personal usage, pls?
No, yoga, you don't need strong PC. This game was made to run on win'98, and the only version it runs from it is DOS-Box versions.
Legend says there were 2 versions: the dos-version and the win-version, I never saw both, the GoG-version runs pretty solid and is running based on dos-box, but the quality might match the windows version.

Comes to my mind, they solved the juke-box crash bug for Chapter 5, those clever GoG-people. Just to mention.

Phantasmagoria2 was made in mind how Real Actors could incrise the quality of games, but later the technical development shown data can be compressed, but video-files can not (that much). Still, in that age it was a pretty innovative and working idea, I praise Sierra for it.
Come to think of it, from the old companies of the dos-based area (including win'98 OP) my favourite company is Sierra. They had so many PERFECT games...


Back to your question:
OF COURSE you may use my guide (if you put it anywhere, pls mention my nick). Feel free to do it! It was made to be used, AND this is the internet for all sake.
Also: I think I perfected all available walkthroughs with this work. I not just added all the official the easter eggs list, but also included all optional stuff, and even tried to organise a schedule where to go in what order to make it the best experience FOR THOSE WHO ALREADY PLAYED IT.
Yep, the game is really not hard to figure out (in most cases, especially if you read the ingame manual what only takes a minute or two), and best played by your own for the first go. I really intended to make the Ultimate Solution.

If you manage to get accross any new stuff, please tell me, and I'll add it to the list of actions (and mention your name). Though I highly doubt that can happen

Oh, sources I used while making the walkthough (although I added things too neither source had, at the same time I corrected their mistakes): HarroSIN's walktrough, D. Melanso's walkthrough (special thx for the re-enter the storeage move), and for the easter eggs: Phantasmagoria 2 Overview Memorial Page.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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Old 20-11-2014, 06:02 AM   #128
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Originally Posted by twillight View Post
No, yoga, you don't need strong PC. This game was made to run on win'98, and the only version it runs from it is DOS-Box versions.
Legend says there were 2 versions: the dos-version and the win-version, I never saw both, the GoG-version runs pretty solid and is running based on dos-box, but the quality might match the windows version.

Comes to my mind, they solved the juke-box crash bug for Chapter 5, those clever GoG-people. Just to mention.

Phantasmagoria2 was made in mind how Real Actors could incrise the quality of games, but later the technical development shown data can be compressed, but video-files can not (that much). Still, in that age it was a pretty innovative and working idea, I praise Sierra for it.
Come to think of it, from the old companies of the dos-based area (including win'98 OP) my favourite company is Sierra. They had so many PERFECT games...


Back to your question:
OF COURSE you may use my guide (if you put it anywhere, pls mention my nick). Feel free to do it! It was made to be used, AND this is the internet for all sake.
Also: I think I perfected all available walkthroughs with this work. I not just added all the official the easter eggs list, but also included all optional stuff, and even tried to organise a schedule where to go in what order to make it the best experience FOR THOSE WHO ALREADY PLAYED IT.
Yep, the game is really not hard to figure out (in most cases, especially if you read the ingame manual what only takes a minute or two), and best played by your own for the first go. I really intended to make the Ultimate Solution.

If you manage to get accross any new stuff, please tell me, and I'll add it to the list of actions (and mention your name). Though I highly doubt that can happen

Oh, sources I used while making the walkthough (although I added things too neither source had, at the same time I corrected their mistakes): HarroSIN's walktrough, D. Melanso's walkthrough (special thx for the re-enter the storeage move), and for the easter eggs: Phantasmagoria 2 Overview Memorial Page.
One more word:
-I have 2 PC.
First PC is located in a room let say A. It uses Win 7 Pro 32-bit.
Also Win XP Pro is used. This OS is installed with Virtual Box.
For Phantasmagoria 2 i am able to mount Win 98.
Moreover i am ready with Win 8.1 and Win 10.
But i like present W 7.

Second PC is located in my hall.
It uses Win XP Pro and this is my game test PC.
Here i may install Win 98 also.

Both machines are connected in home network by cable through drilled in wall hole. I like to play some games with friend battling in network.
Today i will try to find Phantasmagoria 2.
Do not make personal remarks - said Alice.
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Old 21-11-2014, 07:55 PM   #129
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Default Shadow Man

I pulled out again this game, finally, as The Last Game I Really Want To Play.
Anything else will just be a bonus.

