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Old 01-01-2010, 10:02 AM   #1
El Quia
Abandonia Homie
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Capital Federal, Argentina
Posts: 582
Default The AB D&D 3.5 campaign (I have to think of a batter name for it :p) (running)

Well, I will post here info about the campaign, along with background info and such. And the session's logs, slightly edited. Mostly taking about inane OOC, some rules explanation and such. And some typos and incorrect words, when I see them

We are playing using Fantasy Grounds II, a nice app to play RPGs through internet. The ruleset is D&D 3.5 (I fell so dirty...), and the world is the campaign world that I invented to use when I am DMing AD&D 2nd to my friends

Also, I would like that the players post about their character here, mostly to show to people about them, like their stats, or background, description, or whatever.

The cast consist of:

Eoghan Lugaid, a Male Human Barbarian from the Badlands, played by Riccso
Garett, a Male Human Rogue from Laidamon, played by Red Avatar
Rook, a Male Human Rogue from Laidamon, played by Fubb
Serena Arden, a Female Human Bard from Sobradisa, played by Hunvagy
Tomekk Nightfire, a Male Half-Elven Fighter from a far away kingdom, played by Tomekk

and last, but not least:
El Quia, the DM (me )

About the log: The parts in bold are the DM description. If a description is not in bold, then it is a description added by the player, or by the DM doing the part of an NPC. Those parts in italics are the DM lines. and when a line says "nameOfPlayer (nameOfCharacter)", that is an out of character remark.

Well, have fun!

(the campaign is now running, and is closed to new recruits for now, as there are two more characters waiting their turn to get in, raising the number to more than I am really comfortable with. If a slot opens for another character, I will announce it)

Last edited by El Quia; 01-01-2010 at 10:10 AM.
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Old 01-01-2010, 10:04 AM   #2
El Quia
Abandonia Homie
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Capital Federal, Argentina
Posts: 582
Default First Session

First Session

Each of you is at the city of Laidamon, a great port city and capital of the Kingdom. Some of you call these streets your home, while others are visitors from other lands, that came here due to his own motives.

GM: tell me where are you at this moment (all of you)

Serena Arden: at the city gates of Laidamon
Garett: I'm sitting at a table in the tavern, eyeing every patron seeking a potential victim for my talents
GM: Garett, in which tavern are you? a market plaza tavern, a port tavern or a poor district tavern?
Garett: the market plaza tavern because that's where the richer patrons go
Rook: Rook stares around at the wealthy gentlemen engoying a drink and a conversation with their fellow members of the elite class, eyeing them for loose wallets

Garett is at the Broken Drum, an inn in front of the central plaza, eyeing the patrons comprised mostly of foreign merchants that came to the city to peddle their wares.

Tomekk Nightfire: Tomekk is sitting in the corner of the market district tavern, playing on his flute.
GM: Rook, make a bluff roll to make them believe you are a high class
Serena Arden: passing the city gates in singing a haughty tune
Rook: Bluff [1d20+4 = 11]
GM: ok Rook, they buy it

Tomekk plays a tune in the Broken Drum, while patrons just give him a quick glance.

Rook: Rook walks across the bar and seats himself my a gentlemen looking rather drunk, eyeing around his waist for the wallet

Serena is at the gate, blending with the merchants that are entering the city, some with carts, some with big backpacks. A couple of guards at the sides of the gate stares at the people, looking for trouble guys. Two other guards are standing on the wall.
Both Garret and Rook can see a guy playing his flute in the tavern.

GM: Please, tomekk, describe yourself

Rook: Rook thinks to himself "Oh boy, a homosexual" as he sees the flute player
Tomekk Nightfire: The person looks to be young explorer, because of his clothes and his huge backpack. He plays his music without noticing he's being watched.
Tomekk Nightfire: He seems to be wearing some studded leather armor and has a green cloak that covers most of his body. You can see the hilt of a sword and a throwing axe on his belt. His face is covered by the hood, so you can't see much.

Serena walks by the main street. Guards patrol it and the merchants strolls along it, but you can see through the side streets the misery some less fortunate inhabitants suffers, and some children playing
She reaches the main plaza, were a veritable sea of people walk along the merchant tents, haggling prices and arguing about broken merchandise. The smell of fried foodstuffs assaults you, and you realise that you haven't yet eaten breakfast.

GM: ok, what do you all do?
Serena Arden: Looks around for a tavern nearby
Rook: Rook seats himself by a rich gentlemen, looking for the mans wallet
Tomekk Nightfire: Stops playing his flute, and decides to order something to drink.

In the inn, most patrons seems to be finishing their lunchs, while a couple of well to do guys seems to be eating an early lunch

Garett: Garett spots Rook - a rogue can easily see through another rogue and his tactics. I smile knowing the target is soon to be relieved of his purse.
Tomekk Nightfire: Calls the waitress.

Rook sits next to a lone merchant at the comunal table, and the other guy gives him a brief stare but quickly dismiss him as of little importance

GM: Rook, roll your sleight of hand sklill
Rook: Sleight of hand [1d20+3 = 16]

Rook quickly cuts the straps of the guy coinpurse and hides it, to check it later. The victim continues him lunch without noticing anything.
A young looking waitress goes over Tommek.

Barmaid: What do you need, sir?
Tomekk Nightfire: A big keg of ale, I didn't drink anything today.
GM: Garret, you see the masterful strike by Rook, and notices that the victim doesn't even realize he has been robbed.
Rook: Rook stands up from the table, and walks way from the man, trying to make it look like he is dissaponted that the man was rude and did not want to strike up a conversation, and rook seats himself as a different table
Barmaid: A big keg? Just for you?
Tomekk Nightfire: Miss, pardon me if I ask, but where could an adventurer find some work these days? I'm new to Laidamon.
Tomekk Nightfire: Yes, I'm terribly thristy.
Garett: I notice Rook looking around briefly to make sure his actions went unnoticed until his eyes meet mine and he realises I was aware of what took place mere moments ago
Rook: At his new table, Rook sits down and checks the wallet, when he notices another rogue starign at him
Barmaid: Oh, you are an adventurer? I know that people needing your kind services usually roams the taverns at night, and the guard or the king usually post rewards and such at the central plaza. Why, a couple of days ago a group of adventurer caught two much sought criminal
Garett: Smiling, I stand up, passing the waitress serving Tomekk and using her distracting to lift some of her earnings from her pockets, showing Rook he's not the only one of the "trade" there
GM: Roll your sleight of hand, BTW
GM: Rook, you find 37 gold coins
GM: @serena: what do you do?
Serena Arden: Enters the nearest tavern to get a good meal, and maybe earn a few coins
Rook: Rook opens the wallet and peers in, and watches the other rogue from the corner of his eyes

Serena looks for a tavern and finds one 4 stories tall with two signs, one witht he drawing of a drum with a stick through it and another with the name: "The Broken Drum"

Serena Arden: smirking Broken Drum? Then they NEED a musician
Serena Arden: opens the door and steps in
Garett: Sleight of hand [1d20+7 = 21]

Garret snatches the barmaid bag and quickly hides it in his clothes.
Serena enters at that moment at the inn, while a guy goes fast by her. She sees a guy standing next to the barmaid and another guy in the floor, with a flute in his hand

GM: tomekk, roll your spot

Serena Arden takes a deep breath from the tavern air

Tomekk Nightfire: Spot [1d20 = 13]

The tavern smells of old smoke, beer and sweat, and stew being cooked inthe kitchen
Serena Arden smells opportunity, and starts walking up to the bar. But first she goes to the barmaiden

GM: oh, you don't spot him
GM: Ok, everyone except tomekk describes yourselves
Garett: I'm wearing simple peasant clothes, unable to afford anything better, having gambled away the last of my money the night before. I blend in well with the other peasants who have come to the market to peddle their harvest
Serena Arden is a slender, frail girl in her twenties. She has long brown hair and mischiveous grey eyes. She's wearing a leather armor tinted yellow, and grey traveller's clothes under it. A longsword is on her side and a mandolin is hanging form her shoulders. She has a short bow on her back.
Serena Arden has a cute, almost childis face and a frail, yet well built body
Garett: I have jet black hair, a scar running over my cheek from a bar fight many moons ago.
Barmaid: we don't usually sell kegs, my good sir. But let me check with the owner
Tomekk Nightfire: I don’t care, just bring me my ale.

Serena Arden steps up to the barmaid

GM: Eoghan, what will you do?

Tomekk Nightfire: Notices Serena entering the tavern, and watches her carefully.
Garett: In the mean time, I retreat to a dark corner while keeping an eye out as I reveal the stoken purse from beneath my clothes, counting my new-earned treasure.
Eoghan Lugaid: quietly sits in the corner of the tavern
Serena Arden: Way to go girl, two guys so early in the morning?
Barmaid: A pint of ale is worth 5 copper pieces, sir
Tomekk Nightfire: Gives the barmaid one gold coin instead.
GM: you know a gold coin is like 100 copper pieces?
Tomekk (Tomekk Nightfire): Yes, let’s just say Im in a good mood.
GM: Another barmaid, younger than the first, approaches Eoghan Lugaid with fear.
Younger barmaid: Good morning sir, what will it be?
Eoghan Lugaid: Mead.*deep,sleepy voice*Nothing else.

The barmadf gets your coin and searches for her purse, to give you the chaange

Tomekk Nightfire: Keep the change miss.

