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Old 21-11-2006, 05:13 AM   #1
"I" in the Team
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Okay. We had a EWR game in forum before, but it died. So, now im going to start again.

Here's the thing in nut-shell: EWR is a pro wrestling management sim. I am a booker and you are bunch of wrestler's. I will put you in matche's and angle's and then il report what happened.

The new thing is that we will have two roster's: Abandonia roster and Reloaded Roster. I will post this in Reloaded forum today. This mean's that there will be some rivalry between these two.

Example: Two abandonia guys, Fruit Punch & Fifth Power, are fighting in the ring when suddenly Reloaded giant, Tom "The Smurf" Henrik attacks and destroy's everyone.

To build a chraracter, I need to know some thing's:

1. Name: Who are you? You can use your real life name or forum nickname or something else!
2. Side: Are you face (good guy), Tweener (Neutral guy) or heel (total bastard). Note that tweener's are uncommon in wrestling world.
3. What type of wrestler are you?: A normal brawler who throw's punche's, kick's and powerpomb's? A ultra-fast cruiserweight who jump's from high place's? A technical grapler who make's everyone sumbit?
4. What country are you from?
5. Weight and Height
6. Male or Female
7. The name of your finisher move: Think of something creative, like: Megakick or X-Com Bomb
8. Your gimmick: Choose one from the list below.
9. Age. 18-60. The older you are, the weaker.
10. Your entrance music: A music that will be played when you enter the arena.
11. Other things.
12. If you have a picture, post one.

