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Old 20-02-2009, 11:18 AM   #1
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Paco's Avatar

Join Date: May 2007
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Posts: 2,988
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Default Submissions


- 1869 - boxshot (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Claw - boxshots and CD scans (Chris)
- DragonStrike - boxshots, game cards, keyboard command chart (Chris)
- Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - boxshots, CD2 scan 'secret files', CD inlays, manual cover (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Microprose Soccer - boxshots, disk scan (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Silent Service II - review, short manual, ship identification chart, german article from power play game magazine (Chris) [ON SITE]
- The Patrician - boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Warlords - review, screenshots, Game (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Syndicate Wars - Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]


- SimCity - Cracked Game, Screenshots (BentleyVA)
- Desert Strike - Review, Screenshots (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Powerslave - Review, Screenshots, CD scan, Manual (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Wolfenstein 3D - Review (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Flashback - Review, Screenshots (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Star Wars - The Arcade Game - review, screenshots (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Mortal Kombat - Review, Screenshots (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Thexder - Review, Screenshots (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Pyrotechnica - review, Boxshots, manual, screenshots (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Amnesia - Address Book, Commands Summary Card, Manual, Maps, Visitors Guide (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Altered Destiny - Manual (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Another World - Manual, Reference Card, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Lost In Time - manual, boxshots and media (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Questprobe Spiderman - review, screenshots, walkthrough (Frodo) [ON SITE]
- Questprobe Spiderman - Game (Luchsen) [ON SITE]
- SimLife - review, screenshots game (Panthro) [ON SITE]
- System Shock - Review, Screenshots (TheChosen) [ON SITE]
- System Shock - Game (The Fifth Horseman) [ON SITE]
- 688 Attack Sub - archive (Chris)
- Bad Cat aka. Street Cat - archive (Chris)
- Battle Chess 4000 - archive (Chris)
- Berlin 1948 - archive (Chris)
- Circus Attractions - archive (Chris)
- Global Conquest - archive, manual (Chris)
- Infestation - archive (Chris)
- Khalaan - archive (Chris)
- Lunar Command - archive, manual (Chris)
- Megafortress - archive, addon (Chris)
- Perfect General II - archive (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Rock 'n Roll - archive (Chris)
- Timequest - archive, manual, solution (Chris)
- Xenomorph - archive, manual (Chris)


- No Greater Glory - cracked Game, Boxshots, Screenshots (BentleyVA)
- Eye of the Beholder I - Clue Book (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- 3-D Helicopter Simulator - archives cracked + untouched, boxshots (Chris)
- Harrier Combat Simulator - archive, boxshots (Chris)
- Chaos Overlords - Music (BlueBMW) [ON SITE]


- Panzer Battles - Archive, screenshots, boxshots, Quick Reference Menu (BentleyVA)
Sargon 4 - Archive, screen shots, box shots, and a quick reference sheet (BentleyVA)
- Quarantine II - Road Warrior - boxshots, CD scan, Road Warrior Prologue comic book (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Wing Commander - ship blueprints (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Questprobe Fantastic 4 - game archive (Luchsen) [ON SITE]
- Questprobe Fantastic 4 - review, screenshots and walkthrough (Frodo) [ON SITE]


- Hyperspeed - Game (BlueBMW)
- Civilization 2 - Music (BlueBMW)
- Capitalism Plus - Music (BlueBMW)
- Thexder - boxshots (dodgese) [ON SITE]
- Castle of Dr. Brain - missing disk scans (Chris) [ON SITE]
- LOOM - missing disks, audio drama, tape scans (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Jungle Strike - missing disk scans (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Micro Machines - missing disk scan (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Pushover - missing disk scans, password chart (Chris) [ON SITE]


- Lemmings Chronicles, The - Music (The_Lemmings) [ON SITE]


- History Line 1914-1918 - review, screenshots, level passwords (Chris) [ON SITE]
Legends will never die.

Check here for Maps i made

Last edited by Paco; 27-07-2011 at 08:06 PM.
Paco is offline                         Send a private message to Paco
Old 01-03-2009, 09:16 PM   #2
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Paco's Avatar

Join Date: May 2007
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Posts: 2,988
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- Oliver & Company - archive, review, screenshots, boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Fish! - boxshots, Fish Identification Chart (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Jungle Jack - Game (Luchsen)+(Hatsen) [ON SITE]
- Jungle Jack - Screenshots, Review, Icon (Hatsen) [ON SITE]
- Tintin in Tibet - Game, Boxshots, Manual (Hatsen)


- Space Hulk - Boxshots, Mediascans, Game Manual, Mission Manual (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Command and Conquer - Jewelcase & CD (AlumiuN) [ON SITE]
- No Respect -
Game, Screenshots, Review (AlumiuN) [ON SITE]
- Terminal Velocity - Manual (AlumiuN) [ON SITE]
- Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? - cracked Game (BentleyVA) [ON SITE]


- Sentinel Worlds I - Future Magic - Game, Paragraph, Manual, Install Guide (WhiteTiger)
- Star Fleet I - The war begins - Game, Manual (sakya)
- Star Fleet II - Krellan Commander - Game, Manual (sakya)


- Thexder - Box Shots, Walkthrough Map, Instruction Guide PDF (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Kronolog - The Nazi Paradox - Manual (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Return of the Phantom - Game (CD) (Frodo) [ON SITE]


- Scooter's Magic Castle - archive (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Peter Pan - archive (Chris) [ON SITE]


- 7 Card Stud - Game (Da Bomb)
- Acrostix - Game (Da Bomb)
- Aldos Adventure - Game (Da Bomb)
- Amaze - Game (Da Bomb)
- Archery - Game (Da Bomb)
- Big Rig - Game (Da Bomb)
- Blackjack - Game (Da Bomb)
- Bridgepal - Game (Da Bomb)
- Car Wash - Game (Da Bomb)
- Chekkers - Game (Da Bomb)
- Craps complete - Game (Da Bomb)
- Crazy Eights - Game (Da Bomb)
- Cryptaid - Game (Da Bomb)
- Crypto - Game (Da Bomb)
- Crypt-o-search - Game (Da Bomb)
- CubeAZ - Game (Da Bomb)
- Cunning Football - Game (Da Bomb)
- DGI Maze - Game (Da Bomb)
- Doublolo - Game (Da Bomb)
- Eds Chess - Game (Da Bomb)
- Ford Driving Simulator - Game (Da Bomb)
- Go Fish - Game (Da Bomb)
- Graphics Adventure Game Builder - Game (Da Bomb)
- Hearts - Game (Da Bomb)
- Hogbear 2 - Game (Da Bomb)
- Hop - Game (Da Bomb)
- Hunt - Game (Da Bomb)
- Jotto - Game (Da Bomb)
- Jungle Jack - Game (Da Bomb)
- Kalaha - Game (Da Bomb)
- Klondike - Game (Da Bomb)
- Klotz - Game (Da Bomb)
- Ladder Man - Game (Da Bomb)
- Leong - Game (Da Bomb)
- Maze 3D - Game (Da Bomb)
- Mines - Game (Da Bomb)
- Mirror Maze - Game (Da Bomb)
- Monuments of Mars - Game (Da Bomb) [ON SITE]
- Moria - Game (Da Bomb)
- Mummies - Game (Da Bomb)
- Nyet - Game (Da Bomb)
- Old Maids - Game (Da Bomb)
- Pachisi - Game (Da Bomb)
- PC Bingo - Game (Da Bomb)
- PC Monopoly - Game (Da Bomb)
- Pinball Games 1 - Game (Da Bomb)
- Piperun - Game (Da Bomb)
- Pitfal - Game (Da Bomb)
- Power Chess - Game (Da Bomb)
- Race! - Game (Da Bomb)
- Robomaze II - Game (Da Bomb)
- Sea Hunt - Game (Da Bomb)
- SMF Casino Poker - Game (Da Bomb)
- Solitaire - Game (Da Bomb)
- Son of Stagefright - Game (Da Bomb)
- Tank Wars - Game (Da Bomb)
- Tear Down the Wall - Game (Da Bomb)
- Tetris Deluxe - Game (Da Bomb)
- The Maze Game - Game (Da Bomb)
- VGA Mah Jongg - Game (Da Bomb)
- VGA Roulette - Game (Da Bomb)
- War at Sea - Game (Da Bomb)
- WordHAI - Game (Da Bomb)
- World Empire - Game (Da Bomb)
- Yacht-z II - Game (Da Bomb)
- Yet AnoTher Tetris - Game (Da Bomb)
- ZJZ Risk - Game (Da Bomb)
- Elevator - Game (Da Bomb)
- Crystal Caves - Game (Da Bomb)
- Duke Nukem II - Game (Da Bomb)
- Paganitzu - Game (Da Bomb)
- Word Rescue - Game (Da Bomb)


- Sink or Swim - Manual, CD Scans and supplement (Frodo) [ON SITE]


