Well, I have fond memories of playing might & magic III on my old mac, and wasnt able to find that for pc, but i found this and i'm having alot of fun. There is one thing i'm unsure about though, so i'm hoping someone here have played it
Due to the games being merged, doesnt that have the potential to make things too easy? I mean, I am assuming these were originally designed to be challenging on their own, but when they put the two games together and allow you to travel back and forth, couldnt that mean your characters will always be a bit stronger than they should, since you get more xp? So i was thinking, maybe I should simply stay on one side and finish that, then go to the other when im done, but then again, that might suck too since won't I then be way too powerful for the quests there?
Imagining this thread might seem really confusing to anyone who hasnt played this game