Adult Film Star-This worker portrays an adult film star
All-American-This worker plays a flag-wawing, apple pie-eating college stand-out all-American.
Angry Minority-This person comes from a minority and is taking his anger out on selected people.
Angry Young Man-This young worker is ready to take on the world for everything bad that has ever happened to him.
Anti USA-This worker is an anti-USA character, going against all that America stands for.
Arabian-This worker acts like an old-school 'camel clutch and curly boots' Arabian heel.
Armed Forces-This worker's gimmick is that he is part of the armed forces.
Arrogant-This worker looks down on everyone.
Authority Figure-This character has some sort of power within the company, and can be used in authority angles.
Bad behind-This worker is a no-nonsense behind-kicking anti-authority figure
BFG-This worker is giant type character (BFG=Big Friendly Giant)
Biker-This person is a leather-clad biker.
Bitch-This worker is an old-school bitch, who is always doing what's best for her.
Blue Chipper-This worker is a young clean-cut worker who looks like he will become a star.
Blue Collar-This worker portrays a blue collar worker.
Bodyguard-This worker is employed as a bodyguard for another worker.
Bounty Hunter-This worker hunts down and beats up other wrestlers for money.
Boy Band-This worker portrays a boy band member.
Braveheart-This worker plays a raging no-surrender scotsman.
Bully-This worker bullies other, usually smaller, workers.
Bum-This person portrays a homeless bum.
Bumbling Englishman-This worker portrays a Hugh Grant-style bumbling Englishman.
Censor-This worker portrays a pro-censorship figure.
Chameleon-This worker does a 'mirror man' gimmick, where he immitates his opponent's clothing, mannerisms, and fighting style.
Cheater-This worker is an old-school cheat-to-win fighter.
Cheerleader-This worker is a ringside always-happy always-perky babe.
Chosen One-This worker is the 'chosen one' of the company, and gets prefential treatment.
City Slicker-This worker plays a stereotypical slimy wall street city slicker.
Clean Cut-This worker keeps himself in great shape, and is anti-drugs, anti-alcohol, etc.
Clown-This worker plays a happy-go-lucky clown.
Coach-This manager works as a coach for other workers, encouraging and training them.
Cocky-This worker is ultra-cocky and arrogant.
Comedian-This worker plays a comedian, making with the funny stuff whenever possible.
Comedy Character-This worker has a cartoonish gimmick, and is used for laughs.
Comic Book Hero-This worker plays a comic book hero character, fighting evil.
Comic Book Villain-This worker plays a comic book villain character, planning to take over the world.
Commissioner-This worker portrays a commissioner-figure, and can be used in authority angles.
Comrade-This worker plays the classic old-school communist Russian heel.
Conman-This worker plays a fast-talking con artist.
Convict-This person plays an brutal escaped \ ex-convict.
Cool-This worker drips charisma, and makes The Fonz look uncool.
Corrupt Law Enforcer-This worker plays a corrupt, evil law enforcer.
Country Singer-This person portrays a country singer who is using wrestling as a path to fame in the music industry.
Cowardly-This worker is a sneaky coward who will cheat as much as possible to win.
Cowboy-This worker has an old-school cowboy gimmick.
Crazy-This worker is off-the-wall and compeletely unpredictable.
Cult Leader-This worker leads a cult, whose members follow him no matter what.
Daddy's Girl-This female worker plays a spoiled daddy's girl, who gets everything she wants by throwing tantrums.
Dancer-This worker plays a character, who was a dancer before coming to wrestling.
Daredevil-This worker is a risk-taker who has no fear.
Dealer-This worker has the gimmick of a drug dealer.
Degenerate-This worker is a crude, anti-authority degenerate.
Demon-This worker has a demonic quality to him - he uses his size, power, and fury to crush his opponents into the mat.
Detective-This worker plays the part of a detective, investigating on behalf of clients.
Dual-Sport Superstar-This worker plays a character who came to wrestling after starring in another sport.
Dude-This worker is a california-style dude, complete with surfer-speak.
Egomaniac-This worker is all about himself, and considers himself the greatest.
Enforcer-This worker plays the methodical, ruthless enforcer figure.
Equality Fighter-This female worker wants to fight men as well as women, to prove that she is equal.
Evil-This worker is evil in every respect, and will do anything to win.
Evil Boss-This worker plays an evil boss, flaunting his power, and can be used in authority angles.
Evil Clown-This worker plays a dark nightmarish version of a clown.
Evil Dentist-This worker plays an evil dentist.
Evil Foreigner-This worker has the classic old-school evil foreigner gimmick.
Evil Knight-This worker plays an evil old-style knight.
Evil Pimp-This worker plays a violent, sneaky pimp.
Evil Preacher-This worker acts like a corrupt southern preacher. Testify!
Evil Referee-This worker plays a former corrupt referee who has become a wrestler.
Evolution-This worker believes he has evolved to the 'next level', and is superior to everyone else.
