Originally Posted by Sarin
arrow down-up
arrow up-down
arrow left-roll (turn) left
arrow right-roll (turn) right
, -rudder left
. -rudder right
1 to 9-throttle levels
+,- -increase/decrease throttle
space-fire guns
g -select guns
r -fire rockets (if available)
backspace-drop bombs (all of em, there is no key to drop just one)
d -drop external fuel tank
f -flaps settings
w -wheel brakes
b -air brakes
l (L not I)-landing gear
F1 to F8 -views
F10 -settings
alt+r -realism panel inflight
ctrl+b -bail out
I hope it's all correct, and I did not forget anything.
Correction: Arrow up = dive
Arrow down = climb
don't land with the wheel breaks on!