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Old 08-05-2020, 06:59 PM   #491
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Default Myst

In case someone is fan of this series, GoG is giving away 60% discount through email-cupon.

I have no idea why anyone would want them, since I've played with one and switched it off permanently (still have the CD though), but if in the next24 hours you manage to contact me for this, I'll give youmy cupon-code, or however it works.
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Old 09-05-2020, 09:09 AM   #492
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Default Mable & The Wood

Well, it is a platformer. Indie-hard one. Not hardcore, but hard

What annoys me in it though is the currency-mechanic. You loose it too easily, and you realy have to be hardcore to have any. For me, it's a partof the game like it wouldn't exist. And that's bad.
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Old 09-05-2020, 02:42 PM   #493
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Default Neon Chrome

It's a shooter, where you see yourself semi-above.

The problem is, itisvery generic, and totaly dark.

There are 30 levels to grind through. With enough cash you can permaboost your stats (HP, DMG, crit, whatever), then you start with a weapon and a skill that lasts until you stop progressing.
That means the game will turn to be veeery long if you want to reach the final level.

But the worst thing is the overal darkness. You can'tsee the walls, you can't distinguish "thin wall" from normal wall, and I even found a room you had to blast through a bunch of practice-dummies in super-short time. Practicaly impossible.

It'd be ok, I assume, on the basic level, but not finding your way becuase you can't see squat is not fun.
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Old 10-05-2020, 06:25 AM   #494
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Default Dungeons&Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara

I love this Golden Axe Heritage game.
I have no idea how to fight the bosses in this neither, I never had, but against the generic goons I got better, and that's something.
Not to mention, I don't see much competition in the Beat 'Em Up genre. And this still gave everything it could fit in it, and that's awesome!
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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Old 10-05-2020, 08:40 AM   #495
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Default Obscuritas

Aaand the disappointment continues.

This'd be an FPS adventure game what I'd like, similar to Blair Witch Project Volume 1 Rustin Parr and other franch titles.

The problem is, the developer got waaay to lazy with their programming, and thus their product demand unreasonable hardware.

Not to mention, it'd be time to either get rid of the videocards as hardware, or standardize them. The current system is ridiculous.
1: the two major companies products (NVidia and GeForce) are not compatible on a very deep level as I've heared. Like their cards don't work with processors, RAM etc. compatible with the other company, or only on a shitty level. That's absolutely unaccaptable.
2: what does it mean XYZ card or better? Is there an officiallist somewhere? Does other hardware count, like a current day PC could work with the game of the original Thief for example?They definitely avoid numbering them to make things user-friendly...
3: bringing up the original Thief has another point. Like that game could run acceptably on that-day, non-videocard comuters BUT it was actualy coded to not do that. Modern day example would be the Amnesia-franchise. The games are hard-coded to NOT work properly on computers without the videocard. Like Thief worked fine - but gave negative pictures. Amnesia simply cut off the video output. This is violation of decent business ethics!

I seriously say it placed very good pressure on the industry when computers had limitations. They had to program stuff to make themaccessible, and not just shrug it off saying you can go to the store and build a computer as big as ENIAC was to run their shitty coded product!!!


So, what do I have left?

To finish:

- kult:heretic kingdoms:inquisition
- Baldur's Gate trilogy: Sorcerer, poverty run
To play through:
- Chronicles of Mystara
- Baldur's Gate trilogy: Shapeshifter
To try out:
- Toonstruck
- Noctropolis
- Cosmic Star Heroin
- Whispers of a Machine
- Mary Skelter: Nightmares
- Book of Demons
- The Quest
WHEN I get a hardware upgrade try again:
- Divine Divinity Dragon Commander, Original Sin 1-2, Divinity 2
- of Orcs and Men (I mean I didn't try this, but by the look ofit, it is 64 bit, resource heavy)
- Tower of Time (I hope this was a GoG giveaway)
- Obscuritas
- Pillars of Eternity
- Grim Fandango
IF these titles become available again:
- Abomination: the nemesis project
- Blair Witch Project Volume 1 Rustin Parr
if I'll have absolutely nothing to do:
- Torment: tides of Numeria
- Rage of Mages 2
I wonder if:

