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Old 21-12-2015, 10:46 PM   #41

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Originally Posted by Japo View Post
the easiest way is to use the screenshot function of DOSBox (Ctrl+F5). The current website layout will resize them as needed for display, and this way we have original images instead of down-sampled ones, which is a pity in many current cases.
Actually, you gave me a windows version, right? But as running it under windows has many problems (see the other threads about the CD-missing-message), I should try this on the DOSbox too. I've made some screenshots, but my choise of words wouldn't be appropriate as I'm a bit pissed that the games runs buggy and without most of the sound and story.

Edit: yeah, I can't level up without crashing and in DosBox it won't run... So, I rush my review from the perspective of no fights, a lot of trading and space fights and spacecraft upgrading.

Review: 2 / 5

After a nice 3D camera flight to a space air port on a lonely planet, you start directly with the crew creation screen. Random values can be improved in some cases and like in the first game, you have different schools and professions.

When your crew has entered the Whale, you can start your journey... and a bully is calling immediatly. You should bring that radioactive, illegal stuff behind that door next to the cockpit to a far planet. Ok, let's do that. Well... yeah, we found out that the guy, who should help us, has been retired. And for the next travel we need to earn some money as the space ship has to be improved. And so you're hopping, trading, hopping between the planets, hopefully buying cheap and selling expensive.

All in all the trading part is pretty easy ... unless you don't lose all your money or sell to the wrong trader or didn't survive a travel to the next planet.

The game has been improved in comparison to Whale's Voyage 1 (espacially the fighting!), but still is a short and nice game, without many challenges or a broad story. On the other hand the combination of a scifi trading game with 1st person shooting and rpg is quite rare and when I played it in the 90ies I really liked this game.
Attached Images
File Type: png 0-end-of-intro.png (22.1 KB, 3 views)
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File Type: png 1-char-screen.PNG (44.6 KB, 5 views)

Last edited by Jokerderio; 22-12-2015 at 01:39 AM.
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Old 25-12-2015, 11:29 AM   #42
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You're right, this version was for Windows so DOSBox can't apply.

Thank you for the review and screenshots!
If the game has problems, and it's not just a copy but we can't get a better one, crashes etc., it's good to include that in a paragraph as "notes" under the review. Let me know if you want to add it...

Thanks again :-)
Life starts every day anew. Prospects not so good...
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Old 03-01-2016, 03:40 PM   #43

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Yeah, a note about the problems should be added. Currently the RPG part, so the biggest part of the game can't be played. Therefore I think it's ok, that I added only so few screenshots. For a good review there would be some screen shots of dialogues, space fights, on-planet 3D movements missing.

Edit: can't find the thread about the cd missing bug. It was in this forum and some pages long...

Anyway, if you decide to publish the review without uploading the game (because of the crash and the error messages), then some sentences about my short perspective should be added. My rating wouldn't change if I played through it.

Last edited by Jokerderio; 03-01-2016 at 03:59 PM.
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Old 26-02-2016, 09:15 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Jokerderio View Post
Currently the RPG part, so the biggest part of the game can't be played.
Why not ? This sentence will make Japo not uploading it to The ISO Cellar. It is unplayable or do you not know how to play it ?
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Old 28-02-2016, 01:35 PM   #45
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Can _I_ check the game?
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Old 15-10-2016, 02:14 PM   #46
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got the original cd (whales voyage 1 + 2 german, windows version). its a mixed media cd (1st track is data + 15 tracks audio/music).

tried to rip it but still did not get the complete medium: as iso-file i can only rip 1 track per iso, so its data only (=> 130MB).
the program i used (CDburnerXP) proposed mdf/mds files which can contain more than 1 track. so i did that and made a 1:1 copy (=> 661MB). when mounting those files (with winCDemu 4.1 since virtual clonedrive can't mount mdf/mds) i don't see the audio-tracks with windows media player (win10 x64) so i guess the audio tracks are not ripped correctly.
last thing i will try out wil be making a physical copy, first copying as an audio cd, then adding the data...

-> any tipps on ripping this mixed medium?

i got it to work quite fine in d-fend/dosbox, starting windows 3.11 (http://www.abandonia.com/vbullet/showthread.php?t=27770), and mounting my iso to it. in win3.11 i instelled WV2 and could run it.
the already known "insert cd" msg pops up every few seconds until i deactivated "music" in the upper windows-options. the SFX is played fine but the game is without music.

i may write a review and add screenshots if needed.

the question is, if this variant can be offered on abandonia since it won't work out of the (dos)box

-> i'd like to help translate into english if anyone knows how to export/import text from such games. (i'm native german speaking but speak english quite ok).
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Old 04-07-2018, 11:56 PM   #47

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Good Afternoon People,

I would like to know if anyone have the WV2 iso for windows.

Best Regards,
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Old 05-07-2018, 04:57 AM   #48
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I have that somewhere but a you can read here it never worked very good, because of the audio tracks on the same disk.

If someone wants to give it another try, tell me what is needed.

Maybe you want to just get it from eBay... i.e.:
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Old 05-07-2018, 01:08 PM   #49
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I have it too... but I thought, it's on site, no?

Also, it seems, I totally missed your 2016th message, spamalot. Sorry. :|

If you still want to do that, I believe, MDS/MDF must be totally enough. Did you try to play you disc from the original in your player? If it works (and MDF is not) - maybe something wrong with ripper/mounter.

I usually use Daemon Tools Lite, it make the same MDS/MDF, and can mount it back in original form.

...But I could swear that I made English fan-translated disc for someone on this forum already...

Yes, I did. In 2011th, obviously. So it must be around somewhere.

...And yes, I have it. Made from this ISO above and sound tracks from full German version.

This is another home-made image. I made it from freely available CD-rip of Windows version plus audiotracks from German CD-version from UG.

Game is German by default, but if after installation you'll rename .ENG files in WV2WIN\TEXT dir to correspondent .GER ones, replacing old .GER files, game will be on English after that.

Smiling Spectre

Last edited by Smiling Spectre; 05-07-2018 at 01:29 PM.
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