- SimTown - Game (KINGZ265)
- Ambush at Sorinor - Game (KINGZ265)
- Highway Patrol II - Game (KINGZ265)
- Drascula - Game, Boxshots (Frodo)
- Lemmings Chronicles, The - Manual (Frodo) [ON SITE]
- After Burner 2 - Game (fadware)
- Andromeda Conquest - Game
- Arctic Baron - Manual
- Fatty Bears FunPack - Game
- Might and Magic 1 - Secret of the Inner Sanctum - Manual (Resty) [ON SITE]
- Might and Magic 2 - Gates to Another World - Manual [ON SITE]
- Rockford - Game, Review, Screenshots (arete) [ON SITE]


- Mortal Kombat - Box Scans, Media Scans, User's Guide (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Sim City - Game, Screenshots (NMT2k2)
- Castles - Reference Card (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Games, The - Summer Challenge - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Horde, The - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Lost Admiral, The - Manual (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Michael Jordan in Flight - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Montezuma's Return - Boxshots (Ermuli)[ON SITE]
- NetStorm - Islands at War - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Prince - Game, Boxshots, Manual (Ermuli)
- Prophecy 1 - The Viking Child
- Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Rampart - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Realms - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Star Legions - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Star Reach - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Stunt Island - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Terminator 2 - The Judgment Day - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Tintin on the Moon - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- UMS II - Nations at War - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Utopia - The Creation of a Nation - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Winter Olympics - Lillehammer 94 - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Millennium - Return to Earth - Manual (Balthasar) [ON SITE]
- Millennium - Return to Earth - Review in German (Balthasar) [ON SITE]
- Battle Isle 2 - Boxshots, weapon systems manual (HailToNietzsche) [ON SITE]
- Jagged Alliance - Boxshots (HailToNietzsche) [ON SITE]
- Joe and Mac - Caveman Ninja - Boxshots (HailToNietzsche) [ON SITE]
- Obitus - Boxshots (HailToNietzsche) [ON SITE]
- Chaos Engine, The - Boxshots, manual, code table, disk (HailToNietzsche) [ON SITE]
- Betrayal - archive, boxshots, map (Chris)
- Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The - archive, boxshots (Chris)


- Harpoon - Boxshots (Garagod) [ON SITE]
- Welltris - Boxshots (Garagod)
- Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - new archive (bobinator1992)
- DragonStrike - Game, Boxshots (wizardofOz)
- Ultima Underworld - The Stygian Abyss - Boxshots (wizardofOz) [ON SITE]
- Ultima Underworld 2 - Labyrinth of Worlds - Boxshots (wizardofOz) [ON SITE]
- Elite Plus - Boxshots (wizardofOz) [ON SITE]
- Red Baron - Boxshots (wizardofOz) [ON SITE]


- Ultima 9 - Boxshots - Boxshots (ultimaIX)
- Space Quest 5 - Roger Wilco in The Next Mutation - Boxshots (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- MegaTraveller 1 - The Zhodani Conspiracy - Boxshots (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- MegaTraveller 2 - Quest for the Ancients - Boxshots (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- Ultima 5 - Warriors of Destiny - Spelllist, Reference Card. Journal, Boxshots (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- Conquests of Camelot - Map, Boxshots (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- Lords of the Realm - Boxshots (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- Island of Dr. Brain, The - Boxshots (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- Castles 2 - Siege and Conquest - Boxshots, Reference Card (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- Incredible Machine 2, The - Boxshots (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist - Boxshots (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- EcoQuest - The Search for Cetus - Boxshots (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- EcoQuest 2 - Lost Secret of the Rainforest - Boxshots (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- Ultima 7 - Part 2 - Serpent Isle - Boxshots *for Addon* (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- Ultima 7 - Part 1 - The Black Gate - Boxshots *for Addon* (ultimaIX) [ON SITE]
- Metal Gear - game (thebigboss94ita) [ON SITE]
- Knights of Legend - game, Screenshots, Manual, Icon, Solution, Map (S.Wolf)
- Omega - game, Manual, Screenshots, Boxshots (Miles) [ON SITE]
- Ultima 4 - game (Pigggy) [ON SITE]
- Cadaver - Boxshots, Diskscans (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Claw - cracked archive (Chris)
- Ancients 1 - Deathwatch - Game (red_avatar)
- Ancients 2 - Approaching Evil - Game (red_avatar)
- Atomic Bomberman - Game (red_avatar)
- Magic the Gathering
- Game (Sebatianos)
- Objection! - Review, Screenshots, Game (Sebatianos) [ON SITE]
- Goonies - Review, Screenshots, Game (Sebatianos) [ON SITE]
- Rescue Rover - Review, Screenshots, Game (Tomekk) [ON SITE]
- Rescue Rover 2 - Screenshots, Game (Tomekk)
- To Serve and To Protect - Game (fettoswe)
- Discovery - In the Steps of Columbus - Game (Picollo)
- Cold Dreams - Boxshots, Manual, Archive (HoffmannJ68) [ON SITE]
- Heroes of Might and Magic - Editor (Rogerwilco) [ON SITE]
- Supremacy - Your Will Be Done - Editor (Rogerwilco) [ON SITE]
- Might and Magic 3 - Isles of Terra - Cheat (Rogerwilco) [ON SITE]
- Millennium - Return to Earth - Cheat (Rogerwilco) [ON SITE]
- Might and Magic 6 - Manual, Quick Reference (Rogerwilco)
- Spirit of Excalibur - Manual, Installation setup (Ermuli) [ON SITE]


- J.R.R Tolkien War In Middle Earth - Box and Media Scans, Map, Game Instruction Manual (Geezer)
- Visions of Aftermath - The Boomtown - Game (Fubb) [ON SITE]
- Crisis in the Kremlin - Review, Screenshots (Fubb) [ON SITE]
- Conflict - Middle East Political Simulator - Game, Screenshots, Review (Fubb) [ON SITE]
- Monster Bash 1 - Game (Luchsen)
- Crystal Caves 1 - Troubles with Twibbles - Game (Luchsen)
- Cosmos Cosmic Adventure 1 - Forbidden Planet - Game (Luchsen)
- Duke Nukem 1 - Shrapnel City - Game (Luchsen)
- Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons 1 - Marooned on Mars - Game (Luchsen)
- Math Rescue - Game (Luchsen)
- Paganitzu - Game (Luchsen)
- Word Rescue - Game (Luchsen)
- Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy! 4 - Secret Oracle (EGA) - Game (Luchsen)
- Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy! 4 - Secret Oracle (CGA) - Game (Luchsen)
- Rodents Revenge - Game (Luchsen)
- Les Manley in - Lost in L.A. - Screenshots (Luchsen)
- Wacky Wheel - Boxshots (Luchsen) [ON SITE]
- Wolfenstein 3D - Boxshots (Luchsen) [ON SITE]
- Ultima 9 - Boxshots (Luchsen)
- Star Wars Chess - Game (Luchsen) [ON SITE]
- Star Wars - Game (Luchsen)
- Fahrenheit 451 - Game (Luchsen)
- Die Hard - Game (Luchsen)
- Die Hard 2 - Die Harder - Game (Luchsen)
- Oxyd magnum! Gold Edition - Landscape Codes, Game (Luchsen)
- Rescue Rover 2 - Dognapped! - Game (Tijgertje)
- Hovertank - Game (Tijgertje)
- Conquest - Game, Screenshots (Tijgertje)
- Hoyle 3 - Game (SlowCoder) [ON SITE]
- Hoyle 2 - Game (SlowCoder) [ON SITE]
- Hoyle 1 - Game (SlowCoder) [ON SITE]
- Sharkey's 3D Pool - Game (SlowCoder)
- PC Pool - Game (SlowCoder)
- Mille Bornes - Game (SlowCoder)
- Crazy Eights - Game (SlowCoder)
- EGATrek - Game (SlowCoder)
- Wheel of Fortune - Game (SlowCoder)
- Solitare - Game (SlowCoder)
- After Burner - Game (SlowCoder)
- Mach 3 - Game (SlowCoder)
- Sky Chase - Game (SlowCoder)
- Striker - Game (SlowCoder)
- Stargunner - Game (SlowCoder)
- Jumpman - Game (SlowCoder)
- Boppin - Game (SlowCoder) [ON SITE]
- 688 Attack Sub - Game (SlowCoder)
- Ace of Aces - Game (SlowCoder)
- Novatron - Game (SlowCoder)
- LHX - Attack Chopper - Game (SlowCoder)
- SuperFly - Game (SlowCoder)
- Space Commanders - Game (SlowCoder)
- Carnage
- Game (SlowCoder) [ON SITE]
- 3-Demon - Game (SlowCoder)
- Digger - Game (SlowCoder) [ON SITE]
- A Journey into Xanth - Game (SlowCoder)
- Blasteroids - Game (SlowCoder)
- Command H.Q. - Game (SlowCoder) [ON SITE]
- Spacewar - Game (SlowCoder)
- Major Stryker - Game (SlowCoder)
- Tyrian - Game (SlowCoder)
- Commander Keen 4 - Game (SlowCoder)
- Commander Keen 1 - Game (SlowCoder)
- Xenophage - Alien BloodSport - Game (SlowCoder) [ON SITE]
- Commander Keen in "Keen Dreams" - Game (SlowCoder)
- Mega Man - Game (SlowCoder)
- Bert and the Snake - Game (SlowCoder)
- Red Baron, The - Game (SlowCoder)
- Thexder - Game (SlowCoder) [ON SITE]
- Deep Space - Game (SlowCoder)
- Master Blaster - Game (SlowCoder)
- Gapper - Game (SlowCoder)
- Bounce Zone - Game (SlowCoder)
- Big 2 - Game (SlowCoder)
- Sorry! - Game (SlowCoder)
- Backlash - Game (SlowCoder)
- Avoid the Noid - Game (SlowCoder)
- Captain Cook's Challenge - Game (SlowCoder)
- Breakout - Game (SlowCoder)
- Rogue - The Adventure Game - Manual (SlowCoder) [ON SITE]
- J.R.R Tolkien's War in Middle Earth - Manual, Map, Boxshots (LaFey)
- Tetris Gold - Boxshots (LaFey) [ON SITE]
- Ping and Kooky's Cuckoo Zoo - Game, Review, Screenshots (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Quarky and Quaysoo's Turbo Science - Game, Review, Screenshots (Chris) [ON SITE]


