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Old 29-07-2020, 08:49 PM   #29
Smiling Spectre
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1. You make it harder than it must be. As I see, it's simple 2-layer wheel, external ring (flags) is visible (even if I don't understand why do you need them %), internal circle - upper layer with gaps - is visible too. All you need is one good scan and full data on the middle circle, with numbers. As I see, it's 12 sectors (columns) by 6 sectors (rows). So all you need is to make 12x6 table and consequently write all numbers in all cells (easy to do by rows. Select sector with most outer gap ("Figure scating", for example) , match with any country by your choice (say, Poland), write number, turn to the next country (Switzerland), write number, repeat for all 12 numbers. Then select second row gap (Giant Slalom, for example), set it to Poland, repeat for 12 countries, select 3rd row... Looks quite simple for me, and definitely less efforts than 100 scans.

2. I don't need any exclusives (but thank you for the offer). For me, it's enough to have the working game and working codewheel. (I have impression that eXo will ask guys from this resource anyway - but I can be wrong).

P.S. Also, as you can see, it's only 12 possible positions, actually, if you _don't_ want to mess with a table - it will cover all possible numbers. So 12 scans (one for each inner wheel turn) is totally enough to recreate the wheel. But if middle wheel positions - matching with flags - have any significance, of course, you'll need 144 scans. But I believe, in reality it will be 132 excessive obsolete scans.

P.P.S. Ah, I read about protection scheme. Yes, for re-creating wheel you need only this 12x6 table - or 12 wheel scans.

Last edited by Smiling Spectre; 29-07-2020 at 09:03 PM.
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