The barmaid doesn't find it, and starts shouting

Barmaid: I have been robbed!
Tomekk Nightfire: What the hell...
Tomekk Nightfire: To himself, THAT BLOODY PEASEANT! I knew it.
Younger barmaid: Sorry sir, b..b..but we don't have mead, here. Can I serve you beer, black beer or wine, instead?
GM: What do you all do?
Garett: I quickly empty the purse in my pockets and casual throw the empty bag behind the chair of a fellow patron
Tomekk Nightfire: Stands up searching for the thief.
Serena Arden (sarcastical): Oh, the Humanity
Tomekk Nightfire: Excuse me for a moment miss.

An older man walks out of the kitchen, attracted by the scandal

Eoghan Lugaid: Nah. *scratches his head*

A little kid quickly goes running through the door, calling the guards

The barmaid goes running to the door, to close it

Serena Arden looks at the barmaid disgusted "Sissy"
Serena Arden remembers the guy who went past him in a hurry
Serena Arden: Umm.. you there.. big guy with the sword?
Serena Arden points at Tomekk
Tomekk Nightfire: Notices the young woman pointing at her.
Tomekk Nightfire: Hmmpf?
Serena Arden: Yeah.. you.. how good are you at running?
Garett: I yawn, watching the action unfold, the loot safely tucked in his pockets along with the rest of the gold so it will be impossible to prove it was indeed the same gold that was stolen, the purse safely disposed of at someone else's table
GM: @tomekk: serena asked you a question
Tomekk Nightfire: Ohh
Tomekk Nightfire: Yes, maam?

Tomekk stands there, dumbfolded at such a pretty girl talking to him

Serena Arden (perplexed): I asked how fast can you run?
Eoghan Lugaid tells the younger barmaid that he needs some water instead.
Tomekk Nightfire: Pretty good miss, why do you ask?
Serena Arden: Because there was this guy. When I came in, he seemed to want to get out of here real fast

The younger maid is watching around in searh of suspicios characters, in case she sees the thief

Tomekk Nightfire: Aha, that’s my man, did you see where did he ran?
Serena Arden: Out the door? Geez *frowns*
Tomekk Nightfire: Yes, outside he could have gone anywhere. Can you be more specific!?

The door opens, and the little kid is back, with 6 guards with him

Guard sergeant: WEll, well, well. What do we have here?
Tomekk Nightfire: To himself - Ohh great...
Barmaid: I have been robbed!
Serena Arden: *frowning even more* Just perfect...
Tomekk Nightfire: Attempts to hide his blade?s hilt to be less suspicious.
Guard sergeant: A petty thief, then? I wonder if that's the only thing worth stealing from you

The Guards laugh at the rude joke, while the barmaid gets angry but closes her mouth shut

Garett: Having had plenty of experience with the "talented" guard, I know all too well they'll go for the first foreigner they find and blame it on him.
Serena Arden turns around and stares at the guards
GM: The gard post a couple of his men at the door and starts roaming through the tavern
Guard sergeant: So, is there a suspect? have you seen the thief?
Eoghan Lugaid suspiciously looks at the guard(s),he hates 'em
Tomekk Nightfire: Sits down at his corner.
Serena Arden (quitelike): No wonder Samduc kicked your asses
Barmaid: No, sir. A man was seen running through the door a minute ago, but except for that, I don't know anything else

The guard turns around to star at Serena

Guard sergeant: Well, well, well, what do we have here? A smartass or something? Who are you?
Serena Arden: A traveling minstrel?
Tomekk Nightfire (quietly laughs): Poor girl. *smiles*
Guard sergeant: So, one of those trouble makers? Listen to me, lady, we don't tolerate trouble makers here, understood? if there is any doubt in the way we treat crap like you, you just need to go to the central plaza...
Guard sergeant: We don't take kindly to strangers here... specially foreign strangers like you
Serena Arden: CRAP?
Guard sergeant: understood?
Tomekk Nightfire: Stands up and rushes next to the girl.
Serena Arden turns deep red
Guard sergeant: Oh, the lady has a gallant knight ready to help her, this can be still be fun...
Tomekk Nightfire: Gentlemen, I?m not from these parts, but I know a pret... I mean innocent girl when I see one.

The guards unsheates their swords and surrounds you two

Garett: I munch on some treats as I watch the drama unfold
Guard sergeant: Oh, now you pretend to tell me how to do my work?
Serena Arden: You arrogant little *beep* (some elven curse word)
Eoghan Lugaid: jumps off his chair
Guard sergeant: what did you say?
Tomekk Nightfire: I... I.... just wanted to suggest that you look for someone more stupid.

The sergeant slaps Serena

Tomekk Nightfire: A stupid person doesnt notice when he?s being noticed, so why not go after that running idiot?
Guard sergeant: Nothing of that foreign crap with me, lady. You speak my tongue or you don't speak at all
Tomekk Nightfire: This fine lady just entered the tavern AFTER the maid started screaming.
Tomekk Nightfire: Let’s try not to be so goddamn xenophobic and look for the real thief, shall we?
Eoghan Lugaid: walks closer to the group
Guard sergeant: And what does that has to do with anything? She is being rude to the city guard. We don't like that
Eoghan Lugaid: He's goddamn right!
Tomekk Nightfire: I dont like MEN being RUDE TO WOMEN.
Tomekk Nightfire: Especially some city guard who cant even do his job properly, savvy?
Serena Arden is getting really pissed

One of the guards noties Eoghan Lugaid walking to then and turns to him, sword first, and signals him to stay away

Eoghan Lugaid: laughs
Tomekk (Tomekk Nightfire): Ohh yeah, I have a Jack Sparrowish accent
Guard sergeant: Ok guys, this is getting old. Drag them all to the City Guard. LEt the captain deal with them
Tomekk Nightfire: Ohh really now?
Tomekk (Tomekk Nightfire): Draws his swords and axe

The guards approaches, sword first

Eoghan Lugaid: don't cares about the guards, he steps behind Tomek
Tomekk Nightfire: Sword and axe*
Guard sergeant: Well, well, listen sonny: drop your weapon or you will be getting into a world of pain...
Tomekk Nightfire: So will you, if we dont end this in a civilized matter.
Tomekk Nightfire: I really hate xenophobic assholes judging people by their homelands, savvy?
Eoghan Lugaid: We should be lookin' for that thief,heh.
Tomekk Nightfire: Exactly, finally another person who understands!
Guard sergeant: I am not judging people by their homelands, sonny, just making foreigners respect the city guard. And now, drop your eapon or face the consecuences
Tomekk Nightfire: Pats the stranger in the back, signaling that hes wtih him.
Serena Arden looks at the two big guys next to him, and silently draws her sword
Garett: Garett is having a good time watching the typically xenophobic guard getting himself in a fight he can't handle.
Tomekk Nightfire: Ohh, of course you aren’t, its just the fact that you did something incredibly STUPID when you told this lady to keep out of trouble, because shes a stranger.
Eoghan Lugaid: spits,not as an insult,but the guard doesnt know that

The guards advance a step, with a menacing stare in their eyes

Garett: He knows from experience that the guard will have to step down or risk losing his head.
Tomekk Nightfire: Gentlemen *smiles*
Tomekk Nightfire: Steps forward in a threatening manner holding 2 weapons.
Tomekk Nightfire: Do you really want to fight us?
Eoghan Lugaid: insane smile on his face

When the guards see Eoghan Lugaid spit, the smile in the sergeant face disappears and turns into a frown

Guard sergeant: That does it. Beat them into submission, boys
Tomekk Nightfire: Its your funeral.
GM: Everyone roll for iniciative, guys
Serena Arden: Initiative [1d20+2 = 6]
Tomekk Nightfire: Initiative [1d20+1 = 9]
Eoghan Lugaid: Initiative [1d20 = 12]
Garett: Garett decides the fun has lasted long enough - his chaotic good nature means he won't let others get into trouble because of him so he draws his bow and stands up.
Garett: Initiative [1d20+3 = 20]
GM: okey, turns goes this way:
GM: Garret: 20
GM: Guard 3:20
GM: eoghan:12
GM: Tomekk:9
GM: Sergeant:7
GM: Guard 4:7
GM: serena: 6
GM: Guard 2:3
GM: Guard 5:3
GM: Guard 1:1
GM: So, garret attacks first, among one of the guards
GM: Garret, if you attack anyone except guard 3, you can make a sneak attack
hunvagy (Serena Arden): I'd like to know which one turns on me, I want to use one of my feats
Red (Garett): okay I'll go for the Sergeant because he's closest to the others
Garett: Shortbow (Attack 1) +3 ( 0, Ranged attack +3) [1d20+6 = 24]
GM: Who will you atack, red?
Red (Garett): the Sergeant
Red (Garett): weren't the other guards by the door ?
GM: @red: they got near when they started to surround them
GM: Garett, you hit the seargent, roll the damage from your weapon, plus an extra d6
Garett: [2d6 = 4]

The third guard attacks serena with his long sowrd, scratching her arm for 1 point of damage. At that exact moment, garret stood up and shot an arrow to the sergeant hitting him between his shoulder blades and penetrating 2 inches pass his chainmail. The sergeant screams.