Executive Consultant-This worker\manager works as an executive consultant for another, i.e a high class manager.
Extremist-This worker never backs down, and always comes ready for a brawl.
Family Guy-This person plays up the fact that he comes from a famous wrestling family.
Fiery Italian-This worker plays the stereotypical temperamental Italian.
Fitness Instructor-This worker plays a hyperactive annoying fitness obsessive.
Foreighn Royalty-This worker portrays foreign royalty, and is arrogant and pompous to people.
Foreign Star-This worker is a big name in foreign country, and is now bringing his skills to the US.
Franchise Player-This worker considers himself the 'franchise player' of the company, and is always at the center of things.
Freak-This worker is an over-the-top freakish character, prone to doing weird things.
Fun Babyface-This worker is a happy-go-lucky babyface.
Fun Drunk-This worker plays a fun-to-be-around drunk.
Gangsta-This worker has a rap-influenced gangsta gimmick.
Gay-This worker is overly effeminate.
Geek-This worker is a geek.
Gender Bender-This worker dresses like a member of the opposite sex.
Genius-This worker thinks he is smarter than anyone else, and uses cunning plans.
Girl Power-This female worker is all about 'girl power' and not taking a back seat to the men.
Girl-Next-Door-This worker is a naive innocent girl-next-door type.
Glam Rocker-This worker has an outrageous 'spandex and big hair' glam rock look.
Gothic-This worker has a gothic look and uses occult symbols and references.
Grizzled Veteran-This worker plays a nasty old grizzled veteran.
Grunge-This worker dresse in a grunge style, a la Pearl Jam \ Nirvana.
Guru-This worker portrays a guru, whose fast-talking and persuasive tongue get him what he wants.
Harsh German-This worker plays the stereotypical strict, harsh, efficient German.
Hero-This worker is a heroic figure, who always does the right thing.
High Society-This worker moves in upper social circles, and is used to the good life.
Highlight Reel-This is a thrillseeker, interested only in hitting the big moves that get everyone talking.
Hillbilly-This worker plays a hillbilly character.
Hired Gun-This worker gives his services to whoever the highest bidder is.
Ice Man-This worker is a cold, calculating, ruthlessly efficient fighter.
Impressionist-This worker's character is an impression of someone else - either one specific person or a different one each time.
Informer-This worker plays a mysterious informer, who seems to always pop up with information when least expected.
Inspirational Leader-This worker is a natural leader, whose charisma inspires other.
Journalist-This worker portrays a mild mannered journalist, always on the look out for a big story.
Junkie-This worker has the gimmick of a drug addict.
Knight-This worker plays a righteous evil-fighting old-style knight.
Lackey-This worker is a lackey for another person, and does their dirty deeds.
Law Enforcer-This worker plays a hard working law enforcer.
Lawyer-This worker plays a lawyer.
Legitimate Athlete-This worker is promoted on his ability and skills, not on his character.
Loner-This worker shuns the company of others. He tends to be a dark brooding figure.
Luchadore-This worker plays a traditional masked mexican luchadore.
Lumberjack-This worker plays a lumberjack.
Machine-This worker is a cold, calculating fighter, who methodically destroys people in the ring.
Mafia-This worker portrays someone with mafia connections.
Magician-This worker does magic tricks and illusions, sometimes even during matches.
Man Beast-This worker is a violent psycho, but who also has the intelligence that means he is more than just a wild animal.
Man In Black-This worker is a smartly-dressed 'goverment agent' type figure.
Man On A Mission-This worker has one particular goal, and will stop at nothing to achieve it.
Manic Depressive-This worker's character is depressed all the time.
Martial Arts-This worker is a martial arts expert, and uses these techniques in his fighting style.
Masochist-This worker plays a character who loves to experience pain and suffering.
Mentor-This worker works as a mentor for others, passing on his knowledge of the game to a new generation.
Metalhead-This worker is a head-banging leather-dressed hardcore heavy metal fan.
Misogynist-This worker hates women, and thinks nothing of beating them up.
Monster-This worker is a big guy who just destroys people with his size.
Mountie-This charachter plays a mountie.
Movie Star-This worker plays a egomaniacal movie star, who feels he is above regular wrestlers.
Mysterious-This worker is an enigma who nobody knows much about.
Native American-This worker is a native american.
Nerd-This person portrays a sci-fi obsessed nerd.
Ninja-This worker is a stealth fighter incorporating eastern styles into his attack. Usually ninjas are masked.
No Gimmick Needed-This worker doesn't need a fancy gimmick, he just wants to kick some behind.
None-This worker has no character\personality at all. He is just a guy who wrestles.
Obnoxious-This worker just drives everyone crazy with his obnoxious behaviour.
Obsessed Fan-This person acts like a fan who has become scarily obsessed with another worker.
Occult-This worker is into the occult-The supernatural, devil worship, etc.
