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Old 13-12-2004, 10:01 PM   #1
Home Sweet Abandonia
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This thread is for the game scary storys. One of us will supply a subject and one of us will write a scary story based on that subject. The one who writes that story then gets to supply the next subject. The story can be super short or super long. No restrictions to it.

I will start.

Subject #1: chemical gases
enjoy and have fun k:
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Old 13-12-2004, 10:52 PM   #2
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In a little apartment just above the drug store lived a young man, who was unable to get a date. He was browsing the net some day and found a site that really apealed to him: Make the person of your choise fall in love with you!
He read the whole thing through and found the recepy he was looking for - Love potion #666.
That night he broke into the drug store and stole all the engredians necesarry to prepare the potion.
The little bottle started bubbling and red fumes started comming out as he poured the last drops of H3PO4 in it and the mixture was ready.
"Funny" he thought, "why does it smell like soulphor. I haven't added any."
So he drank the potion and the site said that whenever he wants someone to fall in love with him, the other person has to just smell his breath.
He went out the very next evening to get a girl of his dreams.
At the bar he saw a long legged blonde with a big front and walked towards her. The only problem was - he got nervous, and although he was sure the love potion would work, he also knew that whenever he's nervous he starts farthing!
And sure enough - he farted. And boy was it loud - and it actually hurt his buttocs. He felt some fumes coming out, but thought it was the chilli he had earlier.
But everybody was watching him and all of a sudden a man behind him started coughing and fell to the ground.
That man turned green and started puking all over the plase. He puked so hard he died on the spot!
Needless to say any chances of a date were over, so our poor little dateless guy went for a walk in the park.
"Strange, I'm not nervous, but I've this weird feeling, like I have to fart again."
So he did - and this time it was even stronger and he felt even more pain. He got scared when he saw the leaves fall of the tree and it was late in the spring. He realized that it was him who killed the man in the bar with his fart!
He ran home and read the site again - all he got this time was a flashing warning saying side effects to potion #666: "Your body will start leaking deadly fumes and worse. Just you wait and see. This is what you get for playingwith magic - sucker!"
And sure enough he farted again - and flames started shooting out of his behind.
He just couldn't stop farting and a little gremlin climed out off his behind.
He was reeally scared - not to mention in extreme pain - but when he saw the Gremlin he knew that there was more to come - he had a gut feeling let's say.
The Gremlin jumped out the window and emediatly you could hear mahem.
no telling what's up nekt - but we'll find out soon enough, becaus the poor guy has to fart again.
He's so scared of it, that he takes a cork and sticke it in the Canalis Analis, wishing it would help.
Nope - the farth is there. It's loud as thundera and foul smelling like a ton of dead rats on a hot summers day!
A head came out of his behind and it was Satan himself. The guy started squizzing his buttocks together not to let ge Devil out, but he had to fart again. He was holding it so much, but now, he, he
The guy exploded and the world was saved, but the story lives on, to warn us of those deadly chemical gasses and the things that follow next.

(OK - I'm half asleep, so you better like the story - even if it's not scary enough... at all)
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Old 13-12-2004, 10:56 PM   #3
Home Sweet Abandonia
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OK, comedys like Sebs story are welcome.

Subject#2: seemingly deserted houses
enjoy and have fun
I may write this one. Not sure.
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Old 13-12-2004, 11:57 PM   #4
Home Sweet Abandonia
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A man is heading to a conference concerning agriculture in Wyoming. The man's name is Jacob Oland. Jacob is a rather frail man, afraid of many things, and not too bright, but he is good at architecture and planning. He travels to and fro in his Mercedes, a shiny one that, no matter how much dirt flings toward it, never seems to get dirty. His meter says he is running on a full tank of gas, but what he doesn't realize is that it is really nearing empty. As his car stalls near a seemingly deserted farmhouse, a heavy storm breaks out. He decides it isn't safe to do anything about the car that night, so he heads toward the farmhouse to seek shelter. He makes it to the farmhouse safely, but no one answers when he knocks.
He turns on a light by the door as he enters the house, and finds everything to be completely cleaned, polished, and well-taken care of. He figures that the owners must be off in town on some errand, so he makes himself comfortable on the couch. As he sits down, he thinks he hears something moving upstairs. He calls up the stairs, but hears nothing. Even though he thinks it his imagination, he decides to head up the stairs just to make sure. As he goes up the stairs, he thinks he sees a shadow coming from one of the bedrooms off to the left. He enters the bedroom and jumps back with a shriek at what he sees. There in the bed is a fresh corpse with the limbs on it's right side cut off, and a pentagram on it's chest. He rushes out of the house and runs for town, not stopping once. When he reaches the police station, he explains all he saw and what happened. He returns to the scene with two officers, but they find no trace of the body and the officers say he is mad. He hops a ride into town in their car and decides to stay at a hotel.
He has a good nights rest and awakens to a knocking on his door. He opens it to find the corpse standing there grinning evilly. At that instant, he goes mad and laughing with drool flinging out his mouth, he jumps the corpse. The owner hears a horrifying scream, and rushes to the room where he heard it. There on the floor is Jacob, wearing an eerie grin on his face, and a pentagram on his chest. And on his right side, both his arm and his leg are gone, with no trace of blood anywhere.