GM: Eoghan, you act now. Who will you attack?
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): guard 4
GM: ok, know that you are flanked by guard 2 and 4, meaning you are easir to hit by them
GM: roll your attack
Eoghan Lugaid: Bastard Sword (Attack 1) [1d20+4 = 22]
GM: roll the damage (drag from the damage square, now)
Eoghan Lugaid: Bastard Sword damage [1d10 = 4]
GM: you missed the +4 for strength, but I configured it, now

Eoghan Lugaid yells while striking the guard on his left shoulder. The blade breaks the chainmail and cut a good 4 inches in the guard's flesh toward his chest. The guard drops to the floor, bleeding profusely.

Tomekk Nightfire: Scimitar (Attack 1) [1d20+4 = 8]

Tomekk lunges at the seargent, but he misses him by a wide margin.

The seargent, evading tomekk's attack, turns to strike at him with his sword, hitting him in the chest for 4, because his armor absorved most of the impact

GM: now it's serena's turn. What will she do?
hunvagy (Serena Arden): first, I would like to designate that sweet gurad 3 for my dodge feat
GM: ok, noted
hunvagy (Serena Arden): then I would like to take a movement action backwards
GM: a movement action or a 5 feet step?
hunvagy (Serena Arden): 5 feet step, if that is enough to cast without AOO
GM: @hunvagy: yes, you can take a 5 feet step and cast securely
hunvagy (Serena Arden): and then I would like to cast Flare on Guard 2, Save DC 13
hunvagy (Serena Arden): Fortitude save
GM: @hunvagy: that counts as showy magic. Are you sure?
hunvagy (Serena Arden): well, I can't help the others any other way, so yes
GM: Ok, at whom did you casted to?
hunvagy (Serena Arden): Guard 2

Serena grabs her instrument and plays a couple of mystic notes, and a sudden burst of light strikes at the guard. The guards grabs his eyes, and stumbles back a few steps, dazzled

The fifth guard strikes Eoghan Lugaid in the left arm for 6 point of damage, leaving a nasty wound there
Guard one takes a step in front of the barbarian and tries to attack him, but misses

GM: Now garet and the guard attack again
GM: what will you do, red? the guard will go after serena
Red (Garett): the guards may step back if the sergeant goes down so I'll keep pressing him
Garett: [1d20+3 = 5]

Garett shoots his arrow, but he misfires and the arrow strikes the wall. Guard 3, meanwhile, approaches serena with intentions to hit her, but at the last moment he stumbles lightly with a chair. He doesn't fall, but his hit misses.

GM: eoghan, now. What will you do?
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): guard 1
GM: ok, throw the die
Eoghan Lugaid: Bastard Sword (Attack 1) +5 (Initiative 0) [1d20+5 = 6]
GM: don't throw damage, a natural 1 is a critical miss

Tomekk Nightfire: Filled with rage, I try to hit the sargeant with my blade.
Tomekk Nightfire: Scimitar (Attack 1) [1d20+4 = 7]

Eoghan raises his blade over his head, ready to cut a guard in two, but a miscalculation throws him on his back when he steps on a fallen jar. He falls to the floor, his sword, flying away from his hand.
Tomekk attacks the sergeant, but his clumsy attack is easily parried by the guard.
The seargent tries to strike at tomekk, but he easily ducks the blade.

GM: serena's turn
hunvagy (Serena Arden): ok, umm DM could you open the skill tumble?
hunvagy (Serena Arden): so, I'd like to take that DC 15 check for tumbling as a full movement
hunvagy (Serena Arden): to reach the barbarians sword, and get away from my lovely guard 3
GM: ok, move and make 1 roll with a DC of 15
Serena Arden: Tumble [1d20+6 = 18]
GM: sucess!
GM: ok, so, guard three will attack serena

The third guard follows Serena and lunges at her, but the nimble bard easily sidesteps him

GM: it's Eoghan Lugaid turn. What will you do?
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): ill go get my sword
GM: @riccso: you will have to disengage melee, provoking an attack of oportunity, and then sacrifice your attack atcion to get your sword. Are you ready for that?
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): yep
GM: ok, guard 1 and 5 attacks Eoghan Lugaid

The fifth guard tries to hit Eoghan Lugaid, but the weak hit is easily deflected by his armor. But the first guard strikes him on his right leg, causing him 2 damage point

GM: It is tomekk's, turn. What will you do?
Tomekk Nightfire: Tries to finally kill the sargeamt
Tomekk Nightfire: Scimitar (Attack 1) [1d20+4 = 20]
GM: roll damage!
Tomekk Nightfire: Scimitar damage [1d6 = 4]
GM: +3 strength bonus, I will add it now
Tomekk Nightfire: Hey, cant I cleave now? I successfully took someone down
GM: sure, you can attack guard 1, roll your attack
Tomekk Nightfire: Filled with confidence, he attack another guard
Tomekk Nightfire: Scimitar (Attack 1) [1d20+4 = 18]
GM: score! roll damage
Tomekk Nightfire: Scimitar damage [1d6+3 = 5]

Tomekk fiercely strikes at the captain at the neck, leaving a nasty wound there. The sergeant drops to the ground, dead. In the same movement, tomekk continues his strike at the first guard who, caught with his defense low, couldn’t parry the strike before it hit him in his right arm

GM: it is now serena's turn
hunvagy (Serena Arden): first I attack guard 3
Eoghan Lugaid: Great hit,stranger!

(here we realize that red missed his turn because of a mess up on the GM part)

GM: ok, let's red have his turn now
Garett: [1d20+3 = 19]
GM: to whom did you attacked?
Red (Garett): number 1
GM: you hit
Garett: Shortbow damage [1d6 = 2]

Garett arrows flies past the guard, cutting his left cheek. Tomekk scarcely evaded the loose arrow

GM: ok, now it is serena's turn. What will she do?
hunvagy (Serena Arden): first I attack guard 3
GM: what else are you going to do?
hunvagy (Serena Arden): yeah, after that I back up to the barbarian
GM: @hunvagy: that will cause an aoo, because you will use a movement action to disengage, unless you only move o square
hunvagy (Serena Arden): I know, but I have mobility, which gives me +4 AC against AOO
GM: ah, ok. Roll your attack
Serena Arden: Longsword (Attack 1) [1d20 = 13]
GM: you missed
GM: move your char
hunvagy (Serena Arden): please don't hit AC 19

Serena starts retreating while trying to score a hit on the guard. She misses and the guard responds his attack with another, but he didn't reacted in time. Serena runs untill she is next to the barbarian

GM: Guard 2 is still dazzled
Serena Arden shows the middle finger in mid-run at the guard
GM: So guard 5 closes on the barbarian, standing on guard 4's corpse D:

The fifth guard closes in and strikes eoghan on his left arm again, leaving another wound under the first

GM: 1 point

And the first guard tries to stab tomekk, but only manages to scratch his left hand (1 point)

Tomekk Nightfire: ok whos turn now
GM: red's
Tomekk Nightfire: ok
GM: and he's gone to the bathroom
Eoghan Lugaid: and guard 3's
GM: yes
hunvagy (Serena Arden): the love of my life

Red (Garett): whose turn ?
GM: yours, red
Red (Garett): mine ?
GM: and guard 3
GM: we were waiting for you
Garett: Shortbow (Attack 1) [1d20+3 = 12]
GM: whom did you attacked?
Red (Garett): guard one
GM: you missed
GM: ok, guard three closes on serena and attacks her
Tomekk (Tomekk Nightfire): love is in the air

Garett shoots his arrow, but again he misses, striking a chair. MEanwhile, the third guard approaches serena and tries to hit her, but she easily evades it and he strikes the table, leaving a dent

GM: eoghan's turn
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): ill attack guard5
GM: ok, roll your attack
Eoghan Lugaid: Bastard Sword (Attack 1) [1d20+5 = 8]
GM: missed

Serena Arden: yeah.. I think we'll have to leave.. and fast

Tomekk Nightfire: Can I move between the skull and guard 1? so that if I hit him I can cleave #2

Eoghan srtikes with his blade, but the guard barely parries the powerfull attack

GM: @tomekk: yes, you can make a 5 foot step whithout triggering an AOO
GM: move your char and tell me who you will attack
Tomekk Nightfire: ok, Im about to make a cleaving blow on numbero uno
Tomekk Nightfire: Scimitar (Attack 1) [1d20+4 = 15]
GM: you barely hit. roll damage
Tomekk Nightfire: Scimitar damage [1d6+3 = 6]
GM: roll your cleave
Tomekk Nightfire: Scimitar (Attack 1) [1d20+4 = 13]
GM: missed

Tomekk strikes at the guard squarely in his chest, leaving a terrible gash there. The guard drops. Tomekks tries to strike at the second guard, too, but the dazzled guard barely parries the blow

GM: It's serena's turn
hunvagy (Serena Arden): I attack the guard, then jump on the table using a chair
GM: doesn't that requires a roll or something?
GM: the jumping on the table, I mean
GM: we are in combat
hunvagy (Serena Arden): oh well, then just the attack
GM: meanwhile, roll your attack
Serena Arden: Longsword (Attack 1) [1d20 = 10]
GM: you missed

Serena tries to stab the guard, but the chainmail deflect the strike
The second guard tries to strike Tomekk, but as he is already dazzled, his strike is easily dodged by the fighter

Tomekk (Tomekk Nightfire): HE WILL DIE A PAINFULL DEATH
GM: red, your turn, now: what will you do?
Garett: Shortbow (Attack 1) [1d20+3 = 20]
GM: whom did you attacked?
Garett: Attack guard 5
GM: ok, roll damage
Garett: Shortbow damage [1d6 = 2]

Garett points his arrow at the guard and let the arrow fly. Although the arrow doesn't strike well enough to pierce the mail, at least it bruises the guard a little

'Tomekk' disconnected

Meanwhile, the fifth guard's blow connects with Serena's righ arm, hurting her for 3 points

Serena Arden curses
GM: WTF happened to tomekk?
GM: eoghan, your turn
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): attack guard 5
Eoghan Lugaid: Bastard Sword (Attack 1) [1d20+5 = 9]

Eoghan misses the guard, striking at the guards stuck sword, disloging it. The guards sword fall on the ground

riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): tomekk's turn?
Red (Garett): yeah I think so
GM: yes
GM: what will we do?
GM: do I play his turn or do we wait?
hunvagy (Serena Arden): play his turn, or else we'll loose riccso to naptime as well
GM: ok
GM: Tomekk attacks guard 2
GM: Scimitar (Attack 1) [1d20+4 = 21]
GM: tomekk hits the guard
GM: Scimitar damage [1d6+3 = 6]

Tomekk's savage blow hits the guard in the chest. While the sword didn't penetrate too much in his flesh, it left a big wound that's bleeding profusely.