Old School Face-This worker is a classic face - never cheats, always tries to save the day, etc.
Old School Heel-This worker is a classic villain - cheating, lying, plotting, etc.
Outbacker-This worker plays a stereotypical Aussie outbacker, in the style of Crocodile Dundee.
Pacifist-This worker is into the whole peace movement, and so is against violence...unless provoked.
Paper Boy-This person plays a newspaper delivery person.
People's Boss-This person portrays a fan-friendly boss, and can be used in authority angles.
Pimp-This worker plays a happy-go-lucky pimp daddy.
Pirate-This worker portrays a pirate character.
Postal Worker-This worker plays a postal worker.
Power and Paint-This worker is a face-painted powerhouse, who the fans rally behind.
Pretentious Artist-This worker plays a pretentious self-obsessed artist.
Prima Donna-This worker gets by on looks, and considers himself better than anyone else.
Pro USA-This workers is a flag-wawing pro-USA character, standing up for the ideals of America.
Psycho-This worker is an unbalanced individual who has a tendecy toward random violence.
Punk-This worker is a nasty anti-social punk.
Putz-This worker is a clueless putz.
Pyromaniac-This worker plays someone who is obsessed with fire.
Racist-This worker plays a racist gimmick.
Rapper-This worker uses a rapper gimmick.
Rasta-This worker plays a Rastafarian.
Ravishing-This worker is a good-looking but overly-cocky ladies man.
Rebel-This worker is a rebel, defying authority and doing whatever he feels like.
Redneck-This worker's gimmick is that he is a down-and-dirty redneck.
Religious Zealot-This worker plays a charachter who is passionate about his beliefs, and wants everyone agree with him, no matter what the cost.
Rich Snob-This worker is a hypocritical snob, who flaunts his wealth and powers.
Rock Star-This person plays the stereotypical egomaniacal rock god.
Royalty-This worker acts like royalty, usually by calling himself 'The King' and having a crown.
Savage-This worker is a wild uncontrollable animal.
Secretary-This worker plays a sexy secretary.
Seductress-This worker uses her sex appeal to get men to do what she want.
Servant-This worker plays a servant to another character.
Shark Boy-This gimmick is specifically for the leader of the Fin Fans, the masked cults superstar himself, Shark Boy!
Sheik-This worker uses the old tea-towel-on-the-head trick to play a sheik.
Show Stealer-This worker is loved because of his excellent jaw-droppping performances that leave the crowd breathless.
Sidekick-This worker plays a heelish interference-running sidekick for another worker.
Slob-This worker is a dirty slob.
(S)lut-This girl tends to end up in the corner of lots of men, and will use her body to get what she wants.
Split Personality-This worker exhibits two distinct personalities, and keeps switching between them.
Sports Agent-This manager plays a fast-talking sports agent.
Staff Member-This worker plays a backstage announcer \ worker.
Stoner-This worker's character is one of a stoner, like Jay and Silent Bob for example.
Streaker-This worker is a character who runs through arenas with little or nothing on.
Street Fighter-This worker portrays a character who was brought up on the streetm and fought for survival every day.
Suave-This worker is a slick ladies man, who is always stylish and composed.
Sucka-This worker play a Mr.T influenced bad behind.
Sumo-This worker plays a sumo wrestler.
Supernatural-This worker has a character that is supernaturally based, maybe even having special powers.
Teen Idol-This worker plays a directly to the female teenage fanbase.
That 70's Guy-This worker acts like he's out of the 1970's.
That 80's Guy-This worker plays a stereotypical 1980 person - obsessed with money, and not caring about anything but himself.
The Brain-this manager is an old-school heel, a coward who relies on his brains to lead his men to victory.
The Ryland Effect-This worker acts like the EWR creator Adam Ryland - a clueless loser with good one-liners who always ends up on top somehow.
Thief-This worker is a thief, stealing other worker's property.
Tomboy-This worker is a girl who gets just as physically involveld as the men.
Trash-This worker is a trailer park trash.
Triad-This worker portrays someone with connections to an eastern triad.
Troublemaker-This worker is always stirring up trouble and getting people in hot water.
Underdog-This worker is the plucky underdog who always has to overcome overhelming odds.
Underworld-This wokrer is involved in the criminal underworld. He is a shady, menacing type of character.
Unique-This worker's gimmick has evolved into something totally unique. (This gimmick cannot be assigned, it naturally occurs.)
Unlucky-This worker portrays a hapless accident-prone person.
Valley Girl-This female worker plays ditzy valley girl, usually a blonde.
Vampire-This worker plays a vampiric character.
Violent Drunk-This worker portrays a sadistic, violent drunk.
Voodoo-This worker's gimmick is that of a voodoo master.
Weirdo-This worker is an outcast, a misfit, He dresses and acts weird.
White Witch-This woman plays a good witch.
Whole Damn Show-This worker plays an egomaniac whose great performances have caused him to think he is the only worth watching on the show.
Witch-This female worker portrays an evil witch-type character.