Scary, huh.

Subject #3: werewolves
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Old 14-12-2004, 12:34 AM   #5
Classic Pig

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Driving down the road in their car after a wedding two young, attractive ladies are chatting away about the wedding they had both just attended. They had met at the wedding as one was a friend of the bride and the other a friend of the groom. The passenger had been in the bridal party and needed a lift home so the driver offered to help out. Whilst fighting the blanket of tiredness which was slowly descending upon them they reached the turn off, off the interstate (highway, autobahn...) to the neighbourhood they discovered they both lived in, a torrential downpour broke loose.

**Lightning strike, thunder and eerie music...** :evil:

The tic tac of the wipers on the windshield brought little comfort as the wiper blades smeared the rain and splatted bugs together into a soup on the windshield obscuring their view ahead.

As the windshield began to mist slightly they inched further toward the safety of home and the comfort of a soft down duvet.

Suddenly **car crash sound** a figure darted in front of the car and they hit it full force. The figure goes flip-flopping through the air and lands in the road with an eerie howl. The passenger gets out the car despite the objections of the driver. As she gets out she says that she is worried because it could be her brother who often stays awake at night and gets up to mischief in the same neighbourhood they are in. She runs up to the figure piled in a heap on the road. Staying in the vehicle the driver hears another howl - this time even more piercing and longer.

Beginning to shiver in fear she hoots the horn and switches the wipers on again but through the blurred windshield she could not see anything. She locks her door and hoots the horn. Her passenger does not respond so she nervously pulls her door handle to open the door.
**the sound of a person jumping onto a car and classic horror movie high pitched shriek**
Jolting back into her seat she tries to get her car started again but nothing happens. She screams for help but nobody can hear her over the storm. Another howl and another and another. She sees a wolf like face with fangs bared appear on the other side of the windshield and shrieks one last time as the glass of the door smashes.

Later that night police come across the gruesome scene of a young lady mutilated and torn by not one but two wild animals... :evil:

Next Subject...
BAD FOOD... :evil:
The World is muck!
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Old 14-12-2004, 01:38 AM   #6
Abandonia Homie

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Jason Sullivan loved Bigmacs. He would eat it every day. They caleld him the McEater for all the mcdonalds he ate. One day he was watching the news when a headline appeared: CARGO TRUCK TRANSPORTING RADIOACTIVE WASTE GETS IN ACCIDENT. SPILL MABY POSSIBLE. Jason changed the channel uninterested. The next day he went to his favourt Mcdonalds. The problem was the roads were blocked due to police tape everywere. Seemed like an accident. "Aww crap" though Jason, he drove to the nearest Mcdonalds. "Time for my BLT " The next day the accident was cleaned up. Jason walked into the Mcdonalds. "One Bigmac please." said jason. When Jason touched the wrapping of the burger, it felt wet, a sticky wet. He didn't care much. After unwrapping his meal, the burger exploded 20 times its size! The burger opened it beefy mouth and ATE JASON!!!! It seemed the spill cause the burger to come alive and mutate. Jason Sullivan loved Bigmacs, and the Bigmac loved him... :twisted:
something with a guy on fire
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Old 14-12-2004, 01:50 AM   #7
Home Sweet Abandonia
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That's a good one, Ioncannon. LOL I thought that last part was pretty funny.

John and his brother went outside to light their first firecracker. John held the firecracker while his bro lit the match. The family dog was excited by the flames so much, that it jumped on the brother, accidentally catching them both on fire.
John looked on in horror as his bro slowly crumbled into flaming dust. Extremely shocked by the horrible loss, John stumbles back into the house. But, unknown to him, the back of his shirt has caught on fire. :evil:

a freak of nature
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Old 14-12-2004, 02:52 AM   #8
Classic Pig

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There was this man and he lived on a farm next to a nuclear power plant. He had many normal sons and daughters despite the radiation threat his doctors had warned him about. :crazy:

One day he noticed that he had a bump on his head but thought nothing of it. Slowly but surely the lump became bigger and bigger so he went to the doctor. The doctor looked at the lump and said it was nothing unusual and that he should go home and ignore it. Two, three months go pas and the lump is getting bigger and bigger - almost fist sized but considering that the doc had said it was ok he continued to ignore it.

Finally about 9 months after it first appeared the bump split open and out of it a miniature version of him came out. It looked at him and said, "you're far too big and besides this world is not big enough for the both of us". With this the little guy began to bite the big guy into pieces and begins to eat him. At this point one of the children walks in and sees this going on and shouts, " you freak of nature get away from my dad!". The child then jumps on mini-dad's head and squishes him like a mosquito.

OK - That was LAME! :eeeeeh:

Anyhow - next up...

Attack of the KILLEr Smurfs :Tom:

Back in two days! Keep it going.
The World is muck!
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Old 14-12-2004, 03:15 AM   #9
Abandonia Homie

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the docter later found out the guy had breast cancer LOL reminds me of the Family Guy episode were death coems in hehehe.
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Old 14-12-2004, 02:49 PM   #10
Home Sweet Abandonia
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BTW, that werewolve story was pretty good. k:
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