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Old 25-07-2005, 05:12 AM   #1
Abandonia nerd

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This is the summer that I decided that I was going to finish some of those games that I've been buying and not getting around to playing. I've started with the Thief series and after finishing the first two (number two just hours ago) I'm looking for some opinions on the third game... how's the plot, did Ion Storm do a good job, that sort of thing. My other options are Syberia 2, Omikron: The Nomad Soul and the Deus Ex series, so given that selection should I give Ion Storms attempt at picking up where Looking Glass went teats up a shot, or move on to other pastures?
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Old 25-07-2005, 08:18 AM   #2
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I played only demo version, but I think this game is exactly as Looking Glass games. Graphics are some, AI is very nice, NPCs notice that something is missing after you stole something, guards can discover you by your shadow. The game IMHO has also got better interface. On the screen you see only that crystla, the rest of the HUD is hidden, you see it only when you choose weapon or item. ION Storm added TPP view, but I think is useless for those who played first and the second part. There is also very nice lockpicking system. When you try to open closed doors or chest a minigame appears. There are of course same bugs like strange physics, but the game is great and has got that Thief atmosphere.
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Old 25-07-2005, 09:44 AM   #3
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I played Thief III and I must say I found it to be an excellent game (I also played Thief, but not Thief II). Thief III is a bit different, whereas in the two previous games the guards would hunt for you the moment you're spotted and won't let go (and even if they do stop the hunt they'll be more on their guard) in Thief 3 they'll resume their regular patrol almost the second you move into the shadows (and once you're in the shadows you're as good as invisible - they were once standing right in front of me and they didn't see me... of coarse they also carry a lantern often and once you alert more than two guards they will become more agressive) anyway, the game has been dumbed down a bit. But it was still a great game in my opinion. The graphics are fantastic and it's fun to run around in the city and get small quests (often by listening in on conversations)
The movies are like the previous two games most of the time, which is fun. And Thief's trademarked scary missions are there and better than ever. I think Thief III was scarier than the previous two games... it also has one of the best levels ever designed in my opinion... but I hope you'll find that out for yourself.
Fans of Thief probably won't commend it as much as the previous two games, but I say: go for it!
pat b
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Old 25-07-2005, 10:26 AM   #4
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I haven't played Thief III, but eventualy you should get/play Deus Ex. It is a fantastic game, with good story and great gameplay. The way you can play any way you want (violent or non violent) and customise yourself is great fun. I haven't played the second one, but the first one was/is a classic IMO.
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Old 25-07-2005, 10:27 AM   #5
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I can only say I agree with Stroggy.
The thing with lockpicking was, that pretty soon you'll know the locks, and can open any one in a matter of seconds. But the added interactivity is fun

EDIT:I wouldn't compare Thief with Deus Ex, though. Gameplay differs between the two. Deus Ex is very good too, and anyone should try it, but independantly from Thief.
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Old 25-07-2005, 08:26 PM   #6
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I haven't played the Thief games, so I can't comment on them.

But I really recommend you give Syberia 2 a try. Oscar the Automotron is just amazing! There is a very sad twist half way through the game. You should also try Syberia 1 if you haven't already.

Please click on the baby dragon eggs to help them grow -

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Old 31-07-2005, 11:26 AM   #7
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Well if I didn't know we are two different guys I would swear you were me. I have the same games and for most I have too yet to finish them.

I would like to know your opinions regarding Thief 1 and 2. I have yet to finish these, so before I answer your side, you tell me, is it worth going over these two games and if so should I skip 1 and just play 2, or is it worth it playing 1 and then 2?

With regards to Omnikron, yes play it when you can, but only after you play Deus Ex.

Put it this way, I just recently, a couple or just over, months ago played Deus Ex and finsihed it. Before this I had some idea about the game and thought it was decent and never really understood why some people regarded it as their greatest game ever created.

I, now in the year 2005, 5 years after the game was released about, consider this to be the "GREATEST GAME EVER CREATED." It is a lot to claim one game to be the greastest spanning over different genres, but I must honestly grant that title to Deus Ex. I cannot comment on Deus Ex 2 I have yet to play that, but from what I have heard Deus Ex 2 isnt as good as the first one.

I can now say if I was only to have ever played one single game in my life, I would have chosen it to be Deus Ex - it really is that good. It is not the graphics or the sound or the music (which btw imo is the best damn music I have ever heard in a game) it is every part of the game combined that makes it a one in a million type of game.

The fact that you choose how to play the game with either the skills you choose or the different routes or puzzle solutions you take and that it has an amazing storyline that never once gets boring is what makes this game stand out.

I can honestly say I have never in my life played a game as many straight hours in a sitting as I did with Deus Ex (excluding multiplayer games for obvious reasons). I recall on one day I played it from morning to morning (I hardly took any breaks that day) I have never done that with a single play game before.

If this has not convinced you to play it - how about this. Take the one thing in your life that you could not have lived without experiencing at least once and now equate that to the gaming world.

For the best experience keep the room dark and quite and turn the sound up - dont let anyone destory this experience.

What a game, oh what a game...
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Old 31-07-2005, 01:11 PM   #8
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My god it worked, I do want to play it now.
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Old 31-07-2005, 01:47 PM   #9
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Should you play Thief?

Let me put it this way. I've been playing games steadily since 1993. I've played every kind of game and enjoyed most of them. However, I have never enjoyed a game as much as Thief. Out of the thousands of games I've played it is my favourite. Its so in-depth, so fun, the gameplay is increadible. You may think that the graphics are a bit tried for today's age, but they really do their job for the gameplay. The #1 thing that turns people off from it is its difficulity. But, like most Looking Glass Games, it is increadibly indepth and that makes it naturally hard. I would actually say that Dues Ex is somewhat more difficult, because once you get the hang of thief it gets easier. As for Syberia 2, I simply found it a bit too easy at parts, so...

In any case, Thief - one of the best games ever made... well, at least for me. k: But if you don't want to, Dues Ex is definatelly a second choice...
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Old 31-07-2005, 02:55 PM   #10
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I think I just might give thief a try again.

The last time I played a bit of it was way back when, and I still recall being freaked out a bit, because I decided to play the game at night and I just happen to not be a fan of zombie anything (zombies scare the willies out of me - give me vampires, give me spiders, but don't give me zombies) and add to that the fact that I had to shoot them with holy water - it's no wonder I nearly gave myself a heart attack every corner I turned.

I am getting the shivers just thinking about it...
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