I've lost my saves for these, and maybe even their CDs, and they probably don't worth it, but you never know, so let's mention:
- Baldies, windows version
- G.O.L.E.M. Never got around to play through the third race/hardest difficulty.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 10-05-2020 at 08:55 AM.
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Old 16-05-2020, 01:52 PM   #496
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Default Toonstruck

Well, this thing works on Adventuregame Logic, but I wouldn't say it is Moon Logic. This means it can sometimes feel easy if you get the references, and obstructionly hard if you do not.

I also yet to learn how to use the telephone.

Sometimes you can do things justbecause you see the solution, and sometimes information will not be useful (likethe music boy making the king sleep), but I foundit attractive that trying to combine unfitting things can give you subtle hints - some of which won't do a singlegood thing nevertheless.

I'll try to do this w/o relying on walkthrough, but I'll use them if I get stuck.

What is a shame though, that the remake does not have the outlines of objects cleared out, they are in their original fuzzy way, whatis completly fine for the partialy live action cutscenes, but c'mon, the rest would have been updated!
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Old 16-05-2020, 01:56 PM   #497
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Default Noctropolis

This game is trash. Unfortunately not the kind of trash as Harvester, or whatever that puzzle-platformer-adventuregame its title now avoids me was.

Has a very clunky interface, and nothing that much weird is happening, what'd be the demand for a trash game. And the promo-pictures promises this misleadingly.

But as it was 1 buck or less, it's ok for that price.
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Old 20-05-2020, 09:45 PM   #498
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Default Deathtrap Dungeon (PC game)

I thought for nostalgia-sake I'll pick this upfor sales-price.
But it's really bad. The controls are unaccatably bad, the dungeon-design has nothing to do with the originals, the character-names are simply insulting, nomonsters orNPCs from the world of Titan show up... Also, the intro-movie does not play.

And my computer-sickness from FPS-games still arrised with full power, so it'll stay where it is as trophy.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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Old 23-05-2020, 06:58 PM   #499
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Default Pokemon Red with only a Hitmonchan

It's just a silly thing to do, and well, thiskindof challenge exists, wand was done with almost all types (if you count double types, and all variants of the same game, meaning Red, Blue, Yellow, Leaf Green and Ruby Red).
So it is very likely that practicaly all solo mon is viable in one way or another, INCLUDING magikarp (of a special release).

Here are the let's plays:
- normal type (rattata): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHdqpqy9VbU
- poison/flying (zubat): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_0WQaz7Jms
- rock/ground (onix) (FR): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95IRkr7auuc
- psychic (abra): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R1oD6bau4g
- bug (weedle): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwC83pFtk60 (there's a paras run too somewhere)
- ghost/poison (ghastly): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWQMVm2agZc
- water (magikarp): this was actualy not done, but theorycrafted. The REGULAR magicarp can't win the game itself, but the UNIVERSITY magicarp in theory CAN. The difference is, UMK gets Dragon Rage on it. Only 20 legit ever existed, but with randomizers left-and-right obviously you can make your own.
Anyways, here is with squirtle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx83SUgD9Rk
- electric (pikachu): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5i5p83PT5w
- fire (charmander): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70Uq4Waa_k4
- grass/poison (bulbasaur): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDqKt1-Xwd8
+1: missingno: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mrmfb1mGWI
+2: ditto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeWxEbl2kWQ

What this list lacks is 3 types:
- dragon (only dratini and its evos)
- ice (various)
- fighting

Strangely none did a fighting type. Dragon and Ice are in theory pretty strong, way stronger than the others, so my vote went on fighting. It likely can do anyway.
The selection for this is: mankey, machop (which can only max evo by tradin, so forget it), hitmonlee, hitmonchan.
Now what I want in a solo character in this game, is variety. And personaly I won't mind 100% hit chances.
Mankey/Primape is very limited, has only normal and fighting moves simply by existing, adding poison and electricity, maybe rock by TM. Not amusing.
Hitmonlee is generaly cosidered the better option over ...chan, but that's likely ina party. It can only do normal, fighting and by TM poison damage, and that sucks.
Hitmonchan on the other hand gets 3 elemental attacks. What I aftera while noticed only at lvl 30-40, but oh well. Doubles this problem, that its basic attacks only has 85% accuracy, and is one of those bullshit multiple attacks doing 2-5 hits randomly. But I can switch that to something else, so whatever.

