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Old 19-01-2013, 11:55 AM   #331

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Originally Posted by Japo View Post
Getting rid of the CDROM would do it, because MSCDEX is also part of it. CD drivers used to take a lot of memory, but that was hardly an issue, because by that time all CD games used protected mode (no conventional memory requirement). This is a rare case, a game with a very high requirement (even compared to other real mode games--Arena was very advanced technically at its time), but with a CD version released later. It may be possible to have CD support in DOS and enough memory left, but it looks very difficult to me.

The two easy solutions are no CD or DOSBox of course. You can probably play many games in DOSBox in a Pentium III, but a 3D game such as Arena is a stretch. Besides playing the floppy version, you could also look for a pirate noCD patch...
I take it you can't give me a link even if the game is free . Oh well, at least I'll be able to play the darned thing now, maybe some other games too, thanks everyone for the help!
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Old 19-01-2013, 12:24 PM   #332
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There's no problem in my giving you the program openly over here --although I couldn't link you to a website that had other pirated software as well. But the problem is that noCDing a game is not an exact science. Sometimes it's just as easy as copying the contents of the CD to the hard drive, and pointing the game to the new location if this is configurable by editing a text cfg file, or using the subst command to fake a CD there (worth a try!). In other cases, specially when the game has anti-piracy detection to make sure you do have the CD, programs such as FakeCD could help; but I don't know if that works even half of the times, because at the time these detection features tended to be different for each game or publisher. So in other cases you need specific cracks for each game. And also when you look for this kind of third party programs, it's possible to get a trojan; I'm not usually very worried about viruses within DOSBox (specially in Windows x64 where I can't run the same program natively even by accident), but in a Windows 98 machine you could get it infected whole.

I'm attaching FakeCD 1.3a (readme included) to this post, in case you want to give it a try, because as I said I can't point you to where I got it from (lol). But I would try first copying the CD to the hard drive. At any rate use it at your own risk!! Here is a report from 46 antivirus programs that say it's clean, but I am not giving you my word on it!

EDIT: What's the difference between the CD and floppy versions? Which is the one for download at http://www.elderscrolls.com/arena/?
Attached Files
File Type: zip FakeCD13a.zip (12.8 KB, 206 views)
Life starts every day anew. Prospects not so good...

Last edited by Japo; 19-01-2013 at 12:59 PM.
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Old 19-01-2013, 10:12 PM   #333

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EDIT: What's the difference between the CD and floppy versions? Which is the one for download at http://www.elderscrolls.com/arena/
The cd version differences are minor, it adds an intro video, and voice acting for cutscenes. Not a big difference, but it is a nice little addition. The floppy version is the one on the official site though.
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Old 16-09-2013, 09:25 PM   #334
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Is anyone looking for this?


Found it on a Russian website (concurrent to Abandonia), but it might be confusing for people to try get it there, though those people should be thanked (hello russians on this board).

This link dies very soon, so the staff can decide if they think more
people would be interested, or if it's legit to this website. As far as
I know, TES: Arena is available in a current Anthology for sale (not
the Cd-Rom version, I presume), but this is not. It seems rather abandoned
to me.

No, I actually do not know what this is, so don't ask.
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Old 17-09-2013, 06:30 AM   #335
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Originally Posted by Talkie View Post

Is anyone looking for this?


Found it on a Russian website (concurrent to Abandonia), but it might be confusing for people to try get it there, though those people should be thanked (hello russians on this board).

This link dies very soon, so the staff can decide if they think more
people would be interested, or if it's legit to this website. As far as
I know, TES: Arena is available in a current Anthology for sale (not
the Cd-Rom version, I presume), but this is not. It seems rather abandoned
to me.

No, I actually do not know what this is, so don't ask.
Only the adventurer is worthy.

I DL the file but i am busy to play MM3 and SoX and no time to continue.
Maybe after a while.
Yes, Russians are generous boys.
Their sites are full of nice, free stuff.
I like Russians.
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Old 22-10-2013, 05:02 AM   #336
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If anyone has the Codex Scientia, it would be cool to get a writeup of racial attribute modifiers. I've been looking at those for Daggerfall @ UESP, but I'm not sure if they weren't different in Arena, especially with some not making much sense (like only negative modifiers).

In unrelated news, I'm playing the version off Bethesda's site, and I've noticed two things: goblins don't carry any treasure, and no spellswords (or was it rogues?) spawning in the Imperial Dungeons. The version purports to be 1.06, which should be the latest, and I've always applied the latest patch on all versions of Arena I've played.

Ok I tested it again with a "Gold" version I've found on the net. Two objective results so far:

- In Bethesda's version, goblins give no loot. In the Gold version, they give minor loot (dagger, staff, 40 gold). This seems like an improvement because without loot killing all those goblins felt very unsatisfying.

- In Bethesda's version, the target cursor is grey. In the Gold version, it's red. This seems like an improvement because it makes the target cursor easier to see against dungeon walls.

Also it seems to me that goblins are much quicker to attack in the Gold version. In Bethesda's version, they seemed rather tardy and just stood there most of the time. Also in Beth's version they almost never managed to hit my high agility Argonian; in Gold they can kill you if there are two of them.

I haven't been able to reproduce Nightblades or Rogues attacking you in the Imperial Dungeon, but I can clearly remember powerful human enemies there in some versions I've played. Weird. Maybe my level was too low (3).

Considering the above I would recommend to play the Gold version and avoid Bethesda's version. Maybe the latter isn't properly patched.

Last edited by Sacred_Path; 22-10-2013 at 06:10 AM.
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Old 22-10-2013, 01:44 PM   #337
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Ok, I found a copy of the Codex Scientia. Here are the attribute modifiers:


M: +10 STR, +10 END/ -10 INT, -10 WIL, -10 AGI

F: +10 LUC/ -10 INT


M: +10 END/ -10 WIL, -10 AGI

F: +10 LUC


M: +10 AGI, +10 LUC/ -10 INT, -10 WIL, -10 END

F: +10 SPD, +10 LUC/ -10 INT, - 10 WIL, -10 END


M: +10 INT, +10 WIL/ -10 STR, -10 END

F: +10 INT, +10 WIL/ -10 STR, -10 END


M: +10 AGI, +10 SPD/ -10 END

F: +10 STR/ -10 END

Wood Elf

M: +10 AGI, +10 SPD/ -10 LUC, -10 END

F: +-0

High Elf

M: +10 INT, +10 WIL/ -10 STR, -10 END

F: +10 INT, +10 PER/ -10 STR, -10 END

Dark Elf

M: +10 STR, +10 INT/ -10 WIL, -10 PER

F: +10 INT/ -10 WIL
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