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Old 13-04-2016, 01:20 AM   #1

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Default ACETHEAVENGER - The Amulet (1983)(DOS)


Published by: Numenor Microsystems
Country: Canada
Release Date: 1983

"The Amulet is set in the fantasy land Osbeorht which is in the grasp of the demon wizard Eoghan and a brotherhood of necromancers. However, a brave adventurer starts on a journey to set things right. In order to defeat evil, he needs to travel through Osbeorht and find a number of artifacts which are said to be crafted by Prince Beorth, ruler in more pleasant times: an amulet, six power stones and a helm.

After choosing one of five classes (which only influence strengths and weaknesses), the player starts the journey on the one-screen map of Osbeorth. In each turn, the player moves one field and either encounters nothing, finds treasure or a monster. The latter initiates combat (unless the player surprises the monster and chooses to avoid it) which is basically a sequence of dice rolls. When the player attacks, there is a choice between using the sword (aiming for the head, body or limbs) or a spell. Each monster has two statistics (combat strength and psy power) which should influence the player's choice - a monster without psy power only laughs at spells. Delaying the choice too long results in a missed turn. The player and the monster exchange hits until one of them dies; when the player wins experience points are awarded. More powerful spells are available after earning enough experience.

Otherwise there are also special places to visit on the map: there is a safe way without monster encounters as well as so-called secondary scenarios, e.g. a swamp or the necromancers' castle. Entering them opens up a new map to explore. There are also two friendly castles on the main map which allow to save the game. The game calculates a rating based on found treasure and earned experience."

I have this game, and it works, but strangely, only on actual, real dos, or Freedos. Dosbox causes an overflow error at address 01A2:43B6, and I haven't been able to solve it yet. From what i've seen, this is an INCREDIBLY rare game to stumble across, much less with the patches to make it work without needing a disk-drive.
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Old 13-04-2016, 03:30 PM   #2
marko river
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Very interesting And welcome. Very impressing for the first post

So, I suppose you have patched game... do you also have both unpatched version and the patches?

We would need some additional info on the game, as well as some screenshots if that is OK by you.

Is there any way to run the game on modern systems? I guess you can run virtual PC with DOS or Freedos... Nothing else? I suppose I could test it on old PC when I visit my parents someday...

Still even if that is the only way we gladly accept it

As for DOSBox, you can always contact the DOSBox team and supply the game. They fixed DOSBox for tons of games already. They can add the game in compatibility list and we can only wait. Dosbox is a bit slow recently but you never know.

I'm sending you PM. Welcome once again
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Old 13-04-2016, 07:56 PM   #3
Smiling Spectre
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Wow. Cool find! DOS Collections guys have v.2.4 (including fixes that makes it works in DOSBox), but it's from 1985. I bet, they can fix the game. So could you possibly give me the link for the game?
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Old 17-04-2016, 04:12 AM   #4

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Originally Posted by marko river View Post
Very interesting And welcome. Very impressing for the first post

So, I suppose you have patched game... do you also have both unpatched version and the patches?

We would need some additional info on the game, as well as some screenshots if that is OK by you.

Is there any way to run the game on modern systems? I guess you can run virtual PC with DOS or Freedos... Nothing else? I suppose I could test it on old PC when I visit my parents someday...

Still even if that is the only way we gladly accept it

As for DOSBox, you can always contact the DOSBox team and supply the game. They fixed DOSBox for tons of games already. They can add the game in compatibility list and we can only wait. Dosbox is a bit slow recently but you never know.

I'm sending you PM. Welcome once again

I have patched version with me, along with the patch files included, and the unpatched version is on another computer that I can copy them over from tomorrow or the day after.

As for Screenshots, I can upload those tomorrow or the day after as well. And for those curious, it's a semi-action ASCII text RPG. I provided all the information I could find in that Moby-games link.

Originally Posted by Smiling Spectre View Post
Wow. Cool find! DOS Collections guys have v.2.4 (including fixes that makes it works in DOSBox), but it's from 1985. I bet, they can fix the game. So could you possibly give me the link for the game?
I'm not sure which version this is, as I haven't touched it in a few days, and have poor memory, but here's a link to the patched version:

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Old 17-04-2016, 08:41 PM   #5
Smiling Spectre
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It's the same as in DOSCollection, unfortunately. v.2.4 and (c)1985 is at the first screen.

Well, while it's not needed for me, I bet it's heartfelt welcome addition to Abandonia! Thank you!
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