Solo plays also have the problem of lack of PP (number of attacks can be done without resting), so gaining new abilities a lot later is again crappy news, but whatever. If allelse fails, there will be potions, though I'll try to not use any items during battle.

Oh, in case you wonder, there are special programs exclusively to switch the preset starters to something of your liking, so no problem there.

Now the first thing was to start the game. No problem, you don't have the type-disadvantage, so you win against the Rival.
Then the Rival appears again, that's better left for a bit later, as he'll have abit of levels under him, and we don't pick up reinforcements. But he's a pushover after Brock.
Brock needsa bit of grinding, but at clvl 16-17 can be done (if the random is not against you too much), just get rid of the Agility PPs,so when you run out of the punches you asap can start strougle. For some weird reason against geodude I constantly missed punches, but against onix I did reliably 4-5 hits per PP, and the onix missed me with bind almost all the time.
Note: grind in the forest, that gives the highest possible level ofenemies, and many can't even hurt back, not that it'd count.

On Road 3 catch a Spearow. Why? Because we'll need HM-slaves, and I'll want only 2 of them: Farfetched and Slowpoke. FF can be traded for a Spearow, and can learn Fly and Cut. SP can learn Surf, Flash and Strength. Heck, it can even do Dig if needed! Perfect.

Oh, all legendaries will be beaten for exp of course.

During the tunnel you'll get Mega Punch TM. Use it up for more (andmore efficient) PPs.

Hmpf. Forgot you have to catch 10 mon for one of the HMs (flash). We'll see, but sure you can find 2 Great Ball as "hidden item". One of them is actualynot that hidden, as an NPC hints you on it, so that's more of a puzzle/miniquest-reward one.
And there's a regular ball as visible item.
And of course the starter comeswith its own ball.

And that's it. You have to buy the rest one way or another (thinking on the Safari Zone). I dunno when Flash comes to theplay for the moment...
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Last edited by twillight; 24-05-2020 at 10:02 AM.
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Old 21-06-2020, 02:38 PM   #500
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Default Pillars of Eternity

So, with a brand new, 64 bit computer, I pulled this out.

So far I got it again that the fights did not become faster. I'll dedicate to solo as challenged (forgot who you were, could check back on the forum), but up to this point party is forced on me.
And I'm not sure exp does come form killing things. Not that'd prevent me, but whatever.

I checked the manual, for what it worth, but nothing's there aside some point what's during character creation, so I'm playing blindly.
I'll even roleplay, and will see how things turn out. For the moment I'm Benevolent.
The character is a fighter, because those don't rely on party-skills and tedious magic. It also has the advantage compared to a barbarian that it regenerates Endurance as passive, what is an advantage if planning solo.
Race is Godlike - what else. Firey one to compensate for the loss of helmets.
Didn't drop my abilities under 10, neither went minmaxing race/class, so I have some bonus on might, constitution, and that last stat is maxed to defend against magic (I hope I got it right).
Aside that, picked Explorer from the pirate-area, because that made a good backstory with the sub/race. Turned out what's in my head, matched the fire-diety's description too, so I'm good until this.

What I'm not good though is, the program lying to me. The fighter-chick left my party, despite sleeping was the option to keep everyone in the party, and moving on was to leave behind sooner-or-later the guy.
I'm actualy fine how things are, I'm better off with a thief-help than with another warrior. Still, the program lying always hurts.
AND another lucky/twisted turn of events is, the fighter-chick stole our water. The water though is a quest-item, so fuck you. Lucky me only rested at the exit, so I got the loot (a cloak), so fuck you game.
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