- Bloodstone - An Epic Dwarven Tale - Game (_r.u.s.s.)
- Sam & Max - Boxshots [ON SITE]
- Ultima 9 - Extra - (Mats)
- Civilization 1 - Boxshots (wizardofOz) [ON SITE]


- Rules Of Engagement - Box and Media Scans, Manual, Disk Images (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Ultima 4 - Quest Of The Avatar - Review, Box scans, Player Reference Card
Manual (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Star Wars - The Arcade Game - Game (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- School Bus Driver - Game, Screenshots, Review (BranjoHello) [ON SITE]


- Space Rogue - Game, Map (Vanshilar) [ON SITE]


- Might and Magic 1 - Secret of the Inner Sanctum - Cluebook, Reference Card, Boxshots (Acethor) [ON SITE]
- Might and Magic 2 - Gates to Another World - Cluebook, Reference Card (Acethor) [ON SITE]
- Might and Magic 3 - Isles of Terra - Cluebook, Reference Card, Copy Protection (Acethor) [ON SITE]
- Might and Magic 4 and 5 - World of Xeen - Cluebook for Part 4 and 5, Reference Card, Game Manual, Copy Protection (Acethor) [ON SITE]
- Might and Magic - Sword of Xeen - Game, Manual (Acethor)


- Space Rogue - Screenshots, Review (Vanshilar) [ON SITE]
- Keef the Thief - A Boy and His Lockpick - Card, Boxshots, Game (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Deja Vu II - Lost in Las Vegas - Boxshots, Game (Ermuli)
Operation - Inner Space - Game (legalmumbojumbo)


- System Shock - Boxshots, Manual (Frodo) [ON SITE]
- Super Fighter - Game (legalmumbojumbo)
- Railroad Tycoon - German Reference Cards (Chris)
- Railroad Tycoon - Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Time Bandit - boxshots, archive (Chris)
- Final Fantasy - Endless Nova - Game *newer version*, Solution (Paco) [ON SITE]
- Super Fighter - Game (Juanca)
- Operation - Inner Space - Game (Juanca)


- Legacy The - Realm Of Terror
- Boxshots, Manual, Technical Supplement (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Space Invaders
- Ads (Frodo)
- 007 Licence to Kill
- Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]


- Ultima 4 - Quest Of The Avatar - Screenshots, Spell Book (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Legacy The - Realm Of Terror - Maps (Paco) [ON SITE]
- Flashback (DOS) - Level Codes (Frodo) [ON SITE]


- Operation - Inner Space - Game (benim)
- Heartlight PC - Deluxe Version - Game (Luchsen)
- OverKill - The Six Planet Mega-Blast - Game (Luchsen) [ON SITE]


- Kiloblaster - The Trilogy
- Game (Luchsen)
- Guild of Thieves, The - Riddle Map (Luchsen) [ON SITE]

- TigerFox - Game (Luchsen)
- Tron - Light Cycles
- Game (Luchsen)
- Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy - Boxshots, Manual, Reference Card, Orders (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Dark Legions - Manual, Data Card (Luchsen) [ON SITE]
- Mixed Up Mother Goose - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Thexder - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Black Cauldron - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Leisure Suit Larry 1 - in the Land of the Lounge Lizards
EGA - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Police Quest - In Pursuit of the Death Angel EGA - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Lurking Horror - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Stationfall - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Alone In The Dark - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Alone In The Dark 2 - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Battle Chess - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Castles - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Castles 2 - GameAds (Geezer) [ ON SITE]
- Dungeon Master 2 - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Lord Of The Rings 1 - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Lost Vikings, The - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Mario Teaches Typing - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Another World - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Shadow Of The Comet - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Sim City - GameAds (Geezer)
- Star Reach - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Star Trek 25th Anniversary - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Lord of the Rings 2 - The Two Towers - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Rags To Riches - GameAds (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Quadralien - Boxshots, Game, Manual (Ermuli)
Legends will never die.

Check here for Maps i made

Last edited by Paco; 25-07-2011 at 06:51 PM.
Paco is offline                         Send a private message to Paco
Old 01-04-2009, 01:19 PM   #3
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Paco's Avatar

Join Date: May 2007
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Posts: 2,988
Send a message via ICQ to Paco Send a message via MSN to Paco Send a message via Yahoo to Paco


- Sea Rogue - boxshots, Manual (Shadytrake) [ON SITE]
- Barbarian - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- BattleTech - Crescent Hawks Inception - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Beyond Zork - Ads (Geezer)
- Buck Rodgers Countdown To Doomsday - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Champions Of Krynn - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Clue Master Detective - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Defender Of The Crown - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Double Dragon 2 - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Dragon Strike - Ads (Geezer)
- Dune - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Elvira - Ads (Geezer)
- Eye Of The Beholder - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Journey - The Quest Begins - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- J.R.R Tolkien's War in Middle Earth - Ads (Geezer)
- KGB - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Legend Of Kyrandia - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Realms - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Rocket Ranger - Ads (Geezer)
- Shogun - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Zork Zero - Ads (Geezer)


- Radix - Beyond The Void v2.0 - Archive (AlumiuN) [ON SITE]
- Marathon 1 (Aleph One) - Archive (AlumiuN)
- Marathon Infinity (Aleph One)
- Archive (AlumiuN)


- Rocket Ranger - Boxshots, Game (Ermuli)
- Fast Break - Boxshots, Game (Ermuli)
- Elvira 1 - Mistress of the Dark - Boxshots (Ermuli)


- Dark Century - archive, boxshots (Chris)
- Abbey of Montglane, The - archive (pczelda) [ON SITE]
- Adventure - archive (pczelda)
- Adventure 4 - archive (pczelda)
- Colossal Cave - archive (pczelda)
- Droppy & Pru Trilogy - archive (pczelda)
- Dungeon - archive (pczelda)
- Deep Space Drifter - archive (pczelda) [ON SITE]
- Dunjin - archive (pczelda)
- Enchanted Castle - archive (pczelda)
- Humbug - archive (pczelda)
- Jacaranda Jim - archive (pczelda)
- Majik - archive (pczelda)
- Hampton Manor - archive (pczelda)
- World - archive (pczelda)
- Castle Ralf - archive (pczelda) [ON SITE]
- Skyland's Star - archive (pczelda)
- T-Zero - archive (pczelda)
- TADS 2 - archive (pczelda)
- Unnkulian Underworld - archive (pczelda)
- Unnkulian Underworld II - archive (pczelda)
- Companions of Xanth - Pointstable, Maps, Puzzle-Solution (Paco) [ON SITE]


- Wizardry VI – Bane of the Cosmic Forge - Game, Review and Screenshots (Death Incarnate) [ON SITE]


- Dark Seed 2 - Walkthrough (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Silent Service 2 - Manual (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- WolfPack - Game (Saccade)
- Gremlins 2 - The New Batch - Game (Saccade)
- World Karate Championship - Game (Saccade)
- Below the Root - Game (Saccade)
- Heimdall 1 - Game (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Hacker 1 - Game (Saccade)
- Hacker 2 - The Doomsday Papers - Game (Saccade)
- Frontier - Elite 2 - Game (Saccade)
- Spy vs. Spy 3 - Arctic Antics - Game, Review, Boxshots, Screenshots (Saccade) [ON SITE]


- Archemiedean Dynasty - Game (Frodo)
- Batman Returns - Game (Frodo)
- Battle Bugs - Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Where in Time is Carmen - Game (Saccade)


- Codename Iceman - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Colonel's Bequest - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Conquests Of Camelot - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Gold Rush - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Hero's Quest - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Magic Candle 2 - Ads (Geezer)
- Manhunter New York - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Manhunter San Francisco - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Moebius - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Quest For Glory 1 - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Rex Nebular - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Ultima 3 - Ads (Geezer)
- Ultima 4 - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Scooter's Magic Castle - Game, Review, Screenshots (Lozzenger2) [ON SITE]


