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Old 28-09-2013, 07:12 PM   #71
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Man, I wish I had double me.
According to my final list of "to play with", I have:

11 computer games to finish
5 books to read
7 tv-series to watch
5 movies to see

and 1 life to live.
And life always gets in the way
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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Old 10-10-2013, 05:13 PM   #72
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Let's Play Necronomicon part 10

Bubble Witch Saga

Unusually this is a facebook-game.
It is one of the primitive concepts, this time you shoot bubbles to remove bubbles from the screen.
The thing I like(d) is is, it is always innovating during the story-mode, either by intorducing new type of bubbles, or giving out new extras, or for it presenting a story what goes from beginning to the end.
Not an unmissable factor is either, that although it uses random at level-generation, after at worst 10 tries, you'll pass on the adventure-levels.

Beside the adventure mode, where even you have the encouragement for playing a 3-star system, there is also "eternal island" what is an extra area what always gets new levels, and a "daily bonus" level from what you can actually gain some much needed ingame (free) currency. Which can ease your life, and especially make you achieve higher score, but even then is not forced on you to spend (well, 99% of the time not.

Rly, this game is awesome and perfect example for the free-basis games.

UNTIL you reach the seemingly last level of Adventure Mode, the 170th, what is actually only really realistically possible if you got the free, 24 hours renewing "precision" bonus, what shows where actually you'll shoot your balls. Without that I confess lots of levels end you in suffering, but hey, we talk about a free-basis game.
Now the main problem is, even the adventure-mode continues infinite it seems! Afer the original 170 levels, you get another 170 (to "chase the main boss, defeated in your world, to its home and beat it there"), then you "go back home" for another 170 levels - what are currently not all out, and by trend we can bet it'll not stop even there.

I wish after the first 170 lvls of adventure mode the creators would have stop. Ok, the game is a mediocre success, and it is I bet not THAT hard to create a level, even with obvious care, design and EVEN TESTING, but ... It is just so stunning standing at the doorway of victory what just runs away farther when you seem reach it. Feels like being cheated, despite the constant fun the game provided.

AAAND I quit this game at lvl 213, because:
- relies heavily on random chance
- has impossible layout
- the program cheats against you
So as it isn't working even as a time-waster, where no skill or even any luck would help, it'd be madness to try the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 21-10-2013 at 02:32 PM.
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Old 13-10-2013, 08:50 AM   #73
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Let's play Necronomicon part 11

Let's play Necronomicon part 12

Let's play Necronomicon part 13

Let's play Necronomicon part 14

Let's play Necronomicon part 15 ("bad" ending)

Let's play Necronomicon part 16 (The End)
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 13-10-2013 at 02:20 PM. Reason: more content
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Old 01-11-2013, 10:18 PM   #74
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Plants vs Zombies 2

I got a tablet, and after that someone remembered me it uses Android, and as the facebook-version wants $$$ from me (some strange way of registration for the game, third party installment), I went and got this game.

While most if not every review complains it is just the same as the first installment just with more type of stuff, it is a new experience if you ask ME.

The differences are astounding:
- the game is much more fast-paced, unlike the 1st with the avaiability of godlike personal interaction, and just the more commonly used "plant food", what exchanged the plant-upgrade system for short term special useage.
- the old upgrade-plants are still in the game, but as self-sufficient plants. there are new plants too, and the uses got changed (eg. from now on any plant can destroy graves, ballistic-plants have specific use on flat surfaces etc.)
- instead of time of day you go around in different times. This means many new levels. To avoid repeativeness all zombi-types have a different look for all worlds. Except the yeti-zombie. And for all good, finally any level can be re-played any time you want.
- unfortunatelly Crazy Dave's shop disappeared, you collect your plants along your trip. The minigames are simply just levels, more often then not just special conditions on a regular level. In itself special conditions and star-grading for the levels is welcomed, but I really miss a separate minigame-folder. Or at least a Zen-Garden. And the Tree of Knowledge with its unlockables.
- the levels seem scripted

- new gaming experience, much faster gameplay
- kept the good from the old stuff
- no off-story experience
- limited replay-value
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Old 14-12-2013, 11:29 AM   #75
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First: the playthrough for Diablo 1 of me is canceled. I just decided not loving that game.

Second: Got patched version thx to gog.com, so I can continue my deathclaw-playthrough!

The other playthrough running: Rage of Mages 2 with spear warrior

The other playthrough planned Might and Magic 7 with "worse team"

Other game coming: Aboimnation - the nemesis project
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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Old 15-12-2013, 12:46 AM   #76
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Fallout Tactics: this is no longer Kansas
Because I finally finished the mission.

Arrive - send out the troops - make them eat drugs to bear their weapons while my deathclaw bargains with the ghoul leader was no small task, especially as you're not allowed to save during the supermutant ambush (as you'll do it turn based).

I was with bad luck or what, lost 3 ghouls, but not loaded back, this is not about perfection.

