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Old 24-03-2017, 05:14 AM   #121

Join Date: Oct 2016
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Default j e s u s

it is for Windows XP and above
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Old 25-03-2017, 05:30 AM   #122

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Default I am a programmer like my two real parents want!

I never graduated with a programming degree yet with the encouragement and investments of my two real parents (eg mom Huong Thi Vu and dad Nguyen Binh Thuy) I have become a programmer! My two real sisters (eg Nguyen Khoa Thuyen and Nguyen Khoa Thi) are two people who have the icing on the cake and gets to eat the cake too. In other words they have their programming degree and also they are programmers too. Although I am missing that paper that says I am a programmer, God 0 AD has bless me with the talent to take perfect care of my immediate family forever#

Hopefully my programming will continuing forever. In this program I have made it have more than just one image. If one image fails it reverts to a backup. So the picture is standard artwork however other images are there just in case an image gets lost.


JESUS; I almost forgot that to tell you my name is Tien Khoa Nguyen is a source of self esteem for my real family. They have seen me grow up humble however they want me to have a little self worth at least. My real father Nguyen Binh Thuy tells me do good in life and you have self worth. My real mother Huong Thi Vu tells me work hard and you have pride. My two real sisters Nguyen Khoa Thuyen and Nguyen Khoa Thi shows they did something special in their life... They graduated and got their four year degree officially and went to work in the real world.
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Old 25-03-2017, 08:35 AM   #123

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Default Sticking to my general topic...

Well since my general topic is "Jesus Christ!hehe" I will continue saying I am playing on my laptop. I decided to use the internet from Windows 32bit XP Home for once. So I am in XP actually running under VirtualBox. Anyways that was too much info. I am using FireFoxy. hehe I like to program so I am playing around with this little nothing ... maybe thousands of years into the future we can look back and say "Wow, Tien, you started out with that cr@p?!"


Anyways, continuing to stick to the general topic of blah blah blah and Jesus Christ!hehe I will have to say "GOD you are the greatest that ever lived!"

Thanks for my two parents and my two sisters.

I can leech off of them all my life and when they need me I'll return the favor when I am rich. hehe
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Old 25-03-2017, 08:52 AM   #124

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Default GOD you are the greatest ever past present and future.

GOD, when I was poor you gave me something to eat. When I was in prison you set me free. When I was tormented you relieved me. When I was annoyed you gave me joy. When I was drained you filled me up. When I was sick you healed me. When I was doppelled you showed I was the original. When you heard nothing from me you knew I was into the hand of evil and you saved me! You never did wrong in my life past present and future#
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Old 25-03-2017, 09:00 AM   #125

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Default All who goes up against GOD is defeated without effort!

You think GOD is stupid? GOD has put a forcefield all around him and his family in Heaven# Those who attacks him automatically get their ammos bounced back and hit the attacker.
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Old 25-03-2017, 06:50 PM   #126

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Default JESUS

Jesus Christ! Bless GOD, Jesus Christ, Mary, and The Holy Spirit# Then bless my real mom Huong Thi Vu. Honours to my real mom also known to be Vu Thi Thuyen Huong and my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy along with my real two sisters Nguyen Khoa Thuyen and Nguyen Khoa Thi. Today I, Nguyen Khoa Tien, have produced a DOSBox 0.74 one for PingPong.


In the respected folder there are eight files. The first file you should activate is PingPong.exe and that will activate the rest of the modules. I merely did a brief touchup on the artworks. It is best to run this at 144,000 cycles. In other words this is estimated to be ran on a pure DOS machine of 1500 MHz. I have seen pure DOS machine that goes to 800 MHz currently.

Once again the people listed in the scrolling credits are many of the people in my life that have helped to make the game what it is today. If the scrolling is too hard for you to read you can delete jzusinri.+++ and jzusinri leaving the jzusinri.bkp and jzusinri.0ad because the latter is the standard colors.
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Old 26-03-2017, 05:42 AM   #127

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Default JESUS

Jesus Christ! Bless GOD, Jesus Christ, Mary, and The Holy Spirit# Then bless my real mom Vu Thi Thuyen Huong. Honours to my real mom Vu Thi Thuyen Huong and my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy along with my two real sisters Nguyen Khoa Thuyen and Nguyen Khoa Thi. I, Nguyen Khoa Tien, have made the bitmap editor a little neater. There is a couple keys that are missing in the menu map. It has been tested in MSDOS6.22PLUS on VirtualBox in Windows 8 and also on DOSBox0.74 at 144000 cycles.
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File Type: rar PingPong.rar (88.3 KB, 61 views)
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Old 26-03-2017, 06:26 AM   #128

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Thumbs up JESUS

Jesus Christ! Bless GOD, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, and Mary Immaculate# Then bless my real mom Vu Thi Thuyen Huong. Honours to my real mom Vu Thi Thuyen Huong and my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy along with my two real sisters Nguyen Khoa Thuyen and Nguyen Khoa Thi. I, Nguyen Khoa Tien, have gone off the deep end and back. So here is the resurrection of the standard Jesus Christ and Immaculate Mary background.

I'm sorry my progress is too slow. Thank you for allowing me to have my say whether it is in program form or otherwise.
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Old 26-03-2017, 07:27 PM   #129

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Default JESUS

Jesus Christ! Bless GOD, Jesus Christ, Mary, and The Holy Spirit# Then bless my real mom Vu Thi Thuyen Huong. Honours to my real mom Vu Thi Thuyen Huong and my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy along with my two real sisters Nguyen Khoa Thuyen and Nguyen Khoa Thi.

Here is another option. hehe I hope you like trying to figure out what that option is.


Works for both MSDOS6.22PLUS and DOSBox0.74. High cycles preferred although not necessary. When in need press the ~
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Old 27-03-2017, 06:53 AM   #130

Join Date: Oct 2016
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Default JESUS

Jesus Christ! Bless GOD, Jesus Christ, Mary, and The Holy Spirit# Then bless my real mom Huong Thi Vu. Honours to my real mom also known Vu Thi Thuyen Huong and my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy along with my two real sisters Nguyen Khoa Thuyen and Nguyen Khoa Thi.

The copying routine has been redone to allow more precise control over the sections. Please use the n key to set beginning point and the m key to set the ending point to copy while the b key copies it to the current cursor location.
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