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Old 01-07-2019, 11:38 AM   #451
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Default Zelda: Link's awakening -> Majora's Mask

So, this is direct continuation of the previously released game. And finaly gives name to the hero: Link.
The platform is some gameboy, so it looks relatively small, what is good news I think.
the goal of the game is to commit holocaust to an entire culture, and that's why u r the hero. Yay!
And your reward is - to starve to death in the middle of the ocean! That was pretty grimm.

To add a bit, here's how the timeline stands at this point. No additional info made up by me, and all ingame/inmanual info is included:
the 4 games are in 2 pairs, 2-2 being direct sequels of each others. The question is though, which Zelda is present in the prequels: the Original Zelda, or a later Zelda. We have no idea. Likely the later, so I call her Zelda Y at this point.

PS: the ending is ripoff from Monkey Island 3, but as mentioned it creates a completly different feeling because how it is set up.

EDIT: Contradiction time!
So, The Adventure of Link said the Original Zelda's father had the Triforce, and put the three Triangles at three locations. Also, from that point on were every female descendant-princess named Zelda.
The problem is, in every game the princess (in many if not all games also descendant of the sages) is called Zelda.
But if the Triforce was broken to its pieces at the Original Zelda's time, then how did Ganon aquire the Triforce unshattered?

Opinion on continuity and the official timeline:
The first two games' continuity is dubious in the series, but the rest seems solid. Ocarina of Time's key moment is though that Gnaon CAN leave the Shadow Realm, and during the endfight, before he is sealed away finaly, does transform into his demon-pig form. So the whole time-split explanation is obviously made by someone not familiar with the actual games, or intentionaly neglected hugh chuncks of them.
Otherwise there IS a reason for the Three Timeline. The 2nd and 3rd you know is when Link wins. One is the timeline of Link, who travelled back in time, and the 3rd is for everyone else in the created alternate timeline of the future.
Those who complaint forget thatthere was ANOTHER time travel in the game, namely when Link traveled into the future to be able to use the Master Sword. The use of the Master Sword is by the way indicator Ocarine happens before Link to the Past. So there mustbe a timeline where Link is taken out of time, so there's no Link to prevent Ganon doing whatever he wants. As I said the problem with this is, that Link must fight Ganon to G be transformed into Demonpig.

Seems these games came in pairs, as Majora's Mask is continuation of Ocarina of Time.
The game has practicaly no relevance on the lore, as it plays inyet another world along the Light and Dark realms. No explanation how Link Z got there, probably just got lost in some woods.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

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Old 01-07-2019, 08:22 PM   #452
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Default Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons

This is a weird combo. The "true ending" seems to indicate it is the same story in two different alternate versions.
And if you check the solo playthroughs, you see while both game happen in some alternate realities, Ages also includes time travel!
Obviously these games can't happen on one single timeline. So this is either a split - or a merge!

Four Swords
Another independent adventure. The series rly started to show degradation at this point.

Wind Waker
Finaly back on track. At this point of the series The Hero of Time not appearing could happen for 2 reasons: one is the later official view that beacuse of time travel and alternative timeline. But it could have been (or is, if the office again don't know what they're talking about) that Link of Ocarina didn't appear, because was in that alternate reality hunting Majora's Mask.
Well, until you consider the world got flodded immediately after Ganon appeared yet again, so to fit it on an unshattered timeline, you'd have to dry the world after this adventure, which is pretty unlikely.
Also, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are direct continuation of this timeline, and otherwise pretty inconsequential for the series.

Four Swords Adventure
This piece of #&@ doesn't even have a backstory in the manual.
Inside the game our best clue is, that Ganon is in the Dark World, and there's a Shrine of the Four Sword which was built in the Four Sword game.
It starts to be very boring that Ganon is always resurrected, and even without any explanation how.

Skyward Sword
CONTRADICTION: Skyward Sword says the Master Sword was created that time. The problem is, the 3rd game said the Master Sword was created during the Imprisoning War, against Ganon!
Also remains the question what happened with the flying country.