For the north gate my deathclaw was enough, and the rest was the same as always.
After the ambush there was not many chance to fight in melee - maybe if I'd taken Better Criticals instead of Though Hide... We'll not know it.
As there wasn't many chance to throw granades either, my deathclaw was mainly for scouting the enemy. Still useful. Would be more useful if someone in the team had Awareness as usual, but oh well.

Next time going against Gamorrin!
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Old 15-12-2013, 01:58 PM   #77
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Fallout Tactics: Osceolla

So the Supermutant Threat is disposed of. Pretty much no chance for meleeing, AND the mission is troublesome with the heavily armoured big gunned mutants.
As currently NONE of my personal can naturally use M2 Browning you can imagine the chances. Fortunatelly there are plenty of space for throwing granades as the AI is simply dumb, and don't come out of hiding.

There were some though spots, like the mutant on the bridge amongst the fuel tanks (no, the big ones can not be blowned up) and such, but with some trying it got solved. By rocket launcher.
Against unarmoured mutants the SAW works fine.

For this mission bring all your remaining ammo what gives both penetration and damage, as they will be almost worthless against robots, they not being living. And granades. I used like 150-200 granades for this one.
Hint: to spare munition, if an enemy gets unconscious AND is without support, you should kill them by hand.

Tp blow up the room full of gas-containers I used my sole remaning Molotov Coktail, incinerating myself a lot of times until found the safe distance. Meh.

Also this was the first time I went down on the right side instead of the left to the boss.

The Sniper Nest did nothing to me despite being sunlight, and the two mutants even disappeared after I killed Gamorrin (and retrieved the locket. And the holodisc. And the nuclear briefcase). I have no idea how could anyone kill those two "sniping" without a fully working Browning and luck.

Otherwise my party suffers other ways, like Billy Bob can shoot only once per turn (but then he hits), Babs with her 5 STR can barely carry around anything aside basic equipment, Mandy only now will have anything better than Small Guns (next mission is to gain energy weapons from the reavers), and PipBoy is just PipBoy.
At least all the secondary traits are in order: PipBoy can gamble (gambling away all things from the armory in the bunker is just fun), Babs can steal, Mandy heals, Jax disarms the mines. Mandy can lockpick too if necessary. Oh, and there's no greater view then a deathclaw behind the wheel
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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Old 20-12-2013, 10:13 PM   #78
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Shadow Man

Got it too from GOG.com, I hope this time my computer will be strong enough the handle the effects.

Anyway: just entered Deadside with 14 Cadeaux.
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Old 21-12-2013, 05:04 PM   #79
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Fallout tactics: Junktown

Having a sneaker-granadier doesn't seem that big of an advantage here, as most area are open. but seeing where the enemy is to position your team, or eliminating a unit at a very uncomfortable place without seeing each other is a good thing Only thing I missed to have a good trap skill to not run into the mine-field, but nothing is perfect.

With energy weapons and clvl 15 on most member my team from now on will be much better, not to mention the next mission will give me Power Armors, giving the ability to use those precious Borwnings.

Another tip for this place: if you have someone to do, you can get good use of Rocket Launcher. If you can single out the remaining enemy at the end, you'll be able to blast them to pieces giving some use this much neglected weapon.

So got my first Power Armor, the Better Criticals perk, and a Power Fist (stolen from Ma Baker). Feeling ready to wreak havoc.
Otherwise the mission could be done with some SAW machine-guns, but mostly with sniper rifles. I mean Laser Rifles. Granade-throwing can be used at certain enemies, but it isn't too much. The highlight for my protagonist was the no need to worry of the hostage's safety (can be thrown a granade, preferably napalm on the guy if you make yourself noticed and thus chase the guy a little away before switching to melee).
Another tip is to bring AP, or even Sabot rockets, as they are great help against those pesky power armors.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 21-12-2013 at 08:35 PM.
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Old 22-12-2013, 07:17 AM   #80
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Total Annihilation:

#1: march your team to the feet of the mountain, then make a run-for-it with your fastest units while the rest taking the fire.
#2-3: commander marching. To replenish energy dor D-gun build 3-4 solar collector.
#4-5: tower defense with commander marching. 3-5 light laser turret to defend your mines, otherwise that1s it.

Fallout Tactics:

Beaten the robots the first time!
Bringing a garandier sure made thing oh-so-lot safer, even if demanding a large supply of stuff.
Adding this, there're a lot of melee units on this map, so bring in a Pancor Jackhammer with those purple bullets! You'll be able to spam those bullets, as they'll go out of fashion from this point!

NOTE #1: there are still places where you have to outsnipe the robots (meaning you use more snipers then him, so you stay alive).
NOTE #2: flamethrowers do squat to robots. I wonder why that thing is even in the game. Want a challenge? Go with a character using melee weapons (NOT unarmed!), flamethrowers and Granade Launchers! You'll guaranteedly suffer!
NOTE #3: I remembered the Punch Gun before selling it. Ok, the little bugger had no use for me at all, but maybe if I manage to load it with electric bullets... Oh, the phantasy.

Wish me luck against those Scurry Bots!
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 22-12-2013 at 11:06 AM.
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