GM: serena's turn
hunvagy (Serena Arden): I want to move two squares and cast as a normal action. Is that doable?
GM: that would trigger an AOO
GM: from guard 3
hunvagy (Serena Arden): yup, I know that
hunvagy (Serena Arden): I try to tumble, and if I fail I take my chances with the guard
GM: ok, roll your tumble and move your character
Serena Arden: Tumble [1d20+6 = 9]
GM: the guard get his AOO
GM: but misses miserably
GM: what will you cast?
hunvagy (Serena Arden): thank you feats
hunvagy (Serena Arden): Daze
GM: ok
hunvagy (Serena Arden): DC 13, Will negates
GM: the guard fails his saving throw, so now he is dazzled
GM: but it lasts just 1 round
GM: ok, so it's now guard 2 and guard 5's turn

The second guard tries to hit tomekk, but in his dazzled state he still can't really get his blows right. Tomekk doesn't even move
Guard five, on the other hand, grabs his sword and attacks eoghan, but he misses him, too

GM: now it is red's turn (guard 5 is too dazled to act)
Red (Garett): my turn now
GM: yes
Garett: Shortbow (Attack 1) [1d20+3 = 17]
GM: to guard 5?
Red (Garett): yep
GM: roll your damage
Garett: Shortbow damage [1d6 = 1]

Garett's arrow again bounces on the mail, barely scratching the guards uncovered hand on its rebound

GM: eoghan's turn
GM: (guard 3 is dazzled)
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): attack guard 5
GM: ok, roll
Eoghan Lugaid: Bastard Sword (Attack 1) [1d20+5 = 21]
GM: roll damage
Eoghan Lugaid: Bastard Sword damage [1d10+4 = 6]

Eoghan Lugaid strikes the raised left arm of the guard, arm that he raised with a futile intention of protecting himself from his onslaught. The guard is left severely wounded, and barely standing on his feet

GM: tomekk attacks gaurd 2
GM: Scimitar (Attack 1) [1d20+4 = 22]
GM: and strikes!
GM: Scimitar damage [1d6+3 = 7]

Tomekks yealls a war cry, and strikes the guard with his raised sword. He hits him squarely in the head, cutting the helmet and the blade descending 4 full inches
the guard drops to the ground, dead

GM: now it is Serena's turn
Serena Arden: Longsword (Attack 1) [1d20 = 3]
GM: you forgot to add the +2 for flanking
GM: but even taking that into account, you miss

Serena's flanks the guard and tries to hit him, but the guard expertly evades her attack
Guard five turns around and run away screaming for reinforcements...

GM: Eoghan Lugaid gets an AOO against him
GM: roll your AOO, ricsso
Eoghan Lugaid: Bastard Sword (Attack 1) [1d20+5 = 21]
GM: don't even bother to roll damage
Eoghan Lugaid: AHAY!!!

The guard turns around to flee, but Eoghan Lugaid quick attack strikes him squarely between his shoulder blades, the tip of the sword coming through the other side

Red (Garett): okay my turn
GM: yes, and guard 3's
hunvagy (Serena Arden): please someone shoot my pesky follower
GM: what will you do?
Garett: Shortbow (Attack 1) [1d20+3 = 6]
GM: You miss again
Red (Garett): miss, aparantly
GM: I will not describe your miss, use your imagination
Red (Garett): "At the moment of shooting, my hay fever acts up and I end up nearly impaling the cat of the bar owner"

Guard 3, now flanked by his original target and a threatening barbarian, tries to strike down Eoghan Lugaid, but misses his blow, shaken still for guard's 5 gruesome death

GM: it is Eoghan Lugaid's turn
Eoghan Lugaid: Bastard Sword (Attack 1) [1d20+5 = 23]
GM: ok, you hit. Roll damage
Eoghan Lugaid: Bastard Sword damage [1d10+4 = 11]
Eoghan Lugaid: WAAAGH
Serena Arden screams "DIE YOU *bleep* BASTARD

With a precise blow, Eoghan Lugaid strikes the guard right in his chest, piercing his heart ins instantly killing him

GM: now you are all murderers! Yay!

Eoghan Lugaid: with his insane laughter and smile,he's undoublty scared Serena
Serena Arden smiles at the barbarian, as bloody as she is

Red (Garett): and time for me to head to bed :P
GM: ok, your xp
GM: I don't know if I should award it to you, after all this fight could have been averted
GM: naughty murderers!
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): :P
Red (Garett): hey we needed a fight to get things going :P
hunvagy (Serena Arden): he slapped me
GM: but for this time, I will give XP to you
GM: @hunvagy: yes, but you started badmouthing him
Garett: Garett wipes the corpses under the table and pretend nothing happened
hunvagy (Serena Arden): and he called me crap
GM: ok, each of you get....
GM: 450 XP, if I calculated them correctly
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): needed for next lvl?
hunvagy (Serena Arden): thousand
GM: yes, almost half-way there
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): YAY
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Old 01-01-2010, 10:05 AM   #3
El Quia
Abandonia Homie
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Capital Federal, Argentina
Posts: 582

Second Session

You are at the tavern. Six dead bodies litter the place, blood is everywhere and some patrons (the ones that didn't ran away) are looking at you frightened

GM: what will you do?
Serena Arden looks around exhausted
Tomekk Nightfire looks around and is reassured because there's no one threatening his life anymore.
Serena Arden: Well, this is an interesting turn of events
Serena Arden bows to the fighter and the barbarian
Tomekk Nightfire blushes.
The barmaid approaches you, agitated.
Tomekk Nightfire: Yes, ma'am?
Tomekk Nightfire: Sorry about the mess, I guess.
Garett realises that more guards will arrive soon so gets ready to quickly go through the corposes for anything of value.
Barmaid: Good sirs, please, I know you were defending yourselves, but the city watch look for its own. Maybe this place isn't the safest place to be, right now
Serena Arden eyes the guy with the bow
Barmaid: I suggest that you leave, please
Tomekk Nightfire: Yes, I was thinking about that myself.
Tomekk Nightfire: So, what now folks?
Tomekk Nightfire looks at the others.
Serena Arden: Well, if the guards here are anything like the ones at home *sighs* then we should make for the countryside for now
Garett rifles through the dead sergeant's corpse while letting the "big mouth" do the talking

Garret searches the corpses, finding the following: a chain mail for each guard, a long sword for each guard, a total of 62 gold pieces, 36 silver pieces, 64 copper pieces and 3 little ceramic vials

Tomekk Nightfire goes to his table and takes all of his equipment.
Tomekk Nightfire: I agree with the lass that we should make a run for it to the country-side. I bet they're too scared to follow us there.
Serena Arden looks at the guy rummaging through the corpses
Serena Arden: Hey.. tall and dark!
Tomekk Nightfire looks suspiciously at the same person.
Garett: Sweet! Not a bad catch.
Tomekk Nightfire: What are you up too, matey?
Tomekk Nightfire: Stealing from corpses?
Serena Arden: Why did you get mixed up in this, anyway?
Garett: If we're going to be running from them, we'd be foolish to at least not get something for our trouble
Tomekk Nightfire: My thanks for your help though.
Serena Arden: Yeah.. I guess the big one here is right.. Thank you

Rook was outside the tavern, when he saw 6 guard enter and, a while later, a big fight broke out in there. HE doesn’t know what else happened

Tomekk Nightfire: Well, since we just became outlaws together, why not get to know eachother? I know it's not the perfect time for that, but I still want to know my comrade's names.
Eoghan Lugaid: *ahem* We should be leaving!
Serena Arden turns to the guy who emptied the guards pockets
Eoghan Lugaid: There's no time for chit-chat.
Rook peeks through the windows into the inn, after hearing the small skirmish
Eoghan Lugaid steps outside the inn,quickly looks around

Rook looks through a window and sees six dead guards and 4 strangers, all covered in blood

Tomekk Nightfire Follows the Eoghan.
Rook decides its time to leave when there are dead bodies lying about. Attract attention, he thinks
Tomekk Nightfire: You showed some nice fighting skills there sir, I was honored to have you by my side.
Serena Arden: Oh well.. I think I just stick to you two big guys with menacing weapons *laughs*
Eoghan Lugaid: Eh.Children's play!
Eoghan Lugaid: These city folk don't know how to fight!