The Minish Cap seems to be a prequel and the story of the creation of the Four Sword. Fine for me.
The problem is, the sole connection of the Vaati-story to the main story is a onetime appearance of Ganon, so placing the story is a bit problematic. Ganon being constantlybanished, imprisoned, resurrected, and maybe even reborn makes the clarification of this question a big fuss.

Twilight Princess seems well done to come on the Majora's Mask timline, but I can't tell if there's a possibe continuity for Four Swords Adventures w/o playing that game, what I won't do.


At this point I have the following continuities (Season/Ages has the same number 7 at me):

1 -> 2
11 -> 8 -> 10 with possible connection to other continuities
7 with undeterminated possible connections. My hypothesis at this point that it merges the time-split, so is wrongly placed on the official timeline.

5 -> 6 -> 12
5 -> 9 -> 13 -> 14
5 -> 3 -> 4

uninvestigated: 16, 17, 18
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

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Old 02-07-2019, 01:22 PM   #453
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Default SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgameh

This is a good game.
Not great, you don't want to play it in one session, but a look is nice, the gameplay is smooth, it works on my computer (so you don't need gamer-pc), the amount of dialogue is toleratable and needed to make the otherwise slightly repetitive fights toleratable.

Also, the puns and humour is ctachable like flu even while clicking away the dialogue,and that the big shiny knight-robot is a she, made me smile.
Overal, a good, solid game.
Can't say anything about the prices, as living in a backwater country everything is too expensive for us, but by the look of it I say the price can be around right.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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Old 22-09-2019, 11:23 AM   #454
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Default Deponia

I'm doing it w/o any walkthrough.
It a perfectly fine adventure game (which likes to crash every 5 minutes, but whatever), which can mostly be solved by paying attention, and using videogame-logic. For example if they say the toothbrush got alive because of goo, dirt and neglect, it can be lured by bait. That's "obvious".

I just did the espresso, and so far only had a couple of "try everything" inventory puzzles (namely ballons with hook), and even less moon-logic. It helped that I made notes, most of the stuff made sense by adventure game standards, thus could eliminate most stuff, so the trial-and-error method got thinned to a small pool.

So far so good.

Aaand the game defeated itself at the pidgeon-puzzle. I don't just not like the puzzle there (I completly suck at those kind of puzzles), but it never got to me to mess with the cats, especialy that way. The achievements along this puzzle just make everything even worse. And there's no clue what to do. If the poster behind the post-bot was intended to be a clue - well, they fucked that up big time.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 22-09-2019 at 04:27 PM.
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Old 29-09-2019, 07:00 PM   #455
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Originally Posted by twillight View Post

I'm doing it w/o any walkthrough.
It a perfectly fine adventure game (which likes to crash every 5 minutes, but whatever), which can mostly be solved by paying attention, and using videogame-logic. For example if they say the toothbrush got alive because of goo, dirt and neglect, it can be lured by bait. That's "obvious".

I just did the espresso, and so far only had a couple of "try everything" inventory puzzles (namely ballons with hook), and even less moon-logic. It helped that I made notes, most of the stuff made sense by adventure game standards, thus could eliminate most stuff, so the trial-and-error method got thinned to a small pool.

So far so good.

Aaand the game defeated itself at the pidgeon-puzzle. I don't just not like the puzzle there (I completly suck at those kind of puzzles), but it never got to me to mess with the cats, especialy that way. The achievements along this puzzle just make everything even worse. And there's no clue what to do. If the poster behind the post-bot was intended to be a clue - well, they fucked that up big time.
I missed your posts a bit. Deponia... I purchased several games from Deponia (on GOG.com, GamersGate.com), but theyt ended up being just Collection for me... *shrug*
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Old 14-10-2019, 05:46 PM   #456
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Default giving away Pillars of Eternity 2 - Deadfire: Obsidian Edition cupon

it gives 65% off the price, and is available for 40 more hours.
in case anyone wants that. Oh, the code is for GoG.com
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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Old 19-10-2019, 10:03 AM   #457
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Thumbs up Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded

Let's see this game:

extra skills:
most of their purpose is destroyed them being single chois thingies, but whatever, right?
- self treatment, aka. regeneration: obviously your basic lifehack skill. You are beginner, or like to not loose at all cost? Pick this skill, and stand around healing between waves. Obviously the strongest skill in the game.
- vampire: I have no idea how this works, but most probably regeneration when doing damage. Seems the weaker cousin of the above skill.
- night vision: eliminates a semi-key feature of the game, aka. the constant darkness. You shouldn't need this with all the flashlights, and even night-vision googles. But if you don't want the regeneration, but still want an obvious advantage, pick this.
- economist, aka. more money: why would you want more money? You have to buy item (weapon) a single time in the game to be honest, maybe another for the very late game. On the other hand I doubt the money would be enough to always repair your stuff (I mean armor, drone, medikit supply. Weapons don't get damaged, and there are way too much ammo).

Talking about weapons: pistols suck - unless you preserve the cigarettes from mission 2 to the start of mission 4 and not sell them for a crappy +1-15 one attribute implant at the start of mission 3. Even the best implant even worth less then the midgame-pistol you get (worth 1000-1500 less gold than the pistol).
Oh, a crappy design choice: wondering in the HQ counts as part of the coming mission, so selling stuff is tedious. The good side is, if you underpack supplies, as the only save you have is restart mission, you'llalways be able to buy additional stuff. Still tedious.

Talking about implants: many of them give boost to your intelligence, what's only purpose is to wear implants, so it's a self-defeating attribute.

- analyst, aka. more exp. I think it doubles the amount you earn. Usualy the extra exp only means 1-2 extra levels in the end, so who realy cares? Still mean SOME advantage I assume...
- observer: gives more money? maybe highlight the secret rooms? Who knows, who cares.
- hypnotizer: the enemy comes closer. Why on earth would you want that??? They come close easy enough anyway.
- boxer: you can roll fighting barehanded. Any character can push the "0" button, but this can also roll with the mouse's gear. This is the ONLY stat that rises the fist-damage! STR does NOT incrise fistfighting's effectiveness! The monsters damage, number, speed, maid-lategame capability to shoot projectiles, and the fact you get in late missions infinite ammo gatlings, mostly defeats its purpose, but if you want a challenge in this game, you might give it a try.

- health: more max. HP. When investing in it, the actual HP rises (and falls!) too
- strength: more max. ammo. Usualy SMG-mags and shotgun-shells are aplenty, so either you can sell even when using these weapons, or rise STR to carry all. Also rises HP, I think by half like health directly.
- speed: walking speed gets faster. Pretty irrelevant.
- accuracy: I'mnot sure about this, as you aim too manualy. Maybe 50 in it is a good invetment if you use guns. Does not effect Boxer.
- intelligence: in theory some implants have requirements in this. I never seen that happening.

character creation analysis:
- you can start the game w/o spending your 3 bonus point by doiuble clicking the start-button! Each bonus-point either means 10 stat-point in 1 stat, or 1,000$.
- 1st male: has the least amount of statpoints (91), low money (ca.500 like mostmales), starts with pistol. He can still be a choice if you go Boxer, as he has 64 in strenght + health, but more in STR than HP though.
- 2nd male is a crappier version of the 1st male, only starts with a shotgun. It's not much of an advantage, especialy as shotguns have low shooting frequency, and you find similar shotguns soon enough. Avoid.
- 3rd male has the most statpoints (98), fopcus being on HP, while all the other stats are 10-15 which makes it a balanced jack-of-all-trades character, so it is a good pick for Boxer if you worry thatlater on you'll have to use guns eventualy. Also starts with the most amount of cash any male starts with (1100). Starts with a rifle AND a grenade launcher (slow, but at least hits on impact).
- 4th male has very strong Boxer-capability with 65 pont in HP + STR, plus another 8 STR from starting implant (which also means like 500-750 cash when sold).
- 1st female invested in implat-wearing, but I never actualy seen any demand of intelligence, and implants are expensive, and doesn't help that much. Her scores are a weak boxer's (57 in sum, but from those 15 is implant, so actualy only 42). Starts with 1500 cash.
- 2nd female is equaly crappy as the 1st, but starts with infinite ammo pistol (who cares, after the 1stmission you'll get the flare pistol anyway),and has 3500$, the most on any character. Also wears some leather armor.
- 3rd female has 43 in aiming, making her friggin obvious choice for any gun-user. Also has a leather armor. "Only" starts with 1000 cash.
- 4th female has balanced (15-20) all stats, 1500$, and a metal armor. Unless armors are über (they aren't), skip her too.
SUMMARY: the best choice for the regular gamer is the 3rd female. Males are only candidates for Boxer.