- Montezuma's Revenge - Ads (Frodo) [ON SITE]
- Questprobe Featuring The Hulk - Comic, Ads (Frodo) [ON SITE]
- Questprobe Featuring Spiderman - Comic, Quest Page (Frodo) [ON SITE]
- Dragon Wars - Game, Boxshots, Reference Card (Ermuli) [ON SITE]


- Chuck Yeagers Advanced Flight Trainer - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)
- Club Casino - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)
- Cosmic Sheriff - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)
- Highway Patrol II - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)
- Mambo - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)
- Manhattan Dealers - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)
- Quadralien - Game, Boxshots, Manual (Ermuli)
- B.A.T. - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Bloodwych - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)
- Cadaver - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Midwinter - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)
- Rath-Tha - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)
- StarRay - Game, Boxshots, Manual (Ermuli)
- Life and Death 2 - The Brain - Surgery Guide (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Deep Space Drifter - Walkthrough, Readme, Maps, Hintbook, Review, Screenshots (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Oxyd - Game (Luchsen)
- Oxyd Magnum - Game (Luchsen)
- Oxyd Extra - Game (Luchsen)


- Xargon - Game (Acethor)
- Abbey of Montglane - Hints, Screenshots, Review, Walkthrough (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Star Wars Chess - Screenshots, Review (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Castle Ralf - Review, Hintbook (Saccade) [ON SITE]


- Dragon Wars - Review (Pex) [ON SITE]
- Pirates Gold - Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Last Ninja 2 - Back with a Vengeance - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Low Blow - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)
- Murders in Space - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Murder! - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)
- Drakkhen - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Full Metal Planete - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)
- Mini-Putt - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Mini-Putt - Game (Ermuli)
- Teenage Queen - Game, Boxshots (Ermuli)


- One Must Fall - Game (Acethor) [ON SITE]
- Dragon Wars - Screenshots (Pex) [ON SITE]


- B-17 Flying Fortress - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Civilization - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Covert Action - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Darklands - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- F-19 Stealth Fighter - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Mega Traveller 2 - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Railroad Tycoon - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Red Storm Rising - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Sea Rogue - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Silent Service 2 - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Questprobe Featuring Human Torch & The Thing - Comic (Frodo) [ON SITE]
- Dragonstrike - Game, Cards, Boxshots (kronos78)


- Survival - Game, Manual (spartican)
- Rome - Pathway to Power - Review, Game (spartican)
- ShadowSorcerer - Manual, Boxshots, Game (kronos78)
- Fantasy General - Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]


- Red Dwarf - Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers - Game, Review (Saccade)
- Dragonstrike - Manual (kronos78)
- Alien Virus - Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Crisis in the Kremlin - Game (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Command Adventures Starship - Game (Chris)
- Dragon Wars - Manual (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Last Half of Darkness III, The - Game, Review, Screenshots (Shadow_Stalker) [ON SITE]
- Imperialism - Game, Review (Fubb) [ON SITE]
- Adventure Fun-pack - Game (Tomekk)
- Kroz - 11 Games (Tomekk)
- Puzzle Fun-Pack - Game (Tomekk)
- Arctic Adventure - Game (Tomekk)
- Beyond the Titanic - Game (Tomekk)
- Jumpman! Lives - Game (Tomekk)
- Caves of Thor, the - Game (Tomekk)
- Major Stryker - Game (Tomekk)
- Star Trek TNG Trivia - Game (Tomekk)
- Star Trek Trivia - Game (Tomekk)
- Trivia Whiz - Game (Tomekk)
- Word Whiz - Game (Tomekk) [ON SITE]
- StarGunner - Game (Tomekk)
- Abandoned Places - Play Guide (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Monuments of Mars - Review, Screenshots (TotalAnarchy) [ON SITE]
- Digger - Review, Screenshots (Pellaeon) [ON SITE]
- Troll's Tale - Game (Tomekk)
- Winnie the Pooh - Game (Tomekk)


- Anvil Of Dawn - Reference Card, Manual (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Seven Cities Of Gold (PC-Booter, 1984) - Boxshots, Screenshots, Game, Manual, Installation Guide (Geezer)
- On the Ball - World Cup Edition - Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Campaign - Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]


- Ancient Art Of War - Boxshots, Manual, Reference Card (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Last Half of Darkness - Solution (Shadow_Stalker) [ON SITE]
- Last Half of Darkness - Screenshots, Game (Shadow_Stalker)
- Dark Convergence 1 - Screenshots, Game, Solution (Shadow_Stalker)
- Dark Convergence 2 - Screenshots, Game (Shadow_Stalker)


- B.A.T - Manual, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Back To The Future Part 2 - Copy Protection, Manual (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- 007 - License to Kill - Instructions, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Blue Force - Ads, Manual, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Amazing Spiderman, The - Boxshots, Manual (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- J.R.R Tolkien War in Middle Earth - Boxshots, Manual (Geezer)
- Ambush At Sorinor - Boxshots (Geezer)
- Bards Tale 1 - Tales Of The Unknown
- Manual, Map, Command Summary, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Big Red Adventure
- Manual, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Harrier Jump Jet - Game (danianeve)
- BattleTech - The Crescent Hawks Inception - Guide, Reference Card, Manual, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Dragons of Flame - Manual, Reference Card, Boxshots, Game (kronos78)
Legends will never die.

Check here for Maps i made

Last edited by Paco; 15-01-2011 at 12:22 PM.
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Old 03-05-2009, 01:36 PM   #4
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Posts: 2,988
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- BattleTech - The Crescent Hawks Revenge - Boxshots, Manual, Command Reference (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Blackthorne - Manual, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Arkanoid II - Revenge of DOH - Manual, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Buzz Aldrins Race into Space - Manual, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Shannara - Game (Chris) [ON SITE]


- Bureau 13 - Boxshots, Manual (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Bouncing Babies - Review (A12Alex) [ON SITE]


- Bards Tale 2 - The Destiny Knight - Manual, Command Summary (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Call Of Cthulhu - Shadow Of The Comet - Boxshots, Manual, Captain Robin's Statement, Death Certificate, Jack Reeve's Report, Forester Note (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Space Harrier - Game (Saccade)
- Airstrike USA - Game (Saccade)
- Chess Master 2100 - Game (Saccade)
- Drugwars - Game (Saccade)
- Druglords - Game (Saccade)
- Chickens! - Game (Saccade)


- B-17 Flying Fortress - Game, Manual, Keyguide, CD, Bombadier Manual, Update (superjamie) [ON SITE]
- Apollo 18 - Mission To The Moon - Boxshots, Manual (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Shadow Caster - Game, Manual, Review, Screenshots (Panthro) [ON SITE]
- Dylan Dog - Through The Looking Glass - Screenshots (Shadow_Stalker) [ON SITE]
- Lion King, The - Manual, Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Shannara - Walkthrough, Screenshots, Review (Frodo) [ON SITE]


- Captain Comic 2 - Fractured Reality - Manual, Copy Protection Codes (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Nightmare Creatures - Review, Screenshots (BranjoHello) [ON SITE]
- Aaargh - Manual, Reference Card, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Callahans Crosstime Saloon - Manual, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Incredible Machine, The - Manual (chuachinsoon) [ON SITE]


- Dungeon Hack - Copy Protection, Game (Vanshilar) [ON SITE]
- Return to Zork - Manual, Copy Protection, Boxshots (Frodo) [ON SITE]
- TimeQuest - Manual, Guide, Boxshots, Mission Paper (Geezer)
- Mad TV - Manual, Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Bermuda Syndrome - Music, Boxshots, Manual (Chris) [ON SITE]


- Links 386 Pro - Game, Review, Screenshots, Extra (Death Incarnate) [ON SITE]
- JetFighter - Game (Vanshilar)
- Curse of the Azure Bonds - Game (Vanshilar)
- Stunt Island - Catalogue, Reference Card, Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Dylan Dog through the looking glass - Game (Shadow_Stalker) [ON SITE]


- Heimdall 1 - Review, Screenshots (TotalAnarchy) [ON SITE]


- Operation Combat 2 - By Land, Sea & Air - Game (WilliamC23)
- Shannara - Boxshots (Paco) [ON SITE]