We need 20-30 wrestler's to start the show.

Sign in now! (Ecspecially if you wanna kick some Reloaded arse!)

Current Roster

Jesse Jack
Position: Face
Gimmick: Suave
Location: Finland, Lappeenranta
Gender: Male
Finisher: Jesse Jack Stunner
Age: 21
Weight & Height: Light and tall
Entrance: Final Countdown
Info: High-flying, limousine driving, kiss stealing, wheeling, deeling son-of-a-gun!

Eamonn O'Irishman
Position: Face
Gimmick: Metalhead
Location: Cork, Ireland
Gender: Male
Finisher: Machine Headbutt
Age: 20
Weight & Height: Tall and Heavy
Entrance: Ave Santani
Info: Cares about music and kicking behind. Nothing else. Fighting style is simplistic (punch, kick, headbutt...etc.), and is reliant on strength.

La Lulu
Position: Heel
Gimmick: Weirdo
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Gender: Female
Finisher: Vulvic Clamp
Age: 23
Weight & Height: Tall & light
Entrance: Tom Waits: Hoist That Flag
Info: A total psycho. He loves to confuse and play mind games with his opponents. Very fast fighter.

Position: Heel
Gimmick: Comrade
Location: Slovenia
Gender: Male
Finisher: Mega Hammer. Sharp Scyte
Age: 27
Weight & Height: Both medium
Entrance: Katyusha
Info: He's suicidal! Homicidal! Genocidal! Death-defying Gregor!

The Underground
Position: heel
Gimmick: Evil Preacher
Location: From Parts Unknown
Gender: Male
Finisher: 360 Moonsault. Going to Hell.
Age: 30
Weight & Height: 200lbs 6 feet
Entrance: Funeral March
Info: A priest of darkness who's religion is violence. He loves to gather followers who will fight for him.

Fifth Power
Position: Tweener
Gimmick: Ninja
Location: From Parts Unknown
Gender: Male
Finisher: Chain Strangle
Age: 27
Weight & Height: Lightweight & medium
Entrance: Smoke Cloud
Info: A mysterious ninja, who's neither good or evil.

White Dragon
Position: Face
Gimmick: Enforcer
Location: Hungary
Gender: Male
Finisher: Claw Grip, Dragonfury
Age: 21
Weight & Height: 123kg, 187cm
Entrance: Nightwish: End Of All Hope
Info: Strong and Good natured guy, but when he becomes angry....

Position: Heel
Gimmick: Extremist
Location: Finland
Gender: Female
Finisher: Sharpshooter, Palkki Twist of Fate
Age: 18
Weight & Height: Normal height and Extremely Heavy
Entrance: Pony by Dame
Info: Jesse Jack's violent sister. She likes to crush his opponents with kendo stick.

Position: Heel
Gimmick: Man in Black
Location: European
Gender: Male
Finisher: Flying Clothesline
Age: 28
Weight & Height: Meadium height & Heavyweight
Entrance: Ace of Spades by Motorhead
Info: High Flying technical wrestler. Play's mind games with his opponents.

Farthing Ogre
Position: Heel
Location: Lusitânia
Gender: Male
Finisher: Lethal Fart
Age: 29
Weight & Height: 120 kg & 221 cm
Entrance: Jingle Bells (in farts)
Info: Farthing guy, who doesnt like anyone, cause nobody doesnt like him.
Current Roster Stactics: Abandonia: 10. Reloaded: 11

Some helpful links:
The Sign in on Abandonia (Old)
Sign in on Reloaded
The original forum game
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Old 21-11-2006, 11:17 AM   #2
The Fifth Horseman
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Shouldn't this be posted in Forum Games rather then here?

