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Old 29-12-2005, 11:17 PM   #1
Eagle of Fire
Friendly Fire
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Valleyfield, Canada
Posts: 4,892

These custom rules were created and enforced by me as soon as I became a moderator of this forum, and they were pretty clear at the time. Every old member acknowledged them, and everything has been fine ever since.

For a little while now, I keep receiving PM's about members who are concerned about what is going on. More often than not, those members are rather new to the board, and I realize that they were never introduced to those rules. Furthermore, many guests are being rule-enforced recently, and I also realise that they have no way of knowing about these rules until I hop in the thread. So here are the custom rules made only for this forum:
  • Rule 1: No spamming. By spamming, this rule refers to anything which might not be related at least to a small extent to troubleshooting or the subject of the thread. I myself do not have much power to deal with this other than to close a thread when it goes out of hand, but be warned that other Admins are very receptive and it has happened more than once that I asked for help and a user got warned or banned as a result. Don't test my patience.
  • Rule 2: No double posts. If you have to add something, use the edit button found at the top right corner of your post. Exception for this: you are the topic starter and you want to bump your thread after a minimum of 1 day has passed without a reply. I am less strict on this for newbies, but I have no doubt that if you don't get warned by me it will be by others.
  • Rule 3: No thread resurrection. By thread resurrection, I am talking about threads that are about 3-4 weeks old which have gotten buried under the newer threads, and they don't have to be on the second page. There is one exception to this: the starter of a thread may continue any of his old threads as long as the topic of his new post matches the topic of his old thread.
  • Rule 4: The Troubleshooting section is made for requesting help for running old games, especially those on this site (read rule #5 for complementary information). This means that this forum is not made to start an interesting conversation about any other kind of subject. For example, if you want to talk about your favorite game go to the Gaming Zone forum and start a thread there. If you want info on how to make hardware or software which are not games or related to making old games work on new computers, go to the Tech Corner forum instead. This rule has been enforced a lot since I have been MOD of this place, and the direct consequence is having your thread moved to the right forum on sight. You will not be warned for doing such a thing unless it becomes obvious that they are intentional repeat offenses.
  • Rule 5: Priority is given to the games we already have on this site. While we do want to help everyone who is in need, keep in mind that we are specialised in the games we already have and/or have easy access to, and having games on this site gives us a much easier access to the game in question should we want to make it run ourselves on our computer and experiment with fixing your problem. Another point is that this forum is directly linked to the board, which is directly linked to the above-mentioned site, which is one of the reason why these games have priority. Finally, if you downloaded a game from another source (especially Home of the Underdogs), and you refuse to download the same game from our own archive to try to solve the problem, then don't be surprised if nobody wishes to help you. Games on this site have all been field tested many times to ensure that they are functioning properly, use them first if you have a problem with another source.
  • Rule 6: Users who have multiple problems which are not related to the same game should not update or bump old threads to ask for help for the new problem(s) but instead create a new dedicated thread for each specific problem. It is much more easier to help you if you open a specific thread for each problem so the help posts are not either hard to find or buried under replies which does not relate to the specific problem in question. Please note that this rule goes against normal worldwide default forum rules in which it might be considered as "spamming" the board, so the only direct consequence of ignoring this rule would be me splitting your posts into a new subject. If you happen to have the impression that your posts suddenly vanished then please look into a new thread freshly created while you were gone. Please note that if you have found an old thread via the search engine then two things: 1) congratulations and thank you! 2) please follow the aforementioned method and be welcome to link the found thread in your new thread for reference.
I'm on a hot streak... Literally.
Proud member of The Abandoned since 2005.

Last edited by Eagle of Fire; 27-03-2011 at 09:24 PM.
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