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Old 17-06-2005, 08:18 AM   #31

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The manual is up on the site, but the supposed solution is not there, nor is it in the actual folder of the game. So I humbly request that it is put up, if only to figure out how to handle diplomacy with the other factions. Thanks in advance.
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Old 17-06-2005, 05:40 PM   #32
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Sorry for not providing the solution yet - I'm still trying to finish the game myself first.
Don't wanna put up something that might not work (but I can e-mail you the solution the reviewer included with the game).
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Old 23-06-2005, 01:26 PM   #33

Ok, heres what I know so far if it helps.

Talk to gobel at the first space station bar (hes not there if a band is playing) he give u the co-ordinates 69 033 or something like that.

When your there you get a navigation officer, make sure you assign her to navigations. Be nice, she gets pissed off easily.

Now If you try to go to the bottom right hand space station you can get a gunner, he is the guy who will sell u ship parts and he will ask when you leave.

You can go to any of those little dots and some of them have planets, some of the planets are minable and have people to talk to. Click on surface scan to get to the explorer launcher thingy. You use subjective scan, another option in the space craft to find out whats there, good to find out whether there are resources.

You see these resources on the radar and use the 9 button controler thingy to move, A to acelerate D to break. right click when your in the movement mode which you get to by clicking on the movement pad to get the ion thingy, opr press space bar, left click when your near resources to mine.
Takes bloody hours but you make good money if u sell that at a space station.

Make sure you have enough Fuel/stabilium, you pay your crew members (and thats a lot for the greedy buggers) in it, and if your stranded i just dont know WTF you can do about it except restart. 100 is minimum if your going to be mining because you use it in the mining process. Id take more to be on the safe side.

(In truth though it would take the same amount of fuel to get between any two point in a singular line in space. Fuel determines the speed at which u get there. And this feature of the game really annoys me)

And for the best results dont use DOSBOX, just play without sound and listen to your own music, DOSbox is too muc for my 2ghz P4 on this game. VDMSOUND doesnt seem to work either. Musics cool though.

Happy DOSSing

Finally if you meet a trader you can cheat by entering all 1111111s into the trading box, and they will pay you loads to take what they sell. To trade select trade from the talk menu.

Anyone got any combat tips, I find it almost impossible....?
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Old 22-08-2005, 05:21 PM   #34
Old School Gamer

Wow...Starflight was one of the first game that I played, and Protostar is a
nice continuation of that legacy. k: The controls can be very frustrating at times, but the game is still great.

P.S. Thanks for the step-by-step tutorial for installing DOS-Box. Now I can play some really old games. Boy, it brings back memories. Thank you
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Old 08-11-2005, 01:13 AM   #35

hello, i sound like a complete and utter NOOB, but

i just downloaded DOSBOX to play this game\(i had it about 6 years ago and got Deja vOUS) anyway, how do I run this game from DOSBOX. I just installedit in My Documents in windows XP. Can someone give me complete steps so that I `can larn how o play this ga,e wirh soud. it would be very much appreciated.

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Old 08-11-2005, 07:16 AM   #36
A. J. Raffles
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Originally posted by Dave@Nov 8 2005, 02:13 AM
hello, i sound like a complete and utter NOOB, but

i just downloaded DOSBOX to play this game\(i had it about 6 years ago and got Deja vOUS) anyway, how do I run this game from DOSBOX. I just installedit in My Documents in windows XP. Can someone give me complete steps so that I `can larn how o play this ga,e wirh soud. it would be very much appreciated.

First of all, I don't think DOSBox will work if you installed it in "My Documents". As far as I know it has to be somewhere on C. You might want to try reading the DOSBox tutorial. It's very simple, really. If that doesn't help you either, try reading the DOSBox threads in this forum.
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Old 09-11-2005, 10:12 AM   #37

you are an exceptional piece of human. i was very very drunk when i posted my last post.

im a Games tester yet I had to ask for help installing a games emulator. i must be really muck.

I now have it installed, it's ace.
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Old 18-02-2006, 08:59 PM   #38

Hy, guys!

Protostar was one of the first games (as a matter of fact it WAS the first one) I ever played and I feel so happy finding it here

So I thought (as I saw that some of you are experiencing some problems) I could give you some pieces of advice to get the game started! As this will be some reading (as I realised after writing it all down), the most useful hint will be given now : You might get to know that you´re only able to travel veeery slowly within a given coordinate. Theres a bug making you much faster : Set the engines to zero (by pressing D) then go into the same mode you´d be in a spacefight (pressing M will do) then leave it (pressing M again) and then set engines back on. After this procedure click on any place you´d like to go and see it happen faster than usual.

OK, back to the guide!

You start in a space station and talk to Director Hawking. He tells you all the stuff about the Earth being under attack and that you have to find some allies to stop them. Ok. Have a look around, explore whatever you like and then get on the ship.