Here is a link to all(?) Secret Rooms.

- mission 1 is very easy. Only late-mission you face a single group of enemies, and there are healing supplies on the walls, each healing 20.
Monsters can randomly drop healing, or ammo or cash. They never srop other equipment (armor, weapon, drone etc.)
SW secret: found a shotgun
IMPORTANT NOTE: before entering the complex through the E secret, BLOW UP THE GATE WITH THE DYNAMITE, else you don't gain exp!
If you entered through the E secret room (in which I found an implant), don't forget to go outside to the inner court for loot (where I found another implant, and a pistol).

- mission 2 is easy. There will be monsters from the beginning starting here finaly. My advice is to never wear armor, as there are healing posts, which heal you to the max infinite times whenever you get hurt.
Starting here come some big-ass bipedal lizards (you'll know when you see), and they have a crapload of HP, aka. can't be onepunched with 55 in Boxer. I'm doing a boxer and will report the situation. My boxer does wear the armors unfortunately, because the game doesn't explain shit, and there are no guides in mind of this (everyone use guns). If I'll have to start over, as I'm not sure grinding is possible, I'll miss my flare-gun. The game randomly gives you weapons from its pool, what is an annoyance, and one of these is an infinite ammo flare gun, which canbe used as free flashlights, so it is pretty fun.
Ah, a gun is DEMANDED even for a boxer, to "open" crates, because some are exploding for no reason!
NOTE: I (meaning the above linked guid) miss a secret in this mission, only shows 16 of 17! NOTE 2: Ok, there it is. Where there are 3 actual room secret-room, there's also a destroyable wall as a 4th secret-room.
Details: found the flare-pistol in the base, also a basic flashlight (as looted this box a couple of times already, I think this item is fixed).
In Secret 4 (check link) is anarmor, and an implant. Agan, I think these items are actualy fixed.
Secret 6 has one of those +100 HPs.
Somewhere along found the mini-uzi, and another (way better/efficient) machinegun.
Secret 9 has another +100 HP.
Well, just loot everything, ok? I'll tell if something actualy significant is found/happens.
If Boxer, get +100 HP when joining the soldiers to be able to fight in the front row.
And when going for the exit-terminalat the end, get another, because it'll be a BIG fight. When you see the crew standing around DO NOT APPROACH, because when you do, the doors will close (for the fight).
Secret 11 has a third +100 HP, so if you did all right, you can leave by picking it up.

- mission 3 is still easy. There are medical posts too, and a note: do not enter the secret rooms unless you expect a big fight, because some have +100 HP which can go over the maximum. So best kept them for Big Obvious Ambushes.
Secret 10 has a leather armor.
Secret 5 has +100 HP - get it before trying to enter the mayor's office (two soldier will be standing there to cover you).
HQ: radar becomes available (not useful), night googles (best flashlight?) becomes available.

NOTE ON A BUG: the "secret room" mechanic is not thought through, as you CAN pass through WALLS, forcing you to restart missions occasionaly. Better stick to the secrets-guide above, eh?

- mission 4: aaand here is where the fun stops. The enemy starts to shoot, in hordes, thus you must abandon punching them. Nah.
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Old 20-10-2019, 08:31 AM   #458
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Default Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded, Impossible Difficulty

Perk: Economist, because I think money will be important for advancing the weapons faster, and possible repairing armors. Obviously using guns. Made stat-count on the female characters, and Fem3 won by 105 statpoints, and a heavy investment in accuracy.
Impossible diff. has a very high price on aiming. Shotgun still works for obvious reasons.

