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Old 06-06-2017, 01:33 PM   #181
Smiling Spectre
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Well, your only "fault" is being too talkative, but while you are in flood theme (i.e. Chatterbox), it's totally ok. Only try to not speak all this non-game things in the game-related threads, and we all will be good.

Speaking about contribution, you are usually does it three ways:
- either you put your files at the external file storing service and give us the link
- or you upload the file right into thread (if it's small enough)
- or you ask Japo for credentials and upload it on the Abandonia FTP.

Also, I recommend to buy and install any good commercial antivirus (I am in Russia, so "good" for me means Dr.Web or Kaspersky Anti-Virus. If you are outside of Russia, you probably have another options. Like Norton Anti-Virus for example). Main downside of any antivirus is disk monitoring that can slow your computer - sometimes significantly. But upside is that you can be free of virus fear.

And if you don't know, it's totally possible to get virus directly from the malicious sites, without installing any games or consciously run anything. Or you can be victim of security breach, without any actions at all. So I prefer to have anti-virus always on.
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Old 06-06-2017, 07:30 PM   #182

Join Date: Oct 2016
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Originally Posted by Smiling Spectre View Post
Well, your only "fault" is being too talkative, but while you are in flood theme (i.e. Chatterbox), it's totally ok. Only try to not speak all this non-game things in the game-related threads, and we all will be good.

Speaking about contribution, you are usually does it three ways:
- either you put your files at the external file storing service and give us the link
- or you upload the file right into thread (if it's small enough)
- or you ask Japo for credentials and upload it on the Abandonia FTP.

Also, I recommend to buy and install any good commercial antivirus (I am in Russia, so "good" for me means Dr.Web or Kaspersky Anti-Virus. If you are outside of Russia, you probably have another options. Like Norton Anti-Virus for example). Main downside of any antivirus is disk monitoring that can slow your computer - sometimes significantly. But upside is that you can be free of virus fear.

And if you don't know, it's totally possible to get virus directly from the malicious sites, without installing any games or consciously run anything. Or you can be victim of security breach, without any actions at all. So I prefer to have anti-virus always on.
Could you relay to Mr. Japo that I need credentials. I was looking at the ISO cellar and wanted to download Lode Runner however none of the links worked. One of the link was 300+ megabytes however the file was corrupt and would not unrar. Lode Runner is one of my favourite growing childhood games. I used to have it either on the Atari 2600 or Commodore 64/64C. I was looking online and didn't see Lode Runner officially listed on eBay. However there were 40+ pages of DOS games on there.

Thank you for your advice on virus+anti. I just do not install one because the free one I have locks up my computer while the ones you buy are too expensive for my budget. So I just reboot when I get hit. Not a big deal really.

Man. It's good to be back! hehe Hopefully the Mortal Kombat saying isn't that freightening.
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Old 06-06-2017, 07:51 PM   #183
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Hi Tien, Abandonia doesn't publish homebrew games, only games that were commercial back in their time.

However the forums are very good to share any games you make. You can link to cloud storage which is easy to get for free nowadays.

You could give a try at programming for modern systems such as Windows, you would be surprised that it's actually easier than DOS, although what you've learned will always be valuable. There are many free resources and tutorials on the Internet so you don't even need to buy expensive books. Nowadays usually you can use some framework which is much easier to learn than low-level DOS programming, and many even allow you to program for different systems (Windows, Linux, mobile) with the same code.
Life starts every day anew. Prospects not so good...
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Old 06-06-2017, 09:46 PM   #184

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Originally Posted by Japo View Post
Hi Tien, Abandonia doesn't publish homebrew games, only games that were commercial back in their time.

However the forums are very good to share any games you make. You can link to cloud storage which is easy to get for free nowadays.

You could give a try at programming for modern systems such as Windows, you would be surprised that it's actually easier than DOS, although what you've learned will always be valuable. There are many free resources and tutorials on the Internet so you don't even need to buy expensive books. Nowadays usually you can use some framework which is much easier to learn than low-level DOS programming, and many even allow you to program for different systems (Windows, Linux, mobile) with the same code.
Thank you Mr. Japo for your quick and kind reply to a lowly beggar. Wait did I say beggar? Change that to quick think of something. Think. I guess so.

Anyways I've only been studying DOS seriously for the last 4 years. So I only know DOS and I'm sad that there is no outlet for it. The problem is there are so many good DOS programs out there. When I look at my collections of small number of DOS programs and games I see it is loaded up to the 500+ megabytes full of amazing contents. Those games published back in 1900's really make a great impression and the professionals have proven themselves to be worthy of marketing for the money.
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Old 07-06-2017, 02:50 AM   #185
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Originally Posted by Smiling Spectre View Post

Also, I recommend to buy and install any good commercial antivirus (I am in Russia, so "good" for me means Dr.Web or Kaspersky Anti-Virus. If you are outside of Russia, you probably have another options. Like Norton Anti-Virus for example). Main downside of any antivirus is disk monitoring that can slow your computer - sometimes significantly. But upside is that you can be free of virus fear.

And if you don't know, it's totally possible to get virus directly from the malicious sites, without installing any games or consciously run anything. Or you can be victim of security breach, without any actions at all. So I prefer to have anti-virus always on.
Some of the few complaints I might have about KIS would be:

- Very slow update due to the slowness of Kaspersky servers ;
- Sometimes annoying notifications on secure sites ;
- Not trivial configuration to disable the KIS add-on in browsers ;
- Imperfect uninstallation that requires a program or tool (from Kaspersky itself) to clean and enable the upgrade ;
- It would be nice if you could upgrade without uninstalling the previous version .
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Old 07-06-2017, 03:39 AM   #186

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Make sure you buy a good operating system like Windows or whatever you are using. Make sure it is able to be reloaded onto the system by you.
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Old 07-06-2017, 09:05 AM   #187

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Smile DOS/Windows PingPong accomplished!

I've done it. I managed to make a DOS combined with Windows PingPong game! If you have Windows XP or Windows 8 or any other modern Windows you can run the game by double clicking. If you want the play the DOS made one just put it in DOSBox or true DOS and it should run.

In Windows you start the game by pressing the lowercase I or K keys that moves it up or down respectively. In DOS it is the same game except without all the fancy artwork. Both are pretty plain.
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Old 07-06-2017, 09:44 AM   #188

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Well don't ever say I didn't give you anything! I worked for a year on my PingPong game for no money at all. I even produced it on CD for sale and it would not sale because I gave it for free. Here is proof of my CD with PingPong on it#
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Old 10-06-2017, 04:09 AM   #189

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Jesus Christ! Bless GOD, Jesus Christ, Mary, and The Holy Spirit# Then bless my real mom Huong Thi Vu. Honours to my real mom Huong Thi Vu and my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy. Congratulations to my real two sisters Nguyen Khoa Thuyen and Nguyen Khoa Thi.

Well I can't take it anymore. I protest being censored. I call upon my rights to Freedom of Religion! Unless this is a forum where evil people go then I will take myself right out of here right away#
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Old 10-06-2017, 04:46 AM   #190

Join Date: Oct 2016
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Jesus Christ! Bless GOD, Jesus Christ, Mary, and The Holy Spirit# Then bless my real mom Huong Thi Vu. Honours to my real mom Huong Thi Vu and my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy. Congratulations to my real two sisters Nguyen Khoa Thuyen and Nguyen Khoa Thi. I was just looking in my inbox and realize there were a couple of messages I didn't get to catch. So no worries. Thank you to Mr. Japo especially for looking into things.
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