"God. Can't you people see I'm trying to commit a crime against science and nature here?"
-- Reed Richards
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Old 21-11-2006, 12:00 PM   #3
"I" in the Team
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This is a sign-in topic. When we have enough wrestler's, we will start the game in forum games topic. Just like last time.
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Old 22-11-2006, 07:33 PM   #4
The Spider Mastermind
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I'll give this a whirl.

Eamonn O'Irishman
Position: Face
Gimmick: MetalHead
Location: Cork, Ireland
Gender: Male
Finisher: Machine Headbutt
Age: 20
Weight & Height: Heavy and tall (6'1'' and 14 stone, or 187cm and 90ish kg if you're operating in metric.)
Entrance: Ave Satani
Info: Cares about music and kicking behind. Nothing else. Fighting style is simplistic (punch, kick, headbutt... repeat), and is reliant on strength.

Anything else needed?
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Old 23-11-2006, 07:19 AM   #5
"I" in the Team
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The guys (and gal) at Reloaded are also signin up. Come on! We got to fight against them!
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Old 23-11-2006, 07:57 AM   #6
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10
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Okey Dokey, time to kick some ReLoaded behind

Name: La Lulu
Position: Heel
Gimmick: Wierdo
Location: Bangkok Thailand
Gender: Female
Finisher: Vulvic Clamp
Age: 23
Weight & Height: Light and Small
Entrance: Hoist That Flag (Tom Waits)
Info: Slightly insane, but very intelligent - enjoys confusing the heck out of her opponents by whatever means possible. Loves the idea of being a "puppet master." Very nimble and fast.
I have vestigial adventure elements
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Old 23-11-2006, 08:36 AM   #7
Home Sweet Abandonia
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1. Name: Gregor
2. Side: Total Bastard
3. Type of wrestler: ultra-fast cruiserweight who jump's from high place's
4. Country: Slovenia
5. Medium wight, medium height
6. Male
7. Finisher move: "Mega hammer" and "Sharp scyte".
8. Your gimmick: Comrade
9. Age: 27
10. Entrance music: Katyusha
11. Info: Back with revenge. Quickness and cunningness are his strengths. His evil has knows no boundries.
Crantius Colto: Fear not. You are safe here with me.
Lifts-Her-Tail: I must finish my cleaning, sir. The mistress will have my head if I do not!
Crantius Colto: Cleaning, eh? I have something for you. Here, polish my spear.
Lifts-Her-Tail: But it is huge! It could take me all night!
Crantius Colto: Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.
From The Lusty Argonian Maid by Crassius Curio found in TES3: Morrowind
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Old 23-11-2006, 08:47 AM   #8
Il Lupone
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(The Spider Mastermind @ Nov 22 2006, 09:33 PM) [snapback]268276[/snapback]</div>
Weight & Height: Heavy and tall (6'1'' and 14 stone, or 187cm and 90ish kg if you're operating in metric.)
I can't believe you guys still have stone as a weight measurement!
But that's what I like you for. Maybe I'll be in Galway on new years eve. :w00t:

Sorry for
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Old 23-11-2006, 03:18 PM   #9
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Lulu_Jane @ Nov 23 2006, 08:57 AM) [snapback]268359[/snapback]</div>
Info: Slightly insane, but very intelligent - enjoys confusing the heck out of her opponents by whatever means possible. Loves the idea of being a "puppet master." Very nimble and fast.
I love how you translated this as "total psycho!" LOL
I have vestigial adventure elements
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Old 23-11-2006, 04:47 PM   #10
Abandonia Homie

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Come on, Abandonia denizens, your roster is a slightly behind! :P

Let's get some more signups so the game can start

Don't forget to check out the AR roster so you can see what you're up against
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