Eoghan Lugaid steps outside the tavern, and some people stares at him, all covered in blood, and some start running

Rook: "Scuse me good sirs, what happened?"
Tomekk Nightfire: You, black haired guy, were leaving. Unless you want to be guard bait then you should follow us!
Tomekk Nightfire looks suprised.
hunvagy (Serena Arden): ooh, this reminds me...
Tomekk Nightfire: We defended ourselves, what does it look like?
Eoghan Lugaid: *looks at Rook* Take a wild guess!
hunvagy (Serena Arden): I cast my last spell for today.. mending.. and get my clothes in order
Rook: Well sirs" peering them over, "By the looks of it, you aren’t very good surgeons"
GM: everyone, roll a spot check
Garett: Well I guess I could tag along. I hope next time, you can keep your temper in check, big mouth.
Serena Arden: Spot [1d20 = 6]
Rook: Spot [1d20+2 = 11]
Tomekk Nightfire: Spot [1d20 = 17]
Eoghan Lugaid: Spot [1d20+4 = 17]
Eoghan Lugaid: realises taht his arm is badly hurt
Rook: So um, you there *points at Eoghan* your a rogue, arn't you? You have the look of a rogue..
Garett: Spot [1d20+4 = 20]
GM: @fubb he doesn't look at all like a rogue
Eoghan Lugaid: I look like a rogue?Don't make me laugh!
Fubbles (Rook): Woops wrong person, maybe that was garret....
Serena Arden (laughing): He called you a rogue

Everyone (except serena) that is outside see some guards running to the tavern, swords drawn.

Eoghan Lugaid: OH SHIT!
Tomekk Nightfire: Damn it.
Rook: Hah, i have had no part in this, defend yourselves good sirs, or start running"
Eoghan Lugaid steps back to the inn
Garett: Woo, anyone got any ideas? Big mouth?
Tomekk Nightfire: Ok folks, I believe its a bloody good time to make a run for it.
Rook tries to look indiscreet
Serena Arden: Is something the matter?
Tomekk Nightfire: I know a quick way out of town, if you trust me.
Eoghan Lugaid: Hey,You!*points at Serena* More guards are coming!
Serena Arden: Great
Serena Arden turns to barmaid
Serena Arden: Backdoor.. NOW!
Tomekk Nightfire: We just need to get to the docks, then I know the way.
Barmaid: Sure, follow me
Rook: Peers at the guards
Tomekk Nightfire grabs Rook.
Rook: Wait a sec, they're looking at me!
Tomekk Nightfire: You’re coming with me you sob.
Rook: Runs into the inn
Eoghan Lugaid follows the barmaid as well

The barmaid goes to the back, while the tavern owner looks at her with big eyes, not believing her actions.

Serena Arden follows the barmaid and hints the others to follow
Tomekk Nightfire runs after the others.
El Quia: does everybody follows?
Rook: Let go off me, knave! When they catch us they'll take my hard earned money! *screams at Tomekk*
Fubbles (Rook): I follow
Fubbles (Rook): Un willingly though
Eoghan Lugaid: Hard earned money,huh?
Tomekk Nightfire: No, youre a witness and I dont want you staying here.
Rook Looks back, and heres the gaurds
Tomekk Nightfire: Hard earned money? YOU YELLOW BASTARD...
Serena Arden: Hey, who's the new guy?

You enter the kitchen, where a big cook grabs a knife and looks at you menacingly. The barmaid signals him to stand back and takes you to the cellar

Rook: Ok ok, ill go, they'll think I did something too, so i'd best go with you anyways. Plus, I know a quick route outta the city too, if you’re like me, you’ve been chased outta here more than once..."
Tomekk Nightfire closes the door behind the party and puts a chair in front of it.

The cellar is full of crates and barrels, and the heavy smell of beer fills your nose. The barmaid goes up another stairs and opens a trapdoor that leads to a back alley

Tomekk Nightfire: Run for it!
Rook: I say sirs, it's quite dark in here, innit it?"
Eoghan Lugaid: Mmm,beer!
Barmaid: Quick, go through there! and try to find a place to hide! they will surely lock down the city quickly!
Serena Arden smiles at the barmaid, and gives her 2 gold pieces
Serena Arden: Thanks, girl
Rook: Thank you, missy!
Tomekk Nightfire: Thank you miss, I?ll never forget your kindness.
Rook thinks this cannot end well
Barmaid: Thanks, fair lady
Eoghan Lugaid looks at Rook
Serena Arden: You should be the one running that tavern *laughs*
Garett sighs at the constant chattering of his new-won party mates
Garett: You are a mouthy bunch, aren't you.
Rook: Have you never escaped guards before? You’re an amateur! You gotta find somewhere to hide and wait for things to cool down, THEN you move!
Tomekk Nightfire: You are one arrogant sob arent you? *looks at Garret viciously*
Serena Arden: Less fighting, more running guys
GM: ok, where do you go?
Eoghan Lugaid: The girl's right!
Garett: So what if I am, Big Mouth? At least I wasn't so stupid to pick a fight with the guards.
Rook: I agree, someone has there heads on straight in this rabble it seems
Rook: shut up, they'll here us.
Tomekk Nightfire: Okay I know a quick way through the docks, there are plenty of people there so we can get past relatively unnoticed.
Rook: Just move, there'll be time enough to argue once we are out of the city.
Eoghan Lugaid: Through the sewers?
Tomekk Nightfire: I defended someone, unlike you who nearly shot my face with your bloody bow.
Rook: Ahem, *points to the blood on them*
GM: @tomekk: no you don't! you are new to the city!
Rook: Not very inconspicous
Rook: I know the city though, lived here many years.
Serena Arden: So, I take it these to *pointing at Garett and Rook* know their ways here
Rook: If you pay me, I could get you out...or I could just get myself out and let you rot.
Tomekk Nightfire: Or I could cut your throat now
Rook: Ok, have fun fighting gaurds then.
Tomekk Nightfire: You lead us out or you die here sob.
Eoghan Lugaid: STOP IT.
Tomekk Nightfire grabs Rook and draws his sword.
Rook: Im offering it to you! 10 gold coins, all I ask for! FINE
Rook: Ok, listen, il ltell you my plan
Tomekk Nightfire: Speak quickly.
Rook: The Brotherhood of Unconcerned Men, they’re a thieves guild,

You hear the guards making a ruckuss in the inn

Rook: They can smuggle us out, if you like
Rook: They smuggles lots of people out.
Serena Arden: can we make out the details.. while RUNNING?
Garett gets tired of this and, intimidatingly says they better be quiet and get moving or we'll all end up in jail.
Rook: The only problem is finding them.
Tomekk Nightfire: Great.
Rook: And finding the money to pay them with, but yeah, we gotta move!
Garett: How about we just retreat to one of the abandoned store houses in the city - I know plenty around
Eoghan Lugaid: Or we could just run outta town...really quickly.
GM: ok, what are you going to do? The guards are in the inn and you are behind it
Tomekk Nightfire: I’m with the big guy.
Serena Arden: I second the warehouse notion
Rook: I say we hide somewhere and wait for things to cool down, then find the brotherhood.
Serena Arden: wait for night, then split
GM: ok, where are you going to go?
Tomekk Nightfire: Come on guys, its better to make it to the countryside then to rot in a bloody storehouse!
Garett: The guard will be out in full force for the coming few hours and it's madness to risk exposure now. We have to lay low for the night - they can't knock on every door in the city.
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): Any forests around the town, Quia?
Serena Arden looks at the fighter
Tomekk Nightfire: They won’t follow us, I know my way around forests and I guarantee that they wont find us.
GM: everyone, listen check
Serena Arden: let's go with the guy with the bow
Garett: Listen [1d20+1 = 11]
Rook: Listen [1d20+2 = 22]
GM: @riccso: the nearest forest is a day or so away
Eoghan Lugaid: Listen [1d12+4 = 12]
Serena Arden: Listen [1d20 = 1]
Tomekk Nightfire: Listen [1d20 = 1]
GM: Well, except for tomekk and serena, both of them still arguing, you all listem sounds comming through the trap door from where you just came
Rook: You know guys, we could always just hide on a roof or something...
Rook: Uh oh, lets move!
GM: @rook: too much assassin's creed!
Tomekk Nightfire: Ok, fine. Im going out of town as quickly as possible, who’s with me?
Serena Arden nods and looks at the rogue
Eoghan Lugaid: I'm with ya
Garett: Okay, let's all run towards the docks - there's tons of empty warehouses there and if we're lucky, we can catch a ship out of here in the morning.
Rook Begins to run "Im with you!"
Tomekk Nightfire: Ok folks, then RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!
Rook: Good idea Garett, plus i’d rather avoid the Brotherhood, they’re a den of thieves...
Garett starts to run towards the docks where he has several hiding places just for situations like these
Serena Arden follows Garett
Rook: Me, I’m not a thief, im a gentle longerer of goods that aren’t mine. I borrow something and get a nice penny for it! Its not stealing if no one knows its gone, you see.
Tomekk Nightfire starts running towards the city gates.
Garett: Follow me unless you're so foolish to try your luck at the city gates
Eoghan Lugaid runs as fast he can
Garett notices the more dim Tomekk wishes to get killed
GM: ok, who goes where?
Rook Keeps up with Garrett, as he too knows the way to the docks
hunvagy (Serena Arden): Rest in Pieces
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): following Tomekk,of course
hunvagy (Serena Arden): following the two rogues

Rook, Garett and Serena starts running to the docks, sliding throught the alleys

Rook: What are you doing! *screams back to tomekk* You’re gona get yourself killed!