First arriving there ABE (the robot you have from the beginning) will ask you to name a specific sign. Just try and type a single character or - if that doesn´t work, try entering one name until it´s the right one The names of the factions in game are :
Deresta (little cowardly ones)
Kaynik (blue, aggressive ones with sharp teeth and claws)
Vantu (looking like erm... well... Africans to me
Ghebraant (insectoid, collective, conciousness-sharing beings, though I´m not sure if the spelling is right)
Skeetch (dinosaur-like bogies which will attack ANYONE and NEVER surrender) As if that wouldn´t be enough they have the fastest engines in the whole game. Even if you have engines III installed, they are still quicker.

OK, now let´s get started, earn some money and upgrade our vessels!

I suggest to access the navigation-station and then select "Sector Map" You´ll see a map showing your position (the red square on the left corner) and the rest of the sector. I suggest we fly to the big star which is the second one to the right of our current position. As you will realise thats where the Deresta live (homeworld : Boobolla). The good thing about the Deresta is : They are complete cowards and it takes not much more than a tickle to make them surrender. Ok, I know, it´s foul and mean as those fellas are really cute, but it´s the fastest and surest thing to make money in the beginning of the game. So if you arrive in the chosen solar-system you will see a sun in the middle of the monitor and some planets surrounding it. Maybe you´re lucky and see a green square (your own ship is shown as flashing steelish-gray spot). A green square indicates other ships. If it´s moving towards you that´s usually a bad sign. If it doesn´t move it´s very likely to be a Deresta-Starship. Approach it (click on the green square) and then (if it´s really Deresta) activate your defenses and weapons. Shoot at it some times (shooting : left-click, cycling through the available weapons : right-click) and wait for it to surrender. When that happend stop immediatly shooting at it, right-click until you see the "EXIT"-button, click it and switch to navigation where you can choose "docking profile" now. Select it and see your ship docking. Having docked select your engineering-station and select "Acquire Cargo". The rest should be self-explaining. Having all you want, depart again using the nav-station.

This procedure works as well on the homeworld of the Deresta with the Explorer. THe only difference is that you have to get into the orbit of Boobolla and then go down to the surface. It´s simple. Just click on the planet you wish to visit and when your ship reaches it your screen will change into a window showing the planet and some stats about it. => Nav Station => Scan Surface => Launch.

Ok. After this you have some ship systems and cargo robbed. Go back to the Space Station where you began to play and sell it. Do this a few times and you´ll soon have enough money to buy all the systems at LVL3. The other hints I could give would be too complex...

Allright, folks. That´s it. Have fun and oh... if anyone could help me with my problem I´d be grateful :
I was in a little battle with the skeet-fleet (3 ships at the same time and this 3 times within one solar-system!) and had erm... some negative experience. My whole ship almost good as new there was one vital thing missing.... the Nav-Station. As I fould out how to navigate between solar-systems and even going down to surfaces of planets without having the Nav-Station I played on... and on... and on... OK. Now theres my problem : I´d need to go to a Space Station to sell some stuff... but how should I do that without having the option to chose to dock? Hmm.... Is there any place I can have my Nav-Station fixed?... or maybe even a cheat / bug which will make it work again?

If you have any ideas email me , plz : [EMAIL ADRESS REMOVED AS PER RULES]

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Old 18-02-2006, 09:06 PM   #39

Oh,well : one more thing!

There´s no need of getting Cassi as a Nav-Station crew member. She just wants to be paid and theres ne real benefit (just like the science and contact stations. You can handle that yourself just as well). But it´s very useful to have some good guys on the biotech and tactical stations as their experience makes you deal more damage or healing injured crew members faster.
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Old 19-04-2006, 09:49 AM   #40

Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Kennewick, United States
Posts: 8

Hey all i just wanted to do a quick post about all the resources you encounter i actually found mining to be a good source of income i made about 50K a load and took me about 10-15 min per load if you find a planet that has a extensive resource readout on the subjective scan

Ok here is a list of resources I came across I believe this is a fairly complete list except for the gasses that you find on some planets these prices are the prices at the three Newfront outposts if you go to the cities on some of the planets or trade with ships the prices to buy and sell will be negotiable however when selling to newfront the prices are set

Aluminum 60 Arsenic 60
Bismuth 80 Boron 80
Chromium 70 Copper 60
Erbium 60 Europium 70
Gold 60 Iron 50
Magnesium 60 Mercury 60
Molybdenum 70 Nickel 60
Silver 60 Strongtium 60
Tin 50 Titanium 60

I bought these resources from a couple ships don’t know if they occur as a mineral or if they are some specialty item

Lucid media 90 Reflectorall 90
Inpedigone 100

Ok just a few things I have learned weapons officers increase the damage of the weapons the Bio officer increases heal of your officers and engineer decreases repair time however the other positions, I have not noticed any effect other then having their picture in the screen when you use that function. Also DO NOT have your weapons armed when a ship comes toward you if it is friendly it will turn hostile and stay that way for quite a while (several weeks game time). One last thing if you don’t have money in your account they will call you a dictator and WILL NOT WORK or allow you to access that function with them assigned to it ESPECIALLY WEAPONS alright well that’s all I have learned so far if you find anything more post it and I might make a comprehensive walkthrough sometime okay maybe wasn't such a quick post
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