"Not much more" since the last go, although this is a reinstall, and I suspect I "missed" something in Liveside, as I definitely remember fighting there krokodiles and such. Likely the result of going back to the ship and shooting its door open or something... But not sure. Who cares, there'll be time.

But I definitely reached Temple of Life. Man, the squares just before that was a mess to map.

Especially that I have some Undiscovered Passes at this point, two of them to be precise, which way I COULD go. Not to mention those places which are currently being blocked by lava.
This game is geniously made, but you definitely need an attitude to play, for it demands map-drawing (and it is not coming from the Might and Magic 1 era), meticulous note-making, constant re-visiting places... And the whole thing is HUGH.


Found the Bajou (teleporting knife).Will have to figure out how to use it on Liveside though (I suspect that comes lategame).
Also will have to find out how to crack the liveside govis (suspect the same as above).

Got a new movie when unlocked lvl 2Shadow Man.
Unlocked secret "play as duppie".

Found those crocodiles, mapped the area.

Now I have 2 undiscovered passages, and a lvl 2 door to choose from where to go.


New movie when reached the perimeter of the Asylum. Also new talks.

Not to mention I walked all available passes, so I can go this time only one way. Keepingtrack where I am is at times problematic, seems the map ... Just don't fit to what I see, meaning parts connect which should not be able. Or it is just me drawing wrong distances, not matching the actual angle of corridors. Still, I'm not lost, so I'm glad with it.

Got two new stuff too:
- asson, which seems bloody useless (all the magic stuff seems bloody useless given the very limited mana)
- engineer key.

Yep, I'm right in the room where the engineer key was, so I'll be able to go and backtrack all those doors I passed to reach here. Or just go forward at the moment? I think I'll try to reach the next warp point to avoid messy situations, like sniper rifle demons and those two meat-hooker which guarded the engineer key (used the baton and sniper mode too to eliminate them, as you come through the roof into a compound room - what the designers thought?!?).

Oh,and I have 76 cadeaux at the moment.


97 cadeaux! 3 more, and I get more HP!

Also, when coming back from the Cathedral of Pain, I just tried to shoot open the door I skipped until now at the back of Nettie's church. And it worked! Just had to aim the padlock. Will investigate next.

Some nasty tricks the programmers came up with though too: an altair which teleports straight into lava, or a schizm which lands you right in front of (one of) The Boss. Jeez! Ok, the protagonist is technically immortal (if you die you restart from the nearest warp point, like for Planesacpe: Torment), but was this really necessary?
I think it was.
Not that I wouldn't save at every corner

I think after that crpyt-door I'll go for the dead-end lvl 3 gate which holds some minor artifact just to lessen the choices I have to keep in mind.
After that I'll aim the Temple of Fire, then all will depend on the found govis. In ideal case I'll be able to go for the Poigne, than Flambeau. A great deal of backtrack each will open, but after gaining these will really be messed up, as reaching the other to fire-immunity tattoos are placed so far..

PS new talk-videos after passing a schizm (use the two-lance one, that has a safe arrival-spot).
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 23-11-2014 at 12:51 PM.
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Old 23-11-2014, 06:28 PM   #130
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Default Shadow Man

Well, those doors turned out less exciting than I thought. Just little rooms, they were.

So I found time to pass the Temple of Fire. Now have to do some backtrack, as lvl 4 is not yet. I remember this was the stage my old computer gave in, so imma happy.
Or was that a temple later? Huh, I'd be surprised if the same lag would dispose me nao.

New movie: after gaining La Luna, Nettie told some new stuff.

Secret: Flame On Mode I gained in the Temple of Fire in the room with the big ramp. Ideally you'd gain this coming back with the Flambeau, but due to design-flaw and gamer-persistence you can just jump to the location's corridor from the other end


Hm, that backtracking rose me to lvl 5, but they were almost always just small rooms and niches. Strange, like inthe middle the game would gain speed, instead building even more humongous mazes. Unlike Might and Magic 6 did OH, those EYES!
Also, as got the Poignant, aka. climber claws, the need of backtracking and eliminating markers on my hand-drawn map got really a good idea.