Meanwhile, Tomekk and Eoghan Lugaid try to run towards the city gates

Serena Arden (panting): Well, those two are not the most intelligent bunch
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): How tall is the city wall, Quia?
Rook: Nope, hope they rot, I didn’t like the big bloke anyways, pulling his weapon on me, the nerve! Im a business man, I was just looking for pay for my help! I mean I didnt kill anyone!
GM: @riccso the city wall is easily over 6 meters
Tomekk Nightfire: Mate, can you climb?
GM: tomekk and Eoghan Lugaid, make a knowledge (local) skill check
Garett: Tssk, what a brute - let Big Mouth talk his way out of that! There'rs plenty of ship captains who will be more than willing to take us out of the city for a small fee.
Serena Arden smiles but refrains from talking, not wanting to bite her tongue
Campaign saved.
GM: same to garett, rook and serena
Rook: Exactly, the docks and slums are a place of business men much like our selves
Garett: Knowledge (Local) [1d20+2 = 11]
Rook: Knowledge (Local) [1d20+3 = 13]
Rook talks to himself
Rook: “Lets look at this, seemingly against my will I go with this pack who then breaks up after leaving the inn, and yet I continue with them trying to excape the city even though I had no part in this whatsoever...."
Serena Arden looks at the grumbling guy
Rook: “Why? What am i getting out of this.....hm.....adventure i suppose. Oh well ,guards wil lprobably kill me too."
Garett: The guards saw a group of us leaving - the tavern will surely mention you as well!

The rogues and bard team continues his way to the docks, and just in time hides behind some crates when a group of guards pass by.

Serena Arden (whispering): By the way.. I'm Serena
Rook: I suppose. Sigh. That big bloke could come in handy though, looks like he can take a couple of pummels to the head.
Garett: He sounds like he already a few of those too many ...

Meanwhile, Tomekk and Eoghan Lugaid start arguing about the best way to the city gate when they hear an alarm going

Rook: I am Rook, master of thieves

Tomekk Nightfire: Quickly lets hide in this alley.
Eoghan Lugaid: Mkay

Garett: Well met, I'm Garett, professional gambler ... with a few side talents.

When Tomekk and Eoghan Lugaid try getting into the alley, they bump into a group of 6 guards. The guards shout for them to surrender and draw their swords.

GM: what will you do?

Rook: Well, us 3 are the perfect pair, a thief a gambler and a....bard i take it?
Serena Arden bows
Serena Arden (whispering): a minstrel, at your service

Tomekk (Tomekk Nightfire): Can I try to be diplomatic and explain that we were attacked by the same group they were looking for?

Rook: "we should keep moving, I think those guards are gone

GM: @tomekk: say your line and roll your bluff

Rook: I wonder if those other 2 are dead yet?

Tomekk Nightfire: Excuse us sir, I know we look like the people you are looking for, BUT we were attacked in the very same tavern where the guards were attacked!
Tomekk Nightfire: (rolling now)
GM: erm...
Tomekk (Tomekk Nightfire): what?
GM: roll your bluff check, but... I think it will have a VERY HEAVY penalty
hunvagy (Serena Arden): Theese are not the Droids you are looking for
Tomekk Nightfire: Bluff [1d20 = 6]

The guard eyes harden and press on the attack

GM: tomekk and Eoghan Lugaid, roll initiative!
Eoghan Lugaid drops his sword and surrenders
Tomekk Nightfire: Initiative [1d20+1 = 3]
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): I surrender'd,they won't attack me..right?RIGHT?!
Tomekk (Tomekk Nightfire): Dont surrender you coard
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): 9 wounds/14hp

Eoghan Lugaid drops his sword and steps back. Two of the guards grab him

Eoghan Lugaid: Sorry mate,I can't take more slashes...*to Tomekk*
GM: ok tomekk, what will you do?
GM: quick, before the combat starts
Tomekk (Tomekk Nightfire): Fuck it I surrender

Rook: So...now what, we gotta find an empty warehouse *to garett and Serena*

Tomekk's grip tightens for a moment, then it looses. The sword drop to the ground and the guards quickly grab him and start dragging both of them to the guard post of the market district.

Tomekk Nightfire: I knew I should have stood out of towns like my mom told me...
Eoghan Lugaid laughs

Garett: I have several hiding places in empty warehouses close to the docks and away from regular guard rounds
Rook: Maybe we should go back for the others though guys... I mean the big bloke could come in handy...

The rogues and bard group continues their run to the docks

Rook: oh well, id rather hide.
GM: everyone in that group roll a move silently
Serena Arden: Well first we must lay low.. really low
Rook: Move silently [1d20+3 = 8]
Garett: Move silently [1d20+7 = 15]
Serena Arden: Move silently [1d20+4 = 13]

Garret and company sneaks their way through the alleys, when rook accidentally steps on a sleeping cat tail. The cat screeches loudly, calling the attention of some nearby guards

Garett: Oh great, master thief my ass.
Serena Arden silently curses
Rook: Woops, hehe
Rook: Ok, other way!
Serena Arden looks around for a sewer entrance
GM: ok, what are you doing?
Rook: Im running, I’m not fighting any guards!
hunvagy (Serena Arden): looking for a sewer entrance, to go underground
Red (Garett): do as Serena says and try to find an entrace to the sewers - we can make it to the hide out through there as well
Rook: Uh, guys, we should definetly get going!
GM: ok, make a quick search roll
Garett: Search [1d20+6 = 12]
Serena Arden: Search [1d20+1 = 16]
Rook: Search [1d20+3 = 16]

Serena finds an entrance

Rook: through there, where Serena is!
Serena Arden: Come on guys, help me lift it
Rook goes to Serena to help her lift it
GM: you three lift the grate
Garett walks over to Serena to help lift the grate
GM: guards are entering the alley from the other corner, but haven't saw you, yet. Do you go down?
Fubbles (Rook): YES
Serena Arden gets down with disgust on her face
Red (Garett): yes and we clickly replace the grate
Fubbles (Rook): i'd rather be covered in shit then be stabbed
Rook Rook follows her
Garett: We could decide to just wait under the grate, out of sight, until they pass by - they may not think of coming by here twice

The group quickly drops into the sewer and replaces the grate. The fetid smell of human waste knocks you with the strength of a punch in the face

Rook: Ok ok just get in here!
Serena Arden: Great.. just what I always wanted
Rook: Dear God! aw....its awful! I cant see a thing!
Rook: and....ugh...the smell!

Some stray sunshine enters from above, and the sewer goes east-west where you are. A couple of centimeters high of sludge pass by, and you can hear the guard up in the street

Garett: Nice smell but it's an improvement over the tavern's odors
Rook: Well, do we start walking?
Serena Arden (whisper): you think they gonna check the grate?
Garett: So what do we do? Walk through the sewers or wait for them to pass by ?
Rook (whisper): just in case we should move...
Guard: So, did you see anything?
Guard: Not me
Guard: Me either, but I swear I heard some voices here...
Rook (whisper): eek, yea lets just move out of the way so if they life the grate they cant see us! go go go!
Rook moves around the corner, out of site from the sewer grate
Guard: Well, check behind crate, in them, under them, everywhere, NOW!
Serena Arden follows Rook quietly
Rook (whisper): Garett, come on!
Rook Grabs Garett and takes him around the corner
GM: all of you, move silently
Garett tags along, thinking those guards must love searching around.
Serena Arden: Move silently [1d20+4 = 8]
Garett: Move silently [1d20+7 = 16]
Rook: Move silently [1d20+3 = 6]
Red (Garett): the master thief strikes again! :P

GM: coming back at tomekk and Eoghan Lugaid

You are dragged violently by the guards towards the guard post. When you are dragged through the streets, people point at you and whisper among themselves. Finally, you reach a guard post. They start stripping you of your equipment