- Pyrotechnica - Game (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Castle of Dr. Brain - Ads, Manual, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Shannara - Boxshots, Manual, Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Blades of Steel - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Castlevania - Ads (Geezer)[ON SITE]
- Double Dribble - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Elvira 2 - Jaws of Cerberus - Ads (Geezer)
- Protostar - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Ringworld - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Star Control 2 - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Wacky Funster - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- WaxWorks- Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Timequest - Screenshots (Saccade)
- Portal -
Game (Saccade)
- R-Type - Game (Saccade)
- Silent Service - Game (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- President Elect - Game (Saccade)
- SubWar 2050 - Game (Saccade)
- Dots - Game (Saccade)
- Rad Warrior - Game (Saccade)
- Eggerland - Game (Saccade)
- Escape from Hell - Game (Saccade)
- Exterminator - Game (Saccade)
- DragonStrike - Game (Saccade)
- Sub Battle Simulator - Game (Saccade)
- Voodoo Island - Game (Saccade)
- Borderworld - Game (Shadow_Stalker)
- Ancient Art of War in the Skies - Ads (Geezer)
- Carrier Command
- Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Command HQ - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Covert Action - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- F15 Strike Eagle II - Ads (Geezer)
- Keys to Maramon, The - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Knights of the Sky - Ads (Geezer)
- Lightspeed - Ads (Geezer)
- M1 Tank Platoon - Ads (Geezer)
- Magic Candle, The - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Magic Candle II - Ads (Geezer)
- MegaTraveller 1 - The Zhodani Conspiracy - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Midwinter - Ads (Geezer)
- Pirates - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Punisher, The - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Railroad Tycoon - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Silent Service II - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Space 1889 - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Spellcasting 101 - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Star Glider II - Ads (Geezer)
- Sword of the Samurai - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Test Drive III - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- UMS II - Nations At War - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Weird Dreams - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- X-Men II - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- X-Men - Madness in Murderworld - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Powerslave - Game (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Castles II - Manual (Xhumed) [ON SITE]
- Central Intelligence - Manual, Reference Card, Box shots, CD Case shots, CD Scan, Screenshots (Xhumed) [ON SITE]
- Conquests of Camelot - The Search for the Grail – Manual (Xhumed) [ON SITE]
- Fantasy General – Install Guide (Xhumed) [ON SITE]
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Manual (Xhumed) [ON SITE]
- Jagged Alliance - Quick Reference Card (Xhumed) [ON SITE]
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos – Manual, Map, Scratch N Sniff Card (Xhumed) [ON SITE]
- Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Serrated Scalpel - Manual (Xhumed) [ON SITE]
- Maupiti Island Manual (Xhumed) [ON SITE]
- Outpost - Manual, Screenshots, Game (Xhumed)
- Panzer General
- Scenarios & Tactics (Xhumed) [ON SITE]
- Premier Manager 2 - Manual, Game (Xhumed)
- Silicon Dreams – Manual, Screenshots, Game (Xhumed)
- Space Quest (Collector's Edition) - Roger Wilco Unclogged – Manual (Xhumed) [ON SITE]
- Subwar 2050 – Manual, Quick Reference Card, Under Currents - Improving your tactics, Screenshots, Game (Xhumed)
- Legend of Kyrandia 2 - Hand of Fate Manual (Xhumed) [ON SITE]
- Lost Vikings, The Manual (Xhumed) [ON SITE]


- Buck Rogers - Matrix Cubed - Boxshots, Rule Book, Log Book (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Bards Tale 3 - Thief of Fate - Manual, Command Summary, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Champions of Krynn - Manual, Journal, Reference Card, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Buck Rogers - Matrix Cubed - Reference Card (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Countdown - Manual, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Dune 2 - The Building of a Dynasty - Patch (MrFibble) [ON SITE]
- Floor 13 - Manual Transcipt (Saccade)
- Alone in the Dark 1 - Manual (Xhumed) [ON SITE]


- Dylan Dog through the looking glass - Review (Shadow_Stalker) [ON SITE]
- Blood - Game incl 2 Expansion Pack (Cryptic Passage and the Plasma Pak), Tools (Shadow_Stalker) [ON SITE]
- Darkest Night, The - Game (Shadow_Stalker)
- Dismal Passages (Original) - Game (Shadow_Stalker)
- Dismal Passages (Remake) - Game (Shadow_Stalker)
F-117A Stealth Fighter 2.0 - Game (Japo) [ON SITE]
- Pacific General - Review (dkw) [ON SITE]


- Last Half Of Darkness VGA, The - Game (Shadow_Stalker)
- Bushido - Game (Saccade)
- Spitwad Willy - Game (Saccade)
- Gabriel Knight 1 - Sins of the Fathers - Game (Frodo)


- Island of Dr. Brain, The - Copy Protection Codes (The_Lemmings) [ON SITE]


- Special Forces - Game, Screenshots, Review (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Corridor 7 - Alien Invasion - Manual, Boxshots (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Companions Of Xanth - Boxshots, Ads, Manual, Hintbook (Geezer) [ON SITE]


- Oh No! More Lemmings! - Music (The_Lemmings) [ON SITE]
- Conan The Cimmerian - Map, Ads, Boxshots, Manual, Installation Reference (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Peter Pan - Game, Review (marko_river) [ON SITE]
- I. M. Meen - Game (marko_river) [ON SITE]
- Master of Magic - Spellbook, Manual (ILikePie) [ON SITE]
Legends will never die.

Check here for Maps i made

Last edited by Paco; 18-04-2011 at 05:59 PM.
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Old 01-06-2009, 12:29 PM   #5
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Paco's Avatar

Join Date: May 2007
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Posts: 2,988
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- Peter Pan - Screenshots (marko_river) [ON SITE]
- Secret Island of Dr. Quandary, The - Game, Screenshots (marko_river) [ON SITE]
- Dune 2 - The Building of a Dynasty - Mods (MrFibble) [ON SITE]
- Bible Builder - Game (The_Lemmings)
- Blood - Movie (Tommyboy) [ON SITE]


- War Wind - Review (dkw) [ON SITE]
- Pacific General - Game (dkw) [ON SITE]


- F-19 Stealth Fighter - Control (Japo) [ON SITE]
- F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0 - Craft ID Cart, Screenshots, Review (Japo) [ON SITE]
- Space Quest 2 - Vohauls Revenge - Boxshots (Infernus) [ON SITE]


- Ultima 5 - Warriors of Destiny - Player Reference (Kronos) [ON SITE]
- Ultima 7 - Part 2 - Serpent Isle - Image, Map, Manual, Reference (Kronos) [ON SITE]
- Ultima - Worlds of Adventure 2 - Martian Dreams - Boxshots (Kronos) [ON SITE]
- Nova 9 - Game, Boxshots, Manual, Quick Reference Card (Chris)
- Shadowland - Game, Boxshots, Manual (Chris)
- Stellar 7 - Game, Boxshots, Manual, Quick Reference Card (Chris)
- Might and Magic 4 and 5 - World of Xeen - Manual, Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Uncharted Waters - Boxshots, Manual, Map, Poster (Chris) [ON SITE]


MegaTraveller 2 - Quest for the Ancients - Map, Editor (songbird) [ON SITE]
- Might and Magic 2 - Gates to Another World - Boxshots (Kronos) [ON SITE]
- Might and Magic 3 - Isles of Terra - Boxshots (Kronos) [ON SITE]
- Police Quest 1 - In Pursuit of the Death Angel - Boxshots (Kronos) [ON SITE]
- Police Quest 1 - In Pursuit of the Death Angel VGA - Boxshots (Kronos) [ON SITE]
- Police Quest 2 - The Vengeance - Boxshots (Kronos) [ON SITE]
- Goal! - Game, Manual (Greyfox Maquis)
Dogfight - Game, Manual (Greyfox Maquis)
- Ka-50 Hokum - Game, Manual (Greyfox Maquis)
F-117A Stealth Fighter - Game, Manual (Greyfox Maquis) [ON SITE]
- KGB aka Conspiracy - Manual (Greyfox Maquis) [ON SITE]


- Alpha Waves - Game (zirkoni) [ON SITE]
- Jazz Jackrabbit Holiday Hare 1995 - Game (zirkoni) [ON SITE]
- Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Holiday Hare 98 - Game (zirkoni)
- Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? - Review, Screenshots (The_Lemmings) [ON SITE]
- A Mind Forever Voyaging - Manual (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur - Manual (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Ballyhoo - Game, Manual (Saccade)
- Beyond Zork - Game, Manual (Saccade)
- Borderzone
- Game, Manual (Saccade)
- Bureaucracy
- Game, Manual (Saccade)
- Police Quest 4 - Open Season - Boxshots (Kronos) [ON SITE]
- Inca - Boxshots (Kronos) [ON SITE]
- Gold Rush - Boxshots (Kronos) [ON SITE]
- Wing Commander 2 - Vengeance of the Kilrathi - Game, Manual, Screenshots, Review, Specops (Eleima512) [ON SITE]
- Tetris Gold - Game, Boxshots (LaFey)


- Magic and Mayhem - Review, Screenshots (BranjoHello) [ON SITE]
- Bards Tale 2, The - The Destiny Knight - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Bards Tale 3, The - Thief of Fate - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Budokan - The Martial Spirit - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Centurion - Defender of Rome - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- F-15 Strike Eagle - Ads (Geezer)
- Indianapolis 500 - The Simulation - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Lakers vs Celtics and the NBA Playoffs - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- PGA Tour Golf - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Populous - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Powermonger - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Starflight - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Starflight 2 - Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- Immortal, The - Ads (Geezer) [ON SITE]
- CutThroats - Game, Manual (Saccade)
- Enchanter - Game, Manual (Saccade)
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, The - Manual (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- F-15 Strike Eagle - Game (Japo)
- F-15 Strike Eagle II -Game (Japo)
- F-15 Strike Eagle III - Crack (Japo)
- JetSet - Game (Japo)
Jazz Jackrabbit Holiday Hare 1995 - Review, Screenshots (zirkoni) [ON SITE]


