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Old 28-05-2009, 02:45 PM   #1
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Default Dosbox and Vista [Basic howto]

Installing and running Dosbox 0.73 on Vista
Download "Windows 0.73 Win32 installer" from http://www.dosbox.com/download.php?main=1
Run the installer. Accept everything.

Next important step: create a folder to use as virtual C:\ in dosbox.
Open 'computer', browse to c:\users\your name\ and create a new folder named oldgames.

Now open your start menu, open dosbox menu items, open configuration,
click on edit configuration, will open your dosbox 0.73 config file in notepad.
*If you want multiple personalised conf files read the dosbox readme to know how to proceed, but for most users the default config file will do fine*
Scroll the whole way down to header [autoexec] and add:

mount c "c:\users\your name\oldgames"

Save and exit.

Run dosbox now, if you did it all correctly dosbox will start up with a C:\ prompt ready.

Using a virtual C located in your personal folders will avoid getting all kind of troubles installing/saving games running in dosbox 0.73 / Vista.

If you have a partitioned harddisk, you also simply can create an 'oldgames' folder on your D: partition (or E: F: ...).
Adapt your mount lines accordingly.


Dosbox 0.74 is released, that's the one you should have now.

Almost everything is the same, except you'll find the dosbox conf edit in 'options'.

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If for some reason you want to keep an older version of dosbox besides 0.74, no problem, they won't interfere with each other.
==> But do NOT use the ol'dosbox conf files with 0.74.

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Last edited by dosraider; 23-05-2010 at 11:26 PM.
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Old 08-07-2009, 05:30 AM   #2
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Note: these steps are not needed if you have disabled UAC. The problems occur when DOSBox does not have full privileges to read and write to your drive - running it in Administration mode should also avoid these issues.

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Old 08-07-2009, 11:34 PM   #3
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I would say the contrary. I would point to this tutorial for both Vista and XP (with "Documents and Settings" instead of "Users"). Running with admin rights unnecessarily is very bad practice, with regards to both security and stability. XP installs without a limited account by default and doesn't have UAC, and so most people run with admin rights all the time, but people who use one (such as people who know they should, or kids whose parents know kids don't make good sysadmins) will turn to the specific XP tutorial, and DOSBox won't work, and it would have if they had followed this one allegedly specific for Vista.

Anyway why is it so bothersome to place oldgames\ in \users\user\ or \users\public\ instead of \ ? :wondering: Once mounted it will be the same virtual unit.

(BTW gotta update my own tutorial now that 0.73 complies with Windows permissions...)
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Last edited by Japo; 10-07-2009 at 09:33 PM.
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Old 08-07-2009, 11:52 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Japo View Post
Anyway why is it so bothersome to place oldgames\ in \users\user\ or \users\public\ instead of \ ? :wondering: Once mounted it will be the same virtual unit.
Shared PC, several users with own account.
I raised 3 kids, easy when they can't screw up each others save games.
And last but not least, the @#@#@ critters can't screw up dad's save games.

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Old 10-07-2009, 09:33 PM   #5
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Then we agree? Why recommending a different thing for XP then, in a folder shared for all users, needing admin rights to work?
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Old 10-07-2009, 10:06 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Japo View Post
Then we agree?
Originally Posted by Japo View Post
Why recommending a different thing for XP then, in a folder shared for all users, needing admin rights to work?
I don't know how many peeps with a compy you know, but I know a lot those, and a lot with kids.
Whilst in XP it was unusual to create several accounts for the kids, it's common to do so on Vista. Even more, on Vista the kids usually have a restricted account, not much more then a 'guest' account with the accordingly (non) permissions.
Darn, I even know several dads with so called 'admin' rights , -or so they think- , with pretty restricted accounts after all.
The levels of permissions under Vista are much more detailed then under XP .... and the write access permissions of dosbox depends after all of the permissions of the said user.
To conclude:
Easiest in Vista is to use c:\users\your name\blabla\,
this simply avoids all kinds of troubles.....

But if you want to write a 20 pages long 'basic' Vista how to that covers all the possibilities, be my guest, but be assured: you will needlessly complicate things for beginners, and probably for the not-so-beginners.
It will be an elaborate and huge how to.

The basic how to I wrote will certainly suffice for most beginners, works surely for 100%, and those who know a bit more of how Vista works, they don't need a how to.

That's how I see it, if you see things otherwise, go ahead, be my guest.

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Old 10-07-2009, 10:57 PM   #7
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Ehh... I don't think we're understanding each other. My question was not why this tutorial for Vista, I think it's perfectly fine. My question was, why a different one for XP, instead of this same one, replacing "users" with "documents and settings".

(I use Vista and I know how it works...)
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Old 10-07-2009, 11:34 PM   #8
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Shouldn't you have posted in the XP how to if you were talking about that one?
Anyway, you're answer was given:
Originally Posted by dosraider View Post
I don't know how many peeps with a compy you know, but I know a lot those, and a lot with kids.
Whilst in XP it was unusual to create several accounts for the kids, it's common to do so on Vista.
The XP basic how to will work for 99.999% of those on XP, the restrictions in XP are completely different then those under Vista.
Honestly, how many you know that run XP without admin rights?
Dosbox will work fine in c:\oldgames\ in XP, whilst it's highly unpredictable what that mount will do under Vista.

As I said, the simplest the 'basic how to' the better, and it's simpler under XP then under Vista, not my fault.

I see no reason to adapt the XP howto so that it should match the Vista one, the folders aren't the same after all, and XP isn't Vista.

And add a lot lore blah blah blah .:laugh:

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