Guard: This are some of the murderers from the inn, sir
Captain: Well, so you are the murderes, then?
Captain: What are your names
Captain: SPEAK!
Eoghan Lugaid: Eoghan.
Tomekk Nightfire: Tomekk.
Eoghan Lugaid starts to whistle a song
Captain: you know which is the punishment for killing the city guards?
Tomekk Nightfire grumbles.
Captain The captain slaps Eoghan Lugaid
Captain: stop that!
Tomekk Nightfire: Imprisonment? The gallows?
Captain: Dead by the axe
Eoghan Lugaid: You call self-defense a murder?
Captain: self-defense? from the guards?
Captain Laughs
Tomekk Nightfire: Yeah, why not?
Eoghan Lugaid: They attacked us....
Tomekk Nightfire: I dont believe that insulting random people is what guards do.
Captain: and tell me, do you call self-defense brutally resisting arrest?
Captain: you are questioning my men characters?
Captain: you are questioning the integrity of the guard?
Captain: unless you have proof, that's an offense, too
Eoghan Lugaid: Ask the barmaid in the inn!
Tomekk Nightfire looks at Eoghan.
Captain: the barmaid? that easy wench? You want me to question her?
Tomekk Nightfire: Ask the tavern folk!
Tomekk Nightfire: Or are you afraid of the truth?
Tomekk Nightfire: And see, you just insulted a fine lass who makes a living by serving drinks.
Captain: the tavern patrons all said the guard were called for a robbery... and that you insulted the guards and then refused to lay arms and then fought them
Captain: that doesn't sounds like self-defense
Tomekk Nightfire: Yes, we were accused of the robbery! AND WE DEFENDED OURSELVES!
Eoghan Lugaid: No, that bard was.
Tomekk Nightfire: We didnt commit any crime.
Tomekk Nightfire: Up until then atleast...
Tomekk Nightfire furiously looks at Eoghan, as if he were trying to tell him to STFU.
Captain: Listen to me: as far as testimonies goes, no one accused you of robbery. That trouble-making girl started insulting the guards, she was ordered to retract and you all drew your weapons
Captain: and, after that, you were ordered to lay down your weapons.
Eoghan Lugaid laughs
Tomekk Nightfire: No sir, I rose to defend the girl.
Captain: and even then, you attacked the guard
Captain: where is self-defense in this?
Eoghan Lugaid: The guards drew their weapons.
Tomekk Nightfire: And your lovely officer-in-uniform ordered the men to beat us down!
Eoghan Lugaid: They attacked us.
Captain: yes, after you REFUSED to lay down your arms
Captain: you know, drawing a weapon at an officer of the law is a criminal offense, here
Tomekk Nightfire: Why should I lay my arms down if I did nothing?
Captain: are you deaf or something?
Eoghan Lugaid: I didn't draw my sword until they did.
Captain: I am growing bvored of this
Tomekk Nightfire: Nor did I.
Captain: Throw them in the dungeons, let's see if a night there clears their minds
Captain: And tomorrow, we will call the royal inquisitor
Tomekk Nightfire: WHAT THE HELL
GM: The guards push you down a corridor, to a stair going down
Eoghan Lugaid: Good,one more corrupt fella*whispers to himself*
Tomekk Nightfire: Whats next? I get burned on the stake because I have elven blood in my veins?

A guard punches Eoghan Lugaid

Guard: I heard that, bloody savage
Guard: Ha! that figures, a half-elven bastard. No wonder you are mixed up in this kind of bloody mess. You can't help yourself being a moron
Tomekk Nightfire swears at the guard in elven tongue.

The guards make syou go down some stairs and put you into a cold cell

Guard: I hope you like your room, ladies! Good night and be nice to each other

The guard leaves.

Tomekk Nightfire: I’m sorry my friend, it was my fault that we got into this mess.
GM: back at garett and co
Eoghan Lugaid: Nah.I should've leave this friggin town yesterday.
Tomekk Nightfire: We should try and escape.... yes, that?s a brilliant plan, I know.

You three quicly walks towards some corner, to hide from the guards. While walking, Rook slips on something best left unmentioned and falls down, dragging Serena with him

Eoghan Lugaid tears his shirt and bandages his arm

Serena Arden curses
Guard: Did you hear that? that seemed to come from underground
Guard: Quickly, search for a sewer entrance!

Eoghan Lugaid tries to sleep a bit

Guard: they could be thieves, or even the murderers they are looking for!

Eoghan Lugaid: G'luck.

Garett sighs and looks back at both of them with a look of disaproval
Guard: Here! there's a grate!
Garett: We better run now
Garett: It will take a while for them to come down
Serena Arden (whispers angrily) hell.. master thief my ass

Tomekk Nightfire lays down and starts thinking about his past.

The guards start to open the grate

GM: what will you do?
Garett runs down the sewers and takes the first turn he can find, so the guards don't spot them
GM: Serena?
Serena Arden follows Garett
Rook gets up and start running, too
Guard: There, I see someone runing! quick!

A guard falls into the sewer and start runing behind you. More soon follows. The three fugitives run like hell from the guards, while they shout at you to freeze
While the guards aren't as fast as Garett and Serena Arden, Rook slows yo down, because of his load.

Serena Arden: What are you carrying around? A temple organ?

Tomekk Nightfire: Hey, do you think that those rag-tag rogues will make it?
Eoghan Lugaid: Dunno.Who the hell cares anyway.

Rook (panting): just... the things... from my trade...
Serena Arden: Drop it, or we all drop.. DEAD

Tomekk Nightfire: I do cause I dont want to share this relatively small cell with them.

Rook: No! I will not drop my hard-earned stuff!
Serena Arden frowns
GM: everyone roll a dexterity check
Serena Arden: Suit yourself
Serena Arden: Dexterity bonus [1d20+2 = 14]
Garett: Dexterity bonus [1d20+3 = 14]

Some guards start to lag behind, while you continue running. A couple of guards still run after you.

Rook: Guys? we should be careful around here, the sewers are not that safe, you know?
Serena Arden (panting): meaning?
Garett: I say we hide the moment we find a place out of sight where they can't spot us hiding
Rook (panting): the usual... rats... otyoughs... the usual
Garett: We can't just run blindly ahead of us - who knows what we'll bump into on top of guards
Serena Arden: Now he tells me
GM: roll dex again
Serena Arden: Dexterity bonus [1d20+2 = 19]
Garett: Dexterity bonus [1d20+3 = 5]

Rook and Serena stay ahead, while Garett starts to slow down, still in sight of the guards.

GM: Rook and Serena are out of sight for the moment
Serena Arden: That's it, we got to win some time
Serena Arden hides
GM: roll your hide
Serena Arden: Hide [1d20+4 = 19]
Rook drops to the flor, next to serena
GM: roll your dex, red
Garett: Dexterity bonus [1d20+3 = 16]

Both Serena and Rook see Garett run away through the sewers, while three guards slow down and stops where you are. They look around, looking for you

Serena Arden dares not move
GM: After looking for some seconds around, they cuss and go back.
Garett doesn't see anyone following him
GM: The guards go away.
Serena Arden thanks Shhreys silently
Garett curses as he sees his leather boots covered in excrement
Rook: I think they are gone
Rook: Where is the other one?
Serena Arden: Seems like it, Shhreys be thanked
Serena Arden: No idea, he darted past us so fast
Rook Makes a quick pray
-> Garett: roll a listen
Rook: We must find him
Serena Arden: Before something finds him
Garett listens for any signs of the guards or his friends
Rook: exactly
GM: roll your listen, Garett
Garett: Listen [1d20+1 = 18]
Serena Arden: You think it's safe to use this? *points at her instrument*
-> Garett: you listen someone (or something) trying to sneak at you
Rook: I don't think so, someone besides him could listen to us
Serena Arden: Well, then let's hope he is as good a rogue as he shoots arrows
Garett is unsure what he hears so decides to hide in the shadows to see
Garett: Hide [1d20+6 = 21]
-> Garett: A black-clad figure appears "I see you" he says
GM: The black-clad figure stares at you
Thief: Stay there, don't move. Call your friends.
Thief: and don't try anything funny, I got friends of my own with me

GM: @tomekk and riccso: are you going to do anything?

Garett (bluffing): What friends? I'm here alone
Thief: Don't play games on me, we hear them
Thief: and we heard the guards that were following you.

Tomekk Nightfire: I wonder if the guard locked the cell door...
Tomekk Nightfire: Mate wake the hell up!
Eoghan Lugaid: What the he...Yea?
GM: @tomekk: the door is locked, but maybe it could be bashed... you will not know until you try
Tomekk Nightfire: Lets try and make this old rusty piece of crap let loose.
Eoghan Lugaid: You go first.
Tomekk Nightfire: You grab that the right part, Ill grab the left part and when I say NOW try and lift it out of place or something.
Eoghan Lugaid: Wait,look around first!
GM: Spot [1d20 = 20]
Tomekk (Tomekk Nightfire): Ok...

Tomekk spies out of the cell, but the places seems to be empty. At least on this level

GM: what will you do?
Tomekk Nightfire: Shall we continue our plan then?
Eoghan Lugaid: Yup.
GM: ok, first riccso, roll a d20 plus your strength bonus
Eoghan Lugaid: Strength bonus [1d20+3 = 6]
GM: ok, your help doesn't count
GM: tomekk, roll your strength bonus like riccso did. The DC is 20
Tomekk Nightfire: Strength bonus [1d20+3 = 17]

Tomekk grabs the door and starts to pull, trying to unhinge it. His muscles bulge and strain, trying to break the door. But to no avail. They stop their efforst, and take a breath

GM: make a move silently roll, tomekk
Tomekk Nightfire: Move silently [1d20 = 20]
GM: what are you going to do now?
Tomekk Nightfire: ok then i’ll take 20.