- Dark Convergence II - Solution (Shadow_Stalker)
- Nine Lives of Secret Agent Katt,The- Game (Shadow_Stalker)
- F-15 Strike Eagle III - Game (Japo)
- Fleet Defender - Game (Japo)


- Silpheed - Manual (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Immortal, The - Manual (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Descent - Manual (The Coop) [ON SITE]
- Advanced Destroyer Simulator - Game (Japo)
- Destroyer - Game (Japo)
- SSN-21 Seawolf - Game (Japo)
- Eagle Eye Mysteries - Review (dkw) [ON SITE]
- Steel Panthers 2 - Review (dkw)


- Astatin - Game (Uchazu)


- MegaTraveller 2 - Quest for the Ancients - Map (songbird) [ON SITE]
- Cisco Heat - Game, Screenshots (skillz) [ON SITE]
- Spelljammer - Pirates Of Realmspace - Game (skillz)
Alpha Waves - Screenshots, Boxshots, Review (zirkoni) [ON SITE]


- Pacific General - Boxshots, German Manual (Chris) [ON SITE]


- Incredible Machine 3, The - Game, Review (dkw)


- Hobbit, The - Manual, Reference Card, Boxshots (LaFey) [ON SITE]


- Cruise for a Corpse
- Boxshots, Reference Manual, Character Background Information (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Riders of Rohan - Quick Reference Card, Boxshots (LaFey) [ON SITE]
- FX Fighter - Boxshots, Game, CD, Manual, Reference Card (barbarian)
- Overkill - Boxshots (barbarian) [ON SITE]
- 7th Legion - Game, Review, Screenshots (ComboTroop) [ON SITE]


- Conquest of the New World
- Boxshots (Luchsen)
- EcoQuest - Sierra Catalog, Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]


- Red Ghost - Game, Screenshots (Todbog)


- Ultima 1 - Game (Nick)
- Ultima 2 - Revenge of the Enchantress - Game (Nick)
- Gunship - Game (Japo)
- Gunship 2000 - Game (Japo)
- Lemmings for Windows - Game (ComboTroop)
- Battlefront - Panzer Battles - Game, Manuals, Screenshots (Todbog)
- Battles of Napoleon - Game, Manuals, Screenshots (Todbog)
- Conquest of Japan - Game, Manuals, Screenshots (Todbog)
- Decisive Battles of the Civil War - Game, Manuals, Screenshots, Review (Todbog) [ON SITE]
- Global Domination - Game, Manuals, Screenshots, Review (Todbog) [ON SITE]
- Warlords - Manual (Todbog) [ON SITE]


- M1 Tank Platoon - Game (Japo)
- GATO - Game (Japo)


- Spectre VR - Game (Salmoneaus)
- Jetfighter 2 - Game (Salmoneaus)


- Battletech - The Crescent Hawks' Revenge - Music (The Fifth Horseman)
- Earthsiege 2 - Music (The Fifth Horseman)
- Traffic Department 2192 - Music (The Fifth Horseman)
- Epic 40.000 - Final Liberation - Music (The Fifth Horseman)
- Space Crusade - Music (The Fifth Horseman)
- Space Hulk - Vengeance of the Blood Angels - Music (The Fifth Horseman)
- Space Hulk - Music (The Fifth Horseman)
- Warhammer 40.000 - Chaos Gate - Music (The Fifth Horseman)
- Warhammer 40.000 - Rites of War - Music (The Fifth Horseman)
- Knights of Honor - Music (The Fifth Horseman)
- Ufo - Cydonia's Fall - Music (The Fifth Horseman)


- Bionic Commando - Game (The Fifth Horseman)


- Maniac Mansion - Boxshots, Copy Protection Codes (Chris)


- EcoQuest - German Manual (Chris) [ON SITE]
Legends will never die.

Check here for Maps i made

Last edited by Paco; 27-07-2011 at 08:08 PM.
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Old 02-07-2009, 12:19 PM   #6
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- Red Baron - Boxshots, Manual (Chris) [ON SITE]
- Might and Magic 4 - Clouds of Xeen - Map, Reference Card, Manual, Game, Boxshots (Kronos) [ON SITE]
- 2000AD - Diceman - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Be an Interplanetary Spy - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Blood Sword - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Combat Command - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Cretan Chronicles, The - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Demonspawn - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Dragon Warriors - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Eternal Champions - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Fabled Lands - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Falcon - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Fatemaster - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Find Your Fate - Jem - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Free Gamebooks - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Freeway Warrior - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Golden Dragon - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- GrailQuest - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Knightmare - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Legends of Skyfall, The - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Marvel Super Heroes - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Maxi-Solo - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Middle-Earth Quest - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Narnia Solo Games - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Nintendo Adventure Books - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- One-hit Wonders - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Proteus - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Real Life Gamebooks - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Sagard the Barbarian - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Sherlock Holmes Solo Mysteries - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Star Challenge - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Storytrails - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- TutorText - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Virtual Reality Adventure - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Way of the Tiger, The - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)
- Zork - Gamebook (The Fifth Horseman)


- Ultima 3 - Exodus - Game, Patch, Map (Japo)


- Ultima 3 - Exodus - Game (Nick)
- Trivia Whiz - Screenshots (TotalAnarchy) [ON SITE]


- Trivia Whiz - Review (TotalAnarchy) [ON SITE]
- Command - Aces of the Deep - Game (Japo)
- Legions - Game (Japo)
- Nightmare Creatures - Game (Japo) [ON SITE]
- Up Periscope! - Game (Japo)
- Links 386 Pro - Extra (Death_Incarnate) [ON SITE]
- Wizardry 1 - Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
- Game (Nick)
- Wizardry 4 - The Return of Werdna - Game (Nick)
- Wizardry 5 - Heart of the Maelstrom - Game, Spelllist (Nick)
- Battle on the Black Sea, The - Game, Review, Screenshots (Nick) [ON SITE]
- King Arthur's K.O.R.T. - Deluxe Game (skillz)
- Heroes of the Lance
- Manual, Game, Boxshots (Kronos)


- Links - The Challenge of Golf - Game, Extra Course (Luchsen)


- SimTower - The Vertical Empire - Game (skillz)
- Summoning, The - Copy Protection Answer (Taaru) [ON SITE]
- Sorcerian - Game (Lulu_Jane)


- Storm Across Europe, The - Game (marko_river)
- Three Stooges - Game (marko_river)
- Warp Factor, The - Game (marko_river)
- Alpine Encounter, The - Game (marko_river)
- Nam 1965 - 1975 - Game (marko_river)
- Fleet Defender - Game (marko_river)
- Starflight 2 - Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula - Game (marko_river) [ON SITE]
- Ultima 7 - Part 2 - Serpent Isle - Playguide (Kronos)


- Starglider 2 - Game (marko_river)


- Last Ninja 1 - Game, Screenshots (marko_river) [ON SITE]
- Last Ninja 2 - Game, Screenshots (marko_river) [ON SITE]
Wing Commander II - Vengeance of the Kilrathi - Boxshots (stinker) [ON SITE]


- Star Wars - X-Wing Collectors Edition - German Manual (stinker) [ON SITE]


- Boulder Dash - Manual, Boxshots, Ads (Luchsen) [ON SITE]
- Boulder Dash 2 - Manual, Boxshots, Ads (Luchsen)
- Boulder Dash Construction Kit - Manual, Boxshots (Luchsen)
- Rockford - The Arcade Game - Boxshots (Luchsen) [ON SITE]
- Super Boulder Dash - Boxshots (Luchsen)
- U.S.Adventure - Manual, Boxshots, Ads (Luchsen)
- Omnicron Conspiracy - Manual, Boxshots (Luchsen)
- Murders in Venice - Game (Ermuli) [ON SITE]


- Aleshar - World Of Ice - Walkthrough (Haba) [ON SITE]
- Crisis in the Kremlin - Screenshots (Fubb) [ON SITE]
- Gobliiins - Review (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Goblins 3 - Goblins Quest - Review, Screenshots (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Gobliiins 4 - Wallpaper (bob-satan)
- Pole Position - Review (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Karnov - Game (bob-satan)
- Mighty Bomb Jack - Game (bob-satan)
- Alcatraz - Game (bob-satan) [ON SITE]


- CJ in the USA - Game (lamparita)
- Ninja Rabbits - Boxshots, Screenshots, Review, Game (zirkoni) [ON SITE]
- International Ninja Rabbits - Game, Screenshots, Review (zirkoni) [ON SITE]


- Wing Commander - Privateer - Game, Manual, Expansion Packs, Speech Pack (Kirov)


- BubbleBobble Featuring Rainbow Islands - Game (skillz)


- Superhero League of Hoboken - Maps, Hint (Paco) [ON SITE]


- Battle Isle 2 - Titan's Legacy - Game (Wicky) [ON SITE]


- Battle Isle 2 - Titan's Legacy - Screenshots, Review, Level Codes (Wicky) [ON SITE]


- Sink or Swim - Boxshots (Ermuli) [ON SITE]


- Textris - Game, Screenshots (Gaming4JC)


- Time Paradox - Walkthrough, Screenshots, Review, Maps, Game (Talkie) (Frodo) [ON SITE]
Legends will never die.