Mission 1: Still boring with mostly no enemies. The enemies have a ton of HP, the pistol almost worth squat.
I think I'll need ASAP 25 STR, 25 HP, 50-60 aim, then max. economist or something to get the most out of it.

Mission 2:
best pistol (the game lists "best weapon" with the most DPS): colt .45
best shotgun: slibert DM5
best SMG: HKMP5
best explosive: fly-2
best special weapon: laser pistol s50
best armor: metal II
supply: small medikit, radar, flaslight II (invest this - night google are too weak (produces a very weak emergency red light only), and flashlight III (which you can find very late btw) I found too bright)

Mission 3:
best pistol: bittler G2
best shotgun: -
best SMG: steyr AUG
best explosive: RG-6 (a very bad weapon as the grenades do not expload on impact but on a timer)
best special weapon: GP53 laser rifle (laser weapons are better than flamethrowers if you ask me, as they have range, and don't burn ammo)
best armor: metal III
supply: small drone
Invest into: small flamethrower - without this you won't have a sliver of chance! Also, likely good idea to improve your SMG too to the best available.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

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Old 20-10-2019, 02:45 PM   #459
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Default Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded, Impossible Difficulty

Mission 4:
best pistol: beretta L5
best shotgun: -
best SMG: AKM
best explosive: -
best special weapon: -
best armor: combat armor
supply: night vision googles (it sux), medkit
Invest into: radar

The mission sucks, because SMG-ammo is scarce (and its dmg is lacking), my shotgun sucks, the enemy is ranged and comes in hordes, AND on top of it there are no items or healing!
Prime weapon should be the pistol you just got for the cigarette (precise, hits hard), and the shotgun. I'll explain this below.
There's actualy a trick which can result even a Boxer be able to do this level: lure everything (especialy hugh mobs) to a stair. The fish-aliens can't shoot you when standing on dry land, but you can hit them (you have to stand close, so be cautious psitioning).
Also, be paranoid. If you think it moved, it probably did, so shoot it. The radar is ok to find bigger hordes, but you won't be able to spot moving single enemies, still worth the investment I assume.
Worth noting you can actualy leave the area and go back to HQ. This is good, because atthe commander there isa healing post. abuse it. There's another in the 2nd sewer-room.
Nowon the shotgun: you are outnumbered and outgunned. Some situation can be solved using the stairs, and by luring away minor groups, but thatwon't always be enough.
Oh, come to think of it: stuff seemingly random can blow up, especialy when entering the 2nd sewer-room - try to avoid that blasting any barrel you spot, and keeping your distance.
Oh, and don't trust to corridors, the isometric view hides half of them, so they are bloody dangerous (serious design-flow).
So, back on using the shotgun: when massive land-dwelling hordes appear, you can hide behind the other side of the fences. Maybe because hitboxes are not thatwell programmed, you can actualy shoot the monsters through the otherwise wall-like fences. This is especialy importans when opening the walves!

On bonuses: there's a single +100 HP - won't matter too much unfortunately.
Also, one of the secret rooms, only available after solving the mission, has a combat armor for you.

mission 5:
best pistol: sig-sauer sig-pro
best shotgun: silbert DM50 (not sure when it appeared in shop)
best SMG: volcano G2000
best explosive: SL-1 (I think I had one on my other character, and it's slow and sucks)
best special weapon: G200 ion rifle
best armor: combat armor II
supply: big drone
Invest into: slibert DM50 (this is still "cheap", in the 20K$ category, but has the punch to repell the initial horde - exit the room during reload-time,and don't forget to heal!)

The mission starts in the HQ as usual, and the scientist gives you a random implant with 10-20 to two stat. Make this count, so prepare for reload. HP is excelent, STR is good, ACC is fine, speed might be acceptable if the other stat is awesome and you are bored, while intelligence is entirely useless.
My stats at this point, including this 19 HP 18 STR implant: 49/38/25/45/10/40. Preparing to bump economy to a lot.

I think you shouldn't wear your armor 100% of the time, spare it for big battles, and abuse the free healing in the HQ instead.
The 1st secret has a grenade launcher (it sucks, remove from the weapon slots).

