looking for a web designer for online database hobby project
Those darned ideas get stuck in my head...
I'm looking for a web-developer - with a know-how of creating online databases - to cooperate with me in creating a new site. I can pretend I know a bit of XHTML with CSS, but all those PHP, mySQL make my head hurt...
The project is history related. Couldn't find any similar websites on the net, so it would be a new useful resource for hobbyists and researchers.
Unfortunately this would be a hobby project, don't expect making money on it, the site should be a reward by itself (and you can add it to your webmaster's portfolio - and I expect it would grow to few thousand entries in, like, 2 years). So it's probably for a volunteer who supports such initiatives like wikipedia etc.
My job would be to design graphical layout, get the data, get users, get some consultants with a degree in history, promote the site on the web etc. I'm even testing a prototype database in Access to check if the relations work out.