Check here for Maps i made

Last edited by Paco; 25-07-2011 at 06:48 PM.
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Old 02-08-2009, 11:11 AM   #7
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Location: Zurich, Switzerland
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- Hired Guns - Game (Romano)
- X-Men - Madness In The Murderworld - Game (Romano) [ON SITE]


- Prince of Persia - Copy Protection (AzureDragon) [ON SITE]
- Settler, The - Boxshots (AzureDragon) [ON SITE]
- Settler II, The - Boxshots (AzureDragon) [ON SITE]


- X-Wing - Boxshots, Disk, Manual, Farland (21603) [ON SITE]
- Theme Park -
Boxshots (Chris) [ON SITE]


- Bedlam 2 - Absolute Bedlam - Game (skillz)


- Last Half of Darkness VGA - Review, Screenshots (esgmaster)
- Xenophage - Alien Bloodsport - Review, Screenshots (esgmaster) [ON SITE]


- Demon's Winter - Game (Tomekk)
- Wizard's Crown - Game (Tomekk)
- Chronicles of Aethra - Game (Tomekk)
- Shard of Spring - Game (Tomekk)
- Ravenloft - Stone Prophet- Game (Tomekk)
- Swords of Glass - Game (Tomekk)
- Treasures of the Savage Frontier - Game (Tomekk)
- Pools of Darkness - Game (Tomekk)
- Secret of the Silver Blades - Game (Tomekk)
- Gateway to the Savage Frontier - Game (Tomekk)
- Pool of Radiance - Game (Tomekk)
- Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - The Secret Files - Screenshots, Review (Uber Dowsen) [ON SITE]


- Space 1889 - Game (Japo) [ON SITE]


- Overboard! - Game (bob-satan)


- Deathkarz - Game (bob-satan)
- Gabriel Knight 1 - Sins of the Fathers - Review, Screenshots (esgmaster)
- Wizardry IV - The Return of Werdna - Game (Tomekk)
- Wizardry V - The Heart of Maelstorm - Game (Tomekk)
- Total Annihilation - Music (Tomekk)


- MDK - Murder Death Kill - Manual (Eleima512) [ON SITE]
- Dune 2000 - Game (marko_river) [ON SITE]
- Ultimate Soccer Manager - Game (marko_river)


- Legend of Faerghail, The - Game (Tomekk)
- Alien Cabal - Game (marko_river)


- Hunter Hunted - Game (Ermuli)
- Re-Volt - Boxshots (Tracker) [ON SITE]
- Zombie Wars - Game (The Fifth Horseman)


- Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess - Game, Manual (marko_river)


- Twilight 2000 - Review, Screenshots (esgmaster) [ON SITE]
- Alone in the Dark 2 - Manual, Copy Protection, Boxshots, Hints, The Mystery Examiner (Apple24) [ON SITE]


- One on One - Game (bob-satan)
- Kings Bounty - Manual (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Scorched Earth - Screenshots (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Quest for Glory - So You Want To Be A Hero VGA - Screenshots (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Worlds of Legend - Son of the Empire - Manual, Start Guide, Boxshots, Game (munuainen) [ON SITE]


- Hollywood Hijinx - Manual (Saccade)
- Civilization - Hack, Code Protection (Saccade) [ON SITE]


- WarWizard - Game (Zakhal) [ON SITE]


- Jazz Jackrabbit - Game, Boxshots, Screenshots (Jojo1541)


- Space Invaders - Review (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Pinball Dreams - Review, Screenshots (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk - Screenshots (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Hollywood Hijinx - Game (Saccade)
- Infidel - Game, Manual (Saccade)
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos - Manual (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Journey - The Quest Begins - Manual (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Moon Mist - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- Nord and Bert - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- Plundered Hearts - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- Sea Stalker - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- Sherlock - The Riddle of the Crown Jewels - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- James Clavells Shogun - Manual, Boxshots (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Sorcerer - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- Spell Breaker - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- Starcross - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- Suspect - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- Suspended - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- Trinity - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- Witness - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- Zork Zero - Manual (Saccade)
- Zork 1 - Manual (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Zork 2 - Manual (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Zork 3 - Game, Manual (Saccade)
- Eric the Unready - Manual, Hints, Walkthrough (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Gateway 2 - Homeworld - Manual, Hintbook (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Spellcasting 101 - Sorcerers get all the Girls - Manual, Hints (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Spellcasting 201 - The Sorcerers Appliance - Manual (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Spellcasting 301 - Spring Break - Manual, Hints (Saccade) [ON SITE]
- Lost Adventures of Legend, The - Manual (Saccade)
- TimeQuest - Boxshots, Mission Briefing, Copy Protection, UHS, Hints, Manual (Saccade)


- Test Drive III - Add-On (zirkoni)


- Ultimate Soccer Manager 98-99
- Game (marko_river)
- Uridium - Game (zirkoni)
- Van Slug - X Mission - Game (derboo)
- Super Trio - Game (derboo) [ON SITE]
- Super Cop - Game (derboo)
- Lychnis - Game (derboo)
- Lars the Wanderer - Game (derboo)
- Interrupt
- Game (derboo)
- Eracha - Game (derboo) [ON SITE]


- Wing Commander Academy - Game, Speech Pack, Manual, Screenshots, Boxshots, Review (Eleima512) [ON SITE]
- Galaga 94 - Game (lamparita)
- Gargoyle Medieval Pack - Game (lamparita) [ON SITE]
- Kart Race - Game (lamparita)
- Thor's Hammer Trilogy - Game (lamparita)
- Tron - Light Cycles - Game (lamparita)
- Troy - Game (lamparita)


- Eracha - Review, Screenshots (derboo) [ON SITE]


- Mixed-Up Mother Goose VGA - Game (_r.u.s.s.) [ON SITE]


- Viz - Game (bob-satan)
- Tongue of the Fatman - Game (bob-satan)
- Rolling Ronny - Game (bob-satan)
- Manhole - Game (bob-satan) [ON SITE]


- Worlds of Legend - Son of the Empire - Demo, Boxshots (munuainen)
- Shadow Caster - Manual (munuainen) [ON SITE]
- Shadow Caster - Boxshots (munuainen) [ON SITE]
- Storm Master - Manual, Boxshots (munuainen) [ON SITE]
- Dragons Breath - Game, Manual, Boxshots (munuainen)
- Quest For Glory IV - Shadows Of Darkness - Game (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Alcatraz - Review, Screenshots (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
Legends will never die.

Check here for Maps i made

Last edited by Paco; 25-07-2011 at 06:48 PM.
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Old 02-09-2009, 10:53 AM   #8
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- Dark Angael - Game (The Fifth Horseman)


- Alien Legacy - Game (hunvagy) [ON SITE]
- Blood and Magic -
Game (hunvagy) [ON SITE]
- Command Adventure Starship - Game (hunvagy)
- Harpoon - Game (hunvagy) [ON SITE]
Harpoon 2 - Game (hunvagy)
- OutPost 1 - Game (hunvagy)
- OutPost 2 - Game (hunvagy)
- Grandest Fleet, The - Game (hunvagy)
- This Means War - Game (hunvagy)
- Warhammer - Shadow of the Horned Rat - Game (hunvagy) [ON SITE]


- Chasm - The Rift - Patch, Manual, Addon (bob-satan) [ON SITE]


- Command HQ - Review, Screenshots (egsmaster) [ON SITE]
- Gene Machine, The - Walkthrough (BranjoHello) [ON SITE]


- Iron Blood - Game, Manual (The Fifth Horseman)


- Sky and Rica - The Prelude - Game, Copy Protection (Luchsen)


- Chasm - The Rift - Review, Screenshots, Music, Archive (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Manhole - Review, Screenshots (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Power Drift - Review, Screenshots, Archive (bob-satan) [ON SITE]
- Electro Man aka Electro Body - 2 Archive (bob-satan)


- Warhammer - Shadow of the Horned Rat - Manual, Screenshots, Review, Hex Guide (Panthro) [ON SITE]


- Quik The Thunder Rabbit - Game, Screenshots, Review, Level Codes (zirkoni) [ON SITE]
- Jill Goes Underground - Game, Screenshots, Review (Eleima512) [ON SITE]
- Jill Saves the Prince - Game, Screenshots, Review (Eleima512) [ON SITE]
- Jill of the Jungle - Game, Screenshots, Review (Eleima512) [ON SITE]

- Assault Rigs - Game (hunvagy)


- Shadow Caster - Reference Card (Ermuli) [ON SITE]
- Vikings - Fields of Conquest - Game, Manual, Addendum (marko_river)


- Wing Commander - Game, 2 Extra Missions (argenzul)


- Sky and Rica - The Prelude - Game (derboo)
- Vikings - Fields of Conquest - Crack (Luchsen)


- F15 Strike Eagle II - Operation Desert Storm - Scenario Disk (mbgeek)


- Shinobi - Game (marko_river)
- Rush N Attack - Game (marko_river)
- Ikari 3 - The Rescue - Game (marko_river)
- After Burner 2 - Game, Screenshots (marko_river)
- Captain Bible and the Dome of Darkness - Game, Screenshots, Review, Music (The_Lemmings) [ON SITE]


- FX Fighter - Game (marko_river)
- Sango Fighter 2 - Game (marko_river)
Legends will never die.