BUG: you'll get control over unlimited ammo gatlings. The bug is, when you use them, your flaslight turns off.

The sad thing is, this isn't even a hard level. But as usual there are frustrating things. Like whenyou leave the initialarea and reach the turret, you no longer can go out, like to pick up the Secret Rooms with the end of the mission, or you got so used to spacebaraway the uninspired talks you can easily end the mission before looting the final secret room.

BTW: the radar is very useful here.

Mission 6:
best pistol: GLK-P5
best shotgun: jackhammer
best SMG: disembowel
best explosive: vampir
best special weapon: plasma desintegrator
best armor: power armor
supply: mega medikit
Invest into: jackhammer (despite its lot of missfires - lessened by crowds being hugh - it is very strong and not too expensive)

Very though mission. Remove healing kits from the fast item slot (it means it takes effect automaticaly), and remove your armor. Heal in the HQ. Do this until you reach the teleporter room, where put your stuff on. Destroy the teleporters, then use the SOUTH teleporter. That room is smaller. DESTROY THE COMPUTERS TOO besides just blowing that stuff up with the dynamite. If you get hurt, the teleporter-room hasa healing post.

At the north room you'll probably be zeroed on the armor, so go to the nearby store-room for another (weaker, but whatever) armor. Again destroy the computers. Let's hope you don't run out of time.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

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Old 22-10-2019, 09:05 PM   #460
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Default Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded, Impossible Difficulty

Mission 7:

At the end of Mission 6 you could re-enter the HQ for shopping, but nah. Mostly, because you get an unlimited ammo gatling vehicle for the next one anyway.
Btw, the "1st secret room" (check link several posts before) is right where you turn down to the 2nd secret room! How much I've been looking for this!

Mission 8:

best pistol: - (all pistols got unlocked)
best shotgun: -(you find a double shotgun, which is a powerful weapon for any other difficulty)
best SMG: -(but you find an AKM here)
best explosive: -
best special weapon: -
best armor: -
supply: -
Invest into: mega medikit

Yet again you have the Plot Armor Car. So whatever.
This level is a lazy afterthought with zero secret rooms, but it has a shop. Just found out that supplies are limited to appear, so buy the ultra medikits asap. Or maybe not, nothing is explained, and maybe they accumlate in the shop.
NOTE: they likely accumlate. This mission is long as F, and midway you have to change from the infinite gun military car to an unarmed police vehicle, and youbetter get used to raming things, because there are half a dozen rocket-launcher/plasma-gun supermonsters to be rammed down!

Also, at one point you find a new set of combat armor, soyou don't have to worry that much about your old armors.
Also, soon into the next mission there'll be another shop, so if we need anything, we'll get access to it, until then the Jackhammer should be enough.

About stats: Economist special skill is pumped to 65, and that by the look of this source should be enough. I have no intention getting rid of all my weapons and stuff like he does though,and I'm not that reckless.
Incomparsion he has 40K$, me 137.6K, we both have the jackhammer, he has 1 extra life, me 5, ha has a disembowel while I have a crapload of items on me though he has a serious implant while I only a medium quality.
The game says I missed some monsters again - no idea what causes this, nothing moved on the map.

Mission 9:

Invest into: Vampire, mega-medikit, power armor

This is a long-ass mission similar to the previous missions, except this time you have no car. There is a shopand a healing post at the beggining. Spare your armor until you get out of the first complex. There first go ~north, wearing some leftover armor to remove some ranged monnsters. Go to where the road forks, then turn back. If you go ~south (Oor west if you prefer), you'll encounter a missle-mage-monster, but your reward is a free-of-dollar homing missile, which will be necessary later. Or will prove too weak, and will have to buy some expensive shite.
Whenyou delt with this street, when entering the building do NOT shoot the boxes!!! They contain two +100 HP buff, and you want to preserve those!!!!!

And aside this being a long-ass mission, it'll also drop on you teleporters, and just fok those shite.

TIP: if you have an implant with HP +ACC make that your combat implant. STR helps looting on the other hand.
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Last edited by twillight; 23-10-2019 at 03:31 PM.
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