GM: Rook and Serena are thinking on a way to locate Garett, when his voice comes down from the sewers
Garett: Guys, come here!
Serena Arden: Oh my, another genius
Serena Arden gets up and walks in the direction of the voice
Rook follows
GM: You walk to the place Garett's voice is comming from, and see him with a black clad figure
Thief: I heard you have a guard problem...
Serena Arden: Ooh.. what is this? The company of undertakers?
Serena Arden frowns
Thief: Listen lady, you are not in the position to make a fool out of yourself. I am not alone, and I don't like a smart-ass when I try to help them
Thief: so, are you interested in listening to what I say or not?
Serena Arden: I know dear sir, but being covered in excrement.. this is the best I can do
Serena Arden: also yes.. but I have to tell you, I'm on a tight budget here *frowns again*
Thief: tight budget? that could complicate things...
Thief: what are you trying to do, if I may ask? Bury yourself in shit?
Serena Arden: The thought did cross my mind
Thief: that could only help you for a while, but soone or later the guards (or something worse) would catch you
Serena Arden: Great.. so we lost two big guys with swords.. how's the price for getting them back alive?
Serena Arden: Because I have a feeling they did NOT walk out the city gates
Thief: what do you mean you lost them? are they prisioners of the guards?
Thief: Walk out of the city? with the guards swarming the place?
Thief laughs
Serena Arden: That was their plan of ingenuity
Thief: I don't think so...
Thief: listen to me, they could be in one of the guard outpost, waiting to be sent to the castle dungeons or something, or they could be death
Thief: If they are in the guard outpost jail, then we could rescue them
Thief: but that could cost money
Serena Arden: Well, I'd take that option, but I only have 19 gold to spare.. don't know about the others *looks at Rook and garett*
Serena Arden: oh wait.. 17 *rummaging her stuff*
Thief: also our... association... could help you get out of the city, but that costs money, too
Rook: I don't have too much money either
Garett: neither do I
Serena Arden: We could work it off.. maybe?
Thief: then why are you wasting my time? I though you were interested in your friends and in your life
Thief starts to turn around and walk away
Thief he stops briefly
Thief: unless... you want to do us a favor
Serena Arden: Not that I have any options.. so I bite
Thief: Well, let's rescue your friends, and then we talk about the conditions....
Serena Arden sighs deeply
Thief: meanwhile, follow us, we could give you shelter for a while
Thief continues walking, signalling you to follwo him
Serena Arden: Lead the way, dark and depressing one *smiles*

GM: let's go back to tomekk and riccso

Tomekks starts pushing and pulling, trying to dislodge the hinges. After some minutes of sweating and cursing, he finally unhinges the door.
GM: roll a quick move silently
Tomekk Nightfire: Move silently [1d20 = 8]

Tomekk carefully drops the door, and accidentally scrapes the wall, making a nasty sound. Both fugitives froze, and stand there, listening for any movement from the guards

Tomekk Nightfire: Eoghan, get your ass up.
Tomekk Nightfire: We might need to make a run for it again

After a while, they realize the guards didn't heard anything.

Tomekk Nightfire: Phew...
Eoghan Lugaid: G'dammit...
Eoghan Lugaid stands up

The dark corridor goes down to what seems to be more cells, and some stairs a couple of meters away leads to the "office" of the jailer

GM: what would you do?
Tomekk Nightfire: That seems like the damn jailers office, we should make sure he’s alone then beat the shit out of him
Tomekk Nightfire: And we need our stuff.
Eoghan Lugaid: Yeah,he wouldn't be screaming...
Eoghan Lugaid: We should try to free someone else.
Tomekk Nightfire: HEEEELOOOOOOOOO?
Eoghan Lugaid: ?
Tomekk Nightfire checks if theres some other prisoner.

You hear a moan from down the corridor.

Tomekk Nightfire: Lets check it out

Most cells are empty, except for one, where an old beggar is on the floor, without moving.

Tomekk Nightfire: He wont be of much use.
The beggar moans again

Eoghan Lugaid: Yeah..shit.
Eoghan Lugaid: But maybe he knows something.
Eoghan Lugaid: Hey,you!*to the beggar*
Tomekk Nightfire: Whatever, I wouldn’t forgive myself if we leave him here, help me unhinge this bloody door.
Eoghan Lugaid: If he can help us,then we will help him too.
Tomekk Nightfire: Ok.

The beggar moans again, and tries to move his hand, but it only trembles a bit.

Tomekk Nightfire: Know something?
Tomekk Nightfire: Poor guy...
Tomekk Nightfire looks around if theres any water.

The beggar goes silent again, and doesn't move again. You don’t find any water.

Eoghan Lugaid: I...I think he..just died.
Tomekk Nightfire remains silent.
Tomekk Nightfire: He then says something silently.
Tomekk Nightfire: Ok, now what?
Eoghan Lugaid: Dunno.
GM: roll listen, guys!
Eoghan Lugaid: Listen [1d20+4 = 10]
Tomekk Nightfire: Listen [1d20 = 19]
-> Tomekk Nightfire: you hear a thump comming from the jailer's office
Tomekk (Tomekk Nightfire): Thump as in?
GM: Eoghan Lugaid still watches the old man
-> Tomekk Nightfire: as in a big soft thing falling to the ground
Tomekk Nightfire: I heard something from above the stairs, we might want to check it out?
Eoghan Lugaid: Sure.
GM: how do you go and which is the marching order?
Tomekk Nightfire: Silently, me first.
GM: there is enough space to go side by side
Tomekk Nightfire: ok, side by side.
GM: roll move silently
Eoghan Lugaid: Move silently [1d20-4 = 11]
Tomekk Nightfire: Move silently [1d20 = 16]
GM: @eoghan the -4 is for the armor that you aren't wearing
Tomekk Nightfire: Silent bastards move in!
GM: You both silently move to the stairs and climbs some steps until you reach another heavy wooden door
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): listen moar?
GM: sure, roll if you want
Eoghan Lugaid: Listen [1d20+4 = 9]
GM: When you rest your ear on the door, it suddenly opens!

A black-clad figure appears there with a sap on his hand

Tomekk Nightfire is surprised.
Thief (whispering): I guess you are the big guys I was sent to retrieve?
Tomekk Nightfire: I think? Who sent for us?
Thief: a juicy girl and two other blokes
Tomekk Nightfire looks at Eoghan.
Thief: do you know them?
Tomekk Nightfire: Yes, we fought side by side in the bar incident.
Thief: ah, then you are the guys I was sent for.
Tomekk Nightfire: I believe thanks are in order. *wants to shake hands with the black figure*
Thief: please, follow me. Pleasentries for later
Tomekk Nightfire: where is our stuff?

You enter the jailor office, and you can see him lying on the floor.

Eoghan Lugaid: Haha!
Thief: they are outside, now help me with this
Eoghan Lugaid kicks the body. The body groans.
Tomekk Nightfire: YOU....
Thief: Stupid! don't do that!
Thief: you will alert everyone!
Tomekk Nightfire emits a cat meow.
Eoghan Lugaid: I thought that he's dead...
Tomekk Nightfire: I hope hell take that as the cat jumping on him.
Thief: why would I risk having the guards after me for killing one of them? he is unconscious

The Thief grabs the window bars and pulls, taking them out of its place

Eoghan Lugaid: If he's unconscious then he won't wake up because of a kick..Whatever.Go on.

The bars show tell-tale signs of having been tampered with

Tomekk Nightfire: WHERES our stuff?
Thief: do you want to take the risk?
Tomekk Nightfire: I really need it...
Thief: they are outside, come on!
Tomekk Nightfire: Ok.
Thief whistles softly
Tomekk Nightfire escapes.
GM: A rope falls through the window. The thief ties it at the bars and signals you to climb it
Tomekk Nightfire: Ohh wait a second...
Thief: what now?
Tomekk Nightfire checks if there is some paper and ink on the desk.
Tomekk (Tomekk Nightfire): I want to leave a message
Tomekk looks on the table and finds some unused paper, a logbook, ink and a goose feather
riccso (Eoghan Lugaid): No you don't
Thief: come on, quick! another guard could be here at any moment!
Tomekk Nightfire grabs the feather and soaks the edge in ink.
Thief: I can't believe it!
Tomekk Nightfire then writes WE ESCAPED. LOSERS. on the paper.
Eoghan Lugaid: You moron*whispers*
Thief starts to climb
Tomekk Nightfire: Ok, lets run like khell.
Eoghan Lugaid climbs after the thief
Thief: I can’t believe it, damn rookies instigating the guards

Both Tomekk and Eoghan climbs up and get out of the windows. More thieves are there, one of them holding the backpacks and another with the armors and weapons

Eoghan Lugaid: Ahay,my stuff!

A fourth thief retrieves carefully the rope and puts the bars back

Tomekk Nightfire bows.
Thief: here, take them and don your armor quickly
Tomekk Nightfire: Thank you.
Tomekk Nightfire gears up.

You are in a small space between buildings, barely a meter wide, making doning the armor a tiresome task

Thief: now, follow us through here, quick!
Eoghan Lugaid slips into his armor
Thief opens a grate and drops to the sewers
Tomekk Nightfire follows the thief.

Everyone drop down and after a walk in the dampness and the stench of the sewers, you arrive to a door in the sewers. One of the thieves knocks the door in a particular sequence and the door opens. Behind the door, you see another thief and your companions.

Serena Arden winks at the big oafs
-> Serena Arden: the door opens and you see the fighter and the barbarian
Tomekk Nightfire: Glad to see you too.
Eoghan Lugaid: Oi!
Rook: hey guys! I told you the city gate was a bad idea!
Serena Arden: Stupid, stupid people you are
Garett just looks at them
Tomekk Nightfire: I already figured that out.
Eoghan Lugaid: We wanted to climb through the wall,but we got caught.
Tomekk Nightfire: And I’m not good at lying at all...
Thief: Well, now the conditions of your release and your escape from the city...
Tomekk Nightfire: Anything sir, Im extremly happy to have gotten out of that damned cell...
Tomekk Nightfire grabs his flute and plays a tune in honor of Septaff.
Serena Arden covers her ears in disguts
Tomekk Nightfire: Ok, now what?
Eoghan Lugaid laughs
Eoghan Lugaid: Guys,I really need a sleep.
Tomekk Nightfire is nervous.
GM: well, Serena, is not THAT bad just a bit amateurish
Eoghan Lugaid asks a thief for a place to sleep
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