Check here for Maps i made

Last edited by Paco; 19-03-2011 at 02:42 PM.
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Old 02-10-2009, 12:44 PM   #9
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Posts: 2,988
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- Merlin - Game (marko_river)
- Cool World - Game (marko_river) [ON SITE]
- Doofus - Game, Level Codes (marko_river)
- Mindfighter - Game (marko_river)
- Murder on the Zinderneuf - Game (marko_river)
- Nicky Boom - Game (marko_river)
- Nicky 2 - Game, Crack (marko_river)
- Fountain of Dreams - Game (marko_river)
- Wizball - Game (marko_river)
- Dominium - Game (marko_river)
- Days of Thunder - Game (marko_river)
- Day of the Viper - Game (marko_river)
- Willow - Game (marko_river)
- Dark Castle - Game (marko_river)


- Carol Shaws River Raid - Game (Luchsen)
- Livingstone II - Game (Luchsen)
- Trivia 101 - Game (Luchsen)
- TV and Cinema 101 - Game (Luchsen)


- 3-K Trivia - Game (marko_river)
- Crusade in Europe - Game (marko_river)
- HellCat Ace - Game (marko_river)
- Portal - Game (marko_river)
- Prowler - Game (marko_river)
- Solo Flight - Game (marko_river)
- Spitfire Ace - Game (marko_river)


- Air Force Commander - Game (marko_river)
- Alien Phobia - Game (marko_river)
- Aquaphobia - Game, Screenshots (marko_river) [ON SITE]
- Street Ball - Game (marko_river) [ON SITE]
- Rome - Pathway to Power - Screenshots (bob-satan)


- World War II - Battles of the South Pacific - Game, Manual (Saccade)
- NAM 1965-1975 - Manual (Saccade)


- Roadwar 2000 - Game, Manual, Screenshots, Review (marko_river) [ON SITE]
- Speedball - Game (marko_river) [ON SITE]


- Blind Justice - Game (marko_river)
- Lands of Lore - The Throne of Chaos - Maps (Paco) [ON SITE]
- Mindshadow - Game (Frodo)


- Word Whiz - Review, Screenshots (TotalAnarchy) [ON SITE]


- Ishido - The Way of Stones - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]
- An American Tail - Fievel Goes West - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]


- Galleons of Glory - Manual, Boxshots, Screenshots, Game (Dragom)


- Spacewrecked - Manual, Boxshots, Copy Protection Codes, Game (Dragom)
- Aces of the Pacific - Game, Screenshots, Review (Sarin) [ON SITE]
- An American Tail - Fievel Goes West - Manual (Dragom) [ON SITE]
- Keef the Thief - A Boy and his Lockpick - Manual, Game, Boxshots, Screenshots, Command Summary Card, Copy Protection (Dragom) [ON SITE]


- Bad Dudes - Game, Manual, Screenshots (marko_river)


- Scoop, The - Manual, Boxshots, Newspaper, IBM Notes (Dragom)


- Supremacy - Your Will Be Done - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]


- Amazing Adventures of ANSI Dude, The - Game (Saccade)
- Armada 2525 - Manual, Game (Saccade)
- Asylum - Game (Saccade)
- Caves of Thor - Game (Saccade)
- Circuits Edge - Manual, Game, Walkthrough (Saccade)
- Complete Chess System - Game (Saccade)
- Cubic Tic Tac Toe - Game (Saccade)
- Diplomacy - Game (Saccade)
- Dungeons and Dragons IF - Game (Saccade)
- Dont Go Alone - Game (Saccade)
- IBM BASIC Quiz, The - Game (Saccade)
- Keef the Thief - A Boy and his Lockpick - Walkthrough (Saccade)
- Lane Mastodon Vs. the Blubbermen - Game (Saccade)
- Lane Mastodon Vs. the Blubbermen - Game, Image (Luchsen)
- Mindbender - Game (Saccade)
- Mind Mirror - Game (Saccade)
- Mindwheel - Game (Saccade)
- Once and Future - Game (Saccade)
- Perfect Assassin - Game (Saccade)
- Robot Battle - Game (Saccade)
- Siege - Game (Saccade)
- Stephen King's The Mist - Game (Saccade)
- Supernova - Game (Saccade)
- Gamma Force - The Pit of a Thousand Screams - Game, Image (Luchsen)
- ZorkQuest - Assault on Egreth Castle - Game, Image (Luchsen)
- ZorkQuest II - The Crystal of Doom - Game, Image (Luchsen)


- Civilization - Boxshots (BentleyVA) [ON SITE]
- Berlin 1948 - Screenshots, Boxshots (Dragom)
- Beverly Hillbillies, The - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]
- Crisis in the Kremlin - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]
- Deja Vu 2 - Lost in Las Vegas - Game, Archive (Dragom)
- Fields of Glory - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]
- High Seas Trader - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]
- History Line 1914-1918 (aka The Great War 1914-1918) - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]
- Killing Cloud - Game, Screenshots, Boxshots (Dragom)
- Nephis Quest - Game, Boxshots (Dragom)
- President is Missing, The - Game, Boxshots (Dragom)
- Search for the Titanic - Game, Boxshots (Dragom)
- TimeQuest - Screenshots, Boxshots (Dragom)
- Undersea Adventure - Game, Screenshots, Boxshots (Dragom)
- Wings of Fury - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]


- X-Men 1 - Madness in Murderworld - Review, Screenshots (egsmaster) [ON SITE]
- Cycles - International Grand Prix Racing, The - Game (marko_river)
- Pocket Rockets - Game (marko_river)
- Sito Pons 500cc Grand Prix - Game (marko_river)
- Superbike Challenge - Game (marko_river)


- Battlezone - Review, Screenshots, Game, Manual (Ruby) [ON SITE]
- Quest for Glory IV - Shadows of Darkness - Review, Screenshots, Copy Protection Codes (Panthro) [ON SITE]
- Scoop, The - Game (Dragom)
Legends will never die.

Check here for Maps i made

Last edited by Paco; 18-04-2011 at 05:44 PM.
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Old 01-11-2009, 11:08 AM   #10
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Posts: 2,988
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- Operation Crusader - Screenshots, Game, Patch (Dragom)
- Quatra Command - Screenshots, Game, Review, Disk (bluestarultor)


- Arnhem - Screenshots, Game, Map (Dragom)
- Desert Rats - Game (Dragom)
- Encyclopedia of War - Ancient Battles - Manual, Game (Dragom)
- Shooting Gallery - Screenshots, Game, Manual (Dragom)
- Vulcan - Game (Dragom)
- D/Generation - Game, Manual, Help-File, Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]

- Championship Baseball - Game (shortcircuit)
- Omni-Play Horse Racing - Game, Manual (Dragom)
- Waterloo - Game (Dragom)


- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Game, Screenshots, Level Codes (marko_river) [ON SITE]
- 20000 Leagues Under the Sea - Game, Manual (Dragom)
- Dreadnoughts - Game, Screenshots, Manual (Dragom)
- Grand Slam Bridge - Game (Dragom)
- Grand Slam Bridge II - Game (Dragom)
- Knights of the Desert - Game, Manual, Apple Map Display (Dragom)
- Manic Miner - Game, Manual, Screenshots (Dragom)
- Operation Market Garden - Game, Map, Manual (Dragom)
- Turbo Bridge - Game (Dragom)


- Turrican II - The Final Fight - Game (Dave) [ON SITE]
- Microsoft Flight Simulator v5.0 - Game (Dragom)
- Dolphin Sailing Sim III - Game, Users Manual, Map, Keyboard Function (Dragom)
- Wheel of Fortune - Featuring Vanna White - Game (Dragom)


- Anvil of Dawn, The - Music (Nick)


- Tyrian 2000 - Music (Nick)


- Stars! - Wave, Review, Screenshots, Game, Documents (Eagle of Fire) [ON SITE]


- Adventures of Tintin, The - Prisoners of the Sun - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]
- Bermuda Syndrome - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]
- Blue Force - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]
- Eternam - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]
- Litil Divil - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]
- Lost Admiral, The - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]


- Clue Master Detective - Boxshots (Dragom) [ON SITE]
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Legends will never die.

Check here for Maps i made

Last edited by Paco; 01-05-2010 at 11:41 AM.
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