But first of all went to exchange 100 cadeaux to the loa, and I did need the HP at one point, where some vulture-demons spat at me while climbing a tower.
I also have 50 remaining on me at this point. (and I have I think 28 dark souls. No idea why the aquirable cadeaux are not noted ingame)

A moment for that tower: I really don't mind the buttons in this game. They are not just door-openers, but alwaysstraight told what they do. Very good. It is also giving itself when you are supposed to go and find a button, 'cause w/o it u can't progress

Got the Flambeau. Now unlike the other magical stuff this just held in your hand drains your mana. Too bad, it'd've been a really useful secondary item, being a torch.
This also means some more backtrack.

Coming to that, there is a WP, unmarked in walkthroughs, for the Temple of Fire, at the end of the first trial 8on top of the ziggurat).

Also, the secondary stuffs: they are to be kept in mind. They are not for everyday use,and if you have a thingy in both of your hands you won't be able to play Prince of Persia (grabbing walls at the end of a jump), but they give occasional firepower, what can come in handy. The "dagger" (bayou) costs a lot of mana, but is very strong. The "magic wand" (asson) is like a secondary pistol, and serves good against The Sisters or other grouping flying monsters. It also costs only a fraction of a dose of your energy, so you CAN SHOOT a couple of dozen shots before you expire.

Aside from backtracking the possible doorways at this point are: lvl 4, lvl 6, lvl 7, lvl 10, AND we're waiting to summon night on Liveside.


Done with the backtrack, only one way accessible. I feel freaggin' strong, but I think this is partially for the GoG-version - I don't remember the shadowgun charging this fast, or the shadowgates open that fast. Might be doen sg of course with the stronger computer either.

I THINK I am done with 33% of the game, even if I only have like 30/120 dark souls. Who knows, there could be a harvest somewhere instead of the looking around. Oh, one can hope

This post starts to grow too big, so add some content to really make it reasonable to open a new one:
- there are two bosses I could visit any time. Of course I did tried them just for the taste, and the army-guy with the machine-gun seem to offer the tactic of hiding behind a pillar, and shooting him between his shots (he periodically shoots a range of ammo, than stops for a second or two and so on).
- the other guy had a pistol, which autohit. I think I'll need the shield-artifact to protect myself while killing it with a weapon. If that works that way. If not, than just shoot the two biggest gun porrible I assume.

On the official map there are superficial markers to help the player. Most of them r obvious (although bets me why the Temple of Life is not marked, and certain things get way more attention on it than they deserve), but what could the purple lines/pathways mean?!?

Finally let me tell you how intelligently this game is designed:
there is this last location I visited. You pass the usual caves, opening chests, disposing the encountered natives (I really like the enemies here are "natives", and not "monsters in dungeon" ), than you reach a hole you'll have to fall down into. Now be clever and DO NOT jump there.
Instead choose sniper-mode, look down, and "kill" (a lot of monsters respawn, so you don't kill by strickt meaning) the immediate threat. Jump down.
Now you are surrounded by walls. there are crates, but climbing crates again WOULD BE BORING. So instead grab the edges of the wall, and climb holding there on top of the(otherwise too high) boxes. They are on a ramp, so the fence/wall is less tall on one side. You climbthe boxes, and jump into the next cage (the map titled Cageways, heh).
There you encounter more hostiles, so run and STRAFE around to avoid their attacks while disposing them.
Ok, so you are in another cage, surrounded by walls. No, you won't again climb walls and boxes. You'll this time climb a rope (handful to be there, but it is not totally unacceptable).
And when you are out, you can continue your travel BY TRAIN

The bad side though:
- you can only keep down 2 buttons the same time. I could have used 3 occasionally.
- the replay-value.. Aside that the game is humongous, I think there is little of it. Not that most of us would care.
- at the point I am now I start to feel some more background would be good. I mean right at the beginning there were cutscreens of background and lore, than you find books telling you details and all, than you enter the chapels of the Five - but now what I got for long is mostly gathering a bunch of new items, and even those start to run low. I really wouldn't like the second half/remaining part of the game just turn to be a bigger and bigger massacre of monsters trying to kill you.
- the equipment is really designed to fight ONE enemy at a time. That is kinda limiting.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 24-11-2014 at 04:57 PM.
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